Page 11 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 23, 1989 GEOTECHNICAL ENGI­ NEER $2,060-$2,765/Monthly The Oregon Department o f Transporta­ tion is accepting applications for the above position located in Sa­ lem. Duties and responsibilities include evaluation o f site condi­ tions and performing detailed tech­ nical analysis in order to develop highway designs. You must have equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in c iv il or transportation related engineering from an accedited col­ lege or university and one year o f engineering work experience. Con­ tact OD O T Personnel, 120 Trans­ portation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 for employment application and recruiting announce­ ment. Applications w ill be accepted until 5:00p.m ., December 11,1989. An Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Unified Sewerage Agency Salary: $13.81-$16.96/Hourly Plans, schedules and supervises the re­ pair, maintenance and installation o f electrical systemsandelectronic, hydraulic, mechanical and pneu­ matic instruments in an industrial wastewater treatment plant; reviews work fo r code compliance; e vtlu- ates cost-effectiveness o f repairing or replacing system equipment; plans and supervises an electrical and instrumentation preventive main­ tenance program; provides minorde- signs A N D recommends system modifications; makes work assign­ ments. Req. training in electrical or instrumentation technology and in­ creasingly responsible technical in­ dustrial technician, with expertise in both areas-preferred; experience supervising personnel. Agency application form req. Apply by December 1, 1989 to Washington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, Or 97124. An Equal Opportunity Employer CUSTODIAL MANAGER 'he State o f Oregon, Department o f General Services, is accepting ap­ plications for a Custodial Manager position located in Salem. Duties include management o f custodial program involving 48 employees in Salem and contract custodial serv­ ices in four outlying areas, coordi­ nating recycling program, and re­ sponsibility for security functions. Experience in managing a custo­ dial program, budgeting, supervi­ sion, product selection and testing, and contract administration is re­ quired. Salary: $1,956 - $2,501 monthly plus fringe benefits. For detailed announcement and appli­ cation form , call 378-2975 by November 27th. Head Start o f Clark County - An Agency o f the Economic Opportunity Com­ mute o f Clark County, Inc. EDUCATION COORDINATOR For Head Start o f Clark County. Bache­ lo r’s or advanced degree in Early Childhood Education and/or Child Development, or in a related field, w ith equivalent training and expe­ rience, and two years successful teaching experience w ith primary responsibility for a classroom o f children ages 3 to 6. A t least two years supervisory experi­ ence and training in supervisory skills, communications, group proc­ ess, observation techniques, man­ agement and organization. Experi­ ence in w riting proposals, grants, budgets. Excellent communication skills. Valid d river’ s license, opera­ tive automobile and insurance. Food handler’ s card. Some out-of-town travel and night meetings. Obtain EOC application. Job Descrip­ tion, and Position Announcement between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., week­ days at 10619 N.E. Coxley Drive, Vancouver, W A 98662-6100 - (206) 896-9912. Complete and return application as specified in Position Announcement by 4 p.m., Decem­ ber 8,1989, to above address. SUPERINTENDENT, TERMINAL AND LANDSIDE OPERATIONS AVIATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE A V IA T IO N D E P A R T M E N T The Port o f Portland has an opening for an Aviation Management Associ­ ate in its Aviation Department. The successful candidate w ill partici­ pate in a long-term program de­ signed to provide responsible, d i­ verse technical support and man­ agement experiences by rotation through developmental job assign­ ments and/or special projects in Finance, Marketing, Operations, Planning and Properties, Protective Services and Maintenance. The PDX Management Associate Pro­ gram is an extension o f the A v ia ­ tion Department’ s philosophy o f upward m obility, job rotation and job satisfaction. Q u a lific a tio n s include: * A b ility to resolve major complex is­ sues by reviewing operational plans, form ulating proposals and recom­ mending appropriate action; * A b ility to plan, organize and m onitor programs and manage major proj­ ects; * A b ility to give work direction and oversee employees; * A b ility to research and analyze data and solve technical problems. Preferred candidates w ill have course work or equivalent experience in business administration, finance, marketing and/or operations; dem­ onstrated oral and written commu­ nication skills; initiative; a bility to work cooperatively as a team member; fle x ib ility ; and, ability to work under pressure. Aviation ex­ perience is helpful. