Page 12 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 9, 1989 POLICE OFFICER/ POLICE RECRUIT DRIVER SUPERVISOR The City of Milwaukie is seeking peisun(s) for responsible police work in pro­ tection o f life and property through the enforcem ent o f laws and ord i­ nances. W ork consists o f patrol o f assigned areas, traffic regulation, accident and criminal investigation. T c providedirect instruction to students. QUALIFICATIONS: Valid Oregon | R eq u irem ents: A bility to work without direct supervision in em ergencies, Teaching Certificate. exercise considerable judgm ent and APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Unul I skill in investigation and preven­ Filled. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207, tion o f crime. U.S. C itizen, 21 years Jeancen between the hours of 8:00 old, H.S. grad or GED, not have a.m .and 11:3 0 a.m ..for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict applica-1 been convicted of felony, valid driv­ ers license. tion form and additional inform a­ tion or come to Personnel, 220 S.E. | S alary : Recruit $1,875-$ 1,966. O fficer $2,099-$2,563, excellent benefit 102nd, Portland. package. Supplem ental question­ naire and application m ust be re­ TEACHER ceived by 5 p.m., Friday, N ovem ­ EMOTIONALLY ber 17. Apply to City o f M ilw aukie HANDICAPPED PROGRAM Personnel O ffice, 10722 S.E. Main OTHER HEALTH Street, M ilw aukie, OR 97222. Equal O pportunity Em ployer IMPAIRED PROGRAM TEACHER ENGLISH/SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM SUBSTITUTES ON-CALL ONLY SUBSTITUTE ON-CALL ONLY EDUCATIONAL ASSIST ANT/LPN OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRED PROGRAM SUBSTITUTES ON-CALL ONLY To assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher and to assist in the provision of school health services under the supervision o f the Registered Nurse. QUALIFICATIONS: Current LPN License. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Until Filled. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207, Jeaneen between the hours of 8:00 a.m .an d 11:30a.m ., for M ultnomah Education Service District applica­ tion form and additional inform a­ tion or come to Personnel, 220 S.E. 102nd, Portland. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT EMOTIONALLY HANDICAPPED PROGRAM OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRED PROGRAM SUBSTITUTES ON-CALL ONLY To assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher. QUALIFICATIONS: High school gradu­ ate. At least 18 years o f age. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Recruitm ent. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207, Jeaneen between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m ., for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict application form and addi­ tional inform ation or com e to Per­ sonnel, 220 S.E. 102nd, Portland. E qual Opportunity Em ployer ASSISTANT/ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR WEST COAST c c o c e c y CO. a Super Vatu Company P.O. BOX 12909 Salem , OR 97309 You loo can becom e a part of Safeway Stores, Inc. in providing exceptional custom er service in vir­ tually any aspect o f the retail food store. O pportunitiesavailable to highly m otivated, outgoing applicants who enjoy public contact. Positionsavail- able in: Bakery Cashiering Deli Floral The City o f M ilwaukie is seeking re­ sponsible person(s) for both full and part time clerical work. This proc­ ess will establish an eligibility list from which positions will be filled during the next 12-30 months. C u r­ rent opening is 20 hours/w eek, confidential clerk in the O ffice of | the City M anager. Tasks include: typing, filing, and general office] duties. Experience m ust reflect 2] West Coast Grocery Company oilers a challenging career op­ portunity lor a Backhaul Coordi­ nator with our transportation de­ partment. Prefer individual with knowledge in methods, proce­ dures and regulations ol motor vehicle dispatching and/or buy­ ing systems and procedures. OFFICE ASSISTANT The City o f G resham is recruiting for an O ffice A ssistant in the Com m unity Development Division. Cashiers fees for perm its and police reports; acts as back-up receptionist; com pletes various construction application forms; and maintains filing systems. Requires 2 years general clerical/recep- tion work. Secretarial education may substitute for part o f the required experience. Salary Range: $1,212- $ 1,515/Mo. plus excellent benefits. CITY OF GRESH A M A PPLICA ­ TION AND SUPPLEM ENTAL Q U ESTIO N N A IRE REQUIRED. Completed application packets must be received by 5:00 p.m ., Nov. 9, 1989. Apply at: City o f G resham , 501 N.E. Hood, Suite 100, Gresham, OR 97030. (503) 669-2309. TDD: 665-8519 Equal Opportunity Em ployer G eorgia-Pacific Corp, a leader in the Forest Products Industry is looking for an energetic, self-m otivated individual to fill an entry level position o f Buyer-Trainee. This position includes coordinating and purchasing western plyw ood needs for various com pany distribution centers throughout the U.S. Requires excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills com bined with a strong math aptitude. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or Marketing preferred. Please apply in person Thursday, 11/9 and Friday, 11/10 from 8:30 a.m . - 4:30 p.m. If unable to apply in per­ son, please send cover letter and resume with com plete salary his­ tory by 11/13 to: Georgia-Pacific Corporation Attn.: Em ploym ent Recruiter Human Resources Departm ent 17th Floor 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Em ployer years' work em ploying technical skills: word processing, record I keeping, and com position. S a la ry : $7.17-8.71 hr. plus excellent] benefit package. Supplem ental j questionnaire and application must W ASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS CORRECTIONS OFFICER be received by 5 p.m ., Friday, N ovem ber 17. Apply to City of TRAINEE Milwaukie Personnel Office, 10722 S.E. Main Street, M ilwaukie, O R , Salary: $1,864/Montlhly 97222. TRAFFIC ENGINEER Salary: $2,725-#3,312/Monthly Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted. Apply by November 24,1 9 8 9 to W ashington County Personnel. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Individual must have proven in­ terpersonal, problem solving, and organizational skills. Dem­ onstrated high initiative skills in n e go tiatio n, com m u nica tion , time management capable oi routing drivers and motor vehi­ cles. Highly skilled clerical ability and capable of efficiently using a personal computer. Salary commensurate with expe­ rience Medical, WDS dental and profit sharing are available. Q ualified candidates should send resume and career refer­ ences by November 10,1989 to: Att'n, Human Resources, REF. 11-11-89. t 01 Fqual Oppoflurwly Fmpkiywf M/FH WEST COAST CßOCEßy CO. a Super Valu Company P.O. BOX 12909 Salem , OR 97309 SCHEDULING SUPERVISOR West Coast Grocery Company offers a challenging career op- p o rtu n ity y fo r a W W. arehouse Scheduling Supervisor. Knowl­ edge of wholesale meat and grocery warehouse techniques and systems preferred. Individual must have proven su­ pervisory, leadership and prob­ lem solving skills with ability Io direct scheduling, motivate peo­ ple and administer Company policies. Excellent written and verbal skills in communication with ability to lead group meet­ ings. Skilled time management and clerical ability. Must be will­ ing to work any shift or day of the week. Salary commensurate with expe­ rience. Medical, WDS dental and profit sharing are available. Q ualified candidates should send resume and career refer­ ences by November 10, 1989 to Att'n: Human Resources, REF 11-9-89. Fqual Opportunity Employer. M/F/H WEST COAST CßOCEßy CO. a Super Valu Company P.O. BOX 12909 Salem , OR 97309 CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SOCIAL WORKER Full-tim e opportunity to provide psy­ cho-social & drug treatm ent ele­ m ents o f m anaged care for preg­ nant drug users & their families. MSW or M asters in counselling or related field required. Min. 3 years experience in chemical dependency field & fam iliarity with w om en's & m inorities' issues preferred. Send resum e to Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, Kandis Miller, Human R esources, 2801 N. G antenbein, Portland, O R 97227. M em ber o f Legacy H ealth System Equal O pportunity Em ployer TEACHER M ULTIH A N D ICA PPED PROGRAM To provide direct instruction to students. Application Deadline: 11/22/89 by 2 P.M. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207 Jeaneen between the hours of 8:00 and 11:30, for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict application form and addi­ tional information or com e to Per­ sonnel, 220 S.E. 102nd, Portland. Job offer will be contingent upon successful passage of a pre-em ploy­ ment physical exam. Equal O pportunity Employer Grocery Meat Produce Com prehensive benefit package upon qualification to include paid vacation, m edical/dcntal/vision, and flexible hours and shifts available. If you enjoy public contact and have a sincere interest in succeeding in serv ing people, please come see us at the: SAFEW AY Phone: 285-5060 Between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday BACKHAUL