Page 10 Portland Observer NOVEMBER 9,1989 EMERGING ENTREPRENEUR lA /e lc n in c to EMERGING ENTREPRENEl R. a new sletter published by the I ithce ol r FMmoritv Women. and Emerging Small Business (O.MWESB) The Office ol Minority W omen, and Emerging Small Business created in January I9H8 is part of the Executive IX-partment ol the state ol Oregon Our office is loc ated at the Executive Department 15$ Cottage Street NE. Salem. OR 97310. tsO.S) 378-5651 We are a small organization with a BIG mission to help Emerging small Businesses within the State ol Oregon enter the economic mainstream. The State of Oregon oilers a wide range of innovative programs that are designed to help small companies grow bigger and Ix-ttei Ihrough this newsletter, we ho|X' to Ix-lter communicate informa­ tion on the services available to VOl . the Emerging Entrepreneur' Our staff includes: Lina H a m a SeabM . Advcxate for Minority. Women and Emerging small Business Richard Acei etli >. .Manager Al Vela. Certifii ation Specialist Editor. Emerging Entrepreneur Susan /(/mauds Management Assistant Yollanda \m s Secretary HOW DO I DO BUSINESS WITH THE STATE OF OREGON AFTER I AM CERTIFIED? T he O regon State G o v e rn m e n t is one o f the state’s largest purchasers o f goods and serv ices. M ost o f the purchases done by the state agencies are m ade th ro u g h the Purchasing D iv is io n o f the D e p a rtm e n t o f G e ne ra l Services. T h e Special P rogram s C o o rd in a to r is a resource yo u m ay use to: P ro v id e you w ith a b id d e r data sheet w h ic h puts you on Purchasing D iv is io n M a ilin g sheets and a llo w s yo u to receive d ire c t n o tice o f u p c o m in g business o p p o rtu n itie s ; In tro d u c e you to purchasing agents w ho buy the goods and services y o u r sm all business pro vid e s; P ro v id e you w ith in fo rm a tio n o n the V e n d o r In fo rm a tio n Program (V IP ) w h ic h enables businesses w ith m od em s and v e n d o r num bers to access and re v ie w purchasing o p p o rtu n itie s and b id in fo rm a tio n on the D G S database. C all 378-4642 fo r details. P ro v id e assistance and g u ide lin e s in c o n tra c tin g w ith the state; A c t as an in fo rm a tio n exchange on state use o f goods and services in c lu d in g agency locations, and agency representatives; T he 1989-1991 D e p a rtm e n t o f G eneral Services Budget includes a p p ro x im a te ly $100 m illio n fo r the fo llo w in g c o n s tru c tio n projects. $4,932,865 Im p ro v e and M a in ta in C u rre n t F a cilitie s $16,337,777 C o n s tru c t P a rkin g S tru c tu re C a p ito l M a ll $79,383,217 C o n s tru c t N ew O ffice Space and O th e r F acilities. T he D e p a rtm e n t o f G eneral Services Purchasing D iv is io n is ready to help you take advantage o f the m an y c o n tra c tin g o p p o rtu n itie s a vailab le . D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V IC E S P U R C H A S IN G D IV IS IO N 1225 F e rry Street N E Salem, O regon 97310 503-373-1250 Congratulations! F m l H h y w o « Your New Store At 3030 N.E. Weidler Street The Portland Observer Newspaper D l l --------------- 852 N.E. 42nd Ave. • Portland, Oregon 97218 Phone: (503)281-9495 Eastside beauty salon, a place where people who are losing their hair, or who simply want more hair, go to feel and look beautiful. Broadway Hairweevers has over twenty years experience in making people look, and feel beautiful. Our m otto is: *We can do it all. We can even cover the bald." Victims of serious hair loss disorders, such as cancer, accidents, or very thin hair have come here to Broadway Hairweevers to regain self confidence in their appearance. Broadway Hair­ weevers is located a t 5852 N.e. 42nd Ave., across from Whittaker middle school. We here a t Broadway Hairweevers can give you the color, and texture of hair you need for tha t special look. Musicians, singers, actors, actresses, and models, or anyone who may be con­ cerned about their image will find a new and rewarding look with lovely, and beautiful hair done a t Broadway Hairweevers. Broadway Hairweevers use a special weeving method to give you natural longer, and thicker looking hair. There can be as much as twenty inches of new hair added to your existing hair. Using a machine technique we attach the existing hair to the base of your hair shaft to create a weft, after which the commercial hair (100% human hair) is attached to the weft thus forming a bond. This procedure can be com pleted within five hours or less depending upon the fullness, and style required. However the average time for weeving is generally three hours. Once the weeve is com plete, your hair can be shampooed, hot curled, set, and blow dryed the same as you would your natural hair, Proper upkeep, and maintenance is explained throughly to each client. Generally a two or three month return visit is scheduled in order to retighten any looseness that may have occurred. Here at Broadway Hairweevers our clientel includes people from various states, such as Idaho, Washington, California, and Oregon. Our client base includes children, and a number of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, actors, actresses, musicians, and athletes. Due to the privacy, and consideration of