November 2 ,19 89 • Portland Observer • Page 3 News Around Town United Way Funds Planning Process for American Indian Organization The Portland Am erican Indian com m unity w ill have an opportunity to watch and participate as the A IA P Board o f Directors begins a nine-month planning process to secure services to urban Indians lost through the fragmentation o f m ajor m ulti-service Indian organizations. The Am erican Indian Association o f Portland (A IA P ), an "organization o f Indian organi­ zations," has existed in the Portland com m unity fo r several years and, in the past, provided an open forum fo r Indian issues. P O R T L A N D IM P A C T , a m ulti-cullural/m ulti-service agency was awarded a $25,000 United Way grant in June to fund this planning process. C hristine Low ery (Hopi/Laguna), a social w orker w ith com m unity organ­ izing skills, was hired Oct. 9 to coordinate the activities o f the A IA P Board. The prim ary goal is to develop a summary and fund raising plan. Funds w ill also be used to provide public relations material such as an A IA P brochure and a "com munication tool for the Indian com m unity." The Am erican Indian Association o f Portland is housed by PORT­ L A N D IM P A C T at 4707 S.E. Hawthorne, 97215. P O R T LA N D IM P A C T also sponsors the Indian elders group, Pi Nee Waus. Currently represented on the A IA P Board o f Directors are T itle V Indian Education, Oregon Commission on Indian Services, N W Indian C hild W elfare Association, Concerned Indian Com m unity, Church o f the Four W inds, JTPA Confederated Tribes o f Siletz, Portland Impact, Aging M inority Task Force, Native American Rehabilitation Association (N A R A ), Pi Nee Waus, and the Indian comm unity-at-large. Board recruitm ent is now in progress, w ith board training in the planning stages. In dividual association memberships, Indian organization memberships, and non-Indian individual and organizational memberships are available. For more inform ation contact C hristine Low ery, (503) 233- 5000. Senate Confirms Prophet, Six Others for State's New Oregon Progress Board Portland School D istrict SupL Matthew Prophet and six other members o f the state's new Oregon Progress Board (OPB) won Oregon Senate c o n fir­ mation on Oct. 26. The OPB, created by the 1989 Legislature and appointed by Gov. Neil Goldschm idt (chairman and ninth member), w ill m onitor implementation o f the stale's new strategic plan fo r economic developmenL Members o f OPB, serving four-year terms u ntil January 1994, also w ill "m o d ify the plan and develop measurabel golas to ide ntify key institutional changes required to make the strategic plan a success." The plan, called "Oregon Shines: An Economic Strategy fo r the Pacific Century," proposes ways fo r the state "to strengthen and diversity its natural resource-based economy, to enhyance the quality o f (its) workforce, to increase personal income levels and to maintain Oregon's environmental integrity." The new board w ill have sta ff support from a p olicy unit o f the Oregon Econom ic Development Dept. in Salem. Road Work Reduces Lanes On Airport Way Vocal Quartets For Hire To Benefit Choir Tour D rivers traveling to and from Port­ land International A irp o rt (P D X ) are advised that pavement w ork w ill peri­ odically close one lane both inbound and outbound on N.E. A irp o rt Way between the cargo areas and 82nd Avenue from October 31 through November 3, weather permitting. Both lanes w ill remain open during the peak travel hours o f 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. fo r inbound traffic and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. fo r outbound. Portland State University's Cham­ ber C hoir is planning a tour o f England this spring. To help raise funds, mem­ bers o f the C hoir have formed vocal quartets available for hire to provide "a cappella" performances to businesses and organizations in the Portland m etropoli­ tan area. To arrange a holiday performance fo r your orgaanization or to contribute to the Chamber C hoir tour fund, contact C. Glenn Burnett during the day at PSU's Music Department, 725-3011, has