► » • • • ♦ • * x p .* * .* J* P •>‘z > >•» •>-* ‘r Page 7 Portland Observer OCTOBER 26,1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory . M Halts: 5 Unas -1 Wssk - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(808 U m ) Phone 288-0033 - To Place hour A d PORTLAND OBSERVER $2.50 p * Deadline; 5:00 P M • Tueeday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves theright to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) The Eyes and Ears ol the Community" 288-0033 D O N N IE JA M E S Men & Women;s Fashion McMurphy's “ If you dare io be fashionable” Buying Appliances Working Or Not 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 288-3233 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES F L O R A L - SILK S Bill Kelley's Upholstery ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.fi. Union Avenuo Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. toru Set. RENT Eartha's Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. KIIHngaworth Portland, Oregon 97211 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats W ASHERS & DRYERS ••••e e e e e a e e e a 282-3575 • TP le Coupon G ood For ’ : ‘is IFr D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 » * « . - 1 p.m. • off DELIVERY« : • • IN S T A I L A T IO -, FEE • P R IN T IN G Kinko’s rental w ash er Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 'JO D e lh e r i A /n»fa/lot< on r.rtu.d V 'a a t o u v e r 231-7413 693*4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RESEARCH PO RTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS SENIOR RESEARCH & EVALUATION ANALYST - SPECIAL EDUCATION A nalyst will supervise & participate in the creation, maintenance & opera­ tion o f the com puter-based data system & databases which support the Special Education DepL Minimum qualifications: Graduate level training in research & evaluation design & statistical methodology, and at least 3 yrs. exp. in coordinat­ ing & conducting data-based research & evaluation. G raduate level train­ ing in com puter science, social sta­ tistics, or special education. A t least 2 yrs. exp. in the design & produc­ tion o f graphic & tabular reports. 2 yrs. exp. with SPSS, MS/DOS oper­ ating system , and spreadsheet soft­ ware. Salary range: $33,326-540,699 based on applicable exp. & preparation. Application m aterials must be re­ ceived in Personnel Dept. by 5 p.m., Fri., Oct. 27, 1989. Application & jo b description available at Blan­ chard Education Service Center Personnel Services, 501 N. Dixon, Portland. Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY FIELD SERVICES MANAGER - HEALTH DIVISION $30,798 - 540,048/Annually rhis is a nursing m anagem ent position with responsibilities for operation o f a field com m unity health nursing unit; assum es responsibility for m aintenance o f a high standard of com m unity health services to indi viduals, families and groups within an assigned geographic area; requires a BSN and five years of leadership experience or MS in Nursing or related filed and two years o f lead­ ership experience; apply by Novem­ ber 13, 1989. WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Em ployee Services, Room 1430, 1120 S.W . Fifth A venue, Portland, OR 97204. An Equal Opportunity Employer SOCIAL SERVICES PLANNER ajor non-profit organization has full tim e professional position in it's Com m unity Organization & Plan ning Division. Individual will pro m ote efficiency o f the Social Serv­ ice system in 4 county area through the developm ent o f plans for human service im provem ent in the com ­ munity. W ill work with community m em bers, service providers and volunteers. Require Masters or Bachelors Degree in Social W ork or related field plus a minimum of 2 years directly related experience Must work well independently and possess excellent oral & written com m unications skills. D em on­ strated abilities with organization, program developm ent, data input and analysis and/or administration preferred. Salary $19,000-23,000 depending on experience. Send res­ ume by O ctober 31st to: Carolyn Lewis United Way o f the C olum bia W illamette 718 W. Burnside Portland, < )rcgon 97209 (503)228-9131 An Equal Opportunity Employer O RTH C O A ST E L E C T R IC C O M ­ PANY em ploying individuals com ­ mitted to excellent service. An equal opportunity employer. Serving the Pacific Northwest and Alaska since 1913. (503) 281-8888. ATTENDANCE COUNSE OR 180 Days - Half Days Providing counseling and guidance serv­ ice to students with attendance prob­ lems as referred bythe districts. Application Deadline: 10/30/89 