our clients we maintain strict confidentiality of their names, and services received. Broadway Hairweevers is a full service salon, and we offer the best of services. We are proud of the fa c t that we have a team of experienced, and d edicated operators who keeps up with the latest trends in styles, colors, and hair cuts. Broadway Hairweevers is owned, and m anaged by Hattie M. Porter. Hattie is one of the first to bring hairweeving to the state of Oregon. We are open Tuesday thru Saturday from 9:00 a.m. til 6:00 p.m. Other special times are by appointments only. For further information, please co nta ct Hattie M. Porter at Broadway Hairweevers, 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland. Oregon 97218. Phone: (503) 281-9495 Governor Neil Goldschmidt, Welcoming Remarks Bias Crimes Conference I'm very glad to be here w ith you on Halloween. You know, Halloween is one o f tw o late autumn evenings on which people who have had their door­ bells constantly rung by w eird-looking creatures setllcdown to watch something scary on T .V . The other is election n ig h t And it was about this time o f year in 1986 when I was running for Governor against Norma Paulus, and 1 was out walking the streets, soliciting votes. 1 won't say where it happened, but 1 shook hands w ith a man 1 met on the sidewalk, and I asked him who was going to get his vote for Governor. W ithout any hesita­ tion, he replied, "N e il Goldschm idt." 1 should have quit w hile I was ahead, but I had to ask him why. He said, "Because Norma Paulus is Jewish." There are some votes you just don't want to win. I want to welcome all o f you to this first-o f-its-kin d regional conference on bias crimes. Booth Gardner and C ecil Andrus are co-sponsors. Attorney General Ken Eikenberry from Washington; Idaho Attorney Gen­ eral Jim Jones; and Oregon Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer - your in ­ volvement here today attests to the seri­ ousness o f the subject at hand. U ntil recently, when citizens o f the Northwest though about crimes o f re li­ gious or racial hatred, they pictured men wearing sheets and pointy hoods, burn­ ing crosses somewhere in the rural South. Although Oregon itself has a shameful history o f Ku K lux Kian activity. Today, the K K K has been joined by the Skinheads; the Aryan Nations; Posse Comitatus; The Covenant, the Sword, and the A rm o f the Lord; W hite Aryan Resistance; and others. What do these organized hate groups have in common? First, bigotry and prejudice based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual • Clackamas, October 31,1989 is poisoning comm unity after commu­ and a conviction fo r m alicious harass­ ment. nity across the nation. We here in the Northwest must 1 have seen it in the swastikas and continue to draw a line in the sand - no anti-sem itic slogans painted in the b uild ­ retreat - no surrender - to thugs and ing in which my campaign office was bigots and criminals. located. I have seen it in the faces ot terror­ ized children who do not understand w hy the color o f their skin has marked them as targets for harassment and bru­ tality. And I have seen it in the news re­ ports o f a Portland man - a black man - - beaten to death for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is one other thing these groups have in common: they com m it serious crimes to support their activities: * Weapons running. * Arm ored car robberies. * Transportation o f precursor drugs fo r manufacturing methamphetamine. * Shoot-outs w ith law enforcement officers. The number o f these incidents o f violence and prejudice continues to in ­ crease throughout the country. Not just in the Northwest, but eve­ rywhere. We must recognize it fo r what it is: hostile, organized group activity that, i f le ft unchallenged, w ill divide and de­ stroy our nation. This conference sends the message that combatting this particular kind o f organized crim inal behavior requires a special response from our law enforce­ ment community. In Oregon we are doing exactly that with the Oregon State Police Hate Crimes U n it that we started up eight months ago - to the best o f our knowledge, the only unit o f its kind in the country. Three state police officers w ork on nothing but hate crimes. They educate local police agencies, and work closely w ith the Portland Police Department. The Hate Crimes U nit has been orientation. And this philosophy o f hate directly responsible for several arrests So once again we turn to you, the "thin blue line," our first line o f defense against forces that would destroy our society. And I commend you and thank you fo r what you are doing here at this conference. But you in law enforcement cannot be expected to solve all o f society’s problems. We are A L L victim s o f bigotry and racial hatred. It was Dante who said, "The hottest places in hell are reserved fo r those who, in a time o f great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." A complacent public has to be made aware o f the e vil that lurks in all too many o f our communities. I pledge to you that I w ill do my part to support you in that effort. Let me leave you w ith these words from a German citizen, w hich I think cut to the heart o f what this is a ll about: In Germany they