rage 10 Portland Observer OCTOBER 26,1989 Students At Black Colleges Win Foundation Scholarships NEW Y O R K -T w e lv e sludenis at five predominantly black colleges have been named winners o f M etropolitan L ife Foundation Future Teacher Schol­ arships. A ll 12 are entering their ju n io r or senior years in college. This is the fourth year that the foun­ dation has awarded scholarships to stu­ dents attending historically black c o l­ leges. The w inners are chosen com peti­ tively for their academic ability and com m itm ent to the teaching profession. "Pollster Loa Harris reported in a 1988 M et L ife teacher survey that most (67%) m in ority teachers agree that in ­ St. Andrew Catholic Church To Present 16th Annual Auction - October 28 Plane tickets and accommodations for a vacation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, two cars, a VC R and handmade quilts are just a few o f the items up fo r bid at St. Andrew's Catholic Church's 16th Annual Auction. The event begins at 7 p.m., Oct. 28 at the St. Andrew's Com m unity Center, 4940 N.E. 8th Ave., Bid tickets fo r the auction are $5.00. The annual auction is the prim ary fu n ­ draiser for St. Andrew ’s Com m unity Center, w hich serves many com m unity groups in N.E. Portland, including the Bow and A rrow C lub fo r Native Americans, Narcotics A lcoholics Anonymous and p olitical gatherings. P H 1 L IP creasing m inority presence in the pro­ fession is very important," said Sibyl Jacobson, president and chief executive o ffice r o f the M etropolitan L ife Founda­ tion. "W e hope that these Future Teacher Scholarships provide students w ith an added incentive to persist in pursuing leaching careers." The scholarship program is adm ini­ stered by Citizens' Scholarship Founda­ tion o f Am erica, Inc., a national, non­ profit scholarship organization in S l Peter, M inn. The M etropolitan L ife Foundation, established in 1976by M etropolitan L ife Insurance Company, has contributed more than S60 m illio n to support health and education activities, as w ell as civic and cultural affairs throughout the United 1 States, King Improvement Association 4815 N.E. 7th Ave. • PorUand, OR 97211 Phone: (503) 248-4576 (Meetings on the 4th Tuesday. Board meets on 2nd Tuesday) M O R R 1 S SA L U T E S U. S. A. Pec>ple Who Made A Difference George T. "Mickey” Leland U.S. Congressman 18th District, Texas He lived and died working to feed the hungry people o f the world. U.S.A. I 1 t 4 V* '/* " ° ‘ ' 111,11 ‘ 1 ‘ ’ “ '* ‘ ’ “ ' ’ ' 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 « . A « . 4 t 4 4 4 « 4