by 2:00 p.m.. Call at 255-1841, Ext. 207 Jeancen betw een the hours o f 8:00 and 11:30, for M ultnomah E duca­ tion Service District application form and new address. An Equal Opportunity Employer TAX - ACCOUNTING M ENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST RN Pre-Certification Coordinator The Medical Affairs Dept. is currently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre-Certification Coordinator posi­ tion. SALES TAX PROCESSOR Suite B, Portland, O R 97225. An Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTSPERSON T C I C A B L E V ISIO N O F O R E G O N , INC., An Equal Opportunity Em ­ ployer, currently has an opening for the following position. Full-tim e D raftsperson with ability to draft using ink, m ust be artistic, able to work in a team atm osphere, valid Oregon driver's license with good record. Prefer 1 year experience in CA TV draft­ ing. Training provided. Applications accepted until 10/27/89. Interested parties may subm it applica- tions/resum es by mail to: 3500 S.W. Bond St., Portland, OR 97201 Atten.: Jim Warhaurst EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Executive D irector o f non-profit, neigh borhood coalition supporting citi zen participation and crim e preven­ tion in southeast Portland. D irector adm inisters overall program includ­ ing resource developm ent, budget­ ing contract management and board/ volunteer support. Seeking creative, m otivated individual with strong com m unication and neighborhood organizing skills. Salary $13-$15/hour plus benefits. A pplications available at Southeast Uplift, 3534 S.E. M ain, Deadline N ovem ber 10, 1989, 5 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer FINANCE CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER For Loaves & Fishes Centers, Inc., a non-profit organization with a $5 m illion annual budget. Applicants need strength in trending analysis, m anagem ent information systems, non-profit fiscal reporting & m oni­ toring, the ability to interface with funding agencies, good people skills and the proven ability to supervise Minimum qualifications include degree in accounting or b u s in e s s and work experience in fiance or related departm ents. Q ualified can­ didates are urged to apply im m edi­ ately at Loaves & Fishes Centra Office, 6125 S.E. 52nd, Portland, OR by Friday, N ovem ber 10th, at 4:30 p.m. NURSING PART-TIME BACKUP NURSES $10-$ 12 Per Hour CODA Inc. seeks qualified applicants "LPN or LPN" for part time or relief shifts in the methodone dispensary. Duties include daily assessm ent of oplent dependent clients, adm ini­ stration o f methadone, maintenance o f client records, discim ination of clinically significant client infor­ mation to m ulti disciplinary staff, provision o f direct nursing care, re­ ferral services and health educa­ tion. W eekend and weekday shifts available. Position requires day shift hours only. A pplicants should have an Oregon RN /LPN license and a valid driver's license. A pplication materials including screening ques­ tions are available at CO D A , Inc., 210 N.E. 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232.239-8400. CODA is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer NIGHT CASE MANAGER DOM ESTIC VIOLENCE Shelter Night Case M anager, perm anent full time, 4:45 p.m.-9:15 a.m. $8,400/yr. Clos­ ing date Nov. 1. Send resum e & cover letter to Bradley-Angle House, Inc., P.O. Box 14694, Portland, OR 97214. An Equal Opportunity Employer M ENTAL HEALTH TEAM LEADER Sought to supervise crisis team m em ­ bers, assure appropriate public ac­ cessibility to the center's crisis serv­ ices, act as liaison to and coordinate diversion services with other agen­ cies, review clients records and services activities. Must have knowl­ edge o f ICP com m itm ent laws and procedures, apply theories, princi­ pals and practices to crisis interven­ tion services. M ust work with an interdisciplinary team. M aster's degree in m ental health field and 3 years clinical experience, including 1 year clinical supervisory experi­ ence. W e offer com prehensive sal­ ary and benefits. Resume to: Rod­ ney R. Harry, Personnel O ffice, N/ N E Coim m unity M ental Health Center, 4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211. 