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a minimum starting salary o f $30,000. Interested persons must complete an application form and supplemental questionnaire which are available at th Port Employment O ffice, 14 floor, 700 NE Multnomah, or by calling (501) 231-5000, ext. 700. A ll completed applications and questionnaires must be received by Friday, December 1, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. A V IA T IO N D E P A R T M E N T Preferred qualifications include: * Demonstrated knowledge o f Police and Fire Departments procedures. * Demonstrated supervisory skills. * A b ility to respond to news media and public concerning airport emergen­ cies. * Broad knowledge to A irport Ground Transporation. * Demonstrated ability to make deci­ sions in accordance w ity laws, ordi­ nances, regulations, and airport operations instructions. * A b ility to coordinate effectively w ith airlines, F A A , and m ilitary on air­ port-related activities. * Excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills. t o * A b ility to supervise skilled techni­ cians w ith in-depth knowledge o f communications and m onitoring equipment for airport use. * A b ility to exercise sound judgment under stressful situations and com peting priorities. * A b ility to be resourceful and creative in problem solving and independ cni decision making. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary range o f $33,493-$38,735, commensurate with experience, and a fu ll salary range o f $33,493- $50,715. I f interested and qualified, apply in per­ son at the Port Employment O ffice, 14 floor, 700 NE Multnomah, or call (503) 231-5000, Ext. 700 for complete application materials. A ll applications must be received by Friday, December 1, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer PLAYBACK OPERATOR Salary: $13,902 - $17,528 Reports To: Programming Coordinator Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : Must have the abilaity to operate video switches, audio mixers, videotape editors, video transfer facilities (including film chain), and character genera­ tor. Able to type, prepare daily laogs, do trouble reports, and make real­ time programming decisions. O r­ ganizational skills are very im ­ portant, as well as attention to de­ tail. Knowledge o f technical audio and video manipulation and control importnat. RESPONSIBILITIES: Performs manual and automated playback on the access chananels, u tilizing video and audio plyaback equipment, character generator, editors, switch­ ers and film chain as needed Pre­ pares daily logs, channel activity reports, program board and other non-supervisory functions, as as­ signed. Prepares PCA promotional material for station breaks as time permits. Able to operate, follow ing extensive training, m ultiple chan­ nel automated video/audio playback as required by PCA/RCS playback agreement. PCA is an Equal pportunity Employer ~~~ COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST Pendleton Woolen M ills has an im m edi­ ate opening for a qualified interme­ diate systems analyst. Functions include determining systems speci­ fications via liaison w ith users, An Affirmative Action! determining record layouts, prepar­ Equal Opportunity Employer ing and maintaining systems docu­ ATTENTION! mentation, and developing systems procedures. Candidates should pos­ EASY WORK sess a degree in computer science EXCELLENT PAY! or equivalent experience plus 2-3 Assemble products at home. Details. (1) years experience in systems devel­ 602-838-8885, Ext. W-12859. opment. Excellent verbal and w rit­ An Equal Opportunity Employer ten communications skills a must. I Send resume including salary his­ ATTENTION! tory in confidence to: EARN MONEY READING Personnel Manager BOOKS! P E N D L E TO N $32,000/Yearly Income Potential W O O L E N M IL L S Details, (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. Bk-12859. 218 SW Jefferson St. An Equal Opportunity Employer Pordand, OR 97201 ATTENTION! EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME! 32,000/Yearly Income Potential Details, (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. T-12859 An Equal Opportunity Employer VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! I lie National ( ommission on I ,; ih I nl'oicement is a grass­ roots group w orking to get .in im estigation done on an In te r­ national Police Agency called I N I IR P O I.. Volunteers are needed to help expose this o r­ gan izations act ir ¡ties and get our ( ongress to ime.stigate this goc - em inent agency that got it ’sstart in Nazi German and is still in existence today. Please contact 644-5970. I tellings and week­ ends. Equal Opportunity Employer R E A L ESTATE PROFESSIONALS 100 NEED FOUR BEDROOM? $44,950. This home may be just the ticket. Cape Cod style with two bedrooms on main floor andtwo upstairs. There’s a large yard for the kids to play. The home is clean and ready for move-in area o f good homes. Frank 287 - 287-8989 or 287-1476 (Agent). PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the Community' Office: (503)208-0033 Fax«: (503)288-0015 THERE’S A SPECIAL HOLIDAY FOR EMPLOYEES WHO USE DRUGS. IT S CALLED MONDAY. When people are chronically absent from work, it could be a sign of drug abuse. And since 30"«, of Oregon's work force list's drugs, vour company is affected as well. Which is no cause for celebration If a drug control program is missing from your com pany,call D D IIC C Ilf lM 'T W flR t f the Oregon Prevention Resource Center at i-NOO 822-OPRC for ■ ■ W w W W w R I W V R I i R E G IO N A L help. And bring back the five day work week. I DRUG IN IT IA T IV E