NW WH Page 6 Portland Observer OCTOBER 12, 1989 PROFESSIONAL PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyas and Ears ot tha Community' 288-0033 M Rain. 5 Lines E L E C T R IC A L M A IN T E N A N C E CO. Specializing In: In s u lla iio n , Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances, Equipment & Light Fixtures 517 NE Killingswonh Portland, Oregon 97211 Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 James W illiams Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d 1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(8« $2.50 Per Lint) B E A U T Y /B A R B E R _________ S U P P L IE S _________ PRITCHETT'S “ I f you dare to be fashionable" DIRECTORY Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) D O N M E JA M E S Men & Women;s Fashion SERVICES ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5387 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. Utru Set. 9 J FL O R A L - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery RENT Eartha's Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Kllllnçiworth 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats WASHERS & DRYERS Portland, Oregon 97211 212-3*75 H r D o Ueddings • Funerals k C___ _ Mode-To-Order • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 tin. - 6 p.m. P R IN T IN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 ~ • U Is Coupon Good For * p : '35 Par Monlh For Tha S a l__ . I — washer i s off : . D E L IV F R Y * • • INSTALLATION FFF • '3 0 D t l h r r \ A Im la llo ito n Co P o rtla n d v .- com ,.. 231-7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Office Manager Starling salary $1109-$1200 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified Of­ fice Manager who possesses expertise in word processing, billing and bookkeeping, sta­ tistical reporting and office li- gistics. Position works under minimul supervision. Good oral and written communication skills are necessary. Experience in social services environm ent is highly desirable. Experience or formal education resulting in database word processing, bookkeeping and statistical reporting proficiency necessary to qualify. A valid Oregon driver's license, reliable transportation and liability insurability are required. To apply, submit com­ pleted CODA application form and written responses to screen­ ing questions available at CODA Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400. Equal Op- p o rtunity/A ffirm ative Action Employer CAUCUS ADMINISTRATOR (immediate opening) The House Democratic Caucus of the Oregon Legislative assembly is recruiting for the position o f Caucus Administrator. This position is the Senior Staff Assistant to the M ajor­ ity Leader and House Democratic Caucus, supervises four staff and di­ rects the administrative functions of the Majority Office. Demonstrated communication and managerial skills and an understanding of the legisla­ tive process required. Salary range $2,641 -$3,370 per month. To apply, submit resume, including academic and work history and a writing sample to: Personnel services, Legislative Administration Committee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 Please su b m it applications by O c­ tob er 25,1989. For further informa­ tion, call (503) 378-8530. FAX: (503) 373-1527 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For qualified Institution Teacher Full time and part time institution teachers for MR/DD children wanted at fairview Training Cen­ ter for 1989/1990 school year. Requires current Oregon Teach­ ing Certificate with handicapped learner or severely handicapped learner endorsement. $1735- $3148/month. For application in­ form ation contact Personnel, Fairview Training Center, 2250 Strong Road SE, Salem, Or 97310. Telephone 378-5241 Assistant to the Vice President for In­ struction Application and job description are available at Personnel Services, Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97205. (503) 726-2211, LCC applications must be postmarked no later than November 10,1989. An affirmative Action/Equal Op­ portunity Institution. DAY CARE DIRECTOR POSITION Three (3) years experience in child care essential. Related degree preferred. Able to support and enhance the Salvation Army philosophy.Send resume to: Salvation Army 5335 N. W illiams Portland, OR 97217 Attn. A nnetta E .O .E Nursing American Red Cross Per diem RN's W ork in apositive, upbeat environ­ ment with a healthy population. W e are looking afor RN's with good p/r skills to perform health assessments and all blood collec­ tion activities in our Blood Center and on Bloodmoblies tahroughout OR and WA. Varied hours, thor­ ough orientation provided. Com­ petitive salary & excellent benefits