Page 10 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 22, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED SUB-BID REQUEST x : / Specialized Recreation Facility City of Eugene Bid Date: November 2«, 1989 - 7:0« P.M . A ft A R.A. CHAMBERS & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 5509 * Eugene Oregon 97405 (503) 687-9445 • FAX: (503) 687-9451 We and an Equal Opportunity Employer and request subbids from women and m inority owned business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED î A r r A ft? b b lIG H U lU Ü U p tU V V U l l W i ’ö Hiring A.M. Afternoon & P.M. Shifts Available, No experience necessary under new management. 1412 S.E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 235-3536. C olum bia R iver C orrectional In s titu tio n Bid Package #2 - S tru c tu ra l Fram e Sunderland Site - P ortland, Oregon Bid Date: November 27, 1989 * 3:00 P.M . H O U SIN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D PU B LIC N O T IC E T O PR O PER TY O W NER S ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS P.O. Box 6712 P ortland, Oregon 97228 (503) 283-6712 * F A X : (503) 283-3607 We are an Equal Opportunity Em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and m inority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED COBRA Residential Shelter Facility Bend, Oregon Bid Date: November 28, 1989 at 5:30 P.M . PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, INC. 1892 Willamette St. ♦ Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 683-8177 * FAX: (503) 687-1356 PCDI is an Equal Opportunity Em ployer and requests sub-bids from small disadvantaged businesses, women and m inority business enterprises. Specialized Recreation Facility (Re-Bid) Bid Date: November 28, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, INC. 1892 Willamette St. * Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 683-8177 * FAX: (503) 687-1356 PCDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and requests sub-bids from small disadvantaged businesses, women and m inority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED For Talent Middle School Addition & Alteration Bid Date: November 30 at 4:00 P.M . November 2, 1989 The Housing Authority o f Portland (HAP) invites proposals to rehabili­ tate rental housing units under the Section 8 project-based assistance program. This program attaches two to fifteen years o f Section 8 rent assistance to units that are rehabilitated to meet local code requirements and Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. Proposals considered for selection must respond to H AP policy objectives and be eligible under the definitions in the code o f Federal Regulations (CFR 24, Part 882, Subpart G). Key criteria include: 1. A ll units must be owned or controlled by a non-profit corporation, organized under Oregon State Statutes. 2. The proposed rehabilitation must cost a minimum o f S1,000 per unit and include the rehabilitation o f a major building component and/or bring the building up to Section 8 Housing Q uality Standards. 3. The proposal must be for buildings located w ithin the C ity o f Portland or the unincorporated areas o f Multnomah County. 5. The proposal must include a complete application and all required exhibits. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon State Lottery Office And Warehouse Building Bid Date: December 12th at 2:00 P.M. L.D. MATTSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 12335 • Salem, OR 97309 (503) 585-7671 (FA X (503) 399-1437 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises N O R T H E A S T O R E G O N H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y INVITATION TO BID R O O F R E M O D E L IN G Bids Due: 2:00 p.m., Nov. 28 Northeast Oregon Housing A uthority w ill accept sealed bid proposals until 2 P.M. on November 28,1989, fo r a H U D funded C.I. A.P. R oof Remodeling Projecton 16 duplexes and a 30 unit Apts, located at scattered sites in Elgin, Union, Haines and Baker, Oregon. Interested contractors may obtain bid specifications and forms from Maggie Dean, N O H M , P.O. Box 3357,2602 May S t, La Grande, OR 97850 or phone (503) 963-5360. NOTICE OF INTENT The Oregon Department o f Transportation, Highway D ivision, is seeking the qualifications from consulting engineering firm s w ith demonstrated experience in environmental assessment and highway engineering. The Division proposes to engage consultants for the follow ing projects: 1. Rhododendron-Timberline 2. Eddyville-C line Mountain 3. Pacific Highway-Park Street (Woodburn) 4. 