been declared one o f the best choirs in the Northwest. Mountain Writers Series: August Kleinzahler San F ra n cisco poet, A u g u s t Kleinzahler, author o f "Storm Over Hackensack" and "Earthquake Weather," w ill give a poetry reading. Kleinzahler has won numerous awards including the Bay Area Book Reviewers Aw ard for Poety in 1986. Noon on Nov. 3rd. Visual A rts Center Theatre. Free, donations re­ quested. C all Sandra W illiam s at 667- 7496 fo r more inform ation. Mt. Hood Pops Concert The M t. Hood Pops Orchestra w ill feature Musical Legends including Mozart and Errante. Adults - $3; seniors - $2.50; students and children free. College Theatre. 3 P.M. on Nov. 5th. C all 667- 6509. Planetarium Show: Splendors of the Night Sky New show features state-of-the-art photos o f the most beautiful and myste­ rious objects in the visible universe. 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 7th in the Planetarium. FREE C all the planetarium for inform a­ tion at 667-7297. Lounge C oncert: Magnificent Magnitude This six-piece R and B band was a crowd favorite last year. Fireplace Lounge. Noon on Nov. 8th. FREE. C all 667- 7260. PCC Opticianry Students Win Scholarships T aste Tickler Portland’s Greatest Sub Since 1971 1 7 0 4 N.E. 14th(& Broadway) (503) 282-3681 We Love Phone Orders SJOERD CLOO McMurphy 's Appliance Center Sales -Service -Parts p- illI » V , 4011N.E. Union Ave. Portland Oregon 97212 288-3233 Head Fixer/Jim McGowne ERVER P O R T L fi OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUBLICATION Allrod L. Etlabllshod In 1970 L e o n Harrla/Gonotal Manogor Uondoroon/PuWiihor Gary Ann Garnatt Joyce Washington Uusinet» Manogor Salos/Maikoling Director PORTLAND ODBERVER Is published weakly by Exle Publishing Company. Inc. S25 N.E. KlUIngswocUi SL Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. Dox 3137 ' Portland, Otogon 97200 (503) 280-0033 (Oltlce) Deadlines lor ell subfniltod matonals: A nides: Monday, 5 p.m .;A ds: Tuesday, 5 p.m. The F O R T L A N O O O 3 L R V IR w ato w n M IrwHanc« »wbrnnttOfit. M anw tcrpla and photograph* »bow kJ t * d ow ty ia*M»l«f and * •« bo rotufnod d «ocxwrpanled by a toft a d d re tM d onvok^vo M created do tog nod display ad a becom e the sole p*oi>er1y of the r.ewepaper and can no! be weed in o«hor p w b lr a lw o a or p artonal usage. wnthoul the written co n ten t ol the general m anager. unto« 9 the client haa purchased the compnaUmn el such ad 1Mt> P O A T IA N O O O S F R v e n A IL R IG H T S R t S E R V t O . R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H OLE O R IN PART W ITH O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H « ,T E D . Subsetipbons: 1 2 0 .0 0 per year In the T»F County area. I The P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R - Oregon 9 o'desl African American Pwbt>c*lron-rS a marrber at The National N ewspaper Ae« octal Jon - Founded In I M S . The Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assooalron. and Tha N a (« n a i Advertising Represent alive Amalgamated Publrshers, Ina.. N aw York The Opticians Association o f Ore­ gon and C olum bia Lions C lub have awarded scholarships to tw o opticianry students at the Cascade Campus o f Port­ land Com m unity College. The O A O tuition scholarship was presented to B ill Siegel, a resident o f rural Southeast Portland and a second year student. Maggie Sterling, a St. Johns resi­ dent and firs t year student, is the w inner o f the Lions club award o f fu ll tuition and books. The scholarships were awarded at a luncheon hosted by the Arts and Sci­ ences D ivision o f Cascade Campus. Milwaukie Firm Donates To PCC Opticianry Program D igita l Vision Inc. o f M ilw au kie has donated a computer and other equip­ ment valued at $4000 to the O pticianry Program o f Portland Com m unity C o l­ lege, w hich is located on the Cascade Campus, 705 N. K illingsw orth St. In addition to a Compaq 8086 Deskpro computer, the corporation has given PCC a Sysdync monochrome m onitor and Summagraphics digitzer. D V I also loaned the program some optical-oricnted software that has been in development fo r about 17 years and is valued at $30,000, said M elvin C. M er- rell, opticianry instructor. Crime To Be Discussed On Sunday Northwest Join host R ick Meyers this week in an interview w ith Fred Pearce, D irector/ Oregon Department o f Corrections, and Bob Skipper, M ultnom ah County Sher­ iff, on Sunday Northwest, Sunday m orn­ ing November 5, at 9:00 a.m. Topics to be discussed include prison overcrowding, expansion o f Inverness Jail, and the proposed 40 m illio n dollar ballot measure for ja il expansion. In addition, new sentencing guidelines (effective Nov. 1), the issue o f preven­ tion versus intervention, and the un­ precedented flo w o f crim inal a ctivity in Oregon w ill be examined. Both Skipper and Pearce believe that Oregon is perceived by the rest o f the nation as being soft on crim inals, and that Oregon should get tougher on crime. Sunday Northwest airs Sunday, November 5, at 9:00 a.m. on K A T U channel 2. Sunday Northwest, produced by Ullysses Tucker Jr., is a public affairs presentation o f K A T U . 2 8 4 -0 2 9 3 C ome S hare W ith U s A t O ur O pen H ouse A t O ur N ew L o cation • N o v . 12 th at 2 :0 0 p . m . -6 : 0 0 p . m . R efreshments & D oor P rizes 3603 N. W illiams A SERVING YOU The finest in salon and beauty care fo r over 26 years in the Portland M etro area We are fu ll service salon: featuring Hair Weeving Designer Cuts Coloring Press and curl Leisure Curls and other relaxers Nail Care and Service (art nails manicure , pedicure, facial) Note: Prefix Changes at PSL As o f October 28 all phone prefixes at Portland State U niversity w ill begin w ith 725- (replacing the 464- prefix.) The rest o f the number w ill remain the same. ve . Owner/ Manager; Alzena DeDeleveaux Cassie Jenkins Hair Stylist / Designers: Geri, Mary, Albert, Janice Manicurist: Pat ybung luoman Introduce. Œjçotic Seasoning by D an Bell Rene Richardson is a young woman on the move. She has recently released for marketing an exotic seasoning that enhances any non-sweet food stuff. Ms. Richardson is an enterprising 25-ycar- old Portland native, who w ith the help o f her mother, has started marketing Rene's Exotic Seasoning. Rene is a Job Corp graduate who during her training there study such diverse subjects as cement finishing, cooking, and business. Her exotic seasoning evolved out o f her experiences as a part owner and fu ll-tim e cook o f W ill, Eve­ lyn & Rene's restaurant, located in N / N.E. Portland. The seasoning was a re­ sult o f a necessary need to conserve time and space. O riginally developed for meat preparation. It took two years o f re­ search and development. Her present recipe now is compatible w ith meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Rene states that her exotic season­ ing is a food enhancer, and enhances the taste o f the food prepared. W ithin the last year, Rene has attended several food service trade shows, such as Seattle’s Cooking and Kitchen Show, Oregon Product Show, and the local National Beef C ook-O ff, Oct. 17, at the P.I.T. Club. Rene promoted her product at an an elegant All-You-C an-Eat B uffet and Fashion Show. The event was w ell at­ tended and from a ll indications her sea­ soning was a h it w ith those in atten­ dance. Rene's Exotic Seasoning is avail­ able at Alameda Foods on 24th and Fremont, Com o Foods on M L K Blvd., and Select M arket on 15th and Brazee. The seasoning is also available by direct m ail by calling (503) 240-5323. Here is a recipe o f Rene’s that m ight enjoy. Seafood Party Spread 1 - 8 oz. pkg. Cream Cheese (room temperature). 1 - Can small shrimp (sizes vary - 4 to 4-1/2 oz.) 1 - 6 oz. can crab 5 tbps. M iracle W hip 2 - Green Onions chopped (optional) 1 - Stalk Celery finely chopped (optional) 1 Tsp Rene's Exotic Seasoning M ix Place all in medium mixing bowl, mix well. Serve with your favorite ^ c ra c k e rs or bagels. PCC Officials To Participate Philip Morrison to Speak on 'The Cosmic Drama' Astrophysicist Philip M orrison is in Portland, Friday, November 17th to present a lecture/slide show at the Port­ land C ivic A uditorium . Dr. Morrison's presentation is titled "The Cosmic Drama in Tw o Acts: Newton and A n ti-N e w ­ ton," and runs from 7:30-9:30 