package. American Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Or 97227 An Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer Alcohol /Drugs Outpatient adolescent sub­ stance abuse treatment program needs exper therapist to provide group, individual & family therapy for adolescents & their families. Full & parttime available. Send resume to MAIN STREAM YOUTH PROGRAM INC, 5311 SE Powell, Portland, Or 97206 Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer Minorities encour­ aged to apply RISK MANAGER $33,951-44,140 annually M ultnomah County, Portland, O re­ gon, is seeking a professional risk m anager to identify, evaluate, con­ trol and minimize the C ounty’s ex­ posure to loss o f or damage to physi­ cal assets, fidelity losses and losses arising out of w orkers’ com pensa­ tion and liability claims. Work in­ volves planning and directing stud­ ies to gather and analyze loss infor­ mation; developing, recommending and implement loss control programs and policies', administering self-in­ surance and safety functions; estab­ lishing records and procedures for reporting and handling claims and coordinating work with all depart­ ments of the County; apply by O cto­ b er 27,1989, at Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 (503) 248-5015. “ An Equal O pportunity Employer” MUNICIPAL PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR Portland Cable Access TV is accept­ ing applications for a Municipal Pro­ gramming Coordinator. Applicants must be capable of organizing and executing high quality TV produc­ tions addressing the needs of area municipalities. Applicants should pos­ sess excellent written and oral com ­ munications skills and be able to prepare and deliver presentations to groups. Starting salary is $20,000. Please submit a resume and cover letter detailing your reasons for applying by 5pm , M onday, O cto­ ber 23, 1989 to; General Manager PCA-TV 2766 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard Portland, OR 97212 Job description available upon re­ quest. PCA-TV is an equal opportu­ nity employer. W om en and m inori­ ties a re encouraged to apply. W ASHINGTON C O U w iï JOBS T ram e Engineer: $2725-53312/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms rcq., resu­ mes NOT accepted. Apply by Octo­ ber 13, 1989 to Washington County Personnel. An E.O.E. MUNICIPAL PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR REPORTS TO: GENERAL MANAGER SALARY RANGE: $20,000-26,000 RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for developing television production programming addressing the needs of area municipalities and other government entities. Programming w ill in clu d e co v erag e of meetings,public affairs and documen­ tary programs, responsible for devel­ oping and maintaining close w ork­ ing relationships with local govern­ ment officials and staff. Responsible for supervising staff and volunteers assigned to assist with productions. Responsible for maintaining accu­ rate records and preparation o f nec­ essary reports. Other tasks as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Must possess excellent written and oral com m uni­ cation skills including the ability to prepare and deliver presentations to groups. Should possess the organiza­ tional, planning, technical and ad­ ministrative skills necessary to super­ vise the development and production of high quality television program ­ ming appropriate forcablecast. Must be capable of dealing diplomatically and tactfully with diverse people and groups in a professional manner. Should be familiar with municipal government and the access commu­ nity. Should be able to function ef­ fectively under pressure and be ca­ pable of working as a member of a team with minimal supervision Multnomah County Oregon, 1120 SW Fifth 14th Floor, Portland, OR 97204- 1934. (503) 248-5015. An Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH Team Leader sought to supervise crisis team members, assure appropriate public accessibility to the C enter’s crisis services, act as Liaison to and coordinate diversion services with other agencies, review clients rec­ ords and services activitics.Must have knowledge of ICP com m itm ent laws and procedures, apply theories, prin­ ciples, and practices to crisis inter­ vention services. M ust work with an interdisciplinary team. M aster degree in mental health field and three years clinical experience including one year clinical supervi­ sory experience. We offer com pre­ hensive salary & benefits. Resume to Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer, N/NE Community Mental Health Center, 4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BI vd., Portland, OR 97211. Phone 249-0066. C losing: 10/18/89. M i­ norities encouraged to apply. E.O.E. REGISTERED NURSE, OHI SUBSTITUTES REGISTERED NURSE SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES Providing health care to students enrolled in public schools, pre-kin- dcrgarten-12th grade (ages 4-21), in Multnomah County. SALARY: $100.38 per 8/hday $50.19per4/hrday Appl Deadline: 10/20/89 by 2 pm Call 255-1841 E x t 207 Jcaneen be­ tween the hours o f 8:00 and 11:30, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and addi­ tional information or come to Per­ sonnel 220 SE 102nd, Portland, OR. An Equal Opportunity Employer Government jobs - Your Area Many immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885. Ext R 12859. