Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 26, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Page 3 Portland Observer OCTOBER 26,1989
SCRIPTURE OF S critture ur the W kek
I John: Chapter 2
IXCLI tjl Ul I I
Third Annual
In Memory O f . . . .
mas community college. Ray enjoyed
life to the fullest, and often liked to joke
with his friends and family. Ray was a
very sensitive and loving person. He
loved his family very much.
by Rev. M ichael Lindsey,
Dean o f N orth Portland Bible College
Antichrist! The term has becom e a
'buzz' word in Christian circles for an
evil, menacing force which may appear
any moment, to fulfill the signs and
prophecies o f the book o f Revelation.
But, the word antichrist only occurs in
the Scripture in I John. That apostle
writes "Dear children, this is the last
hour; and as you have heard that the
antichrist is com ing, even how many
antichrists have come." (I John 2:18,
N.I.V.) It was com m on know ledge, then,
that one particular person would appear
as antichrist, but he had not yet been
revealed. T hat person was probably the
one referred to by Daniel (11:36-39),
and is surely described by the Lord Jesus
and the Apostle Paul. O ur Lord warned
his disciples "At that time if anyone says
to you. L o o k , here is the Christ!' or
'There he is!' do not believe it. F or false
C hrists and false prophets will appear
and perform great signs and m iracles..."
(M atthew 24:23-24).
The word antichrist does not mean
'someone w ho opposes Jesus Christ'.
Though that is certainly true, as far as it
goes. The anti- prefix originally meant
'to take the place o f , 'to supplant'; so, an
antichrist is som eone who wants to take
Christ's place in honor and glory. And
down through the pages o f church his­
tory, many false Christs (m essiahs) have
been identified, including early Roman
em perors Nero and D iocletian, some
heretics, and political leaders like A d­
olph H itler or Idi Amin. M artin Luther
even declared one of the popes to be the
antichrist! But, the antichrist spoken o f
by the Apostle John is still to come.
O ur Sunday school lesson (next
Sunday in the uniform series) describes
the antichrist as a "man o f sin" (KJV) or
"man o f lawlessness" (NIV). Paul wrote
in II THESSALONIANS 2:1 -15 to calm
the fears of the Christians there, that the
end times ("the day o f the L ord", verse 2)
had already fallen on them, and that God
would not deliver them. You see, Paul
had already told them to look forward to
C hrist's relum --to "be alert and self-
controlled" (I Thcss. 5:6)—because, "the
day o f the Lord will com e like a thief in
the night" (verse 2). Now they were
getting confused by false teachers, who
w ere claim ing that Paul was saying the
day o f the Lord had already come (II
Thess. 2:1-2), and somehow they'd missed
the raputre!
Paul w anted his friends in Thessa-
lonica to have a clear understanding
about the future. If we read carefully, we
also can have a clear understanding of
G od's plans in the last days. This pas­
sage, in a m odem translation, I recom ­
m end to be necessary reading, along
with the King James Version.
First, a great "falling away" will
occur (better translated "rebellion" or
"apostasy", verse 3). Since there have
alw ays been som e who have turned away
after once confessing Christ, we k n o w
this future apostasy must be very great,
and probably sudden. I believe that this
apostasy will follow the rapture o f the
true believers, described in 1 T H ESSA ­
LONIANS 4:13-17. Second, the anti­
christ, a real "son o f perdition", doomed
to destruction, will enjoy a time of promi­
nence, claim ing the pow er and glory
which belong to God alone (II Thess.
2:4). Finally, he will be destroyed with
ju st a word from the mouth o f the Lord
Jesus (verse 8).
Let's not m ake the mistake o f read­
ing bible prophecies only for curiosity or
pride of knowledge. The antichrist has
not yet com e, but there are many anti­
christs, todya-deceiving and leading
many good religious folk astray. If you
hear a person claiming to be a new
" in c a rn a tio n " o f the Christ, you can be
sure he is not from God. Don't get tangled
in his e r r o r - it will only bring your own
destruction. Instead, hold on to Jesus
and his W O R D .
Formerly Located at 106 N. Killingworth
We welcome you to our new location at
3606 N. Williams avenue
The finest in salon and beauty care for over 26 years in the
Portland M etro area
W e are full service salon: featuring
Hair Weeving
Designer Cuts
Press and curl
Leisure Curls and other relaxers
Nail Care and Service
(art nails manicure , pedicure, facial)
Owner/ Manager; Alzena DeDeleveaux
Cassie Jenkins
Hair Stylist / Designers: Geri, Mary, Albert, Janice
Manicurist: Pat
Raymond also loved the game of
basketball ande played the game very
well. His dream was to become a profes­
sional basketball player. His basketball
skills began at an early age at Columbia
boy's club where he starred in many
tournaments. This was the beginning of
many awards and trophies throughout
his career.
