Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 12, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Page 3 Portland Observer OCTOBER 12, 1989
Lovest Thou Me?
By Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
chose to praise my Lord, the rocks
are going to cray out--"Glory and
Nostalgia has gripped many people
during thes changing Times. They
relive certain periods of the past and
glorify conditions and situations which
marked those periods. If,when we
tlhink of the past, we remember the
blessings, the inspiring growth in
ourselves and in our world, that is
fine. But what a waste it is to dwell
on the past and fail to make tahe
present moment athe rewarding time
o f growth it can be.
Right now, opportunity holds out its
friendly hand. Let us grasp it. Right
now, avenues o f success unparal­
leled in history are begging to be
opened. Right n o w -n o t in
,thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, or
the seventies—there is the creative
Spirit readying our new world.
This is October of 1989. How many
Octobers must pass before mankind
will decide to make up its minds to
really know in their hearts who the
For many, many decades, man has
sought to change the words o f the
MASTER TEACHER. He (man) has
shed the blood o f athe innocent, he
has imprisoned those who have at­
tempted to preach out for what is
right, in the sight o f the Almighty
God. All kinds o f movemenats, both
spiritual and emotional, have plagued
our nation with it's varied doctrines.
Some have taken some parts o f their
text farom the Holy Scriptures, while
others have completely changed,
rewritten, or ju st plain misconstrued
the shole meaning o f the Holy Bible.
Religious movements have come and
gone, but the Christian Religion has
existed since its conception. The
Gospel will be continually taught
and preached regardless to whether
or not mankind wants to go with the
flow or whether he choses to rebell
and take it upon himself to create
another following to suit him. My
question is: "Why re-invent the
wheel?" "If it's not broken, why fix
Christ's 'word-of-mouth' concept
caught on like wildfire. The twenty-
eighth chapeter o f Matthews, in the
eighteenth through the twentieth
verses, we read that Jesus Christ has
been crucified, has risen from the
dead and is now appearing before his
disciples before He ascends to His
Father in Heaven. He gives them the
final commandment, "...Go ye there­
fore and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name o f the Father, and
o f tiie Son, and o f the Holy Ghost.
Teaching them toobserrve all tlhings
whatsoever I have commanded you,
and lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end o f the world. Amen."
The stedfast Christians have been
carrying the Holy Light and passing
it on by letting their Light shine, by
teaching the W ORD, by preaching
the powerful Gospel message that
Christ came to save all who are lost.
Salvation is full and Free! In the
eighth chapter o f S t John, we find
Jesus Christ speaking to an adultress.
When her accusers had fled the scene,
Jesus Christ asked her, "...W omen,
where are those thine accusers? Hath
no man condemned thee?" The woman
raeplied, "No man. Lord." Jesus tlhen
said, "Niether so I condemn thee; go,
and sin no more."
With campassion and so much LOVE-
-Christ always approached the un­
saved in such a manner.
Yes! Man has attempted to stamp the
name o f Jesus Christ from the very
face of the earth; but man shall never
be successful in such a quest. The
W ORD shall stand, the name o f Je­
sus Christ shall be forever spoken
from the lips o f man. For my scrip­
ture atells me, that if man doesn't
God showed how much he loved us
by sending his only Son into this
wicked world to bring to us eternal
life through his death. In this act we
see what real love is; it is not our love
for God, but his love for us when he
sent his son to satisfy God's anger
against our sins.. We know how much
God loves us because we have felt
his love and becausse we believe him
when he tells us that he loves us
down the aisle and extended her hand
to receive Christ as her personal Savior.
That same evening she was baptized.
She had died tao the world and had
become a new creature in Christ Jesus.
Little did she know that on the very
next day she would lose her mother.
At 14 years old, she needs hcrmothcr's
love. She needs her mother’s conver­
sation. She needs to just know atlhat
het mother is there when she needs
The Mt. Olivet Family and the Be­
thel Family will join together to help
support the convictions o f this lo-
vaely young lady and to help!
up in times of trouble.
Rev. Dr. James E. Martin, along with
the congrcation of Mt. Olivet Baptist
C hun.' attended and participated in
the funeral services of Estrada Glover.
Estrada leaves to morn her passing,
two daughters; Angel Lavonne and
Janae Hana; her mo:her, Mrs. Lenora
C. Morris; two sisters; Kassandra
Bernadette and Millicent Tonya; three
brothers, Oddie Lee, Arnold Dewayne,
and Lance Ondreal; and a host of
neices, nephews, relatives and friends.
Riverview Cemetery became her final
resting place.
Insight From The Word
by Michael Lindsey, Dean o f North
Portland Bible College
The Bible lesson on manyu o f our
Sunday Schools on October 15, will
be Daniel 12. Here are some remark­
able prophecies from that text:
"Multitudes who sleep in the dust of
the earth shall awake: some to ever­
lasting life, others to whame and
everflasting contempt" (verse 2). "As
for you [Daniel], go your way till the
end. You will rest, and then at the end
of the day you will rise to receive
your allotted inheritance” (verse 13,
Reincarnation has become a preva­
lent belief in the United States, even
among those who would call them­
selves Christians. In a 1982 Gallup
PO11, 23% o f those Americans sur­
veyed believed they had lved past
lives in other bodies. W ell known
Hollywood stars, including Sylvester
Stallone Loretta Lynn, and Shirley
MacLaine, have "discovered" previ­
ous lives and popularized a very
ancient belief, common to Hindu­
ism, Buddhism and other religions.
