► »• • r W * <■ *4 HWl November 2, 1989 • Portland Observer ■ Page 5 « * I ★ ★ ★ * ENTfcKTHINMEN I &k ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * ★★★★★★★ < ★ ★ ★ ★ * * storefront Theatre Appoints New Marketing Director n R O A D W A Y ÎOUNTX D r e p o by Garland Lee Thompson PASSINARTS THEATRE CO-POUNDER HEADS EAST M ichael G rant, co-founder o f the P ortland-based P assin A rts T heatre Com pany recently, quietly left town and has re-located to New Haven, Connecti­ cut, w hich is a short train ride to New York City. A fter w orking for several seasons in the Portland area theatre scene as a director, actor and playw right, Michael G rant decided to follow his heart and aspirations in the arts and take another step in the further developm ent o f his career. T his surprise decision came after joining his partner and co-founder o f the PassinA rts Theatre Com pany, Connie Carley, this past A ugust 14-20,1989, as they attended the first National Black Theatre Festival in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. They w ent as a part o f the Portland, O regon delegation o f jblack theatre people that included Sue Busby, executive director of Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, A1 Jam ison, director o f IFCC's current production, "The C ol­ ored M useum" (re-opens Nov. 15 - Dec. 17, 1989), and this w riter (who sat on theatre panel discussions, such as "Play­ wrights on Playwrighting," and "D irect­ ing a New Play for the Black Theatre"). W hether it was a logical move for his career or strictly an unplanned "spur o f the moment" and em otions in his decision, the City o f Portland shall miss the creative energy and drive o f M ichael G rant. All o f us in the arts and com m u­ nity, join in wishing, M ichael, the best o f success in his career developm ent and great happiness in his announced planned m arriage to actress, Denise Jam es, o f the black theatre circles o f New Haven. They m et at the National Black Theatre Festi­ val that is now "history," as did m any of us and the thirty thousand people who attend that great black festival, spon­ sored by Larry Leon H am lin, and the North Carolina black Repertory T he­ atre. ("Ah love and the A rts!”) R t U W e all look forw ard to Michael returning to the Pacific progress o f the PassinA rt Theatre Com pany, under Connie C arley’s direction as artistic di­ rector (She directed the last production o f the com pany). Indeed, we are feeling the growing pains of becoming "national" in our think­ ing and overview o f the new trend to­ ward a truly "N ational Black Theatre M ovem ent in the 1990's. And we are beginning to plan for the next National Black Theatre Festival in W inston-Sa­ lem, scheduled for the sum m er o f 1991 (I can't wait). "W rite on, M ichael, and "break a leg." New Haven has traditionally been a great "tryout tow n” in the theatre, on the way to New York and its "the bright lights" o f fame and fortune. TH E PO RTLAND TH EA TRE S A M P L E R S E R IE S K IC K S O F F T H E N E W SEA SO N The Portland Area Theatre Allaiancc (PATA), is introducing it new Portland Theatre Sam ple Series, at a cocktail hour get-together, N ovem ber 15, 1989, 6:30 P.M ., at the Broadw ay Revue, S.W . Jef­ ferson at Broadw ay, featuring com pli­ mentary hors d'oueuvres and a no-host bar. The Portland Theatre Sample Se­ ries is designed to present the current 1990 theatre paroductions o f nine o f the Portland Area Theatre Alliance C om pa­ nies, with one of the scheduled perform ­ ances hosted by two selected theatre representatives, such as this w riter and other m em bers o f the performing arts com m unity o f Portland. Storefront Theatre has appointed Michele W aldock its new marketing director effective O ctober 23, 1989. W aldock, a Britisher by birth, has been a resident o f Portland for 3 years and has a B.A. in Com m unications from