Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 09, 1989, Page 14, Image 14

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Page 14 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 9, 19S9
¥>u’d H e
At light O utside InT he
Since the beginning o f Project Help, thousands ofpeople have been warmed by donations from people like you.
H e re ’s how you can lend a hand. P roject H elp provides em erg en cy assistan ce to th e elderly,
disabled and low incom e fam ilies who, because of an em ergency, need h e a t th is winter.
L ast year th o u san d s of you, to g eth er w ith th e sh areh o ld ers of P o rtlan d G eneral E lectric and
Pacific Pow er contributed n early $400,000 for em ergency assistance.
O ver 3,600 hom es w ere k ep t w arm . W h e th e r they n eed ed wood, oil, g as or electricity.
B ut all to soon Old M an W inter is going to knock on th e door once again. So look for donation
envelopes in this m o n th ’s electric utility state m e n t and please give as you a re able.
w W
A pplicants for one-tim e em ergency assistan ce will again b e screen ed by th e
m fl
Salvation A rm y or a designee. B eginning in January, approved checks will b e issued
directly to th e ap p ro p riate fuel supplier, and you’ll have helped a fam ily th ro u g h a p a c if ic p o w e r
tough ordeal. W hich, we suspect, m ight even w arm you a little too.
Hartland General Electric