249-0066. Minorities encouraged to apply. Equal Opportunity Employer. M ANAGEM ENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Social Services -- A ssistant M anager, Burnside nutrition program for eld­ erly, 15 h r/w k ,$ 3 6 0 /m o . Ability to recruit & supervise volunteers, con duct in-home visits. Apply by 4:00 p.m., 11/1, Loaves & Fishes Center, Inc., 6125 S.E. 52nd, Portland. O f N on-Profit N eighborhood Coalition supporting citizen participation & crim e prevention in S.E. Portland Director administers overall program including resource developm ent budgeting contract m anagem ent & board/volunteer support. Seeking creative, m otivated individual with strong com m unication & neighbor­ hood organizing skills. Salary $13- $15/hr plus benefits. Applications available at Soaulheast Uplift, 3534 S.E. M ain, Deadline Nov. 10, at 5 P.M. An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR SOCIAL SERVICES PROOF OPERATOR CLERICAL Experienced therapist w anted for L u­ theran Family Service's Beaverton office. Full time position doing short & long term therapy. M aster's de­ gree & experience in individual & couple therapy required. Experience in child & family therapy & alcohol & drug assessm ent desirable. Sal­ ary range $19,000-$31,117 depend­ ing on exper. Closing 11/15/89. Send resum e to: 8925 S.W . Beaverton-H illsdale Hwy., Colonial Pacific Leasingt Corp., a Pit­ ney Bowes com pany, has an open­ ing in their Accounting Departm ent for a Sales Tax Processor. Prior experience in filing multi-slate sales and use tax forms would be helpful, but com pany is w illing to train. Interested parties should forward resume and salary history to M an­ ager, Human Resources, P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin, O R 07062. Colonial is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer. NURSING PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct review s for pre-certifica­ tion program including precertify- ing 2nd opinions, discharge plan­ ning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the slate of Oregon with 3-5 years recent hospi­ tal experience. Utilization review and quality assurance background desirable. G ood communication skills a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please ap­ ply or send resume to: Blue C ro ss an d Blue Shield of O regon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer RESTAURANT S M IL IN G FA C E S - E N T H U SIA SM - L O T S O F E N E R G Y -C L E A N , N E A T A P P E A R A N C E IS W H A T Y OU N E E D FO R AN E M P L O Y ­ M E N T O P P O R T U N IT Y W IT H T IFFA N Y F O O D S E R V IC E W ork in one o f several restaurant loca­ tions, full & part-time positions avail­ able. Apply in person at 900 S.W. 5th "The Merchant" Restaurant, M on.-Fri., 8-10 A.M. or U.s. Bank Cafeteria, 555 S.W. Oak St., 2nd Floor. An Equal Opportunity Employer W ASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS TRANSPORTATION PLANNER $2,471 - 53,004/M onthly COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER Bilingual - Spanish/English $1,077 - $1,308/M onthly Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms required., resumes NOT accepted. Apply by November 3, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel. An Equal Opportunity Employer THERAPIST/COMMUNITY LIASON PROFESSIONALS Mcohol/Drugs O utpatient Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program has full and part time openings for experienced therapist and com m u­ nity liason professionals with skills in assessment, education and refer­ ral . M inorities encouraged to apply. Send resume to: M A IN S T R E A M Y O U T H P R O ­ G R A M , IN C., 5311 S..E. Powell Blvd., Portland, OR 97206 An Equal Opportunity Employer A T T E N T IO N :E A R N M O N EY READING BOOKS! $32,OOO/year income potential. Details.(l) 602-838- 8885 Ext. Bk 12859. A T T E N T IO N -G O V E R N M E N T HOMES from $1 (U-repair). D elin­ quent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1-602-838-8885 E xtG H . 12859. A T T E N T IO N -G O V E R N M E N T SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords M ercedes,Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838- 8835 Est. A. 12859 PAYMENT PROCESSING CLERK Perm anent part-time position available. Minimum of 1 year current proof operating experience required. Send resume to PRR/M OSEC, P.O. Box 42121, Portland, Oregon 97242 or Call 239-7434 (M idnight - 8 a.m.) Part-Time (Over 20 Hrs/W k) An Equal Opportunity Employer NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY JOB OPENING - NEW HIRE TREASURY DEPARTMENT Portland Office Status: Replacem ent Job Responsibilities: O perates pay­ ment processing work stations and mail extractor to process custom er payments; Balances payments and cards prior to machine processing when required; Receives payments and pays out cash vouchers; Prepares reconciliation and proc­ esses unidentified