• * « • * ■» r '•■W> Page 12 • Portland Observer • Novem ber 2, 1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Ratos. 5 Lines - 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00«« $2.50 Per Un) PORTLAND OBSERVER ïh» Eyas and Ears of tn« Community 288-0033 D O N N IE JA M E S Dwdltrw: 5.00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) M c M u r p h y 's Men & Women;s Fashion “ I f you dare io be fashionable” B E A U T Y /B A R B E R _________ SU PPL IE S_________ ja ’bell's Buying Appliances Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Working Or Not 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 288-3233 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 James Williams Open: Hon. thru Set. FLORAL - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery Eartha’s Floral Connection 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats RENT 517-1/2 N.E. Klllingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3675 WASHERS & DRYERS • He D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 PR IN T IN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 9 t.m . - 6 p.m. L '35 P?r Month For The Set rental r washer C ° ' Coupon Good For * : ’is • off d e iiv f r y * • IN S T A L L A H O N fee JO : . • O r llir ,, 4 I n , t o l l o , Ion Pci.nd Vancouver 231-7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NURSING LPN/INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE LPN/Instructional Aide needed to fol­ low nursing orders in providing care for students whose conditions are stable or predictable under minimal supervision o f RN. Assist with aca­ demic instructions, ability to redi­ rect a child to task & work as a team with instructional personnel. Mini­ mum q u alificatio n s: current O re­ gon LP license & First Aide CPR Cert., 2 or more years experience in clinical, home health or school/agency setting caring for children or adoles­ cents who have high tech or acute care needs. A pplication will be ac- til Nov. 3rd. PERSONNEL OFFICER 3 (Personnel Analyst) $2,768-53338 A Challenging O pportunity with the Oregon Departm ent of Transporta­ tion in Salem, Oregon. You qualify if you have equivalent to 5 years of progressively responsible experience in personnel work, or in supervisory or administrative positions provid­ ing knowledge and understanding of personnel management; and a Bache­ lor’s degree, preferably with person­ nel or human relations courses. You must have good communication skills and work well in a team environ­ ment. TO APPLY: Submit State of Oregon application form (PD 100), resume and clover letter to Sherri Frank, Dept. o f Transportation, 120 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310. Applications are available by calling (503) 378-6557, or at a State Em ploym ent Division office, or the State Executive Department. Applications m ust be received by 5:00 p.m., November 17, 1989. An Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This posi­ tion is responsible for accurate and timely payment o f blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon's medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: ‘ * 1 year recent clerical work experi­ ence in a doctor's office or hospital J setting. * Demonstrated know ledge o f medical • terminology and anatom y. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience, i* ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding. ;* A minimum o f 6-12 months experi­ ence using a C R T in a production J oriented environm ent * Fast, accurate use o f a 10-kay calcu- ; lator. Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flext-tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Logos go here!!!! Equal Opportunity Employer RADIO Full-Time O n-A ir position. Minimum of 5 years experience. Inquiries to Personnel, P.O. Box 14957, Port­ land, OR 97214. An Equal Opportunity Employer PERSONAL AND RISK MANAGER C-TRAN is seeking a highly skilled and experienced individual to handle technical Personnel and Risk func­ tions to include: W orkers Comp.; Unemployment Comp.; Affirmative Action/EEOC; Recuiting and test­ ing; Drug testing; Employee A ssis­ tance Program; PERC claimks; Public Liability claim s, and a variety of other A dministrative and M anage­ ment duties. Qualified individuals will be highly detail oriented and have exceptional w rit­ ing and organizational skills. A BA degree in Business Administration with an em phasis in Personnel or equivalent education and work ex­ perience are required. Incombent will enjoy excellent working conditions, 17 days vacation, fully paid medical and dental plans. Start­ ing salary range is $2,459 to $2,576. Q ualfied applicants should send resume to C-TRAN, P.O. Box 2529, Vancouver, WA 98668-2529. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H W ASTEW ATER SEWAGE PLANT OPERATOR 2 Unified Sew erage Agency $11.65-$14.15/Hourly ’ Performs skilled work leading & partici­ pating in the operation & m ainte­ nance of sewage treatment plant & related equipm ent Req. increasingly responsible exp. at the level of Sewage Plant Operator I; possession of a Class II or better certificate from Oregons W astewater System O pera­ tor's Voluntary Certification Program is preferred; and graduation from a senior high school. Agency applica­ tion forms req. Apply by November 10, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR 97124. An Equal Opportunity Employ er- TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC., an Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer, currently has an opening for the following position: SYSTEM FIELD ENGINEER Full-Time Qualifications: Some artisitic ability with good printing & handwriting. Knowl­ edge o f cable TV symbols, valid ODL with good record, 1 year cable TV experience. Prefer experience in designing 450M H z cable TV plant, know ledge of cable construction and materials, multiple unit design knowl­ edge. Training provided. Applications accepted unil 11/10/89. Interested parties may submit applications/resumes by mail to: TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. 