Raymond is survived by his mother,
Vicki Bell; father, John Bell; father,
Raymond Snell; brothers, Randy and
Greg; sister, Karen Bell. His grandpar­
ents, W aller and Pearline Adams, Louis
and Liza Bell. Aunts, Christine, Mary,
Seliva, Charlene and Nobi. Uncles, Walter
Jr., Alton, Thurm an, Tommy. And a
host of cousins and friends.
R a ym o n d Bell
Nov. 1,1968-Oct. 20,1989
Raymond "Ray" Bell was bom
November 1,1968 in Portland, Oregon.
He departed this life O ctober 20, 1989.
Ray attended Peninsula grade school,
Jesuit high school his freshman year and
then transferred to Reynolds high school
where he graduated. He attended
Chem ekata com m unity college for one
year and w ascurrently attendingClacka-
On Saturday, the 4th day o f N ovem ­
ber, the Mt. Zion Baptist Church located
on the com er o f Northeast 9th and Fre­
mont, is having its 3rd Annual Bar-Be-
Q ue from 10 a.m . until 6 p.m.
Last year and the year before was a
total success. Com e help make this year’s
feast "A T O T A L S E L L O U T ".
The price: $5 per plate. Each plate
comes heaping with either chicken or
ribs, vegetables, salad, bread/com bread,
and cake/pie. Com bination plates will
be just a little extra.
Come! Bring your friends. You can
come for lunch or dinner. O r, you can
come for lunch and dinner. In either
case, come and have a good lime feast­
For more information, call (503)
"Soul W inning And Rekindling
'Burnout' Hearts"
The Puget Sound Conference Branch
The family acknowledges with WMS will sponsor a Revival on October
grateful appreciation your loving con­ 29, 1989 at 6:00 p.m. at the First AME
cern, encouragem ent, support, help and Church, Seattle, W ashington and on the
31st through November 1, 1989 at the
O ur hearts are filled with gratitude Bethel AME Church located on the cor­
for your many deeds of kindness during ner of Northeast 8th and sim pson, in
our time o f sorrow.
Portland. Revival service isscheduled to
begin at 7:00 p.m. The Rev. Ronald
‘T i e P r a y e r
Williams, pastor of the Ward AME Church
in Kansas City, will be the guest speaker
Spirit ot God, Invisible but ever near, our souls aspire to Thee In adoring worship.
Thou art the Ute of our life. We truat Thee-who art fully made known In Jesus Christ.
at both the Seattle and the Portland sites.
In sorrow we confess our unworthiness And we plead for Thy fatherly forglvenesa.
Please plan to attend. Bring your
It Is good-and we rejoice—to live in Thy visible world. Its beauty enthralls us. Its maj­
and your children. Revival is a
esty awes us. Its wonder speaks to us ot Thee. It is better-and we rejoice the more-
time that needs to be shared.
-to live In the world of spirit, the world which Thou dost fill with Thine eternal pres­
ence; Father, of Thy presence over us, round about us, in us. We pray, in love, for our
Rev. Milton Green, pastor
fellow men. We are sure of Thy love tor them. Thy love surpasseth all our understand­
(503) 288-5429
ing. We pray for the suffering, that they may find their pain assuaged by thoughts of
Thee; for the needy, that their helplessness and hunger may move to wise and joyful
for those who are enslaved and dwarfed and tortured by their own sins, that they may
find freedom and enlargement and peace in Thee. Give us perfect hearts to do Thy will
in the earth, O God. And then do Thou Thy will with us forever. Amen.
- C .M . B is h o p
C en ters
T h is fs to be used by c e n te rs o r sponsors who
want Oregon
D epartm ent o f E d u catio n to assume r e s p o n s ib ili t y f o r th e p u b lic r e le a s e .
G a a c e C o t Z in a Memo a c a f C C a. (C e n te r Name o r Sponsor) announces the
sp on sorsh ip o f th e C h ild C are Food Program .
The same meals a re a v a ila b le to
a l l e n r o lle d c h ild r e n a t no s e p a ra te charge re g a rd le s s o f r a c e , c o lo r , sex.
a g e . h a n d ic a p , o r n a tio n a l o r ig in and th e r e Is no d is c r im in a t io n In admissions
p o lic y ,
s e r v ic e ,
th e
fa c ilitie s .
Any co m p lain ts
d is c r im in a t io n should be su b m itte d In w r it in g w it h in 180 days o f th e In c id e n t
to th e S e c r e ta ry o f A g r ic u lt u r e , W ashington, DC 20250.
E lig ib ility
f o r f r e e and re d u c e d -p ric e meal reim bursem ent Is based
fo llo w in g Income s c ales e f f e c t i v e from J u ly 1 , 1989 to June 3 0 , 1990.