payments; M iscellaneous work as required. Qualifications: 10-key by touch plus numerical aptitude (tests administered). Desired experience: Clerical back­ ground including 10-key by touch skill, mail extracting and paym ent processing experience preferred; Cashiering experience desirable. Salary: $7.02/Hourly Benefit Pkg. Only written responses to this posi­ tion, including your background and experience indentifying skills pertinent to this position, will be accepted if post­ marked on or prior to O ctober 27,1989. Only those selected to be interviewed will be contacted. Northwest Natural Gas Co. P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFO UNE (503) 220-2434 POLICE OFFICER Salary Range: S2,006-$2,688/M o. The City o f Eugene is accepting applica­ tions for Police Officers. Both re­ cruit and lateral officers are encour­ aged to apply. Placem ent in the salary range will depend on previ­ ous exp. Applicants must be 21 years o f age, a U.S. citizen, possess a high school diplom a or equiva­ lency and meet all other minimum standards for em ploym ent as a law enforcem ent officer in the State of Oregon. New employees must agree to refrain from using tobacco prod­ ucts while on duty. Obtain applica­ tion and supplemental questionnaire atC ity o f Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl St., Rm 101, Eugene, OR 97401. (503)687- 5061. CLO SIN G DATE: Nov. 17, 1989. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer ARE YOU 55+ * * * Looking for work? Lim ited income last 6 months? Live in M ultnomah, W ashington o r Clackamas County? WE CAN HELP YOU TO: * * * * * Develop a job search plan Identify your marketable skills Plan a career change Learn new skills Build your confidence WE OFFER: * * * * Support and guidance Paid training opportunities Referrals to jobs Paid part-tim e work - to learn new skills or sharpen existing skills. CALL 241 4600 • T H E P R IV A T E IN D U STRY C O U N C IL An Equal Opportunity! Affirmative Action Program CLERICAL N O R T H W E ST N A TU R A L GAS C O M PA N Y JOB OPENING - NEW HIRE UTILITY CLERK TREA SU RY D E PA R T M E N T Portland Office Status: Replacement Job Responsibilities: Sorts and files meter orders, and other departm ent filing; Assists other clerks as required; Types bills and other m iscellaneous forms and letters; Provides back-up tele­ phone coverage as required. Qualifications: Typing skill o f 40 wpm (test administered) Desired Experience: M inimum 1 yr. clerical experience preferred; P.C. exper. is desirable; Statistical skills and m ulti-line phone experience is a plus. Salary: $l,088/m o Full Benefit Pkg. Only written responses to this position, including your background and experience indentifying skills perti­ nent to this position, will be ac­ cepted if post-m arked on or prior to October 27, 1989. Northwest Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97208-3410 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFO UNE (503) 220-2434 TOOL & DIE/MODEL SHOP SUPERVISOR Oregon Cutting Systems (formerly Omark Industries) is seeking an experienced supervisor in the m achine trades. This person will supervise and train shop personnel, prepare budgets, estimate, schedule shop w ork and oversee some highly technical proj­ ects. A successful applicant will have 4 years experience in a machine shop, 2 years in Tool & Die and 2 years in management. M ust have broad knowledge o f the field. E ducation should include high school gradu­ ation and the com pletion o f an ap­ proved apprenticeship or equiva­ lent experience. If you are interested in working for an industry leader, send your resume to Carl Nelson, P.O. Box ¿2127, M ilwaukie, OR 97222. An Equal Opportunity Employer SECURITY OFFICER The Oregon Cutting System s Division (formerly Omark Ind.) has an im ­ mediate opening for a part-tim e security officer to work second and third shifts, w eekends and holidays, including some on-call and absence fill in. The successful applicant will have prior experience or training in law enforcem ent or industrial secu­ rity. A ctive duty m ilitary may sub- stitue for experience. R equires an excellent driving record, a b ack ­ ground free of crim inal convictions and passing a drug test for illegal substances. W e offer above average pay ($8.79) and pleasant w orking conditions. TH IS IS AN IDEAL PA RT-TIM E JOB FOR A C O LLEG E STU D EN T O R SECOND INCOME. Applicants may apply in person at 4909 S.E. Inter­ national Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222. Please, no phone calls. An Equal Opportunity Employer Support Our Advertisers’ ■