Page 10 • Portland Observer • Minority Business Enterprises • November 2, 19X9 Dislocated Workers Project Announces a Free Seminar Entitled: Entrepreneurial Insight" ¡-¡Fad Sheet 2 HHH Office of Minority, Women a n d Emerging Small Business WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETW EEN A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS AND AN EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS?? T h e c n te n a for an E m erging Sm all B usiness m e e ts th e follow ing L egislative re q u ire m e n ts: T h e b u sin e ss m u st be b ased in O regon; T h e b u sin ess m u st h av e gross receip ts av erag in g less th a n $2,000,000 for c o n stru c tio n firm s a n d $ 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 for n o n c o n stru c tio n firm s; T h e b u sin e ss m u st h av e less th a n 20 em ployees; T h e b u sin e ss m u st be an in d e p e n d e n t B usiness; T h e b u sin ess m u st be p ro p erly licen sed a n d registered in th e state. T h e 1989 legislative b o d y e n a c te d ch an g es in th e law w hich allow p u blic agencies to re q u ire b id d e rs to su b c o n tra c t w ork to ESBs lo cated in eco n o m ically d ep ressed a re a s o f the state. T h e geographic b o u n d a rie s are c u rre n tly being d e te rm in e d . A Disadvantaged Business is one that meets the criteria set by the U.S. D epartment o f Transporta­ tion. A Disadvantaged business is one that is at least 51% owned by one or more ethnic minorities or women. The requirem ents are: The disadvantaged person m ust have the pow er to make the day to day and m anagem ent decisions for the firm: The disadvantaged person m ust have made a real and substantial contribution o f capital or expertise for their interest in the firm; Non-disadvantaged owners must not have responsi­ bilities fp; the operation of the firm which are disproportionate to their ow nership o f the firm. Agencies which receive federal funds such as the Oregon Department o f Transportation, Lane Transit District, Tri-M et and Port o f Portland all have goals for using disadvantaged businesses in their contract­ ing. A business may qualify both as a disadvantaged business and as an em erging small business or it may qualify for onloy one o f the programs. Lena Garcia-Seabold O M W E SB staff sta n d read y to h elp you cut th ro u g h red tap e a t th e federal, state, a n d local levels. I f you are h av in g a p ro b le m w ith p a y m e n t o n a c o n tra c t, a ruling, getting y o u r b u sin e ss sta rte d , k n o w in g w here to get m a n a g e m e n t assistan ce, W E C A N H E L P. W e are on y o u r side a n d we w a n t to m a k e it e a sie r for y o u r b u sin e ss to o p e ra te in th e S tate o f O regon. W e c a n n o t o v erlo o k existing rules a n d re g u la tio n s b u t we will h elp h o w e v e r we can. W e w o rk w ith high level staff in v a rio u s agencies. W e k n o w w ho to call to help w ith specific pro b lem s. W e h a v e th e right c o n ta c ts in o th e r g o v e rn m e n t offices. W e follow th ro u g h so you get d ecisions, n o t the ru n a ro u n d . W e keep y ou in fo rm e d th ro u g h o u r n e w sle tte r o f ite m s o f interest. W e h a v e a fully bilingual staff. A " \QPENMIKE] October 14 & 28 C ravvila tidy’s BBQ Riba A ducken Gumbo CREOLE COOKIN' Cajun ducken Shrimp Creola Red Benna 1 A 3 Í N E Broadway Portland 9 7 2 3 2 Hot Linka W E S - THUR U :30am - R.Otym Much M orel! FR I A S A T I I J(bm - 9 00f 89 Special tree: If you've been laid off and are th ink­ ing about or ready to start or have just started a business, the Dislocated W ork­ ers Project and the Portland Community College Small Business Developm ent Center announce a free seminar entitled "Entrepreneurial Insight.” G ale Morris, entrepreneur and former Tektronix tech­ nical manager, will discuss setting real­ istic em otional and technical expecta­ tions o f starting a business. Information will be provided on no cost federal, state, and local resources that offer support for the self-employed. The Small Business D evelopm ent C en­ ter will provide an overview o f its six- month Small Business M anagement instructional and counseling program which may be available at no charge to eligible dislocated workers. The "Entrepreneurial Insight" semi­ nar will be held on Thursday, November 2, between 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon at the Portland M etropolitan Cham ber of Com m erce, 221 NW 2nd Avenue in the Cham ber Board Room. RSVP to D islo­ cated W orkers Project at 252-0758. For more inform ation, contact W ayne W er- bel, at 252-0758. W e in v ite y o u r in q u irie s. W e are c o m m itte d to y o u r success as a sm all b usiness. P lease c o n ta c t us by p h o n e, m ail o r in p e rso n at: STATE OF OREGON OFFICE OF MINORITY, WOMEN AND EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS Executive Department 155 Cottage Street NE Salem, Oregon 97310 503-378-5651 Beat Riba in Portland S t A Best Soul Fcod Allstate Insurance Company z Agent Name Agent Address Agent Phone .— ................................... \ N ational A lliance O f B lack S chool E ducators THE REICH STR EET REVE10PMEHT, H0R7HEAS7 PORTLAND NABSE 17TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE PORTLAND, OREGON THIS SKETCH BECAME A REALITY... THEME: AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND LIFE NOVEMBER 15-19, 1989 ...TH A N K S TO MINORITY BUSINESS PARTICIPATIO N AT HAP. HìflìPÌ * C o n ta ct: N ational A lliance O f B lack S chool E ducators 2816 G eorgia A venue , N.W. W ashington , D.C. 20001 Housing Authority of Portland 8 9 1 0 N. W OOLSEY AVENUE PO R TLAN D , OREGON 9 7 2 16 2 8 3 -1 6 9 3 (202) 483-1549 t « ' 'y - d *«4. r '-Û’ • • • "'*/ c. • *»