tejare, v. Page 7 Portland Observer N O V E M B E R 16,1989 O t : / Î A AMERICAN Blacks And The 1990 Census . x 1 A Handicapped Worker’s WE’RE BACK! Hiring A.M. Afternoon & P.M. Shifts Available, No experience necessary under new management. 1412 S.E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 235-3536. uality Used Carpet 2716Ji E. Martin Luther King Blvd (formerly Union A venue) Brass Lamps Armstrong Linoleum CAMBRAY SUNRISE SOLARIAN DESIGNER SOLARIAN SEAGATE NEW REM'S $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. $10.00 Ea. NEW! 6 Ft. & 12 Ft. Widths 6 Ft. & 12 Ft. Widths 6' Ft. Widths 6' Ft. Widths Commercial Quality We personally select each piece of used carpet to insure that you are getting only the Highest Quality! We Guarantee it. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Unity O f Love- T he U nity O O n f L ove I s T he M ake !!!! The importance to the Black commu­ nity of an accurate census cannot be under­ estimated. Billions in government funds are based on census data which is also used to apportion representation, and Io draw bounda­ ries for Congressional, state and local elec­ tion districts. The figures gathered can also become the foundation for affirmative ac­ tion programs and anti-discrimination law­ suits. The 1980 Census neglected to include up to 6.5 percent of the Black population, three or four times the figure for the nation as a whole. Although Blacks are less than 12 percent of the population, they comprised more than 50% o f the people missed in the last census. Among reasons given for some Blacks not being accurately counted, were fear by families that landlords would discover ille­ gally shared apartments; general distrust of government; and, the increasing number of homeless. In addition, census takers feared canvassing in areas they perceived as “ dangerous.” Dr. Martin Hochbaum, director of AJCongress’ Commission on National Affairs, and project supervisor of Forum: The black-Jewish Awareness Project, con­ tends that in 1990, the count of Blacks could again be inaccurate, and therefore blacks will have less o f a voice in government, and will receive fewer public services and pro­ grams. An accurate count will lead to more appropriate allocations and reduce tensions between disadvantaged groups vying for Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition L i f t m a n G a l le r y P o r tla n d S ta te U n iv e r s ity 2 n d F lo o r - S m it h M e m o r ia l U n io n M o n . - F r i . 1 2 :0 0 N o o n -4 p .m . T h u r s . 1 2 :0 0 N o o n -7 p .m . Malting you B eautiful Is Our ‘Business ‘We Offer Tiairweeving, Manicure dr A ny ‘Type O f Tiair Style you Desire L o c a te d at: 6720 N.E. Martin Lurther King Blvd. the same limited funds. The AJCongress advocates a multi-fac­ eted approach towards achieving a more accu­ rate count. The plan includes endorsement of the Federal Decennial Census Improvement Act which would require the Census Bureau to select the most appropriate method to correct undercounting. It also involves aggressive locally-based outreach programs to educate people to the im­ portance of the census and the effect it could have on them personally. Through its regional offices, AJCongress is bringing together civic and ethnic leadership in an effort to encourage participation in the 1990 Census. Dr. Hochbaum believes the “ AJCongress’ efforts will help to rectify the problem of minority undercount and help improve inter­ group relations, as well as have an impact on the distribution of political power and public funds into the next century.” He expressed his belief that the American public must be made aware of the importance of participating in next spring's Census so that appropriate steps can be taken “ to overcome the undercount. ” The American Jewish Congress was founded in 1918 as a democratic membership organiza­ tion dedicated to the creative survival of the Jewish people. Its mission is to enlist Ameri­ can Jews in the struggle to safeguard and enlarge democratic pluralism and constitu­ tional protection for all Americans. Toward this end, AJCongress engages in political ad­ vocacy in local, national and international forums. Extraordinary photographs of vanish­ ing, mud-style architecture are on display in the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition, “ Spectacular Vernacular: Tra­ ditional Desert Architecture’ ’. Over 150 black and white photographs, researched by architectural historian, Jean Louis Bourgeois and photographed by Carollee Pelos, ranging from wind-catch­ ers in Pakistan, Muslim shrine in Afghani­ stan, to Mosques in Mali, W est Africa. China And Her People Photos Dis- played White Gallery Portland State University 2nd Floor - Smith Memorial Union Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m-10 p.m. Saturday Closing 7 a.m.-5:3O p.m. Using a 210mm lens, with Tri-X film, photographer Del Niemi has recorded China and her people from a distance that results in a voyeuristic point of view. Using his varied background, (from parasitologist to aircraft mechanic) Niemi tries to show the common threads of humanity that all people share, while still retaining the individuality of his subjects, Niemi summarizes “ I merely attempted to understand China through the lens of a cam era.” “POKEY KNOWS PLAYOFFS’ 1989 NCAA II PLAYOFFS PO RTLAND STATE VS. WEST CHESTER (PA) Saturday -1 p.m. - Civic Stadium TICKETM ASTER 725-3307 PSU 1633 S.W. Park 725-4000 G.I. Joe’s Stadium All Outlets M R S C ’S W IG S WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES ( TT NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS B E T T Y CABINS P ROPRIETOR T U ÍS -5 A T 1 1 :3 0 - 6 KK) ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WBS UNDUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES BEAUTICIAN J STUDENT DISCOUNTS MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS ZURI COSMETICS 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 100% HUMAN HAB FOR 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING WEAVMG PORTLAND OBSERVER 'T h e Byes and Ears o f the Community" Office: FAX #: (503) 288-0033 (503) 288-0015 Ad Effective 11/15 Thru 11/2V8# (Formerly Union Ave.) Phone 283-5440 L o n n ie , A rice, and D a ry l Ray Y o u r H a ir D esigners Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer! SAFEWAY A TTE N TIO N RENTERS R & R M a n a g e m e n t C a n H e lp You! We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you Grade A Turkeys Call 282-4696 241 3 N E M a r t in L u th e r K in g J r. B lv d . W e C a n H e lp TENDÉfí GOLD $2S.OO Application Fee Plump, juicy and tender. Choose from 10 to 14-Pound young turkeys. Great to oven-roast with dressing for a nutritious meal! (16 Io 23-Pound Turkeys, Lb. 00‘) CENTURY 21 Peninsula Realty Must See This One! Spacious 3 Bedroom beauty has vaulted ceilings. Oak floors accent this contemporary design. 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