X k M iV * X < Paee 13 Portland Observer N O V E M B E R 9 ,1 9 8 9 JOBS & CLASSIFIED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Columbia River Correctional Facility Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 21 at 3:00 P.M. ROBINSON _______ CONSTRUCTION CO, 7320 S. W HUNZIKER RD., SUITE 300 __________ TIGARD, OREGON 97223 FAX - 620-3428 1503) 639 802) We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Columbia River Correctional Institution Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 21 at 3:00 P.M. DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.W. Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209-2283 (503) 226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Casanova Athletic Center Eugene, Oregon Bid Date: November 16 at 4:00 P.M. LEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 257 • Eugene, Oregon 97440 (503) 683-3607 FAX (503) 683-7364 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. ADVERTISEMENT FQR BIDS W A S T E C H , IN C . Scaled bids fo r Autzen Stadium Improvements, Phase 11-8 w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education until 4:00 p.m., P.S.T., 16 November, 1989, then p ublicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or designated representative in the Physical Plant Conference Room, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon. REQUEST FOR BIDS M ailed bids should be addressed to: U niversity o f Oregon Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Blvd.,Eugene,OR 97403.The project title should appear in bold p rint on the face o f the envelope. B rie fly , the W ork includes construction o f the wood frame enclosure o f the second level and completion o f the roofing, parapet and flashing systems: the construction o f the Football Locker room area, W eight Training area, related corridors and adjacent walls. The basic mechani­ cal and electrical service and systems w ill be installed as w ell as distribution to the finished areas identified. Installation o f some tempo­ rary enclosures to weather p ro o f the exterior openings w ill also be included in this W ork. The construction is to provide the Football Locker room and surrounding area with occupancy for use by 13 March, 1990. The construction w ill take place in the fa cility already under construction by a previous contract for the structure at the west end o f the stadium as indicated on the drawings. The owner has already erected a project fence which defines the lim its o f the project area and is shown in its approximate location on the drawings. Final occupancy o f this project to occur by 16 A p ril 1990. One lump-sum bid w ill be received. Tw o sets o f contract documents may be obtained by Prime Bidders Only from the U niversity o f Oregon Physical Plant, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon, upon deposit o f $350.00. A dditional sets may be obtained for the cost o f reproduction (nonrefundable). Documents w ill be available beginning October 20, 1989. A prebid conference w ill be conducted by The Amundson Associates on 31 October 1989,2:00 P.M. at the construction site. Visitation to site to be lim ited to immediate site area for construction o f the Len Casanova A thletic Center. The project area w ill be available for view ing that day from 8:00 A .M . until 4:00 P.M. Deposits w ill be refunded for documents returned in good condition (unmarked and reusable) by actual bidders w ithin tw o weeks after opening bids, but to nonbidders only if returned no later than three days p rior to bid opening. H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D PUBLIC NOTICE SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Brookings Waste Water Treatment Plant Contract #2 Eugene, Oregon Bid Date: November 17 at 2:00 P.M. WILDISH BUILDING COMPANY P.O. Box 7428 • Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 485-1700 FAX (503) 683-7722 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Residence Inn - Lloyd Center Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 21 at 4:00 P.M. C. M. COMPANY 101 Park Blvd. (208) 384-0800 - Boise, Idaho 83712 FAX (208) 345-5323 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Autzen Stadium Improvements - Phase II Eugene, OR Bid Date: November 16 at 4:00 P.M. LEE CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 257 (503) 683-3607 • Eugene, OR 97440 FAX (503) 683-7364 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. N ovem ber 3, 1989 The Housing A uthority o f Portland (HAP) has been given approval by the U.S. Department o f Housing & Urban Development to purchase 16 three-bedroom and 2 four-bedroom units under their Conventional Housing Program, Acquisition w ithout Rehabilitation. These homes should be located w ithin the city lim its o f Portland, on improved streets and connected to sewer. Preference w ill be given to homes b uilt w ithin the last 10 years or recently rehabilitated w ith energy conservation measures. A ll homes must be free o f lead base paint. A ll pruchases w ill be cither vacant houses at the time o f the o ffe r or owner occupied. Pursuant to Federal Regulations 24 CFR subpart and i f a m utually satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the Housing A uthority w ill not acquire the property.” This provision removes any responsioility from the Housing A uthority to the house owner for relocation assistance. Interested property owners should contact Jeanette Sander at the Hous­ ing A uthority o f Portland office by phone 225-1065 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday or mail to 1214 S.W. Washington, Portland, OR 97205. Proposals w ill be accepted through December 1, 1989. STATE OF OREGON D E P T. O F G E N E R A L S E R V IC E S P U R C H A S IN G D IV IS IO N ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids w ill be received fo r the acquisitions listed below. Closing Date. D escription, Location Bid No. C onstruction 63500039 89 O ffice Remodel for Dcpt. o f Fish & 11-29-89 W ild life Portland Deposit: $50.00 M A N D A T O R Y Pre-Bid Conference T IM E & D A T E : 10:00 A .M ., 11-16-89 L O C A T IO N : Fish & W ild life Building First Floor Lobby 2501 S.W. First Portland, Oregon 97201 B id documents may be seen or obtained at the office o f the Purchasing D ivisio n, 1225 Ferry St., S.E., Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 378- 5501. The Slate reserves the right to reject any and a ll bids. M U LT N O M A H CO UNTY E D U C A T IO N S E R V IC E D IS T R IC T H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D INVITATION FOR BID PUBLIC NOTICE FOOD PRODUCTS November 3, 1989 In v ita tio n fo r Bid No. 015-89-150 Bids Due: 2:00 P .M ., PST, N ovem ber 30, 1989 Bids are solicited to furnish various m illed, canned and dried food products for this agency's Co-operative Purchasing program. Bids w ill be received by Michael M lynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 11611 N.E. A insw orth C ircle (P.O. Box 301039), Portland, Oregon 97220-1039 (Phone: 503-255-1841) until no later than 2:00 p.m., PST, November 30,1989, at which time and address the bids w ill be pub licly opened, but the bid items and prices w ill not be read aloud. The successful bidder w ill not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatement under section 7 o f ORS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above oi l ice. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The D istrict may reject any bid not in compliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures and require­ ments, and may reject for g ixxl cause any or all bids upon a finding o f the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bid w ill be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. The Housing A uthority o f Portland (HAP) has been given approval by the U.S. Department o f Housing & Urban Development to purchase 16 three-bedroom and 2 four-bedroom units under their Conventional Housing Program, Acquisition without Rehabilitation. These homes should be located w ithin the city lim its o f Portland, on improved streets and connected to sewer. Preference w ill be given to homes b uilt w ithin the last 10 years or recently rehabilitated w ith energy conservation measures. A ll homes must be free o f lead base paint. A ll pruchases w ill be cither vacant houses at the time o f the o ffe r or owner occupied. Pursuant to Federal Regulations 24 CFR subpart and i f a mutually satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the Housing A uthority w ill not acquire the properly." This provision removes any responsibility from the Housing A uthority to the house owner for O P E R A T IO N O F T H E M E T R O S O U T H T R A N S F E R S T A T IO N Wastech Inc. is considering responding to Metro's Request fo r Bids for the operation o f the M etro South Transfer Station. Wastech Inc. is seeking certified D IS A D V A N T A G E D BUSINESS ENTERPRISE and W O M E N -O W N E D BUSINESS ENTERPRISE businesses to partici­ pate in this project. Areas o f involvem ent include painting, landscap­ ing, jan itorial and security. Interested D BE and W BE companies are urged to contact M erle Irvine at (503) 285-5261 prior to November 21, 1989. C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS D U E: 2:0« P .M . O N V A R IO U S D A TE S Sealed Proposals w ill be received at the Bureau o f Purchases and Stores, Room 1313, Portland B uilding, 1120 S.W. F ifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 for the (Projects) detailed below until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional inform ation, telephone Buyer at number listed. Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate amount o f the proposal. The C ity encourages bidding by MBE's and FBE’s and w ill assist such firm s to understand and participate in form al bidding process. N O N -D IS C R IM IN A T IO N : No proposal or bid w ill be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO A ffirm a tive Action Em ployer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the Code o f the C ity o f Portland. PR O PO SA L NO. D E S C R IP T IO N 21 Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant G ravity Belt Thickener Installation. Call B ill Frazier, 285-0205. Prequalification in Class 9-Sewage Treatment Plants Required. 22 O P E N IN G DATE 11/7/89 8" & 6" Water M ain, N E Simpson, N E Gertz. 11/16/89 C all M ichele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalification in Class 11-Water Line Required. H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D P U B L IC N O T IC E T O P R O P E R T Y O W N E R S REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS November 2,1989 The Housing A uthority o f Portland (HAP) invites proposals to rehabili­ tate rental housing units under the Section 8 project-based assistance program. This program attaches two to fifteen years o f Section 8 rent assistance to units that are rehabilitated to meet local code requirements and Section 8 Housing Q uality Standards. Proposals considered fo r selection must respond to H A P policy objectives and be eligible under the definitions in the code o f Federal Regulations (CFR 24, Part 882, Subpart G). Key criteria include: 1. A ll units must be owned or controlled by a non-profit corporation, organized under Oregon State Statutes. 2. The proposed rehabilitation must cost a m inimum o f $1,000 per unit and include the rehabilitation o f a m ajor building component and/or bring the building up to Section 8 Housing Q uality Standards. 3. The proposal must be fo r buildings located w ithin the C ity o f Portland or the unincorporated areas o f M ultnomah County. 4. The proposed project must be financially feasible and must not include or have received any funding under the 1937 Housing A ct during the five years preceding the date o f application. 5. The proposal must include a complete application and a ll required exhibits. Applications may be obtained at the H AP office (address below ) or by calling 225-1065. Completed applications must be mailed or delivered to: Housing Authority of Portland 1214 S.W . Washington Portland, OR 97205 Applications w ill be accepted on a continuing basis u ntil a ll available assistance has been allocated. INFORMATIONAL PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s In d ic a te d in th e P urchasing D epartm ent Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J. 501 N. Dixon Portland, Oregon fo r the items lis te d herein: BID FILING DATE Dec. 5, 1989 BID TITLE Anodize Metal For Various Schools (Requirement Contract) Classroom F urniture For Various Schools, 1990-91 Lease-Purchase Of School Buses For Student Transportation relocation assistance. Intcicstcd property ow lers should contact Jeanette Sander at the Hous­ ing A uthority o f Portland office by phone 225-1065 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday or mail to 1214 S.W. Washington, Portland, OR 97205. Proposals w ill be accepted through December 1, Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l inform ation, please contact M. J. Hutchens. D ir. o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581 1989. *• * * * * M