3500 S.W. Bond Portland, Oregon 97201 A lten.:J. Warhurst An Equal Opportunity Employer VOLUNTEERS O F AMERICA PROGRAM DIRECTOR SOCIAL SERVICES FOR MENTAL HEALTH Program Director for m ultiple sight resi­ dential treatment programs, Master's in Social Work or related field. Plus three years exp. working with em o­ tionally distrubed adolescents pre­ ferred. Requires exp. in program developm ent, supervision, and budgeting. $24,000- S28,000k. Send resume by Novem­ ber 10, 1989 to: K. Jones 537 S.E. Alder Portland. OR 97214 An Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTING ENGINEERING/DRAFTING TECHNICIAN 2 Unified Sewerage Agency $10.83-$13.16/H ourly Perform s a variety of technical tasks associated with the design & con­ struction o f sanitary sewers; design & drafting o f sewer system plans; mapping; inspection o f sew er con­ struction; provides custom er serv­ ice; assists on construction surveys. Reg. increasingly responsible exp. in engineering, drafting, graphics, survey and inspection, and posses­ sion o f an associate degree in civil engineering; or equivalent com bi­ nation o f exp. & training. Agency application forms req. Apply by November 10, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR 97124. An Equal Opportunity Employer DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Portland State University is seeking a Development Officer to assist the Director o f Development in fund raising activities in cooperation with the PSU Foundation. The Develop­ ment O fficer will have primary re­ sponsibility for one or more com po­ nents o f the overall fund raising campaign; will be personally involved in fund solicitation; and will recruit and manage volunteers. Applicants must have a bachelor's de­ gree, three years experience in de­ velopment, and proven oral and written communication skills. Knowl­ edge of development software and data base management is preferred. Salary range: $28,000 - $35,000. Letters o f application, with resume and three professional references, must be mailed by November 17, 1989, to: Developm ent Officer Screening Committee c/o Clarence Hein, Director of Com m unications Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 Portland Slate University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Qualified minorities, women and members o f other protected groups are encouraged to apply. COMPUTER/ ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (Research Assistant) To assist in the collection and process­ ing o f ocean turbulence data. Spe­ cific duties will be varied and will include: 1) com puter hardware sys­ tem configuration and m aintenance for PC-based data acquisition and analysis system; 2) system software management; 3) data processing including software development; 4) calibration and maintenance o f sea­ going instrumentation; 5) 1-2 months per year at sea assisting in ocean experiments; 6) analog and digital electronics design. B.S. required (physics, engineering). Experience in working at sea desirable, w illing­ ness required. Self-starter, innova­ tive, mechanically adept, organized and should have experience with com puter software and hardware, analog and digital electronics. Sal­ ary $22,000 - $30,(XX), depending on qualifications. Resume with names, addresses and telephone numbers of three academic or em ploym ent ref­ erences must be received by 15 November, 1989 by: Dr. J. Mourn, College o f Oceanography, Oregon State University, Oc. Admin. Bldg. 104, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503. Oregon State University is an AA/ EO em ployer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual- career couples. An Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH ALCAN CABLE C-III DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES PLANT ACCOUNTANT NUCLEAR SAFETY AND : ROSEBURG ENERGY FACILITY • Beginning salary $ l,2 3 2 -$ 1 3 0 0 J We have built a reputation as an industry DIVISION month plus excellent benefits. leader in the manufacture and sale of | Unique opportunity in Salem, Oregon, CODA Inc seeks qualified applicants for electric w ire and cable products for to manage a sm all, innovative, prd- a counselor position in drug treat­ utility, com m ercial, industrial and fessional team involved in review dl ment services. residential application. energy related facilities with spe­ Responsibilities include: Diagonois, We are now seeking an accounting pro cific em phasis on nuclear fuel cycle. evaluation and treatment ot a caseload fessional to supervise and direct plant Responsibilities impact public health, o f clients; conduct o f individual, level cost and asset accounting, safety, welfare and environmental group, youth and family counseling; payroll, monthly closings and rec quality for all state citizens. $40,440- maintaining client records; coordi­ onciliation o f accounts, physical $51,576 annually, fully-paid retire­ nating client services; participating inventories, the budgeting process ment program, generous leave and in promotion and marketing activi­ and collection, analysis and inter­ benefits package. For application ties. pretation of data necessary for effec m aterials, contact Personnel M an­ Some evening work is required. D e­ tive plant managem ent. This posi ager, Oregon Departm ent o f Energy, tailed position announcem ent and tion reports to the Plant M anager. 925 M arion Street Ne, Salem, OR CODA application forms with screen­ We require that you have an under­ 97310. Telephone 1-378-8442 or to lt ing questions available at CODA, graduate degree in Accounting, to free within Oregon, 1-800-221-8O35L Inc., 210 N.E. 20th Ave., Portland, gether with five to seven years of Recruitm ent closes N ovem ber 3 $ OR 97232. 