Page 11 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 9,1989 PROFESSIONAL D O N N IE JAMES “ If you dare io be fashionable" Donnie Lewis James Williams Dr. Jewell Crawford, M.D. Working Or Not Optimum Family Health Clinic 288-3233 4722 N.E. Clisan Portland, Oregon Buying Appliances 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)288-1721 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) McMurphy 's Men & Women;s Fashion DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks — $25.00(ted $2.50 Per Lm) PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes end Ears of the Community" 2SS-OO33 SERVICES Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats Eartha's Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 212-3175 RENT W ASHERS & DRYERS • TMg C ou pon Good For We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom M ade 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 (503) 232-5879 y F L O R A L - SILK S : PR IN TIN G Kinko’t Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 ‘ 15 O F F • D E L IV E R Y & • IN S T A I L A T IO N FFE rental C o. washer 'JO Deiner^ A InHollotlon Portland 231-7413 Vnncooaar 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Salary Range: $2,053-$2,603/M onthly Technical position performing engineer­ ing survey, design/drafting, and inspection o f public improvement projects. W ork in a team setting with other technicians & engineers. Responsible for preparation of engineering documents. Performs calculations and prepares plans using CADDE system. Performs calcula­ tions and prepares plans using CADDE system. Performs non- professional survey work and in­ spects public improvements. Ini­ tially, technicians in this classifica­ tion may assist project teams pro­ viding engineering for a large multi­ year sew er project. Requires asso­ ciate degree in Civil Engineering Technology and or any com bina­ tion o f coursework and experience. Closing Date: November 22,1989. Obtain application and supplemental ques­ tionnaire at City o f Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl Su, Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. 687-5061. CODE ANALYST Salary Range: $2,657-53,349 /M onthly Reviews com m ercial and industrial construction docum ents for com ­ pliance with building code stan­ dards. Code consultant to develop­ ers in design stages, provides engi­ neering and architectural expertise. Requires State o f Oregon A Level Plans Exam iner Certification or ICBO Comm ercial Plans Examiner Certificate or know ledge/ability to acquire certification within 6 months. Obtain application and supplem en­ tal questionnaire at City o f Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. C L O SIN G DATE: November 2 7 ,1 9 8 9 . An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer GREEN CHAIN PULLER Swing-Shift Hard physical labor experience. This job requires 8-9 hours o f continuous twisting, turning, and lifting, being on your feet. $7.10/hourly plus a weekly production bonus. W e re­ quire a pre-em ploym ent physical AND drug screen at our expense. Please call Shelly at Philomath Forest Products for more information. (503) 929-3205. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H MENTAL HEALTH C-ffl DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES Beginning salary $1,232-$ 1,300 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified applicants for a counselor position in drug treatment services. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Diag­ nosis, evaluation and treatm ent to a caseload o f clients; conduct o f indi­ vidual, group, youth and family counseling; maintaining client rec­ ords; coordinating client services; participating in prom otion and marketing activities. Some evening work is required. De­ tailed position announcem ent and CODA application forms with screening questions available at CODA, Inc., 210 N.E. 