e »»» ♦ 'X ♦ % ♦ * v t r W I » » « * v * f < Page 7 Portland Observer OCTOBER 19, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ASSEMBLY MECHANICS S ALE S B O N U S , B O N U S , B O N U S !!!! I f we make o u r year-end produc­ tio n goal you w ill receive an a d d itio n a l 55 cents per hour fo r a ll the re g u la r hours you w o rk between now and D e­ cem ber 31, 1989. W e also o f­ P O R TLA N D STATE $ 2 4 ,0 9 6 /A n n u a lly U N IV E R S IT Y Office o f Student A ffairs M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bache­ VACANCY ANNOUNCEM ENTS Portland State U n iv e rs ity invites a pplications and nom inations fo r the fo llo w in g im m ediate fe r a com prehensive b enefit openings: package and the potential fo r o ve rtim e . T o q u a la ify fo r the fo llo w in g p ositions, you must UPWARD BOUND COORDINATOR be able to w o rk shifts, have $24, 0 9 6 /A n n u a lly M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bach­ to o ls and read blueprints. e lo r 's degree; experience w ith M in im u m tw o years experience in hydraulic, air and electrical sys­ tems. S k ill in fittin g /m o d ify - in g engines, educational programs fo r at risk youth. transmissions, UPWARD BOUND INSTRUCTIONAL COORDINATOR convertors, axles, etc. $7.50 to $11.50 per experience. A p p lic a tio n s accepted M onday- F rid a y - 7:30 a.m .-4:30 p.m. O r send le tte r o f a p p lica tio n to: W A G N E R M IN IN G E Q U IP M E N T C O M P A N Y $19,696/A n n u a lly M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bache­ lor's degree; experience devel­ op in g and im p le m e n tin g edu­ ca tional a c tiv itie s fo r high school age students. 4424 N .E . 158th P o rtla n d , O R 97230 LICENSED PRACTICE NURSE Charge Nurse fo r evening s h ift - I.C .F ./S .N .F . F a c ility . W e are positions are tw e lv e m onth, fix e d term , uncla sksifie d ap­ pointm ents w ith o u t rank. C o n ­ tinued em p lo ym e n t is c o n tin ­ gent upon renewal o f fu n d in g and satisfractory perform ance. C lo sin g Date: Each vacancy an­ erences should be sent to the appropriate o ffic e liste d on the lor's degree; experience w o rk ­ ing w ith individuals and groups o f students fro m diverse back­ vacancy announcement. C opies o f the announcements may be obtained by contacting Port­ land Slate U n iv e rs ity , O ffic e o f S tudent A ffa irs , (503) 464- 4422; 1-800-452-4909 (w ith in $19,696/A n n u a lly M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bache­ lor's degree; experience in the adm in is tra tio n o f fin a n c ia l aid. EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT COORDINATOR person at - Del's Care Center, In c., 319 N .E . Russet St., (A Prestige F a c ility ) Equal Opportunity Employer G o v e rn m e n t jo b s - 4 1 9,696/A n n u a lly M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bache­ lo r's Degree; some experience in student personnel a d m in i­ stration preferred. C o n d itio n s o f E m p lo ym e n t: The $9,848 (1 /2 tim e p o sitio n ) M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s - Bache­ FINANCIAL AID COUNSELOR able. Please C a ll: 289-5571 o r apply in EXECUTIVE ADVISOR, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY (ASPSU)/ STUDENT DEVELOPMENT MINORITY STUDENT RECRUITER grounds. to m ake o u r team com plete. W ages negotiable, insurance and $850.00 bonus plan are a v a il­ lo r's Degree; one year a dvising and supervisory experience. nouncem ent w ill note the c lo s­ in g date. A ll letters o f a p p lica ­ tio n , resumes and a lis t o f re f­ currendy accepting applications fo r a fu ll-tim e L .P .N . to act as charge nurse fo r an evenaing sh ift schedule. W e have a stable C .N .A . s ta ff and ju s t need you RESEARCH P O R T L A N D P U B L IC S C H O