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS Seeeking a responsible preson for coordination of the C enter’s Volun­ teer Program including job descrip­ tion development and revcision, screening, placement, orientation/ training, supervision and evaluation of volunteer staff. Requires college level coursework in volunteer man­ agement, program development or related field. Salary $7.90-9.60/hr. plus excellent benefit package. Hours: 20/week. Supplement questionnaire, application an d w ritten exam ina­ tion m ust be received by 5 p.m ., F rid ay , O ctober 20. Apply to City of Milwaukie Personnel Office, 10722 S.E. Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222. E qual O pp o rtu n ity E m ­ ployer. Administrative Manager: $2,861- $3,478/mo. Associate Planner/Planning: $2,134- $2,595/mo. Management Analyst (Community Corrections): $2,134-$2,595/mo Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req., resu­ mes NOT accepted. Apply by O cto­ ber 20,1989 to W ashington County Personnel. An E .O .E. ELIGIBILITY SUPERVISOR Rcsponsibilites:responsible for elgi- bility determination o f TPIC pro­ gram applicants based on funding sources and state and federal guidleines; plans and implements TPIC’s eligibility determination proc­ ess; supervises eligibility unit staff. Preferred Qualifications: Two years post-secondary education; two years experience interpreting federal regu­ lations and working with economi­ cally disadvantaged populations; strong supervisory experience; dem ­ onstrated effective interpersonal skills with people from diverse cultrual backgrounds; good oral and written communication skills; valid drivers license and reliable transportation. This position requires some evening, weekend and occasional overtime work. Qualifying experience may be substituted for education. Salary Range: $21,551 to $33,009 plus excellent benefit package Closing Date: 5 PM Friday, Octo­ ber 13,1989 Applications available at The Pri­ vate Industry Council, 520 SW 6th A ve„ S uite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirmative Action/Equal Op­ portunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III $2239-$2855/mo + excell. bene. pckg. Professional, staff support work to Human Rights and Social Service Commissions. Will develop, admin- ster social service contracts, coordi­ nate community needs budget re­ quests; research, prepare reports; plan, organize and schedule commission meetings. Considerable exp. in o r­ ganizational mgmt; 4 yr degree or any equiv. combination of exp/train- ing. Exp developing R FP’S and ad­ ministering govt contracts. Abil. to assemble, organize, present factual info; make impartial recommenda­ tions; & work with diverse groups. Closes 10-20-89. Apply: City of Salem, pers Dept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. EO E. V O L U N T E E R COORDINATOR: Seeeking a responsible preson for coordina­ tion o f the Center’s Volunteer Pro­ gram including job description de­ velopment and revcision, screening, placement, orientation/training, su­ pervision and evaluation o f volun­ teer staff. Requires col'ege level coursework in volunteer management, program development or related field. Salary $7.90-9.60/hr. plus excellent benefit package. Hours: 20/week. Sup­ plem ent questionnaire, application and w ritten exam ination m ust be received by 5 p.m ., F rid a y , O cto­ ber 20. Apply to City o f Milwaukie Personnel Office, M)722 SJS. Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222. E qual O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. TEACHER, SPECIAL EDUCATION M ULTIHANDICAPPED PROGRAM Substitutes on call only To provide direct instruction to stu­ dents. A ppl D eadline: 10/20/89 by 2 pm Call 255-1841 ExL 207 Jeaneen between the hours of 8:00 and 11:30, for Multnomah Education Service District application form and additional information or come to Personnel 220 SE 102nd, Portland, OR. An E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer GOVT Relations Coordinator FT position managing a govt rela­ tions program, designed to promote the coordinated deliveryh o f human services at the local, state & fedral levels, & to enhance governmental support for volunteerism, Individual will monitor legislation & other governmental decision-making at all levels regarding issues relevant to human services, requires Masters Degr in Social W ork or related field, + min 1 yr related work exper, or Bachelors Degr in Social or relate field, + 3 yrs related work exper. Demonstrated strong written & oral com m unica­ tions & organizing skills. Legal backgrd pref as well as exper w/govt & legislative process. Salary min, 426,000 + excel bnfts. Send resume by Oct 13 to Carolyn Lewis, United Way o f Columbia/W illamet e. 718 W Burnside. Ptld, OR 97209.228- 9131. Equal Opportunity Employer. MENTAL HEALTH Counselor, half-time position, work­ ing with CMI's in community sup­ port services. M aster's degree in human services required. Qualified Mental Health Professional status. Please send resume by 10/24/89 to: C.C.M.H. 6329 N.E. Union Portland, OR 97211 Attn: N. Nickerwson PARENT INFORMATION COORDINATOR Sought for PSU Regional R esearch In stitu te ’s R esearch & T ra in ­ ing C en ter on Fam ily S u p p o rt & C h ild re n ’s M ental H ealth na­ tional clearinghouse & resource c en ter. H a lf-tim e p o sitio n ; $ 11,500-12,500. Requirements; parcnl/family member of child who has/had mental, emotional, or be­ havioral disorder, experience seek­ ing & obtaining services for child;* pood basic writing & phone skills. Posit on ivill remain open until filled, but preferred starting date is 10/1/89. Subm itapplication let­ ter; resume; 3 references to: M ari­ lyn McManus, PSU/RRI, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97202. PSU IS AN A A /E E O E M PL O Y E R , The Regional Research Institute for Human Services is affiliated with the Graduate School. 024 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR QUALIFIED CNA/ BNA AND NON-CNA Certified Nursing Assistants needed to supervise day living of clients, to maintain a therapeutic environ­ ment and to participate in a treat­ ment team. $1262-$1530/month. Shift work on a 24 hour-7 day week schedule, weekend/holiday work, & over-time as required. All Applicants will have a criminal record check prior to hiring. Please apply in person Mon-Fri., 8am - 5pm at: Fairview Training Center Personnel Office, Administration Bldg. 2250 Strong Rd. S.E Salem, OR 378-5369 Please bring CNA/BNA certifi­ cate when applying. 050 ENTRY COUNSELOR C-II Starting salary$l 109-$l 165 month plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified appli­ cants for entry level counselor C-II at Alpha House residential Facility. Re­ sponsibilities include: Monitoring and documenting clients behavior; man­ agement of a small caseload; co­ facilitation of treatment groups; maintenance of program polices and procedures. Typical work week is 4pm-midnight, T ues-Sat To quality: Associates degree in health services or related field or CCDC certification and 1 year of supervised human service experience are re­ quired. Preferred applicants will be proficient in developing and main­ taining positive relationships with drug dependent clients and possess good oral and written communica­ tion skills. To apply: applicants must submit completed CODA application form including responses to screening questions. Application materials may be obtained at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 07232.2339- 8400. C oda is an E qual O p p o rtu - nity/A ffirm ative A ction Em ployer. FINANCIAL ANALYST City o f Eugene, Or Salary Range: $2141-3059/Month Position responsible for highly complex fiscal, operational, and policy analysis on a variety of fi­ nancial, City service system, legis­ lative an J management issues. Researaches, analyzesn and rec­ ommends stratetgies to enhance City's revenue base and fincance major capital construction or aqui- sition. Requires three to five yhers experience in public finance; ac­ counting, budgeting or policy analy­ sis and BA in a relevent field. Obtain application at City of Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Peawrl St. Room 101, Eugene, Or 97401. Closing "DAdte: No­ vember 10, I989.AA/EOE. MENTAL HEALTH-Group Coun­ selor to lead groups and superivse activities of SED youth in a day treatment program. Bachelor’s degree required ; experience with minorities and adolescents desired. Salaryu $15,000 to $176,000. Send resume by 10/20/89 to: Tio Nick's 7025 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97203 Attn: Isaac White “ ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! $32,OOO/year income potential. D e­ tails (1) 602-838-8885 Ext. Bk 12859.