Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 23, 1989, Image 1

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NOVEMBER 23,1989
Excellence Takes A
Giant Step
by Professor McKinley Burt
OCIE Trotter
Building To Host
Open House
College Bound Students
Things You Need To Know
EDITO R’S NOTE: The nerve racking
job of selecting a college is sometimes all too
cumbersome. Parents andstudents alike find
the task o f applications, financial aid, hous­
ing and other ' 'must d o '' items, a time con­
suming job. Recently, Danita Calhoun, a
Grambling State University graduate (1989)
stopped by the Observer to share some of her
experiences upon her admission to the school.
She had an interesting story to tell and felt
that Portland students could benefit if they
knew how to prepare fo r school and what to
expect once they were accepted. We thought
so too.
This is the first of a series o f articles by
Ms. Calhoun on "How to Prepare fo r a
College Away from Home.”
College bound students are urged to
write to Ms. Calhoun, d o the Portland Ob­
server, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon
97208, if they need information on schools
away from home.
This includes applications for adm is­
sion, housing and financial aid. G enerally,
all of the applications require significant
processing time. Make sure that you m eet all
o f the deadlines well in advance to allow for
any adjustm ent that you may need to make.
D on’t make the m istake o f waiting until the
last minute . . . It may be too late.
N o m atter what College/U niversity you
choose to go to you need to have your hous­
ing applications filled out in a tim ely m anner
so that your paperw ork can be processed and
your housing can be secured. This way you
can be sure o f having your housing once you
get on campus.
Your admission papers go along with
your housing papers. If you have completed
one you have com pleted the other. It is ju st as
im portant to fill out your admission and
housing applications as it is to fill out your
financial aid papers. Most colleges only except
so m any students into their schools per term /
sem ester so it is very, very im portant to get
these applications in.
* G ift Aid, These awards include schol­
arships, grants, assistantships (generally not
offered to freshman) and tuition waivers.
♦ Loan Aid, These are Ioans taken from
various loan institutions and banks.
• Financial A id Programs, These p ro­
grams are the m ost widely utilized by todays
college students.
Generally, combinations of each are used
as financial support: Pell G rants, College
Workstudy, Guaranteed Student Loans (GSL),
National D irect Student Loans (NDSL), and
Plus Loans. GSL, NDSL, and Plus Loans are
loans that have to be paid back.
College workstudy and Pell G rant are
based on need. Pell Grants are generally
offered to those students who apply early.
College w orkstudy is not guaranteed to ev­
ery student. These are awarded based on the
availability o f the jobs on campus. There is
really no way o f ’ ‘applying” for these posi­
The Center for Community Mental
Health is hosting an Open House for the
naming of their administrative headquar­
ters as the OCIE Trotter Building. The
building is located at 6329 NE Marti,;
Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
The Open House will be held Nov.
28, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Dr. Matthew
Prophet, Superintendent of Portland Public
Schools, will make an opening presenta­
tion at 5 p.m., followed by an award
being presented to Barbara Trotter for
her late husband’s contributions to the
agency. Mr. Trotter was the agency’s
first executive director.
Community leaders have been in­
vited and the public is welcome. Re­
freshments will be provided.
The OCIE Trotter Building serves as
the administrative headquarters of Cen­
ter for Community Mental Helath. Mental
health services arc provided to area resi­
dents at this location and three others
throughout the community.
New Location:
Portland Observer
4747 N I . M artin Lather
King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97211
The N atio n al A ssociation fo r Schools
o f Excellence held its first annual national
conference in Portland, Oregon last week,
from Nov. 12-14 at the Sheraton-Portland
Airport Hotel. The historic meeting was
convened by M r. Ron H ern d o n o f this city
who has seen an idea that germinated through­
out 20 years of educational activism flower
into a nationally recognized and respected
organization in the urban learning structure.
The m em bers o f this group come from
the ranks o f the top principals in the country,
having been cited repeatedly for their leader­
ship in devising effective intervention tech­
niques which have turned many failing schools
into glow ing success models. National tele­
vision has featured these accom plishm ents,
repeatedly emphasizing these principals’
techniques: High expectations, strong lead­
ersh ip , clea r vision, team w ork, stro n g
staff developm ent, strong appropriate c u r­
riculum , genuine accountability, stro n g
comm unity and parental su p p o rt “ A school
should equal the best place you can be on a
given day!”
A m essage from S e n ato r M a rk H a t­
field cited the type of realities that educators
are facing in today’s world, “ You are here
because you believe that education is the
highest priority.” He advised, “ Challenge
your peers, challenge industry, and fully
utilize the com m unication industry.” Rep.
Ron W yden queried "H o w can the federal
governm ent help you?” He was given suffi­
cient information to structure, if possible,
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
Receives “ Vocational
Service Award”
new and effective legislation, action that
could implement nationally the success modes
of these gifted teachers.
The preview of excerpts from a nearly
com pleted ed u catio n al video held the rapt
attention o f the audience. The film is being
produced through the generosity of Bruce
O ’N eal, president of W estcom Productions.