COORDINATOR Tenure track positions available begin­ ning Septem ber, 1990, in M edical- Surgical and Com m unity Health Nursing to teach baccalaureate stu­ dents. Possibility o f teaching in developing m aster’s program. D oc­ torate in nursing or related field and m aster’s degree in nursing required. Send letter o f application, curricu­ lum vita and three letters o f refer­ ence by March 1, 1990 to: Dr. Dorothy Kellmer, Dean, School o f Nursing, Pacific Lutheran U niver­ sity, Tacom a, W A 98447. P.L.U. em braces the goal o f Equal O pportunity and A ffirm ative A c­ tion, and actively encourages appli­ cations from men and ethnic m i­ norities. BUYER-TRAINEE CLERK TYPIST II ATTENTION: GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES From $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, C hevys. S u rp lu s B uyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885, Ext. A12859. (qnai Opportunity Fmpíoye» MA/H -S A F E W A Y NURSING T oprovide direct instruction to students. QUALIFICATIONS: Valid Oregon Teaching Certificate. Handicapped Learner or Severely H andicapped Learner Endorsem ent preferred. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open Until Filled. Call 255-1841, Ext. 207, Jeaneen between the hours of 8:00 a.m .and 11:30 a.m ..for M ultnomah Education Service District applica­ tion form and additional inform a­ tion or come to Personnel, 220 S.E. 102nd, Portland. CARS FOR SALE West Coast Grocery Company is accepting resumes lor the posi­ tion ol Driver Supervisor. Individual must have excellent hum an re latio ns/supe rviso ry and leadership skills capable ol effective delegation, coaching and developing people. Excel­ lent time management, organ­ izational and com m unication skills with ability to train, moti­ vate and direct drivers. Proven problem solving and decision making skills. Capable ol learn­ ing and a d m in iste rin g DOT rulos, regulations and filos. Salary commensurate with expe­ rience. Modical, WDS dental and profit sharing are available. Q ualified can didate s should send resume and career refer­ ences by November 10, 1989 to: Att'n, Human Resources, REF. 11-10-89. "I GROCERY ACCOUNTING SALES TAX Part-Time Secretary Executive Services Division Oregon State Bar (.6 FTE / 24 hours per week) Responsibilities include typing from hand­ written copy and dictaphone, set­ ting up files, xeroxing, filing, and special projects. Requires high school diplom a and at least one year expe­ rience in general secretarial work. W ord processing and personal com puter background necessary. W ord Perfect softw are (4.2 or 5.0) experience preferred. STARTING SALARY RANGE: $717 to $788 per month depending on experience. Includes various bene­ fits paid on a pro rata basis. Apply immediately - Send resume and cover letter to: Personnel Officer, O regon State Bar, 5200 S .W. M ead­ ow s Rd., Lake O swego, OR 97035. DEADLINE: FOR APPLICATION November 14, 1989 Equal Opportunity Employer Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bowes company, has an opening in their Ac­ counting Department for a Sales Tax Processor. REQUIREMENTS: 2 years office experi­ ence, ability to meet deadlines, be de­ tail oriented and possess good commu­ nication skills. Prior experience is fil­ ing multi-state sales and use tax forms would be helpful, but company is will­ ing to train. Send resume and salary history to: Manager, Human Resources - OB, P.O. Box 1100,Tualatin,OR97062.Tri-Met#96 or #38 provides weekday rush-hour service to within one block of office. Colonial is an Affirmative Action! Equal Opportunity Employer ’* ••* •» * * * •••• •‘/rV'Ç? SI. » #’ $32,868-$42,552 Provide legal services to Commission departments, specifically in the areas o f housing and econom ic develop­ m ent loans. Drafting o f legal docu­ ments; litigation in areas o f loan servicing, real estate, foreclosures, construction financing, bankrupt­ cies. Must be a member of the Oregon State Bar. T hree to five years expe­ rience in real estate, finance and litigation preferred. K nowledge of com m on law and o f state and fed­ eral laws relating to real estate, bankruptcies, legal issues relating to loan programs. CLOSING DATE: N ovem ber 15,1989. Request application and supplemen­ tal questions from: PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 1120 S.W . FIFTH AVE. SUITE 1100 PORTLAND, OR 97204 (503) 796-5295 Equal Opportunity Em ployer Salary: $1,424-$1,781 W e are seeking a person with a least 2 years experience or training who can supervise general cleaning and floor care at Fairview Training Center. This person should have knowledge o f the materials, equip­ m ent and techniques