«’•*<1 * ’• • ■.. •. ’ • •'»•<’ » ■ \ J 17. « « < *# » **’ * j * ’ * C * *• * * •♦ # < *•« * » * Page 7 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 9,1989 PCC Board Awards Contract For Library Books < O I AMERICAN O Handicapped Worker® Hiring A.M. Afternoon & P.M. Shifts Available, No experience necessary under new management. 1412 S.E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 235-3536. uality Used Carpet 27 16N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. (formerly Union Avenue) Brass Lamps Armstrong Linoleum CAMBRAY SUNRISE SOLARIAN DESIGNER SOLARIAN SEAGATE NEW REM S $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. $10.00 Ea. NEW! 6 Ft. & 12 Ft. Widths 6 Ft. & 12 Ft. Widths 6' Ft. Widths 6* Ft. Widths Commercial Quality We personally select each piece of used carpet to insure that you are getting only the Highest Quality! We Guarantee it. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Unity Of Love T he U nity O f L ove I s O n T he M ake !!!! Making you Beautiful Is Our Business 'We Offer tHairiueeving, Manicure dr Any Type O f Mair Style ‘y ou Desire The board o f directors o f Portland Com m unity College has approved the award o f aa $250,000 contract for a supplemental library book collection to Baker & T aylor Books, Commerce, G A . A total o f 6,967 books w ill be added to PCC library collections in hum ani­ ties, science and technology, social and behavioral science, engineering and computers, medicine, service occupa­ tions and heavy industrial trades. The acquisitions w ill be financed by $150,000 raised in the PCC Founda­ tion's 1989 annual fund campaign and $100,000 which w ill be allocated from the college's general fund budget during the current and 1990 -1991 fiscal years. Rational Organization Honors Local Consultants The National A lliance o f Black School Educators (N A B S E ) w ill honor the five local consultants who assisted in the organization and w riting o f the A f r i­ can-American Baseline Essays. D uring the 17th Annual NABSE Conference, to be held here in Portland at the H ilton , the week o f November 15, the local consultants w ill be honored. The five consultants are: Joyce Harris - Language A rts Essay; Janice Ingersol - A rt; Janice Scroggins - M usic; Kamau Anderson - Science; and M cK in le y Burt - Math. In addition to the local consultants, tw o com m unity organizations w ill be recognized fo r the contributions that members made to ensure that Portland developed a document o f the highest quality and scholarship. The two organi­ zations are the Portland Chapter o f the Black United Front and the Desegrega­ tion and M onitoring Advisory C om m it­ tee (D M A C ). Cj I'CCtillCjS to the 2,000 African-American 'Educators - ‘Who are here to participate in the Rationed Alliance o f ‘B iackSchoot Educators Conference, 9dpvember 15-19,1959 at the Eorttand Uddton in Torttand, Oregon. * It is a distinct pleasure to welcome you to NABSE's 17th Annual Conference. * • Be it known that Portland, Oregon is called the City of Roses, look around our fair city and it wiU become pleasantly obvious that our Black Educators are as beautiful as our roses are in full bloom. * The Oregon Alliance of Black School Educators, although few in number, dedicated their time, talent and resources to present to you an outstanding conference experience. Our them: ’’African-American History and Life” supports the efforts of our school district to meet and needs of our students, staff and parents. This effort has been directed by our superintendent Dr. Matthew W. Prophet and a progressive school board. We firmly believe that the history and life of all people needs to be told accurately and equitably. * The needs and issues facing today’s youth are of primary concern to all of us and our responsibility to address these needs and face the issues will affect the positive growth of our society. It is the wish of the Oregon Alliance of Black School Educators that your stay with us will encourage and revitalize your dedication to these efforts. * Have a fun time in our city, enjoy yourselves and our hospitality. PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears o l the C om m unity Sincerely, Michael Jordan, President, Oregon Alliance of Black School Educators Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The P ortland O bserver! Located at: 6720 N.E. Martin Lurther King Blvd. Prices Effective 11/8 thru 11/14/89 (Formerly Union Ave.) Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray Your Hair Designers T îs ïn your Neighborhood toStay Safeway is in y _______ ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you Call 282-4696 2413 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. We Can Help $ 2 5 .0 0 A p p lic a t io n F e e SAFEWAY BLADE CUT Pork Steak Become a “Santa’s Angel” - Support “Wings of Hope” all share in them together. oming a Santas Angel is as easy as 1 2 3. Select the Hems that you desire Io purchase lor yoursell or as gilts. you can pledge now with your credrl card and be tailed in November, or pledge by check (post dated by November 1. 1989) Io guarantee your purchase. Tell a friend lo be a "Sanias Angel , n e x t or, zed Christmas trees are grown in the great Paolle Northwest. Your selection begins with the best ¡ Ä M ~ X . e d the 41 Douglas Fir tor you to choose from. Safeway quality corn-fed pork. 1/4-inch trimmed for better taste and value. ,'lt receive a lorest-lresh. lush green, ha n d -m a ta cu r^ C h r is e s tree.ready t o m a t e . You, purchase will delivered c0nv0n'en' ly 2O h * O^ ads° " H e c tlil s Order by December 14th lor delivery by December 21st Ä X T X T n X C ’l i h guà,amees deliveVy Supply ,s limited by Nature, so we urge you to ©r early. « ’ ’table Tree9Stand, sell-walering and carries a lifetime guarantee. <11 pass up your chance to be a ‘ Santas Angel.’ Order now. Children are our M ure! Buy Order Form ird about Santa's Angel fro m ------------------— ------- ----------------------- se record me on the list o l ‘ Santa's Angels." Send me the circled g ills the week o l . ,. _____ __ , UPS Collect. Douglas Fir 6ft. Tree Stand Swag 2. Douglas Fir 3 It. $30 4 Wreath 22" $14 Full color logo pins (see cover) available for your­ self or as gilts lor Irionds or organizations (ty 1 -$3.60 3-$10 12-$35 30-$80 $22 $25 6. Decor Pac $22 (Box 15" X 15" X 10") $21 ie ship the circled items 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Second ’ 3. 4. & • ». 4 iiiU ' mm. . k OMI N a m « --------- kddresa . SPEED ORDERING 1-800-443-4551 e ship the circled items with Santas gilt card Tell a In e n d a b o u t u s i jy holidays fro m -------------- — ------------------- I L 11 A.M, • 0 P M. PACIFIC TIME sed Card should read I. *. «• * • ’ 29 An excellent condiment (or hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and sandwiches! Slraai M d ra M . I: Extra Fancy Red Delicious Apples Fresh, crisp and juicy! Grown C right here in Oregon. They’re Lb. the freshest! , 32-Oz. Keg O’Ketchup ^U H l'If/U r,, Plesso enclose this lorm with your check II paying by Visa or MasterCard: □ C h . 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