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The literal interpretation of this passage w ould m ake the 144,000 to be d escenden ts o f Israel. They are drawn from "all the tribes o f Israel" (Rev. 7:4), and the tribes are specifically listed (verses 5-8). W hen the same groups reappears in a later vision, they are identified as "fol­ lowers o f the Lamb," "redeemed from the earth," "who did not defile them ­ selves with women" (14:1-5). They are even called "virgins" (14:4, especially in King Jam es Version), which should be understood here only to mean purity from sexual sin. So to sum up the evidence o f Scrip­ ture, these 144,000 arc Israelites ("Jews" in the racial sense) who have become followers o f Christ Jesus, the Lamb, and serve him as a special legion o f pure, blam eless saints. O bviously, m any Bible students do accept this literal interpretation. The most com m on figurative interpretation is that the num ber is sym bolic o f com pleteness in three dimensions (12x12x1,000), since both 12 (the num ber o f divine govern­ ment) and 1,000 (the num ber associated with eternity) are "complete" numbers. As a result, these 144,000 represent the whole com pany o f the saints who are alive in the period o f final judgm ent. This position would argue that the tribes were no longer a part o f G od's kingdom governm ent, and so are m eant only sym ­ bolically o f the people o f God. 2. The tribes of Israel were never "lost." A very com m on view is that the ten tribes o f the Northern Kingdom ("Israel" in contrast to "Jordah") were "lost tribes" after the conquest by Assyria (II KINGS 15:29,17:1-6). This specula­ tion has led to som e fanciful legends w ithout any solid basis in history, such as the view that the British people are part o f the lost tribes, or that the N ative A m ericans are descendants o f Israelite exiles. The Bible records that the faith­ ful priests and the tribe o f Levi left Israel and migrated to the Southern Kingdom , Judah, long before A ssyria's invasion (II Chronicles 11:13-17). Furtherm ore, a f­ ter the threat from A ssyria had been assuaged. King H ezekiah o f J udah called for a united Passover celebration in Jerusa­ lem, and invited all the people "from Dan to Beersheba" to join in w orship o f the true God. (30:5) People from tlie tribes o f Asher, Ephraim , M anassch, Issachar and Zebulun responded (30:10- 11, 18), and a great time o f rejoicing followed. This dem onstrates that a faith­ ful, G od-fearing rem nant o f many tribes rem ained in the land o f Israel. Though later they became known as "Jews" (from the nam e o f the dom inant tribe, Judah), the tribe o f Levi m aintained its distinct­ iveness in New Testam ent Tim es as "Levites," and even one dear saint is m entioned, "Anna . . . from the tribe o f Asher" (Luke 2:36). There is every rea­ son to believe that faithful m em bers o f each tribe survived, by G od's grace, even to the present day. within the family of the Jews. The tribes listed in Revelation 7 may still be in existence, even if rec­ ords to support that are sketchy. (C o n tin u ed In The N e x t Is s u e . . . ) Unity o f Love 6720 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. (Formerly Union Ave.) FELLOWSHIP MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH The congregation o f Fellow ship has m oved from the O .B. W illiam s Convention C enter and has relocated in the newly refurbished M cKinney Tem ple on N ortheast Alberta, 1737 N.E. Alberta. Rev. Johnny Pack, IV and Mrs. Mary Pack, his wife are indeed joyous for your prayers and calls o f concern. Several land negotiations ventures did not com e through as they had planned but the Lord had a ram in the bush. The Fellow ship congregation has grown so greatly, they need a larger sancturary to worship in, to hold church meetings and other church related functions. M cKinney T em pleC .O .G .I.C . is not, unfortunately, their final stop. C on­ tinue to pray that their m inistry will continue to grow, that their w ork in the com m unity will continue to flourish, and that God will provide a lasting place for them to worship. il D re s s A s Y ou P le a s e S u n d a y " G reater St. Stephen Missionary B aptist Church will be having their m onthly "Dress As You Please Sunday" on Sunday, N ovem ber 12th. This service was designed by Pas­ tor Robert E. Houston Sr. to em phasize to the mem bers o f G reater St. Stephen in their outreach that the Lord is concerned about the condition of men's souls rather than the value o f their clothes. "Many people use the excuse, "I w ould go to church except I have nothing to wear," but we have become com m itted to shar­ ing the C hrist that goes beyond material clothing, and we have asked our m em ­ bers to dress casually and to invite others to church with them," said Pastor H ous­ ton. Casual apparel w ill be worn during the 8:30 a.m ., Sunday School and the 11:00 a.m. M orning W orship Services. Pastor Houston will be preaching at the 11:00 a.m. services (also in casual at­ tire). The public at large is w elcom e to attend these services. The Church is located at 3922 North W illiam s Avenue (com er of W illiam s and Failing) and transportation is available to these serv­ ices by calling 281-6337 by Saturday, N ovem ber 11th. G reater St. Stephen Missionary B aptist Church will sponsor FALL