Individual interviews interspersed with file
tapes are used to capture the essence o f the
teacher’s successful techniques and strong
leadership qualities. The narrator is Port­
land's Symphony Director, O scar DePriest -
the im pact o f his delivery was electrifying
and effective. H isstylegave deeper meaning
to the phrases chosen to describe the princi­
pals approach to learning. The completed
video will be d istrib u te d nationw ide to all
segments of the education community, and
to all related institutions including congress,
legislatures, governors, mayors and indus­
It was observed that “ it seems such a
short time since the initial planning confer­
ence at Gearhart, Oregon in July o f 1988.”
This was the seminal first meeting hosted by
the T om P eters G ro u p ( “ In Search o f Ex­
cellence,’ ’ ‘ ‘ Thriving On Chaos ” ). Am id all
the hard work o f organizational logistics and
adm inistration it was also noted that “ this is
not only an idea w hose tim e h as c o m e -b u t
one th a t h as been im p lem en ted ." Present
at the conference with their usual unflagging
support were R ian B utrick, O regon Asso­
ciation of Industries; Ed B uw alk o f Security
Pacific Bank; Bill P row s of U.S. W est
Com m unications among others.
In this moment of reflections of events during the year, we
thought it only proper to give thanks to some of our many friends
and sponsors who continue to provide enormous support. To each
and every one of you, we wish the very best on Thanksgiving.
To the N/NE Community -- For bucking the odds and withstand­
many crisis that con-
ing the challenge during the
after neighborhood in
fronted neighborhood
-•for his outspoken
To Ron Herndon
muntiy issues and
leadership on Corn-
Clark - for heed-
To Mayor Bud
many and apolo-
ing the advice of
theCuff” remark
gizing for his “ Off
about African-Ameri-
and the Skaner staff
To Bernie Fos- t e r
for the wonderful
the year,
strated throughout
vertisers - for their
To our many Ad-
continue support
To Governor Goldschmidt - for providing National Guard
support during the summer to fight drugs and crime.
To the Albina Ministerial Alliance -- for the One Church, Once
Child Program.
To the many Agencies -- for feeding the hungry and housing the
To the Observer staff - for an outstanding job.
And most of all, Jesus Christ -- for making it all possible.
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
“ Vocational Service Award
Ullysses Tucker, Jr., Public Affairs
Producer for KATU -TV 2 (ABC), w as one of
six recipient of the second annual “ V oca­
tional Service A w ard,” presented by the
Rotary Club o f Southwest Portland, Oregon.
Rotary members nom inated outstanding
employers on their jobs, who have made
positive contributions to the comm unity and
workplace. T ucker's nam e was subm itted to
a select com m ittee by Dana Clark, the per­
sonnel m anager at KATU and also a mem ber
of the Rotary Club of Southw est Portland.
Tucker, w ho produces the weekly tele­
vision program Sunday Northwest, was rec­
ognized for his work with Jefferson High
School, the O pen Meadows Learning C en­
ter, Portland’s Opportunities Industrailiza-
tion Center, the Center for Community Mental
Health, where he is a Board M em ber, and as
a Consultant for Junior Achievement at Grant
High. Tucker was m entioned recently in a
O regonian story featuring Junior Achieve­
ment in the Portland area, this past Monday.
He is also active with the Urban L eague's
Career Awareness program and involved in
many other causes.
A native o f W ashington, D.C., Tucker
has worked with young people in every city
he has resided in and believes that he has a
social responsibility to give som ething back
to the comm unity. He is a graduate o f the U.
o f Portland (M.A. in Com m unications, 1982
& B.A. in Radio/TV in 1979) and a mem ber
o f Kappa A lpha Psi fraternity. He is also a
freelance w riter for the Portland Observer
Hillsboro Beauty
To Be Featured
On Oprah Winfrey
Show, Nov. 23
PCC “Career Pathways” Program
Seeks Mentors
Gwen Reid
The Portland Comm unity College ‘ ‘Career Pathw ays” program is looking for volunteer
m entors to work with selected high school juniors and seniors.
M entors will help the high school students attain their diplomas, build self-esteem and
either gain adm ission to college or find full-tim e jobs.
"V olunteer m entors are needed to encourage and challenge the students, provide a
model for success, offer a view of the business world and suggest realistic methods for
dealing w ith that w orld,” said mentor specialist Lucinda L. Tate. The Career Pathways
The Oprah Winfrey Show featuring
Gwen Reid of Hillsboro, Oregon will
air Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, at 4:00
program is based at Cascade Campus in North Portland.
V olunteer mentors arc needed in num erous career fields, she said, including computer
program m ing, analysis and repair; fashion design, m arke.ing and modeling; television
production and broadcasting; graphic art and design; nursing; pediatrics; business m anage­
m ent in banking and retail; horticulture;
Secondary and elementary education; performing arts, music and dance; cosm etology;
electronic and architectural engineering; law, attorneys and legal assistants; autom otive and
diesel mechanics; and secretaries, travel agents and clerical workers.
Those interested in volunteering arc asked to call Tate at PCC Cascade, 244-6111. cxL
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