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400. CODA is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer RADIO Full-Time On-A ir position. Minimum o f 5 years experience. Inquiries to Personnel, P.O. Box 14957, Port­ land, O R 97214. An Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEER INSTRUCTOR Full Time academic year assignm ent start Dec. 1989 salary com petitive based on education and experience. Requires M aster o f Science degree in M echanical Engineering. D ead­ line to apply Nov. 17,1989. Submit Chemeketa application, resume, transcripts, and three letters o f refer­ ence to: Chemeketa Com m unity College Personnel and Affirm ative Action P.O. Box 14007 Salem , OR 97309 (503) 399-5009 An Equal Opportunity Employer FINANCE DIRECTOR City of M ilton-Freewater, OR., popula­ tio n 5 ,8 0 0 , a n n u a l b u d g et, $10,000,000. Salary depends on qualifications. Current, $2,831 per month. Supervises staff of 8, full range of fully computerized account­ ing and utility billing duties. Budget and CAFR preparation. BA in ac­ counting or business administration plus 2 years supervisory experience desired. Send resum e to: Personnel Director, City of M ilton-Freew a­ ter, P.O. Box 6, M ilton-Freewater, OR 97862. (503) 938-5531, Ext. 24. Equal Opportunity Employer R.N. or L.P.N. CHARGE NURSE For evening shift - ICF/SN F facility. We are currently accepting accepting applications for a full-time R.N. or L.P.N. to act as charge nurse for an evening shift schedule. W e have a stable C.N.A. staff and just need you to make our team com ­ plete. W ages negotiable. Insurance and $850.00 Bonus plan are avail­ able. Also available: Part-Time Evenings & Part-Tim e Night Shifts. Please call 289-5571 or apply in person at: Del's Care Center, Inc. 319 N.E. Russett S l (A Prestige Facility) Equal Opportunity Employer PART-TIME SERVICE WORKER Cleaning and servicing D istrict buses. Hours may vary but usually from 7:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight Friday and 3:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday. QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to rapidly learn servicing and cleaning proce­ dures; ability to perform heavy physical labor; possess Oregon Chauffeur or Class 2 driver's li­ cense (Class 2 perm it acceptable for applying). W age $7.73 per hour plus shift differential for swing and graveyard shifts. Official District application form m ust be received by Salem Area Mass Transit Dis­ trict no later than November 17, 1989 AT 3140 Del W ebb Avenue N.E.; Salem, OR 97303. Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGN TECHNICIAN Requires experience in electrical distri­ bution system design & mapping, using surveying instruments & stak­ ing line, & familiarity with Na­ tional Electrical Safety Code. $13.320-$ 16.19 per hour, depend­ ing upon qualifications. Excellent! benefits & great quality of life community. If interested & quali­ fied, contact City of Ashland, 20 E. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, (503) 482-3211 for an application, which m ust be completed & re­ lumed to that address before De­ cem ber 15th. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer MARKETING OFFICER DRAFTING ENGINEERING/DRAFTING TECHNICIAN 2 Unified Sewerage Agency $10.83-$ 13.16/ Hourly Perform s a variety of technical tasks associated with the design & con­ struction o f sanitary sewers; design & drafting of sewer system plans; mapping; inspection o f sewer con­ struction; provides custom er serv­ ice; assists on construction surveys. Reg. increasi igly responsible exp. in enginecri’ig, drafting, graphics, survey and inspection, and posses­ sion o f an associate degree in civil engineering; or equivalent com bi­ nation o f exp. & training. Agency application forms req. Apply by November 10, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR 97124. An Equal Opportunity Employer DEVELOPM ENT OFFICER Portland State University is seeking a D evelopm ent Officer to assist the D irector o f Developm ent in fund raising activities in cooperation with the PSU Foundation. The Develop­ m ent O fficer will have primary re­ sponsibility for one or more com po­ nents o f the overall fund raising campaign; will be personally involved in fund solicitation; and will recruit and manage volunteers. Applicants must have a bachelor's de­ gree, three years experience in de­ velopm ent, and proven oral and written communication skills. Knowl­ edge o f developm ent software and data base managem ent is preferred. Salary range: S28,OOO - $35,000. Letters o f application, with resume and three professional references, must be m ailed by November 17, 1989, to: Developm ent Officer Screening Com m ittee c/o C larence Hein, Director of Com m unications Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 Portland Slate University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Qualified minorities, women and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an excellent opportunity available for a Marketing Officer in our M arket­ ing Department. This position func­ tions as editor of SECURITY NEWS. In addition, this position manages the writing, coordinating, and dis­ tribution o f all personnel news re­ leases, corporate com munications, bulletins, and news articles. Q uali­ fied applicants will have a four- year degree from an accredited college or university, preferably in journalism and/or two years report­ ing or editorial experience, experi­ ence in writing press releases, and writing brochures and newsletters. Video production experience is preferred. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th larg­ est Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a highly com peti­ tive salary com m ensurate with experience, excellent flexible bene­ fits program, and superior advance­ ment potential. Please send a res­ ume to or apply in person at: SE C U R IT Y PA C IFIC BANK O R E G O N Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue P.O. Box 3066 Second Floor Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS 9 a.m. - / p.m. - Mon. - Eri. Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING INSTRUCTOR Full-time 10 month annual assignment starting January 2, 1990. Salary com petitive based on education & experience. Requires Master's degree in nursing, current Oregon license/3 years experience in nursing practice and/ or teachaing. Deadline November 17. To apply: Submit Chemeketa applica­ tion, resume, transcripts, and 3 let­ ters of reference to: C hem eketa C om m unity Collegte Personnel and Affirmative Action P.O. Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309 (503) 399-5009 Equal Opportunity Employer ARE YOU 55+ * * * Looking for work? Limited income last 6 months? Live in Multnomah, W ashington or Clackamas County? WE CAN HELP YOU TO: * * * * * Develop a job search plan Identify your marketable skills Plan a career change Learn new skills Build your confidence WE OFFER: * * * * Support and guidance Paid training opportunities Referrals to jobs Paid part-tim e work - to learn new skills or sharpen existing skills. CALL 241-4600 T H E PR IV A T E IN DUSTRY C O U N C IL An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Program RADIO NEWS/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR NUCLEAR SAFETY AND ENERGY FACILITY DIVISION Unique opportunity in Salem, Oregon, to manage a small, innovative, pro­ fessional team involved in review of energy related facilities with spe­ cific emphasis on nuclear fuel cycle. Responsibilities impact public health, safety, welfare and environmental quality for all state citizens. $40,440- $51,576 annually, fully-paid retire­ ment program, generous leave and benefits package. For application materials, contact Personnel M an­ ager, Oregon D epartment of Energy, 925 Marion Street Ne, Salem, OR 97310. Telephone 1-378-8442 or toll- free within Oregon, 1-800-221-8035. Recruitm ent closes November 30, 1989. Minorities, women and dis­ abled persons arc encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer SALES HELP WANTED Compile and produce news and public affairs. Conduct interviews. Requires some experience in interviewing, writing and production. Send res­ ume to: News Director, 4614 S.W. Kelly Ave., Portland, OR 97201. URGENTLY NEED DEPENDABLE PERSON to work without supervi­ sion for Texas oi, co. in Portland- Vancouver area. W e train. Write: R.A. Dicerson, President SW EPCO Box 961005 Ft. W orth, Texas 76161 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer 6 V * • f • • «.».Me PROGRAM COORDINATOR 2 SITE RESPONSE PROGRAM COORDINATOR PROGRAM EXECUTIVE B (X0032) BUDGET ANALYST IN $2,179 - $2,763/M onthly ADULT AND FAM ILY SERVICES The Oregon Department of Environmental DIVISION (AFS) SALARY: $2,276-$2,906/M onthly Quality is seeking a highly m oti­ Excellent Benefit Package vated, enthusiastic individual to serve as the program coordinator for the State o f Oregon, AFS needs an energetic and innovative person with good developm ent o f policies and proce­ oral and w ritten com m unication dures as they relate to the Site R e­ sponse Section, for planning and skills and analytical abilities for a Budget Analyst position in the investigation o f hazardous substance Business Services Section in Sa­ sites and the design, construction lem, Oregon. and operation of cleanup actions of QUALIFICATIONS: Three years o f such sites. steadily increasing m anagem ent The successful candidate will dem on­ responsibility or three years of strate skill in interpreting and ana­ experience in a staff technical or lyzing