10th Street-Eastgate I f you are interested in being considered, a Request for Qualifications can be obtained by calling or w riting Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison Engineer, 309 Transportation Building, Salem,OR 97310; telephone (5030 378-6563. Request fo r Qualifications is due on December 15, 1989. NOTICE OF INTENT The Oregon Department o f Transportation, Oregon State Highway D iv i­ sion, is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide consulting services to help Management plan for and implement needed changes in the structure o f the organization. The major goal o f this consultant service is to enhance organizational efficiency, effectiveness and the organization’s a b ility to adapt to future change. I f you arc interested in being considered, a Request for Qualifications can be obtained by calling or w riting Highway D ivision, Program Section, 309 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 378-6563. Request fo r Q ualifications is due on December 11, 1989. a ;. * A ' • • • y ? .« 4 • • ♦ • » t «* • Printing: Offset press requirements of 38-40" sheet capacity with four units for process color on coated coverweight stock. Bindery: Die cut, drill and folding of custom divider tabs. DBE/WBE en terp rises en co u rag ed to respond. Please send capabilities, equipment list and three representative samples to 222 SW Yamhill Street, Portland, OR 97222. Dept. P-89. M U L T N O M A H E D U C A T IO N S E R V IC E D IS T R IC T REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 001-90-152 A N N U A L A U D IT Multnomah Education Service D istrict is soliciting sealed proposals to perform the annual audit o f the D istrict’s financial records for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1990. The D istrict seeks to allow for up to four renewal options o f one year each. Proposals w ill be received by Michael M lynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, Oregon 97220-9097 (P.O. Box 301039, 97220-1039) until no later than 2:00 p.m., PST, January 9, 1990. Interested firm s should contact Michael M lynarczyk at that address or telephone (503) 255-1841 for a copy o f the Request for Proposal which contains detailed specifications. The D istrict may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public procurement procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding o f the D istrict it is in the public interest to do so. No proposal w ill be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. Applications may be obtained at the HAP office (address below) or by calling 225-1065. Completed applications must be mailed or delivered to: Housing A u th o rity o f Portland 1214 S.W . W ashington P ortland, OR 97205 Applications w ill be accepted on a continuing basis until all available assistance has been allocated. R.A. CHAMBERS & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 5509 * Eugene Oregon 97405 (503) 687-9445 * FA X: (503) 687-9451 We and an Equal Opportunity Employer and request subbids from women and m inority owned business enterprises. Request For Services Binders: Custom and/or stock 3-ring binder production. 4. The proposed project must be financially feasible and must not include or have received any funding under the 1937 Housing Act during the five years preceding the date o f application. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland/Oregon Visitors Association PUBLIC NOTICE T R I-C O U N T Y M E T R O P O L IT A N T R A N S P O R TA TIO N D IS T R IC T O F O R EG O N (T R I-M E T ) N O TIC E is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation D istrict o f Oregon (Tri-M et) w ill hold public hearings on November 29, 1989 and December 20, 1989 to receive public comment on proposed service adjustments to become effective A p ril, 1990. both meetings w ill be held at 3:30 p.m. in Room C o f the Pordand Building, 1120 S.W. F ifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Final adoption o f the A p ril, 1990 service plan w ill occur at the December 20, 1989 meeting. Affected lines or service areas are: 57 - Express 72 - Killingsworth - 82nd Avenue 88 - S.W. 198th Avenue 17 - N.W. 21st Avenue 57 - Forest Grove 23 - San Rafael 81 - Gresham - Rockwood 68 - Hillsboro - Tanasboume 25 - Gresham - Glisan 38 - Boones Ferry Road 51 - Council Crest 55 - Raleigh H ills 77 - Broadway - Lovejoy 81 - Gresham - Rockwood 82 - Eastman - 182nd Avenue 83 - Hollywood - 47th Avenue South Beaverton - Murray H ill area W ritten or oral comments may be submitted in advance o f the hearings to the Board o f Directors, T ri-M et, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202, or at the hearings. Further information may be obtained from the Operations Planning and Scheduling department, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, telephone: 239-6477. Kevin E. McDonald, Director Contracts and Legal Services H O U SIN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D