the U ni­ versity o f Portland. A lawyer by profession, W aldock spent several years in private practice and in the corporate/business world in the U.K. prior to her appointm ent as a business m anager in the program acqui­ sitions departm ent o f BBC Television. Organization of Black Screenwriters The Organization o f Black Screen­ writers fust meet in June, 1988. its founder, Bozana Belokosa, recognized the lack o f minority representation in the Indus­ try: "Blacks have stories that should be told." Control o f Black A rt should be held by African-Americans. JOIN US! Tell us w hat you w an t to see in m ovies an d on television! C o n tact: M s. B ozana Belokosa, O rg an izatio n of b lack S cre e n w rite rs, P.O . Box 40948, P a sa d e n a , CA 91114- 7948, T elephone #: (818) 798-2994. (Note: At the present time, we are not in a position to receive completed scripts. The catalog lists titles only. We cannot accept complete screenplays - only titles and genre.) PATA THEATRE SAMPLER TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR 1990 Day, Date and Time Host Ten N ovem ber Storefront W ed., Nov. 15 at 7:30 P.M. Dennis Bigelow Allen Nause The Lion in W inter Colum bia Thurs., Dec. 14 at 8:00 P.M. Jim G ilsdorf Jonathan Nicholas Bum This O SF Portland W ed., Dec. 14 at 7:00 P.M. Sue Busby Gary O'Brien Frankie & Johnny in The C lair de Lune A rtist Repertory Theatre Thurs., Feb. 8 at 8:00 P.M. Vana O'Brien Richard Yarnell W om en in M ind New Rose Theatre Thurs., Mar. 22 at 6:30 P.M. M ichael Jones Andrew Edwards Saturdays My Fair Lady M usical Com pany Sun., April 22 at 2:00 P.M. Bill Bulick Isabell Chappell Nov. 4 - Dec. 9 '2.-3O - i=3O pm Signal Season o f Dummy Hoy IFCC Theatre Sun., May 13 at 2:00 P.M. Greg Gilbertson Tad Savinar Tee: £6o Robber Bridegroom Portland Civic Theatre Thurs., June 14 at 8:00 P.M. Sylvia's D inner Theatre Thurs., July 5 at 7:30 P.M. *jni j M ichael G riggs Nanette Taylor > noooonntr To make theatre more accessible to students o f all ages, Storefront Theatre is implementing a 55 rush ticket policy for all its productions. Any remaining tickets may be pur­ chased by students for only $5 on the day o f perform ance, fifteen minutes prior to curtain-tim e. This offer is lim ited to one ticket per student on presentation o f a current student I.D. Student ruch tickets will first be offered for sale to all perform ances o f TEN NOVEM BER, which plays at the Dolores W inningstad Theatre, Portland Center for the Performing Arts, O ctober 28-N ovem ber25. Regular perform ances are Nov. 2 thru Nov. 25, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m ., Sundays at 2 p.m. and/or 7 p.m. PRJM A r m Play and Theatre Tw ig W ebster G arland Thompson $5 Rush Tickets Available To Students For A ll Storefront Plays L earn the basic techniques of LUesr A frican han4-4rumyn,’n q in this challenging ¿-week w orkshop taught by ¿Thanaian M aster D rum m er APPT. PINE street 917SWALPER AIZZZf FM £9- T H E A T R E , . for information UNITY OF LOVE The Unity of Love is on the make!!! (Making you (Beautiful Is Our Business *We Offer (Hairweeving, Manicure & Any Type O f (Tair Style you (Desire by Lisa Collins Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers "L A & B abyface" T o M ake M usic F o r T h e ir O w n R ecord L abel: "LA & Babyface," one o f the top record producing teams in the nation, held a press conference recently in their hom e-base of A tlanta, to announce the form ation of LaFace Records. The dynamic duo, who have produced smash hits for some o f the recording industry’s m ajor stars including Sheena Easton, Karyn W hite, New Edition, Pebbles, and most recently "Babyface” himself, signed a multi million dollar distribution pact with Arista Records for an undisclosed amount, to sign and develop their own acts for the newly-formed label. The move will severely lim it if not cut out