used in custo­ dial activities. He/she should have the ability to establish work sched­ ules, keep records, train new em ­ ployees, and inspect completed work. This position receives state o f O re­ gon Management Benefits. To apply, subm it PD 100 A pplication to Fairview Training Center, Person­ nel Office, at 2250 Strong Rd., S.E., Salem , OR 97310. Equal Opportunity Employer Brookings Waste Water Treatment Plant And Conveyance System Improvement Brookings, Oregon Bid Date: November 17 at 2:00 P.M. KIEWIT PACIFIC P.O. Box 1769 • (206) 693-1478 Vancouver, WA 98668 FAX (206) 693-5582 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Autzen Stadium Im provements - Phase II Eugene, OR Bid Date: November 16 at 4:00 P.M. ELLIOT-JOCHIMSEN 1740 - 22nd Ave., S.E. • Salem, OR 97302 (503) 362-1164 FAX (503) 399-9673 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Columbia River Correctional Facility Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 21 at 3:00 P.M. WILDISH BUILDING COMPANY P.O. Box 7428 (503) 485-1700 Eugene, OR 97401 FAX (503) 683-7722 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Columbia River Correctional Facility Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 21 at 3:00 P.M. MARION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 12218 (503) 581 -1920 • Salem, OR 97309 FAX (503) 399-0823 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority owned and disadvantage business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Civil Engineer Reserve * Training Facility (AFRES) Bid Date: November 16th at 2:00 P.M. TRIPLETT WELLMAN P.O. Box 672 * Woodburn, OR 97071 (503) 982-4188 FAX #: (503) 982-0390 We are an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. 4 ........... ATTORNEY SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT OPERATIONS Perform clerical duties for O perations Department. Primary front desk receptionist relief. Research supply orders, rcconcilc/prcparc invoices for paym ent, handle return items and billing corrections. Coordinate equipm ent m aintenance and serv­ ice. Sort and route mail. K now l­ edge o f and skill in the use of m ulti­ line telephone equipm ent. K now l­ edge o f word processing (W ordPer­ fect 5.0) and computer. Wc offer a starüng salary of up to $17,904 and excellent benefits. PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS. CLOSING DATE: NOVEM BER 10, 1989. A PPLI­ CANTS MUST APPLY IN PE R ­ SON TO: PORTLAND DEVELOPM ENT C O M M IS S IO N 1120 S.W . 5lh, Suite 1100 Portland, O r 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CUSTODIAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR Equal Opportunity Em ployer SECRETARY PROGRAM AND OFFICE ASSISTANT I Current Salary: $2,276-$2,906/M ontly (Effective: January 1, 1990: S2,768-$3,898) Imm ediate opening at Dammasch State Hospital in W ilsonville, Oregon. The D irector o f Social W ork serv­ ices plans, directs, develops and supervises the hospital's social serv­ ice program. The Director is re­ sponsible for leading, directing and controlling all hospital social work services. Must have a Masters Degree in Social W ork and at least 5 years o f social work experience, includ­ ing 2 years o f supervisory experi­ ence; two years o f the above expe­ rience must be in m ental health treatm ent. ACSW and RCSW (O regon) or RCSW eligible cre­ dentials preferred. Call (503) 682- 4611 for an application or write: D am m asch S ta te H ospital Personnel D epartment P.O. Box 38 W ilsonville, O R 97070 E qual Opportunity Employer The Jam es R iverC orp., W auna M ill, has an opening for a joum cy-level in­ strum ent mechanic with at least 4 years experience in industrial proc­ ess control. Experience in distribu­ tive control system maintenance and configuration is required, as well as experience with single loop con­ trollers, control valves and both electronic and pneum atic instru­ ments. An O regon state electrical license is also desired. Proof of journey-level status, a resum e, and a copy o f O regon electrical license (if applicable) m ust accom pany the application. Journey-level rate is $19.91 per hour plus fringe bene­ fits. Candidates m ust apply in person, if possible, or by mail only at the O regon Em ploym ent division, 818 C om m ercial Street, A storia, or at the W ashington Em ploym ent Serv­ ice, 711 Vine Stree.t Kelso, WA beginning M onday, N ovem ber 6, from 8 a.m ,-5 p.m., and closing N ovem ber 20. JAMES RIVER CORPORATION For further em ploym ent infor­ mation. Positions also available at vari­ ous other Safeway Stores Equal Opportunity Employer SOCIAL WORK SERVICES DIRECTOR MECHANIC JOURNEY-LEVEL INSTRUMENT MECHANIC ' ■ • / V J