MacLaine has written six best-sell­
ing boods on reincamatio, channel­
ing, and so forth.
People have every right to believe in
reincarnation, and even to pay big
money to specialists in "past-life
regression", who induce trances in
order to bring suppressed memories
to the surface. But people who take
the Bible seriously, as Good's WORD,
must reject reincarnation and the
related New Age precepts. "It is
appointed Idestined]
unto man once to die, and after that
the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). The
Bible reveals thatGod has a plan in
human history and history is pur­
poseful, moving toward the goal of
the establishment ofd the KING­
DOM of GOD. Reincarnation has no
place in such a world view, for it is
essentially an endless cycle with no
transcendent p u rp o se.
Gods messengers gave Daniel two
words of hope in the scriptures cited
above, first, everyone who has died
will fise in the jujgement. No-one
has been lost in the dust, nor has
anyone been recycled into various
lives,. Second, those who are right­
eous will receive eternal life, and a
particular reward for your faithful
work in this life. If you know Jesus as
your personal Lord and Savior, you
can rejoice in this this life and look
forward expectantly to the future.
"H earts O f G old"
For God is LOVE, and anyone who
lives in love is living with God and
God is living in him. And as we live
with Christ, our love grows more
perfect and complete; so we will not
be shamed and em barrassed at tlhc
day o f judgm ent, but can face him
with confidence and joy, because he
loves us and we love him too.
If you were to stand before Christ,
TODA Y, could you ans wer the ques­
tion that Jesus Christ put before Simon
Peter, son of Jonas, "Lovest thou me
more than these?"
There are many o f God's sheep who
m ust be fed. W e, the Saints of today,
m ust "GO" into all talhe world and
continue to feed tlhe sheep which are
lost in this world. Lost to crack. Lost
to prostitution. Lost to fornication.
Lost to adultry. Lost to hate, je a l­
ousy, fear, ency, lies.... lost ato sin.
There are those who are lost right
heare in our own backyards, homes,
and on our jobs. Tell them that Jesus
Christ loves them and so do you. For
we must love one another as Christ
loves us.
The past certainly contributed to lahe
present, but we are now living in the
present. Certainly it is the will of our
loving Father-God, that we allow this
present moment to unfold all tahe
glories that have been prepared for it.
Right now we invite the living, lov­
ing Lord to use us as a channel for the
good of this marvelous moment!
St.John Chapter 6
In Loving Memory Of Estrada Luchica Glover
On Friday, October 6, 1989, funeral
services were held for Estrada Glover,
daughter o f Mrs. Lenora C. Morris,
at the Bethel African M ethodislEpis
copal Church. Services began at 11
a.m. with Rev. Milton G reen, offi-
Estrada L. Glover was bom April 10,
1955 in Cleveland, Ohio, the fifth
child of the late Oddie Glover and
Mrs. Lenora Glover MOrris.
The family moved to Portland, O re­
gon in November, 1955. Estrada at­
tended Emaculatc Heart and St.
Andrews Elementary Schools and later
attended S t Mary's of the Valley High
School. She was apart of the first
class to graduate from Adams High
School. She later attended Portland
State University.
The Family joined Bethel A.M.E.
church in 1965. Estrada was a mem­
ber of Bethel's Youth Choir and Young
People's Department.
Estrada worked for tlhe Telephone
Company and later for the Oraego-
nian as an Administrative Secretary.
Estrada and Kenny Jessie are the
parents of Angel Lavonne and Janae
On the first day o f October, at the Mt.
O livetBaptistChurch, Angel walked
Scripture of the W eek:
Wonderful sweetness wrapped up with
love, You are ready to enter God's
castle above.
Your embrace was warm your love
so sweet. We all know your life is
now con7ple:e.
I also know vou're my mother and
friend, Your warmness has filled me
again and again.
We're put everyday through a trial or
a test. Those were the times you've
acted the besL
W henever the cause you tried to be
bold, Because you've got a heavy
heart made o f gold.
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Prayer: I AM A NEW ME, LORD.
Jesus Loves You!
A lle n Teinnle C M E C hurch
The Albina Church of God
5522 N.Albina/283-1635
4236 N.E. Eighth Avcnut
(comer of 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor
Psalm 34:3
With A Bold New Vision
Reaching out until He conies
Going Back when He comes
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Sunday Service
6:00 p.m.
9:45 a.m.
Sunday Service
Tuesday Teaching
For I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of
Christ....Romans 1:16
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
116 NE. Schuyler
7:45am Worship Service
9:30am Sunday School
10:45am Worship Service
Bible Study:
10:30-12 Noon Wednesday
6:30-8pm Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
Moments of Deliverance 7:30
The Friendliest Church in the city
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving.
Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS
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