altogether the amount o f outside projects that Antonio "LA" R eid and Kenny "Babyface” Edm onds will take on. W hile many speculate their first project will involve W hitney Houston (with whom they met last month), no one is quite sure whether or not it m eans Reid and Edmonds will work with Bobby Brown on his next LP. Perhaps the only sure thing is that they will indeed produce Pebbles upcom ing LP. Pebbles (who recently married Reid) suspended work on her album until after the couple's first child (due any day now) is bom. Those on hand for the announce­ ment included Coretta Scott King, Andrew Young, and Clive Davis (president of Arista Records). A special reception waqs held at the home o f Antonio "LA" Reid, MT HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE “Discount Prices for back to School” PORTLAND Ik. CIVIC THEATRE BILLIE HOLIDAY IN STORY & STORY The Portland Observer N e w sp a p e r 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. (Formerly Union Avenue) Subscribe or Renew 5 our Subsetiplion: NOV. 3 - DEC. 10 Blue Rqom 1530 S.W. Yamhill $13/$15 ■adv Day TICKETS: 226-3048 Group discount for 15 or more R RATING at Emersoti^ Bar & Grill by Lanie Robertson __ N ew Subscription __ Renewal __ Gift Subscription Name C om pany. A d d re ss _ C ity_____ State. Zip Phone _ 1 Y e a r -$ 2 0 .0 0 _ 2 Y ears - $35.00 (Allow 2 to 3 weeks for Delivery) I after the announcem ent Elsew here in A tlanta, Britain's top selling pop m agazine "Smash Hits" voted Bobby B row n th e m o st p rom ising solo a rtis t of the year, and the London BBC flew into town to film Bobby Brown accepting the award. For those who can't get enough o f Brown, he and fellow MCA recording artist Jody W alley are both preparing the release o f dance LP's. That’s 12" rem ixes of their dance music to m ake their way into the nation's music stores during the holiday season. J u s t W h o W ill Play Jo sep h in e B ak er? That's the question on the m inds o f just about all o f Hollyw ood's top black actresses. The plum of a role is part of an HBO telepic based on the life of the famed entertainer which will probably go into production sometime after the firsto f the year. Even MCA recording sensation, Jody W atley who is sporting a new short haircut that some say fashions a Josephine Baker look, is reportedly after the role. O thers up for the coveted role include Irene C ara, "Color Purple's” M argaret Avery, Paula Kelly, Holly Robinson, V anessa W illiam s, andLynn W hitfield, who while developing a brilliant screen career is also honing in on some entrepreneurial skills as she has teamed with a skin care specialist to launch an all-natural skin-care line called "MF1." S ta rs L ineup T o C e le b ra te S am m y's 60th Y ear: Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra will be am ong those on hand to salute Sammy Davis Jr. on his 60th anniversary in show business at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. T he event to take place N ovem ber 16 will be hosted by Eddie Murphy. The all-star lineup also includes G oldie Hawn, Bill Cosby, Liza M inelli, and G regory H ines. Proceeds raised from the event, which is being videotaped for broadcast on A BC, will go to the United Negro C ollege Fund. In sh o rt: All My Children ac tre ss D ebbi M o rg an has set D ecem ber 30 as the date of her wedding to actor Charles Dutton in New York C ity. M organ plays Dr. Angela Hubbard on the popular so a p . . . Universal Studios Tour shut dow n its fam ed "Earthquake attraction" for 48 hours as a sympathetic gesture and out o f respect in lieu o f the devastating 6.9 shaker that recently rocked the Bay Area. The tw o-m inute ride simulates an 8.3 q u a k e -th e size o f th one that devastated San Francisco in 1906. N ext w eek: R andy Ja c k so n , the m averick m em b er o f the fa m e d Ja c k so n clan strik e s o u t on his own. <