F a m ily S ize
For each a d d i­
t io n a l fa m ily
member, add
H eals w i l l
Y e a r ly
M o nth ly
7 ,7 7 4
1 0 ,426
1 3 .0 7 8
1 5 ,7 3 0
1 8 ,382
2 1 ,0 3 4
2 3 ,6 8 6
2 6 ,3 3 8
♦ 2 ,6 5 2
1 ,0 9 0
1,7 53
1,9 74
2 ,1 9 5
♦2 2,
,5 0
be p ro v id e d a t th e f a d ,
F a c i l i t y nam e(s)
G *ac.e
C o llin s
Address o f each f a c i l i t y
Y e a r ly
M o nth ly
1 1 ,063
14 ,837
2 2 ,3 8 5
2 6 ,1 5 9
2 9 ,9 3 3
3 3 ,7 0 7
♦ 3 ,7 7 4
1 ,2 3 7
1 .8 6 6
2 ,1 8 0
2 ,4 9 5
2 ,8 0 9
3 ,1 2 4
♦ 315
AMA Presents
The Albina Ministerial Alliance
presents a M usical Extravaganza on the
28th day o f O ctober at 7:30 p.m. in the
evening. The special melodious presen­
tation is to be held at the M aranatha
Church, 4222 N.E. 12th Ave., Portland,
Oregon 97212.
Come to hear the gospel sounds of
four outstanding choirs and soloists from
the Portland area. This is a fundrasier
which will help support the various pro­
grams which fall under the AM A um­
Everyone is invited to com e, join
in, and support this trem endous evening
of joyous sounds. A time o f worship! A
celebration! A grand lime o f fellowship!
The donation is $5.00. For further
information, call (503) 288-7241.
Western Baptist to
Host Church
Growth Conference
"Together We Grow" is the theme
for the church growth conference to be
hosted by W estern Baptist College O c­
tober 30 through November 1,1989.
The conference is planned for pas­
tors, assistants, ministry leaders and their
spouses. It will equip church leaders
with Biblical church growth and church
planting principles andskilk
C ost for the three-day conference is
$50 per person and $20 for spouses,
alumni o f pervious growth conferences
or students. Registration begins M on­
day, Oct. 30, at 6:00 p.m. (The confer­
ence w ill conclude at 12:30 p.m. on
W ed., Nov. 1.)
For more information or registra­
tion forms write to: Office o f College
Relations, Western Baptist College, 5000
Deer Park Drive S.E., Salem, OR 97301,
or call: (503) 581-8600, extension 100.S
St. Andrew Catholic
Church to Present 16th
Annual Auction, Oct. 28th
Plane tickets and accommodations
for a vacation Santa Cruz Bolivia, two
cars, a VCR and handmade quilts are
among the items up for bid at St. A n­
drew's Catholic Church's 16th Annual
Auction. The event begins at 7 p.m.,
Oct. 28 at the St. Andrew's Community
Center, 4940 N.E. 8th Ave.,
Bid tickets for the auction are $5.
The annual auction is the primary
fundraiser for St. Andrew's Community
Center, which serves many community
groups in N.E. Portland, including the
Bow and Arrow Club for Native A m eri­
cans, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics
Anonymous and political gatherings.
Mercy Corps Presents
JO H N M IC H A E L T A LB O T will
be presented in concert on Oct. 29th at
7:30 p.m. The concert is being given for
the Burnside Project and is being spon­
sored by the Mercy Corps of Portland.
The concert will be held in the
beautifully spacious facilities of the Chiles
Center on the University o f Portland-
Cam pus, located on 5000 N. W illamette
Donations for this function will be
accepted at the door. The doors will be
opened at 6:30 p.m. Come early to get a
good seat.
For more information, call the
Conference Office (503) 283-7523.
'The Eyes and Ears of the Community
Office: (503)288-0033
Fax#: (503)288-0015
es l i s t e d below:
M e.m ofi.ial Commun-ctu Ce.nte .4
H .E .
Russ t i l
Name o f C o n ta c t Person f o r Sponsoring O r g a n iz a tio n
Telephone Number
f * 1 - 6 9 3 0 ______________
Jesus Loves You!
NAME OF THE NEWS MEDIA YOU RELEASED THIS TO: -------------------------- -- -----------------------------------
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The Albina Church of God
5522 N.AIbina/283-1635
Allen Temnle CME Church
N.E. Eighth Avenue
(comer of 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
Maranatha Church
(503) 287-0261
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
Psalm 34:3
With A Bold New Vision
Reaching out until He conies
Going Back when He comes
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Sunday Service
6:00 p.m.
Rev. Wendell H. WAllace
Senior Pastor
9:45 a.m.
Sunday Service
Tuesday Teaching
4222 N.E. 12th Ave.
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
116 NE. Schuyler
7:30 p.m.
Sunday Servcices
Moments of Deliverance 7:30
Sunday School 9:00 A.M.
Morning Workshop 10:30 A.M.
The Friendliest Church in the city
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving.
Maranatha School of Ministry 6:30P.M.
Mid- week services - Wednesday 7:30 P.M.
7:45 A.M. - Worship Service
9:30 A.M. - Sunday School
10:45 A.M. - Worship Service
6:30 P.M. - Worship Service
Bible Study:
10:30 A.M. -12 Noon - Wednesday
6:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. - Wednesday
Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS
• • •