came firs t fo r the Communists, and I didn't speak up be­ cause I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I din 't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and 1 didn't speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came fo r the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protes­ tant. Then they came for me, and by that tim e no one was le ft to speak up. A half century later, here in Am er­ ica, it is time to speak up against the hate groups. It is time to tear o ff their hoods, weed out their brotherhoods, and expose them fo r what they arc - common c rim i­ nals and traitors to what Am erica stands for. And it is lim e to declare that their thoughts and values belong in the trash heap along w ith the rest o f the garbage. Neil Kelly Initates in-House Apprenticeship by Dan B ell Neil K e lly Remodelers launched an in-house apprenticeship program for com m unity residents interested in the carpentry trades. U tiliz in g existing pro­ grams sponsored by Carpenters Local 247 and the Apprenticeship Training Program administered by Oregon Bu­ reau o f Labor and Industries. The K e lly company hopes to increase the level o f m inority journeymen in the trade o f residential carpentry. Neil K e lly Rcmodelers located on Alberta and Albina, for 23 years has long been supportive o f issues thateffect N/N.E. Portland. Chairman N eil Kelly has indicated that N eil K e lly Remod­ elers is committed to hiring practices which w ill encourage N /N .E m inority residents employment w ith his firm . John Frazier, assistant production manager is responsible for the projects operation. He said in order to q ualify for employment, persons interested must contact Harold Adams o f the United Brotherhood o f Carpenters and Joiners o f America at (503) 289-9632. A p p li­ cants must also be w illin g to pay union fees and is also necessary that prospective apprentices apply in person at the Oregon Bureau o f Labor and In ­ dustries, 1400 S.W. 5th, Portland, Ore. and f ill out an application for ap­ prenticeship. Applicants need also to have a G.E.D. or high school diplom a to qualify. However, for those who don t meet that requirement, there is an alter­ native available. H alim Rahsaan has indicated he is w illin g to w ork w ith individuals who express a desire to ac­ quire their G.E.D. M r. Rahsaan is an academic adviser for Portland Commu­ nity College, and may be contacted at (503) 244-6111, Ext. 4609. When an interested individual has fu lfille d the pre-requisite o f contacting M r. Adams, and fillin g out the Bureau o f Labor and Industries applications. They should contact M r. John Frazier al Neil K e lly Remodelers, at 288-7461, and inform him that they have done so. Mr. Frazier and M r. Neil K e lly have both expressed a deep com m ittm ent to the success o f this program. They conveyed a desire to benefit those in the inner-city by providing a capatable jo b site and a nuturing environment which often lack­ ing fo r m inorities in the local construc­ tion trades. On balance M r. Frazier expressed that those who wish to take advantage o f this program understand that the work is to some extent seasonal, possess a le g iti­ mate interest and desire to pursue a ca­ reer in the residential and/or commer­ cial carpentry trades, and have some mechanical aptitude. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! I lie National (Ommission on La« Enforcement is a grass­ roots group w orking to get an investigation done on an In te r­ national Police Agency called IN TER PO L, Volunteers are needed Io help expose this o r­ gan izat ions activ ities and gel our ( (digress to investigate this gov - eminent agency that got it'sstart in Nazi German and is still in existence today. Please contact 644-5970, Evenings and week­ ends. Quality kitchens, baths and new additions. NEIL KELLY RESIDENÎ1AL/COMMERCIAL REMODELING SKILLS WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 16-18, 1989 St. Johns Y W C A in coopera­ tion with M ercy Corps Interna­ tional and Operation C AR E, w ill conduct the St. Johns Job Finders Workshop, at Pioneer Methodist Church its church fa cility at 7528 N. Charleston, November 16-18 Thurs. & Fri. at 6 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and all day Saturday from 9:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. The 14 hour workshop is FREE OF C H A R G E and can accommo­ date as many as 16 Job Seekers. It is designed to help unemployed people improve their jo b hunting skills. Contact Velma Nay at the YW CA at 286-5748 or Mercy Corps at 242-1032 for more inform ation and registration. NOW WITH TWO DESIGNER SHOWROOMS. EAST ANO WEST. 804 N Alberta (2 blocks east of 1-5) 2887461 (Vane 696 2204) Oi Beg 1663 Wash Reg NEILKCI 18702 SINCE 1947, THE REMODELER FRIENDS R E C O M M E N D Call for a quote on your auto or homeowners insurance. Compare Allstate for value. Absolutely no obligation. Call now for an estimate. X PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears of the Community Office: (503)288-0033 Fax#: (503)288-0015 8101 SW Nimbus Koli Business Center Beaverton (Off Hall Blvd ) 644-0445 /instate Allstate Insurance Company Erank Swopes, Sr. Account Agent 2112 N.W. Northrup Portland. OR 97210 (503) 274-0632 j V