t ■ • r * « « •' » «• 4 « « X ... I November 2, 1989 • Portland Observer Page 11 4 WELL HOUSE &1 F bWRP «T feSflME f SW R VfoME N * ’ > the B worker . Sgi EQUflL Pfl ^ÄFOR EQupj^ ^/Q ™ IL-— Z/; ■ T ■A ’ • T-T-'.i S '-Í ’ - es- ‘V? . - ;-y? & ■ry.. "C c ♦ tt, ■ • .. » « » V V « «> »-.U . ' ’> I ORANGEBURG, S.C .-John L. Moorhead, right, Vice President, Marketing Services, Pepsi-Cola Company discusses areers for minorities in modern American business corporations recently with business students at South Carolina State t ollege. Telling students that at Pepsi-Colaa "we don't know of anything that's perfect, or anything that couldn't be done better," Moorhead said that African Americans, "along with other minorities, are beginning to claim their fair share y»f the American dream." Moorhead spoke recently for the college's Visiting Executive Program. Does waiting for a call to come in keep you from going out? Dropping out of high school really limited my chi ? V 3 EC forwarding vour important calls helps keep your life from he mg put on standby That’s why vou should consider a U S WEST' TeleChoice package that includes call Torn aiding (.'all Foi warding is just one ol the feleChoice sei vices and features vou can choose lor your package In fact, TeleChoice otters la different options you can combine to meet vour spec ilic needs fo r instance, vour TeleChoice package might also include Three Way calling, unlimited local calling an additional listing and additional directorv assistance It s vour call Whatever package vou choose you'll save money over the costs ol the individual features. The point is that by combining several options in a TeleChoice package, you'll make your life a little easier lust call vour local U S WEST Communications office, lollin' \es. you ean change your life. And The Prix ate Industry Couneil ean help! 1-800-242-5000 "I w a n te d to ¡>et a h e a d in life, hnt I d id n 't k n o w w h ere to start. It's a lm o st im p o ssib le to net a good job w ith o u t a hii*li sehool d ip lo m a , so I w a s in rontih shape. The P rivate Indjistry C o n n e d helped m e w h en I thoiii>ht no one else eonld. They helped m e i¿et m y ( ¡ED a n d a jo b . Imt m ost o f all tin y helped m e h m l m y se lf respeet. Don't w a it u n til it's too late. C all The P rivate Industry’ C a n n ed today'.” Get a TeleChoice package with Call Forwarding. iiw /i/E s r COMMUNICATIONS (§) ii M.ihing the most of your time rhe I’ ri vate Industry Council CALL 241-4600 520 Southwest Sixth Avenue • Suite 400 • Portland, OR 97204 • ■ i ' ■ • ’ .e -