p.m.., including an extended Q & A period. Tickets are available through G.I. Joe's T icket Master outlets and through the Portland Center fo r the Performing Arts Box O ffice, 248-4496. Ticket prices are $ 16.50, $ 18.50 and $20.50, w ith a $2.00 discount for students and seniors. The lecture is part o f a series presented by the Institute fo r Science, Engineering and Public Policy and co-sponsored by Ore­ gon Public Broadcasting, The Waggener Group, the Oregon Advanced Comput­ ing Institute (OACIS), and Portland State U niversity Continuing Education; with special thanks to the Heathman Hotel. Saturday morning, Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Greenwood Inn in Beaverton, M orrison and his w ife Phylis participate in a Policy Forum entitled; "Science and Technology Education: Wisdom and V ision." The Policy Forum is designed fo r a more inform al inter­ change. Tickets are $35.00 (includes a light brunch) and are available through F AS TIXX (224-TIXX) or GI Joe's Ticket Master. A course entitled "Science, Tech­ nology and Society Studies" that paral­ lels the lecture series is available for college credit. For inform ation and reg­ istration call 464-4832, PSU Continuing Education. P hilip M orrison is more than just an extraordinary astrophysicisL Professor at prestigious Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, book reviewer fo r Scien­ tific American and author o f countless books and articles, he is also a gifted teacher. Says Carl Sagan, "The people who attend his lectures never forget them." M orrison is the author and host o f the six part PBS series "The Ring o f Truth." M orrison made some o f his most significant scientific contributions ex­ amining two fascinating and fundamen­ tal questions about cosmic rays: Where do they come from and how arc they made? He and colleague Giuseppe Coc- coni published a paper that grew into the fie ld o f study known as the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). In Conference Program Monica L ittle , member o f the Port­ land Community College board o f d i­ rectors, and Dr. E. Paul W illiam s, ex­ ecutive dean o f the PCC Sylvania Cam­ pus, w ill take part in the program o f the Western Region Council on Black American A ffairs conference Novem ­ ber 2-4 in Oakland, Cal. Dr. W illiam s w ill be moderator and Ms. L ittle w ill be a panelist in a w ork­ shop tentatively titled "Governing Boards: A Key to African-Am erican Success in Community Colleges." He was associated from the start w ith the innovative Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC) and became co-author o f its novel secondary-school text. In recent years, his w ife Phylis, a teacher o f science and arL has been his collaborator on many o f his projects. In 1980, w ith four Boston area colleagues, they published The Price o f Defense: A New Strategy for M ilitary Spending. Their book o f images. Powers o f Ten, was published in 1982. OREGON LOTTERY OFFICIAL PROGRAM Event dates: November 5-6, 1989 Sports Action entry forms arc available at local outlets. Pacific Time Selection Sun 11/5 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10.00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1.00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm F A V O R ITE UNDERDOG Underdog Point Spread* 1 HOUSTON 3 MIAMI 2 Detroit +11 4 Indianapolis 5 NEW ENGLAND 6 New York +4 +8 7 KANSAS CITY 9 11 13 15 MINNESOTA Cleveland Chicago Buffalo 8 Seattle +2 1:00 pm 17 Philadelphia 19 New Jersey 21 Cincinnati 23 DENVER 10 Anaheim 12 TAMPA 14 GREEN BAY 16 ATLANTA 18 SAN DIEGO 20 PHOENIX 22 LOS ANGELES 24 Piltsburgh 5:00 pm 25 WASHINGTON 26 Dallas +15 27 SAN FRANCISCO 28 New Orleans +7 +5 4-4 +3 +4 +5 +5 +3 +8 Mon 11/6 6:00 pm Home teams arc in C A P IT A L LE TTER S • I f tlic team you select heats or tics the other team's score after adding the “ Point Spread” to the underdog’s score, your selection is a winner. Oregon Lottery Sports Action is not associated with, authorized by or s|x>nsored by tlic National Football League. Get current Sports Action information by calling The Metro One lle llo Pages'“ at: l-K(X)-336-M ETRO. PORTLWtfesERVER