239-8400. experience in a com bination o f Cost 1989. M inorities, women and dis­ CODA is an equal opportunity employer and af­ and general Accounting as applied firmative action employer abled persons are encouraged to apply. in a m anufacturing environment. An Equal Opportunity Employer We offer very com petitive working VEHICLE SERVICE conditions that include an extensive PROGRAM benefit program. WORKER COORDINATOR 2 If you are looking for a good challenge SVVING/GRAVEYARD SITE RESPONSE and want to join a progressive team, C-TRAN is seeking a highly skilled we would like to know you. PROGRAM COORDINATOR individual to perform regular lubri­ Please send your resume and salary his­ $2,179 - $2,763/M onthly cation and preventative maintenance tory no later than 11/11/89 to Ms. The Oregon Department of Environmental o f transit buses and support vehicles. Susan Buell, c/o Umpqua Training Q uality is seeking a highly m oti­ Assures proper condition o f all ve­ and Em ploym ent, P.O. Box 279, hicle tires, pick-up and/or receive vated, enthusiastic individual to serve Umpqua, Oregon as the program coordinator for the parts and check packing slips, carry An Equal Opportunity Employer out vehicle inspection and preventa­ ~~developm ent o f policies and proce­ dures as they relate to the Site Re­ tive checks and adjustm ents. Issue ADMINISTRATIVE sponse Section, for planning and parts, supplies, tools, oil, fuel and investigation o f hazardous substance other inventory supplies. Position ASSISTANT MANAGER sites and the design, construction requires certification, and/or exten­ Com m unity Initiatives Section and operation o f cleanup actions of sive experience. Pay range is $6.82/ (Principal Admin. Analyst) such sites. Hourly to S I0.07. Apply at Em ploy­ $2,906 Monthly to Start ment Security Department, 603 W. This position is with the Partnership The successful candidate will dem on­ strate skill in interpreting and ana­ Evergreen Blvd., V ancouver, WA. Division o f the Oregon Economic lyzing information from many sources An Equal Opportunity Employer D evelopm ent Department. Program to organize and im plem ent projects, M /F /ll staff work with com m unities experi­ skill in writing and negotiating agree­ encing econom ic hardship due to ments, skill in interpreting or apply­ plant closures, particularly in the ATTENTION!!! ing state or federal environmental wood products industry. EARN M ONEY laws and skill in making written or Requires five years experience and a READING BOOKS! verbal reports. Bachelor's degree or three more years $32,000/Y early income potential. If you are interested in being considered experience. For further description Details; 1-602-838-8885, Ext. 12859 I for this challenging position, please of duties and requirem ents, applica call 229-5382 by Friday, November tion, and exam ination questions, 3 ,1 9 8 9 to request an announcement contact ARE YOU 55+ and application. "C J ." Sohrweld * Looking for work? An Equal Opportunity Employer Econom ic Developm ent Dept * Limited income last 6 595 Cottage St. NE (nonths? ENVIRONMENTAL Salem, OR 97310 * Live in M ultnomah, SPECIALIST 2 (503) 378-2285 W ashington or Clackam as An Equal Opportunity Employer ASBESTOS CONTROL County? WE CAN HELP YOU TO: * * * * * ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR Develop a job search plan Identify your m arketable skills Plan a career change Learn new skills Build your confidence I The Oregon Cutting Systems, (formerly Omark Industries) is the world's larg­ est m anufacturer o f saw chain, bars, and accessories. W e have an im m e­ diate opening for an Assistant Super­ visor to assist our off-shift produc­ tion. This person will be responsible for production quality, delivery, and maintenance. To qualify, you should have a business education and five years m anufac­ turing experience. If you arc interested in this position, please send your resume to Carl Nelson, P.O. Box 222127, Milwaukie, OR 97222. An Equal Opportunity Employer WE OFFER: * * * * Support and guidance Paid training opportunities Referrals to jobs Paid part-tim e work - to learn new skills or sharpen existing skills. CALL 241-4600 THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL An Equal Opportunity! Affirmative Action Program ENGINEER INSTRUCTOR LANE COM M UNITY COLLEGE GEOGRAPHY INSTRUCTOR Application and job description are available at Personnel Services, Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30lh Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405. (503) 726-2211, LCC applications must be postmarked no later than N ovem ­ ber 27, 1989. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution Full Time academic year assignm ent start Dec. 1989 salary com petitive based on education and experience. Requires M aster o f Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. D ead­ line to apply Nov. 17, 1989. Submit Chcmekcta application, resume, transcripts, and three letters o f refer­ ence to: Chemeketa Community College Personnel and Affirmative Action P.O. Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309 (503) 399-5009 An Equal Opportunity Employer t » • * • • ADM INISTRATOR * 3 kt « # ' t ♦ > * « VW ANALYST $1,981 - $2,514/M onthly The Oregon Department of Environmental Q uality is seeking an individual foi our asbestos control program. This individual would be responsible foi implem enting the agency’s regula­ tions concerning asbestos abatemeni during renovation and demolition activities. The successful applicant will have a know ledge o f field Iin- spection and enforcement procedures, knowledge o f asbestos abatement regulations and procedures, and the ability to orally com m unicate pro­ gram policy and regulations. If you arc interested in working in the asbestos program at DEQ, please call 229-5382 by W ednesday, No­ vem ber 3, 1989 to ask for an an­ nouncem ent and application. An Equal Opportunity Employer CARS FOR SALE ATTENTION: GOVERNM ENT SEIZED VEHICLES From $100. Fords, M ercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885, Ext. A 12859. Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer!