: -J¡ " : X < < x « : t i i< « 4 4 4 v< ’ » * * X •. * * « Page 3 Portland Observer OCTOBER 19,1989 News Around Town PUBLIC AWARENESS TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN G overnor Neil G oldschm idt has d e­ clared O ctober to be "Dom estic and Sexual V iolence A w areness Month." M onday, O ctober 16th was the "Na­ tional Day o f Unity" for all victim s o f domestic and sexual violence. "This war against women must stop," declared President G eorge Bush in an address to the Am erican A ssociation o f University women (June 26, 1989). "Angered and disgusted by the crim es against American women, "Bush said "Fundam entally, violence against women w on't subside until public a lti­ tudes change." C. Everett Koop, in his form er capacity as U.S. Surgeron G eneral, told the Pan- A merican Health O rganization (M ay 22, 1989) that "For w hatever reasons, there has been a reluctance here and throughout the w orld to deal effec­ tively with the global problem o f vio­ lence against females. He concluded "We m ust work to make fem ale abuse o f any kind unacceptable behavior." Violence against women is an epidemic in O regon.D om estic Violence is the prim ary reason for hom elessness in O regon, cited by alm ost 50% o f those surveyed by the O regon Shelter N et­ work on tw o nights in O ctober 1988. To raise public aw areness about vio­ lence against women in O ctober, the crisis centers o f the O regon Coalition Against D omestic and Sexual Violence have planned activités to reflect on the past ten years o f the battered women's m ovem ent, and to plan a program for the next decade. PUC Orders Refund for US West Customers O regon custom ers o f US W est C om m unications will receive a one­ time credit on their N ovem ber tele­ phone bills, under term s o f a $10-m il- lion refund ordered by the Oregon Public Utility Com m ission. The credits will range from $3.157 to $29.18, depending on the category o f custom er service. R esidential custom ­ ers w ith single-party, flat-rate service - - who account for more than half o f US W est's 980,000 O regon phone lines - will receive credits o f $8.30 each. The refund reflects an overcharge in US W est rates betw een May 1987 and D ecem ber 1988. During that time, the com pany was allow ed $5 m illion in annual revenues for optional extended area service (EA S) program s. The com m ission subsequently decided that statew ide EAS policy issues should be resolved first, and the program s were not im plemented. The com m ission elim inated the overcharge in a rate decision that took effect Jan. 1, but did not order a refund. In response to a petition from the C itizens’ Utility Board (CU B), the com m ission ordered a refund last April, but vacated the order when US W est established that CU B had not served proper notice when the petition was filed. A t that time, the com m ission said it w ould decide the merits o f the refund issue on its ow n motion. The total refund o f $10,056,772. includes interest through Oct. 21. Inter­ est was figured at 10.47 percent, US W est's current authorized rate of return. Credits for the refund should appear on phone bills issued during November. The com m ission directed US W est to report by Dec. 10 on distribution o f the refunded. COMMUNITY POLICING PLANNING REPORTS TO MAYOR The Portland Police Bureau C om m u­ nity Policing Planning Process has sent another preliminary report to the Mayor's office and city council dealing with the Com m unity Policing planning proc­ ess. As with the previous released reports, this is also a prelim inary, or a first draft, re p o rt The report represents the efforts o f 16 citizens, police officers, city and state officials o f the crim inal justice and social service agencies. This report deals with training and recruitm ent issues. D ue to the length o f this report, com plete copies will not be reproduced. Copies will be avail­ able for review at the P.I.O .'s office, and also at the m ayor's office. A gain, it should be em phasized that this is not a final recom m endation or position o f the Police Bureau . These recom m endations represent the first step in review ing our relationship with other elem ents o f the crim inal justice system , and the final recom m enda­ tions may represent different or addi­ tional issues to be considered. Hate Warriors Tom M artinez grew up in the deep south, and learned a deep hatred for blacks, he becam e actively involved in the Ku Klux Kian, and participated in cross burnings and recruiting. He lived to hate. Today, M artinez is a changed man. W ith his help, police have arrested more than a dozen Aryan Nations members. He's using his know ledge o f hate to com bat it, even though he knows it may cost him his life. Hate groups have invaded Port­ land and the N orthw est in recent years. Incidents o f hate-related violence have m ore than tripled since the start o f 1988. But many communities are striking back: local m usicians have organized Rock A gainst Racism , a Portland student started an anti-gang club at school, and Eugene teens are reclaim ing areas de­ faced by graffiti. But the battle is far from over. W hat is the appeal o f these hate groups? W hat do they get out o f beiang involved? W hat leads som eone to G ET O U T, to tum away from this lifestyle? W hat can we learn from form er gang m em bers about defeating these groups? How can com m unities com bat hate? W hat do YOU think? Join Jack Faust and his guests for this timely debate on Saturday, O ctober 28th from 4:15-5:15 p.m. at the G reenw ood Inn (10700 S.w. A llen Blvd.) in Beaverton. For seat res­ ervations, please call Frank M ungeam, Janice Bangs, Alison Highbergcr or Ken W ood at 231-4620. G uests should ar­ rive at the Greenwood Inn between 3:30- 3:45 p.m. This program will AIR Sunday, Nov. 5th at 6 p.m. Adams High School Class o f 1976-79 Reunion'. A reunion for all graduates of Adams High School (Portland) from the years 1976-1979 is being planned for Satur­ day, November 4,1989 at Shcnanighans on the W illam ette in Portlande. An evening o f dinner, dancing and rem i­ niscing is planned. Al, form er faculty and classm ates from other years w el­ com e. For further inform ation, contact Debi at 1st Class Reunions, (503) 235- 5810 o r w rite to: P.O. Box 14362, P ort­ land, O R 97214. McMurphy ’s Appliance Center Sales -Service -Parts 4011N.E. Union Ave, Portland Oregon 97212 288-3233 Department of Revenue Mails Checks to Renters, Homeowners S A L E M -T he Department o f Reve­ nue will mail over 248,000 H om eow ner and Renter Refund (H A RRP) property tax refund checks the last two w eeks in O ctober. HARRP checks go to qualify­ ing homeowners and renters. The checks total nearly $51 m illion. The average refund this year is $203.69, down $3.00 from last year. M ost refund checks will be deliv­ ered within two weeks. If you filed Form 70R by A pril 17th o f this year and don't receive a check by the first week o f N ovem ber you can contact the D e­ partment of Revenue. If you have moved since filing a claim , be sure the local post office has your correct address. If you are a hom eow ner or renter with annual income under $17,500, you can file a claim fo ra property tax refund under HARRP. If you qualify for the program but did not file a claim , you can still apply for a refund for 1986. Contact the department and ask for Form 70R for 1986. Questions? Call the departm ent’s Taxpayer Assistance Unit in Salem at (503) 371-2244. This is not a toll-free number. O r w rite to: D epartm ent of Revenue, 955 Center Street NE, Salem, O R 97310. PCC Cascade Campus to Install Anti-Drug Mural Installation o f a large anti-drug mural at the PCC Cascade Cam pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St., is scheduled for 3 p.m ., W ednesday, O ctober 18,1989, on North K illingsw orth Street at Pen Hall, adjacent to the east side o f the cam pus's main entry. The mural is a donation o f Ameer M uham m ad and A m eera Saahir, pro­ prietors o f M1J. Toys and G am es, Inc., located in the Cascade Business Center C orporation incubator at 106 Pen Hall. The mural will be installed on a tall structure, an appurtenance o f Pen Hall, which is highly visible to anyfone pass­ ing on K illingsw orth Street or walking tow ard Cascade Cam pus from neigh­ boring Jefferson High School. The m essage o f the mural is ad­ dressed to young people, expressing to them , in their ow n vernacular, there are better things to do than drugs. CRAWDADDY’S By Dan Bell For you lover's o f Creot cocking, Craw daddy's provides a rewarding experience in that form o f cuisune. O w ners' Ben and A drienne W illiam s have established an aw ard winning res­ taurant at 15th and Broadway. I had an opportunity at Crawdaddy's to talk with Ben and A drienne several w eeks ago. The cooking is done by Ben who brings 32 years of culinary experience to the kitchen. He has a broad based back­ ground having worked in various phases o f the industry from food preparation on table side sous ch ef to the executive ch ef level. The meal I had was a com bination plate that consisted o f tender pork and beef ribs covered with a well seaoned thick Louisana styled bar-b-que sauce. The main entree was accom panied by a small side dish o f dirty rice-a spicey concotion o f rice, ground beef, green and red peppers, and onions. Another vegetable side dish was the C reo, lima beans which had an elusive sw eetness about them mixed with long grain white rice. My only disappointm ent was the red beans and rice which were bland and w ithout noticeable flavor. C raw daddy's carries a nice assortm ent o f imported and dom estic beers, as well as various flavored mineral w a­ ters, selzters and soda pop. the small staff was courteous and am iable. The surrounding decor was furnished m odestly with jazz playing in the back­ ground all lending itself to a certain re­ freshing type o f am biance. In talking to Ben, he revealed that the concept of C raw daddy’s is to serve slow cook food on a fast food basis. Ben also said due to the fact he discourages special re­ quest sm all orders,a that he feels that Craw daddy's is basically a rib joint. If you enjoy southern cooking from the LouLsanna region you'll find Crawdaddy quite worth a visit. Lewis & Clark College Honors Jefferson Principal I A frican-A m erican m others are twice as likely to be less than 18 years old com pared to all other m others, 9.4 percent versus 3.9 percent. Teenage mothers and their infants are at greater risk o f m orbidity and m ortality as are unwed m others and their infants. Nearly six o f every ten Black m others (58.5 percent) are unm arried at the time oft- heir child's birth com pared to two in ten other mother (21.4 percent). The mother o f every fifth Black infant is an unwed teenager. Many factors play a part in the disparity in m ortality and natality p at­ terns betw een Blacks and non-Blacks. Among these are, socioeconom ic fac­ tors, behavioral and cultural influences, O ne o f every 11 O regon Black Oregonians will die before his or her forty-fifth birthday. This is far greater than for the average O regonians where one in 19 die before age 45. The death rates of Blacks are significantly higher than the state average for many causes o f death. The death rates for all causes is 32.2 percent higher than the state average, 1079.3 per 100,000 popula­ tion com pared to 816.2 Four o f the five leading causes of death for Black Oregonians are the same as those for all races com bined. H ow ­ ever, the age-adjusted death rates for African Americans are far higher than the state average. The causes andtheir rates are: Nathan (Nate) Jones, principal o f Jefferson High, joins five other gradu­ ates o f Lewis & Clark College as "1989 • Distinguished Alumni." Jones, who earned a l&C bache­ lor's degree in health and physical edu­ cation in 1964, received the recognition during a Sept. 22 reception hosted by the college's alum ni association. Also holder o f a 1968 m aster’s degree from Portland State University, Jones has been principal o f Jefferson since 1982. He taught at both elemen- tary-and high-school levels from 1964- 68, served as vice-principal o f W ash­ ington High from 1968-74 and as prin­ cipal o f M onroe High from 1974-78 and Marshall High from 1978-82. Age-Adjusted The L&C alumni award, presented annually, recognizes graduates "who have achieved distinction in their cho­ Disease sen fields and rendered outstanding services to their country and com m u­ Heart Disease nity." Cancer Cerebrovascular Disease Unintentional Injury Homicide Youth Carry Clothes To Homeless Death Rates Per 100,000 Population % Higher Blacks Stale Average All Races 347.4 256.7 104.8 55.5 33.9 288.6 177.5 77.3 47.9 4.6 21.2 44.6 35.7 15.8 636.1 Blacks in Oregon have a median and issues related to the lack o f access to and utilization o f the health age at death o f 63. This is fully ten years The students o f Portland Christian care system. younger than the age for all races com ­ School will walk from the school at Copies o f the 76-page report, Black bined. 12456 N.E. Braze to the Portland R es­ Health: A Review o f the Births and These are among the findings o f a cue Mission at 111 W. Burnside while study released by the Oregon Health Deaths o f Black O regonians, are avail­ carrying clothing destined for the home­ able from the Center for Health Statis­ Division today. Analysis o f birth and less. On W ednesday, O ctober 18th at tics (503)/229-5897). death certificate confirm s that Black 8:45 a.m. about 120 students will begin Oregonians have many elevated health , at the school and travel along E. Burnside risk factors and face poor prospects for street to arrive at the mission on W. good health and a long life. The report Burnside. quantifies maternal risk factors, birth The students have been on a fund outcomes, and causes o f death among raising campaign for the school by being African-Am ericans in Oregon. sponsored for the num ber of clothing African American infants are 66.0 percent more apt to die before their first items collected from the community. * The sponsors will donate funds to the birthday than are all other Oregon infants; their death rate is 16.6 per 1,000 live births school and the school will donate the compared to 10.0 for other races. Black mothers in O regon are twice as likely to receive inadequate prenatal clothing to the homeless which will be * distributed through the Portland Rescue care com pared to mothers o f all other races, 16.7 percent and 8.4 percent, respec­ Mission. Any one who may still want to tively. support the cuase can still donate funds * Low birth weight occurs twice as often among Black infants (12.6 percent) and clothing at the Portland Christian than other infants (5.2 percent). The iancreased proportion o f Black infants weighing School • or i• at * the ; »ir Portland I Rescue Mis- less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds) and the elevated death rate for normal weigh sion. Black infants both contribute to higher overall Black infant death rate. New Dental Clinic for OPEN HOUSE! Neighborhood Health Clinaics, Inc. will be having an Open House celebrat­ ing the opening o f a new dental clinic for low-income people. The Open House w ill be O ctober 26, 1989 from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. at the M ount H ood Com m u­ nity College Dental Clinic Facility in the Allied Health Building, 26000 S.E. Stark, Gresham . The dental clinic will Low-Income People Opening in October operate Thursday evenings from 7:00- 10:00 p.m. Emergency procedures such as extractions and root canals, as well as fillings and teeth cleaning, will be o f­ fered. These services will be provided free of charge, but a donation o f money or volunteer services will be suggested. The clinic will be staffed by volunteer d e n tis ts ^ ^ n ia l^ s s is ta n ts H i^ g ie n is ts ^ and receptionists, and will target a population without access to dental insurance or other resources. For an appointm ent, call 288-5995 W ednesday m ornings prom ptly at 815 a.m . beginning in O ctober. Please call at any time for further information. I The results of professional football games are used to detennine the winners OFFICIAL PROGRAM U H » HI 5 nRM.RxM ENTRY FORM I TICKET ENTRY FORM O O asui? fc - O P fG O N S B ICTTTHtt ilw cad Fixer/Jim McGowne Blacks and Health in Oregon f imi n in your local newspaper. F ill nul an entry form Hold on in your ticket lo claim vour prize. nzed by the NATlONAi K l HAGUE