O LS PERSONNEL O re g o n ); 1 -8 0 0 -5 4 7 -8 8 8 7 (outside o f O regon) Portland State University is an equal o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tiv e action e m p lo ye r. M in o ritie s , w om en and mem bers o f protected groups are encouraged to ap­ ply- BENEFITS COORDINATOR Blue Cross & Blue S hield o f O re ­ gon, a m a jo r health insurance com pany w ith a w o rk force o f 1700+ em ployees is cu rre n tly accepting ap p lica tio n s fo r a B enefits C o o rd in a to r in the Hum an Resources Dept. Incum bant w ill be responsible fo r a d m in iste rin g the em ployee frin g e b e n e fit program accord­ ing to established corporate p o licie s and procedures. The B e n e fit C o o rd in a to r plans, organizes, and presents monthly b e n e fit orie n ta tio n . Q u a lifie d candidates w ill have experience in adm inistering re­ tire m e n t plans, 4 0 1 (k ) plans, and fle x ib le spending plans; and have the a b ility to co m m u ­ nicate e ffe c tiv e ly w ith a ll le v­ els o f management and em ­ ployees. Successful candidate w ill be detail oriented, and have e xce lle n t o rganizational skills. E xperience using a com puter­ ized personnel system is h ig h ly desirable. Blue Cross and B lue Shield o f Oregon o ffe rs an e xce lle n te m - ployee benefits package, fle x ­ tim e w o rk hours, and co m p e ti­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and B lue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor, 100 S.W . M arket, Pordand, O R 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer SENIOR RESEARCH & EVALUATION ANALYST - SPECIAL EDUCATION A n a lyst w ill supervise & p a rtic i­ pate in the creation, m a in te ­ nance & operation o f the co m ­ puter-based data system & databases w h ich support the Special Education Dept. M in im u m q u a lifica tio n s: Graduate le ve l tra in in g in research & evaluation design & statistical m e th o d o lo g y, and at least 3 yrs exp in coordinating & conduct­ ing data-based research & evaluation. Graduate level train­ ing in com puter science, social statistics, o r special education. A t least 2 yrs exp in the design & production o f graphic & tabhular reports. 2 yrs exp w ith SPSS, M S /D O S operating sys­ tem , and spreadsheet software. Salary range: $33,326-$40,699 based on applicable exp & prepara­ tion. A pplication materials must be received in Personnel Dept by 5 pm , F ri., O ct. 27, 1989. A p o p lic a tio n & jo b descrip­ tio n a vailable at Blanchard Education S ervice center Per­ sonnel Services, 501 N. D ixo n , P ortland, O R Equal Opportunity Employer DISTRICT MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE B lue Cross & B lue S hield o f O re ­ gon is cu rre n tly accepting ap­ p lica tio n s fo r a D is tric t M a r­ ke tin g Rep fo r th e ir Bend o f ­ fice. Q u a lifie d candidates m ust have a college degree o r e q u ivale n t w o rk experience, be licensed to sell health & life insurance & have previous sales e x p e ri­ ence pre fe ra b ly in a related industry. Exper related to coun­ seling and/or people oriented re sp o n sib ilitie s w o u ld also be h e lp fu l. O ther q u a lific a tio n s include effective w ritten & oral co m m unication s k ills . M u s t be a self-starter & w o rk w ith o u t close supervision. A D is tric t M a rke tin g Rep repre­ sents Blue Cross & B lu e ! Shield o f Oregon w ith in geographic area in o rder to develop and sell new business & service existin g business. MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Swing shift position perform ing jo u r­ ney level mechanic w o rk and super­ visin g the w o rk o f oth e r skille d and se m i-skille d personnel engaged in m a in ta in in g transit buses and auto- m obliles. M u st have considerable know ledge o f diesel engines and bus maintenance practices and a b ility to supervise others e ffe c tiv e ly . H o u rly wage range is $11.82-$ 14.74 per hour. F ill out o ffic ia l a p p lica tio n b y N o ­ v e m b e r 3, 1989, w h ich is a vailable at the Salem A rea Mass T ra n sit D is ­ tric t; 3140 D e l W ebb A ve . N .E .; S a le m ,O R 97303. A N E Q U A L O P ­ P O R T U N IT Y E M P L O Y E R . Computer Operator Y o u r A re a M any im m ediate openings w ith o u t w a itin g lis t o r test. $17,840 - $69,485. C all 1-602-838-8885. Ext At Fred Meyer, we’ve always believed that cur people are the key to our success. When you work here, you really can make a difference. Currently we are hiring entry level Computer Operators. R 12859. AMERICAN RED CROSS P er d ie m R N 's These entry level positions require at least 6 months experience on a Main­ frame computer. Candidates will participate in a 6 month training program on day shift and then will be assigned to off shifts. W o rk in a p o sitive , upbeat e n v iro n ­ m ent w ith a healthy population. We are lo o k in g fo r R N's w ith good P/R s k ills to p e rfo rm health assessments and a ll blo o d c o lle c tio n a ctiv itie s in o u r B lo o d C enter and on B loodm o- biles th ro u g h o u t O R and W A . V a r­ ied hours, thorough orientation p ro ­ vided. C o m p e titive salary & excel­ Now Sears makes resting easy even easier! If you are resourceful, self-motivated and interested in working for a dynamic organization offering rewarding careers and excellent benefits, send your resume to: Fred Meyer Inc., Attn.: Jim Lang, Mail Stop MOSYS, Dept. C1, P.0. Box 42121, 3800 SE 22nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97242. Equal Opportunity Employer. le n t benefits package. A m e rica n Red Cross 3131 N . V a ncouver A ve. P ortland, O R 97227 A n E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity E m p lo y e r RECEPTIONIST/ CLERICAL ASSISTANT T h is p o sitio n fo r T ig a rd engineer­ in g firm ; p a rt-tim e at 20 hours per w eek, p re fe r fle x ib le in d i­ v id u a l w ith good phone, ty p ­ in g and fillin g s k ills . Send res­ St. Philip Neri Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner Planned S unday, N ovem ber 5 th isthe annual St. P h ilip N e ri Spaghetti & M e a tb a ll D in n e r fro m 12:00 N oon u n til 7 :00 p.m . at 18th & S.E. D iv is io n . 45 years o f ume to K ram er, C h in & M a yo , In c., 7080 S. W . F ir L o o p , P o rt­ experience fo r y o u r satisfaction. T ake­ land, O R 97223. children. outs available. $5.50 fo r adults; $3 fo r Equal Opportunity Employer PORTLflW ERVER OREGON LOTTERY SPORTS ACTION OFFICIAL PROGRAM Event Date«: O C TO B E R 2 2 -23,1989 Pacific Time Sun 10/22 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10.00am 10:00am lOXjOam ICQpm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1.00pm 1:00pm Selection FAVORITE UNDERDOG 2 N ew York 1 BUFFALO 4ÙETROIÎ 3 Minnesota 6 Los Angeles 5 PHILADELPHIA 8 G reen Bay 7 MIAMI 10 Dallas 9 KANSAS CITY 12 Pittsburgh 11 HOUSTON 14 Indianapolis 13 CINCINNATI 1¿ T a m p a 15 WASHINGTON 18 Atlanta 17 PHOENIX 20 Denver 19 SEATTLE 21 SAN FRANCISCO 22 N ew England 24 N ew Orleans 23 ANAHEIM 26 SAN DIEGO 25 N ew Jersey Underdog Point Spread* +8 — +8 +7 ♦4 +9 „ .♦ IS +7 +8 ♦8 ♦3 ♦ 12 +7 +5 Mon 10/23 600pm 27 CLEVELAND 28 C hicago ♦ 1 Home teams ore In C APIt At LETTERS •|f the t»om you select beats or ties the other team's score after adding the •Point Spread’ to the underdog s soore, your selection Is o winner. Oregon Lottery Sports Action Is not associated with, authorized by. or sponsored by the National Football League. G e t current Sports Action Information by c a lln g 1 -9 0 6 6 4 6 5686 (10« c a l 50 cents per minute.) Tburmoneyi worth and a whole lot more.