PUBLIC NOTICE November 3, 1989 The Housing Authority o f Portland (HAP) has been given approval by the U.S. Department o f Housing & Urban 16 thrcc-bcdroom and 2 four-bedroom units under their Conventional Housing Program, Acquisition without Rehabilitation. These homes should be located w ithin the city lim its o f Portland, on improved streets and connected to sewer. Preference w ill be given to homes b uilt w ithin the last 10 years or recently rehabilitated w ith energy conservation measures. A ll homes must be free o f lead base painL A ll pruchascs w ill be cither vacant houses at the time o f the offer or owner occupied. Pursuant to Federal Regulations 24 CFR subpart and i f a mutually satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the Housing Authority w ill not acquire the property." This provision removes any responsibility from the Housing Authority to the house owner for relocation assistance. Interested property ow ners should contact Jeanette Sander at the Hous­ ing Authority o f Portland office by phone 225-1065 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday or mail to 1214 S.W. Washington, Portland, OR 97205. Proposals w ill be accepted through December 1, 1989. ♦ y y -A » * * M U LTN O M A H COUNTY CALL FOR BID M ID C O U N T Y H E A L T H C L IN IC Bid Due: December 12,1989 at 2:00 P.M . Bid No. B61-100-4230 Sealed bids w ill be received by the D irector o f Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: The Construction o f the M id County Health C linic. Plans and Specifications are filed w ith the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $75.00 refundable fee. CHECKS A N D M O N E Y ORDERS O N L Y , plans and Specifications w ill not be mailed w ithin the Tri-C ounty area. PREBID CONFERENCE: M A N D A T O R Y - Bid-B id on November 27, 1989 at 12710 S.E. Division at 10:00 a.m. P R E Q U ALIFIC ATIO N OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Adm inistrative Rules (AR 40.030). Pre­ qualification shall be required fo r this project fo r the follow ing class)(es) o f work: Building Construction. Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period o f one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application and proof o f prequalification by the Oregon Department o f Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. A ll bidders must comply with th requirements o f the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details o f compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Depart­ ment o f General Sen-ices, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503) 248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abatement work if the project involves w orking w ith asbestos. No proposal w ill be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate proposal. Thesuccessful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the fu ll amount o f the contract Multnomah County reserves theright to reject any o r all bids. Lillie W alker, Director Purchasing Section T H E C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D • B U REAU O F G E N E R A L SER VIC ES REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS T H E P O R T L A N D B U IL D IN G R E D E S IG N O F PU B L IC W O RK S The C ity o f Portland, Bureau o f General Services w ill receive submittals from applicants interested in providing interior design and architectural services for the purpose o f redesigning the first floor public areas and the second floor elevator lobby o f The Portland Building until 5:00 p.m., December 16,1989 at 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1204, Portland Oregon 97204. I f interested, please contact the Bureau o f General Services at the above address or by phone at (503) 796-5252 to receive the Request for Q ualifica­ tions with information regarding the form and content o f the qualification submittal, project background information, applicant e lig ib ility , selection criteria, detailed discussion o f the application process, requirements for insurance and equal employment opportunity, and program concerns and goals. The budget for the proposed project is $325,000, including all professional fees. E lig ib ility w ill be lim ited to those design professionals having representa­ tion in the Portland metropolitan area. The process o f selecting a consultant to perform the work w ill involve a tow part process. Part 1 w ill consist o f submittal o f a letter o f interest, firm brochure or other information about the interested applicant. Part 2 w ill be presentations by and interviews o f applicants selected from part 1. The application process and criteria for selection at each phase arc detailed more fu lly in the Request for Qualifications. * ■ £ ■ * * •* A4 K5A •- *