REVIVAL '89, Monday, November 13th through Friday, N ovem ber 17th at 7:00 p.m . nightly. The guest evangelist w .7 he the Rev. A. Bernard Devers, I. Rev. D e v c . L im ite d T im e O N L Y Union Avenue Baptist Church SPECIAL ON CURLS Wave Noveau $10.00 Off Ail Curls is the Pastor o f the Progressive M ission­ ary Baptist Church, Seattle, WA. He is the form er pastor o f the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Portland, OR, and the first pastor o f the G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church, Portland, OR. Rev. Devers is a gifted speaker, and serves as President o f the M acedonia D istrict Congress o f Seattle and V icin­ ity; Chairm an, Evangelical Board, G en­ eral Baptist Convention o f the N orth­ west; M em ber, Board o f Managers, Evangelical Board, National Baptist Convention o f America, Incorporated. Services throughout the week will be led in w orship by Associate M inisters of the city including, Rev. Charles Bembry (Greater S t Stephen), Rev. Briscoe Odom, Jr. (G reater St. Stephen), Rev. Jam es F. Richardson, St. (V ancouver Avenue), Rev. Roy E. Clay, Sr. (Fellow ship), and Rev. Raym on H. Edw ards (New Hope). Supporting the preached word will be ministry in music. G uests throughout the week include: D.C. Ensem ble under the direction of Sis. Darlene W arren, St. Paul M issionary Baptist Church, New Hope M issionary Baptist Church, New Jerusalem M issionary Baptist Church, St. Mark M issionary Baptist Church, The Church o f the Living G od, The Church o f the Living God PG T, E ver­ lasting M issionary Baptist Church, and also the Progressive M issionary Baptist Church C hoir of Seattle, WA. For More details on these services you may call 2 b i ¿’ 37 or 287-6691. Selena Brant and Jeremie Mitchell will be united In Holy Matrimony on Saturday, Novem­ ber I I , 1989 at 5:00 p.m. at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church, 116 N.E. Schuyler, Portland, Oregon. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Dr. James E. Martin, pastor D ID YOU Care Free Designer Curl Touch Up $55.00 $45.00 $45.00 $25.00 Ask for Daryl For Discount! 5029 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 K N O W .. ...that despite much progress in recent years, finding adoptive homes for Black children is still a difficult challenge for many communities throughout the country. In Oregon, we do not claim to have all answers to face this challenge, but through the One Church, One Child program, we have discovered a promising solution. One Church, One Child is a special minority recruitment program designed to find adoptive homes for Black children. Since its implementation in Oregon in September of 1988, One Church. One Child has been instrumental in the adoption of ten children. | I | of Oregon s . . . ’* proudly announces: a v M Unity in the Community fo r our Children' P » A banquet celebrating one year of service to Oregon's Black children z Red Lion, Lloyd Center N o v e m b e r! •' 6:30 pra D onation: $25.( Tickets can be purchased until Tuesday, November 14th at the One Church, One Child office located at 5806 N Albina (503) 285-7634 ■ Banquet supporters Include: Trl-Met NIKE, Inc. KGW Channel 8 KATU Channel 2 * Emanuel Hospital Portland Trailblazers Pacific Power & Light Co.' T ' B MB W Open your hearts and minds to the One Church, One Child challe ige: g A-. __________jb . ADOPT A BLACK CHILD! Hope of Glory Radio Ministry KPDQ 8 0 0 A.M. SUNDAY o . 1 1 0:00 p .m . to 1 1:00 p .m . M otto: “There Is Hope" "Christ In fo u , ‘The Mope o f ÇCory ' C ot 1:2 7 Dlal-A-Prayer . . . (503) 286-HOPE 30 R N o rth Portia..^ b ra n c h L ib r a r y wbetn Winter Revival (4673) 24-Hour Prayer Request Line Mon., Nov. 13,1989 to Fri., Nov. 17,1989 Please Come %nd Jlelp Us In This Qreat ‘JVorlCforLhe Lord Jesus Loves You! 7:00 P.M. Nightly 4236 N.E. Eighth Avcnut (com er of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 Maranatha Church (503) 287-0261 P hillip S. N elson, Pastor With A Bold New Vision Reaching out until He conies Going Back when He comes Sunday School Sunday Service Psalm 34:3 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. Rev. Wendell H. \VAllace Senior Pastor "A TEACHING CHURCH WITH A REACHING MINISTRY." MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m. morning 11:00 a.m. Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Sunday Service evening 6:00 p.m. 116 NE. Schuyler Tuesday Teaching Thursday 7:30 p.m. Moments of Deliverance 7:30 The Friendliest Church in the city Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving. • Li t I Allen Temole CME Church The Albina Church of God 5522 N.Albina/283-1635 r ., ■ ONE CHURCH, ONE CHILD Mattie Ann Callier-Spears How Safe Is Downtown Portland At N ig h t. . . Will be continued next week, 11/16/89. 283-5440 R e la x e rs WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Sunday Servcices Sunday School 9:00 A .M . Morning Workshop 10:30 A .M . Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30P.M. Mid- week services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M. 7:45 A .M . - Worship Service 9:30 A .M . - Sunday School 10:45 A .M . - Worship Service 6:30 P.M . - Worship Service Bible Study: 10:30 A .M . - 12 Noon - Wednesday 6:30 AJM. - 8:00 P .M . - Wednesday Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS 284-1954 F i