information from many sources professional function related to an to organize and implement projects, agency program. The applicant's skill in writing and negotiating agree­ background must clearly dem on­ ments, skill in interpreting or apply­ strate how they have gained the ing state or federal environm ental laws and skill in making written or knowledge, skills, and abilities verbal reports. id e n tifie d in A n n o u n c e m e n t If you are interested in being considered #OC890675. for this challenging position, please IN ADDITION, you must have a Bache­ call 229-5382 by Friday, November lor's degree in Business, Public Administration, A ccounting or a 3,1989 to request an announcement and application. related field or three more years of An Equal Opportunity Employer pertinent experience. O btain a State o f Oregon Application (P D 1 0 0 ) and A n n o u n c e m e n t ENVIRONMENTAL #OC890675 from Personnel C en­ SPECIALIST 2 ter, 775 Court Street, Salem, O re­ ASBESTOS CONTROL gon 97310. ANALYST APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, $1,981 - $2,514/M on thly APPLICATIONS MUST BE POST­ The Oregon Department of Environmental MARKED BY NOVEMBER 27, Q uality is seeking an individual for 1989 TO BE ACCEPTED. our asbestos control program. This FOLLOW THE DETAILED INSTRUC­ individual would be responsible for TIONS ON THE ANNOUNCE­ implementing the agency's regula­ MENT. tions concerning asbestos abatement Equal Opportunity Employer during renovation and demolition DATA PROCESSING activities. The successful applicant PROFESSIONALS will have a know ledge o f field Iin- spcction and enforcement procedures, There’s a Million Reasons Why W e Speak Your Language! knowledge of asbestos abatem ent regulations and procedures, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon, a m ajor health insurance company ability to orally com m unicate pro­ provides health insurance to over gram policy and regulations. one m illion people. You expertise If you arc interested in working in the in new developm ent and large scale asbestos program at DEQ, please enhancem ents will help all o f them. call 229-5382 by W ednesday, N o­ Several large projects and new vember 3, 1989 to ask for an an­ business efforts will be requiring nouncem ent and application. individuals with experience w ork­ An Equal Opportunity Employer ing in a large scale IBM mainframe MECHANIC environment. THIS COULD BE THE All positions require strong com m uni­ LAST HELP WANTED AD cation , interpersonal and user skills. YOU'LL EVER READ Candidates m ust also have experi­ At United G rocers, our people have a ence in the following: tendency to stick around. M aybe * VSAM • COBOL it's because we offer so many chal­ ♦ TSO/ISPF * OS/JCL lenges & opportunities for advance­ ment, or it could be our great bene­ LEAD ANALYST fit package or maybe it's just a feel­ Requires extensive background in the ing of being a family. development o f CICS based sys­ W e've been in business since 1915 & tems and dem onstrated success in a we've grown to over $800 million/ project m anagem ent role. year company & our employees have grown right along with us. So join PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS the United G rocers family. Requires a minimum o f 2 years experi­ W e're looking for an ELECTRIC LIFT ence in perform ing system s analy­ TRUCK MECHANIC. Journey level sis and design, coding, testing and position requires experience in elec­ imDlcmenlalion assignm ents. CICS trical lift truck and pallet jack re­ skills a definite plus. pair. Knowledge of SCR, IX? elec­ trical circuits, hydraulics and w eld­ PROGRAMMER ing required. Swing shift, Sun.- Requires a degree in Com puter Science Thurs., Progression to $14.57, U n­ or at least 1 year o f experience ion shop. Apply direct between 8:30- performing program design, cod­ 10:30 a.m./l:3O-3:OO p.m. by 11/ ing, testing and im plem entation 17/89 to: assignments. UNITED GROCERS, INC. In addition to significant technical chal- 6433 S.E. Lake Rd. alcngc and parofcssional grow th, Milwaukie, OR we offer flex-tim e work hours, Equal Opportunity Employer excellent benefits and a com peti­ HOMES FOR SALE tive salary. And your resum e or apply in person at: ATTENTION! Blue C ross and G O VERNM ENT HOM ES Blue Shield o f O regon From $1 (U-repair) Human R esources Depl., 5th Floor Delinquent tax property. 100 S.W . M arket Repossessions. Call 1-602-838-8885, Portland, O R 97201 Ext. G H 12859 Equal Opportunity Employer