Page 3 Portland Observer OCTOBER 26,1989 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: RELIGION s o u t r r e of the • W eek {■ I John: Chapter 2 "■i ’ .FI r*. L • . < f.r * . i Third Annual Bar-Be-Que In Memory O f . . . . I mas community college. Ray enjoyed life to the fullest, and often liked to joke with his friends and family. Ray was a very sensitive and loving person. He loved his family very much. by Rev. Michael Lindsey. Dean o f North Portland Bible College Antichrist! The term has become a 'buzz' word in Christian circles for an evil, menacing force which may appear any moment, to fulfill the signs and prophecies of the book of Revelation. But, the word antichrist only occurs in the Scripture in I John. That apostle writes "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even how many antichrists have come." (I John 2:18, N.I.V.) It was common knowledge, then, that one particular person would appear as antichrist, but he had not yet been revealed. That person was probably the one referred to by Daniel (11:36-39), and is surely described by the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Our Lord warned his disciples "At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and m iracles..." < - (Matthew 24:23 24). The word antichrist does not mean 'someone who opposes Jesus Christ'. Though that is certainly true, as far as it goes. The anti- prefix originally meant 'to take the place o f, 'to supplant'; so, an antichrist is someone who wants to take Christ's place in honor and glory. And down through the pages of church his­ ;<• tory, many false Christs (messiahs) have 4 '■ been identified, including early Roman ‘ I- emperors Nero and Diocletian, some heretics, and political leaders like Ad­ olph Hitler or Idi Amin. Martin Luther even declared one of the popes to be the antichrist! But, the antichrist spoken of by the Apostle John is still to come. y Our Sunday school lesson (next Sunday in the uniform series) describes t-rt the antichrist as a "man of sin" (KJV) or "man o f lawlessness" (NIV). Paul wrote n in II THESSALONIANS 2:1-15 to calm :- d the fears of the Christians there, that the tf? V*ri ‘ • -. - ‘ 4 \ .. X Mercy Corps Presents JOHN M ICH A EL TALBOT will be presented in concert on Oct. 29th at 7:30 p.m. The concert is being given for the Burnside Project and is being spon­ sored by the Mercy Corps of Portland. The concert will be held in the beautifully spacious facilities of the Chiles Center on the University of Portland- Campus, located on 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Donations for this function will be accepted at the door. The doors will be opened at 6:30 p.m. Come early to get a good seat. For more information, call the Conference Office (503) 283-7523. J U R IS D IC T IO N #1 H E A D Q U A R T E R ’S C H U R C H G R E A T E R S O L ID R O C K C .O .G .I.C . 1705 N .E . D E K U M • P O R T L A N D , O R 97211 Phone: (503) 283-1524 NAME OF THE NEWS MEDIA YOU RELEASED THIS TO: The Albina Church of God 5522 N.Albina/283-1635 St. Andrew Catholic Church to Present 16th Annual Auction, Oct. 28th lis te d below: Ue.moA.ia.1 C o m m u n ity Ccnfea. PcaecCoA "Together We Grow" is the theme for the church growth conference to be hosted by Western Baptist College Oc­ tober 30 through November 1, 1989. The conference is planned for pas­ tors, assistants, ministry leaders and their spouses. It will equip church leaders with Biblical church growth and church planting principles andskills. Cost for the three-day conference is $50 per person and $20 for spouses, alumni of pervious growth conferences or students. Registration begins Mon­ day, Oct. 30, at 6:00 p.m. (The confer­ ence will conclude at 12:30 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 1.) For more information or registra­ tion forms write to: Office of College Relations, Western Baptist College, 5000 Deer Park Drive S .E., Salem, OR 97301, or call: (503) 581-8600, extension 100.S PARTICIPATING CHOIRS; Name o f Contact Person fo r Sponsoring O rg anization _______ E v e fy n M, Western Baptist to Host Church Growth Conference -K í-'/.v'í« ír'V .-í ít-L'M r¿>'£2] SV.-íi w