VV1 Page 4 Portland Observer OCTOBER 12, I98‘> News Around Town O RfG O N b I» UNITY OF LOVE LOTTB7Y Get in on the Action, TRAVEL ROBERTS The Unity of Love is on the make!!! 287- 1245 Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair ■ style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer OREGON LOTTERY rERY nn p® MCTt O| Play Oregon Lottery's new Sports Action Game. Its exciting, its fun! Details at your Lottery Retailer. Enter this week to play and win! "FULL FARES" $198.00 or less to over two hundred cities if purchased by October 20th Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers "Discount Prices fo r back to School" I Senior Fares are even better L . Turn to page 2 for Official Program information on this week's Sports Action Game! ¿Baptist CjlUidt Give us a call y, s mdSanor dkotr in Cbmri 'iiîimï- OÌM U W Hawaii... $278. OOrt , Bahama's...$298.OOrt U »«™ , ttìi M ScWl 'Pscchn O c fo k r I), Speaker Willie Brown To Keynote Black Women's Physician’s Eighth Annual Fall Benefit IW, The Association of Black Women Phy­ sicians (ABWP) will hold its Eight Annual Fall Benefit themed, “ Honor­ ing our Past, Investing in our Future,” Saturday evening, October 28,1989 at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, the black tie optional affair begins with a 6:30 p.m. reception and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Anita Mitchell, president of ABWP, stated, ‘ ‘Our membership is extremely delighted to welcome Speaker W illie L. Brown, Jr. as Keynoter for our bene­ fit. He is not only one of the most eru­ dite and charismatic orators in the coun­ try, he is also a respected and influen­ tial leader. Under Mr. Brown’s Speakership, Cali­ fornia has enacted major reforms in the Medi-Cal system. He has authored several landmark medical bills includ­ ing legislation establishing h e Child Health Disabilities Program. Presiding over the evening’s proceed­ ings as Mistress of Ceremonies, will be Ms. LaRita Shelby, radio personality of KGFJ-AM in Los Angeles. Enter­ tainment will be provided by The Fan­ tasia Band. According to Dr. Mitchell, “ ABW P is ft faviaibeui - S^zctaL &U(Lôi: G<* S i a n * t tlu - S w ii ’ficOzdS Îvrrîdw ,7 .'J ’ -¿'"Q The people we depend on need our help. * ritöl Q'& d W usccims \ A awarded more than $50,000 dollars in scholarships to African-American women studying to become physicians. For dinner reservations and further information, you may contact the ABWP public relations firm of Alescia Buford and Associates at 818/995-6545. looking forward to presenting its an­ nual Rebecca Lee, M.D. Scholarship Awards to deserving,dedicated, Afri­ can-American women in medical school.” She continued, “ We will also honor three well known and respected Black women physicians with our As­ sociation of Black Women Physicians Lifetime Achievement Award.The honorees t h i s year are: Marguerite Lewie, M.D., Mary McCoo, M.D. and Anna Smith, M .D.” ABWP was founded in 1982 with a mission to improve the health and welfare of its community and human­ kind in general, through education, guidance and service. In addition the philanthropic organization provides needed monetary support for individu­ als and projects related to fundamental health issues impacting the Black community. Since 1983, ABWP has Our Portland Police and Fire Fighters have a pension plan that is unfair. Only you, the voters, can fix it. Vote Yes to: ■ provide for widows and children of our police and fire fighters. ■ provide benefits for Portland police and fire fighters equal to other public employees throughout Oregon. ■ tighten up stress disability claims to save tax dollars. YES MAIL YOUR BALLOT TODAY The results of professional football games are used to determine the winners: OREGON LOTTERY OFFICIAL PROGRAM I H M IM PWlM.RyM : S •* A 5 A- I TICKET ENTRY FORM o o «2L, ' *** ----1----«T- l imi it in your Itxal neu -.paper. OREGON LOTTERY SPORTS ACTION Paid tor by Citizens tor Pension Reform, Tom Chamberlain, Treas , 4530 S.E. 67th Xve , Portland, OR 97206. ENTRY FORM Fill nut an entry form. Hold on to your ticket to claim your prize. jTedw.fh ‘sporaxed by u. authorized by the NATIONAL L O O IR A ll 11 AGUt