Page S Portland Observer OCTOBER 5, 1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rates: 5 Lines The Eyes end Ears of the Community* 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 D O N N IE J A M E S Men Jí¡ Women:s Fashion 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 Janies Williams 4 Weeks - $25.00(adri $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5.00 P.M. • Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the .right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) B E A U T Y / BARBER S U P P L IE S PRITCHETT’S ja ’b e ll’s ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE “ If you dare lo be lashionable" 1 Week - $7.50 CO. Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Specializing In: Insullaiion, trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances. Equipment <& Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Cotes Pntvhcii 3525 \ E Rodney 287 9617 Portland, OR 97212 Open: Hon. taru Sat. FL O R A L - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats RENT Earths s Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Kllllngsworth Portland. Oregon 97211 282-3675 WASHERS & DRYERS • TH» C oupon Good For * We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-Order • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 P R IN T IN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 9 t.m. - 6 p.m. : ‘ is Month For The Set '3 5 Per ren tal C o. w asher off : • O EUVFHY & • IN S T A I LA T IO N TFT • JO D ritte r^ A Im ta llo ilu n P o r tla n d Vancouver 231*7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR M ental H ealth A ssociation of O re gon. Location, Salem. Respon sible for advocacy, membership chapter development, administra tion, fiscal oversight, coordina lion of MHAO office, activities and program. Some travel. Bache lore degree in communication, bust ness or public administration, psy chology, health administration sociology or social work, law or equivalent in training or expert ence. experience in advocacy and preparation o f legislation. Salary up to $32,500 plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter to MHAD, 364 12th St NE Salem, OR 97301 by O ctober 16, 1989. An E qual O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer Caregiver ACCOUNTANT- HALE-TIME Duties include accounts payable, ac­ counts receivable, payroll finan­ cial statements, bank reconcili­ ations. Must be familiar with gen­ erally accepted accounting proce durcs and be proficient on micro­ computer. prefer degree in accounting,business or related. Salary, S850 per month plus generous benefits. Send res­ ume by O etober 1 5 ,1989toY.M Deligiorgis, OPB Foundation, PO Box 69485, Portland 97201. No phone calls please. A ffirm ative A etion/E qual O p p o r­ tunity Em ployer 047 Monday through Thursday. Quali­ fications: Ability to rapidly learn servicing and cleaning procedures; ability to perform heavy physical labor; possess Oregon Chauffeur or Class 2 driver’s license (Class 2 permit acceptable for applying). Wage $7.73 per hour plus $.40 per hour graveyard shift differen­ tial. Official District application form must be received by Salem A rea M ass T ra n sit D istrict no later than O ctober 13, 1989 at 3140 Del Webb Ave. N.E., Sa­ lem, OR 97303. An E qual O pp o rtu n ity Em ployer. C-3 JO B O PPO R T U N IT Y SOCIAL SERVICE Gain valuable exper. as a Client-Em ployed Care Provider by provid ing companionship, domestic asst and personal care to elderly/dis ablcd people. Live-in opportuni­ ties aval. Pay varied. Contact Aging Services Division near you. N.E. Branch: S.E. Branch. East Branch: W est Branch: 248-5470 233-5000 248-5480 248-5460 030 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR QUALIFIED CNA/ BNA AND NON-CNA Certified Nursing Assistants needed to supervise day living of clients to maintain a therapeutic environ ment and to participate in a treat ment team. $1262-S1530/month Shift work on a 24 hour-7 day week schedule, weekend/holiday work, & over-time as required. All Applicants will have a criminal record check prior to hiring. Please apply in person Mon-Fri., 8am 5pm at: Art Director This creative, take-charge position requires minimum two years ex­ perience as a broadcast artist. Must have extensive knowledge of graphic layout for print advertis­ ing along with broad understand­ ing of video composition and form. Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Send resumes to: Dennis Updegraff V.P. Programming and Operations KPDX-TV P.O. Box 49 Portland, OR 97207 No Phone Calls A FFIR M A T IV E A CTIO N E M PL O Y E R EQUAL O PPO R T U N IT Y E M PL O Y E R 025 Maintenance Foreman Swing shift position performing jour­ ney level mechanic work and super­ vising the work o f other skilled and semi-skilled personnel engaged in Fairview Training Center maintaining transit buses and auto­ Personnel Office, mobiles. Must have considerable Administration Bldg. knowledge o f diesel engines and bus 2250 Strong Rd. S.E maintenance practices and ability to Salem, OR supervise others effectively. Starting 378-5369 hourly wage rate is $ 11.82 per hour Please b rin g CNA/BNA certifi­ plus a S.35 per hour shift differential cate w hen applying. 0501 Fill out official application by O cto­ ber 13, 1989, which is available at the Salem Area Mass Transit Dis­ Transit Operator/Part-Time trict; 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.; Sa­ lem, OR 97303. Operating transit buses on an “ as AN EQUAL O PPO R T U N IT Y needed” basis. Must be available E M PL O Y E R . for work six operating days 034 (Monday through Saturday). Must have a valid Chauffeur’s or Class ENGINEERING 2 license, experience in operating TECHNICIAN II buses, good driving record, abil­ (Development Services) ity to work with the public and ability to communicate effectively. This technical engineering position Class 2 permit acceptable for is resp. for reviewing land dev. applying but employment contin­ plans for compliance with City gent upon ability to obtain Class 2 codes, standards, policies; research­ license. $9.02/hour. Fill out offi­ ing same in relation to dev. plans; cial application by O ctober 13, and performing related eng. work. 1989, which is available at the Sa­ Reg. 2 yrs. progressively resp. eng. lem Area Mass Transit District; support eng. related associate 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.; Sa­ degree may substitute for part of lem, OR 97303. the req. exp. Starting salary: $1,905- AN EQ U A L O PPO R T U N IT Y $2,086/MO plus cxc. benefits, in­ E M PL O Y E R cluding City paid 6% PERS con­ tribution. CITY APPLICATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL Q UES­ Dietitian, Clinical TIONNAIRE REQUIRED. Closes 10/13/89. Apply at City of -a ir view T ra in in g C en ter, a large G resham , Human Resources Di state residential training facility vision, 501 NE Hood, Suite 100 for MR/DD individuals, seeks clini­ Gresham, OR 97030 (503) 669- cal dietitians. Must be registra­ 2309. tion eligible from the Com m is­ r,OE sion of Dietary Registration of O il A.D.A. Salary: $ 166’ Ta $z078b month, generous fringe benefits. For Applivation information con- “ A TTEN TIO N . EA RN M ON EY READING BOOKS! tact: Personnel Office, Fairview $32,000/ycar income potential. D e­ Training Center, 2250 Strong Rd. tails (1) 602-838-8885 Ext. Bk SE, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378- 12859. 5369 EOE Cascade AIDS Project is seeking a Client Services C o o rd in ato r to manage programs for people with AIDS. Qualifications preferred: MSW or related M aster’s degree, program development and super­ visory experience, and sensitivity to AIDS issues, resumes to: Ex­ ecutive Director, CAP, 408 SW 2nd, Suite 412, Portland, OR 97204. Application deadline: October 20. (ZAP is an equal opportunity em ployer. C-5 INVOICE CLERK G eorgia-Pacific C orp, has an im­ mediate opening for an Invoice Clerk. Responsibilities include as­ sisting in preparation of corporate orders & invoices and filing. Re­ quires 10-kcy skills, accurate typ­ ing ability and numeric filing abil­ ity. PC familiarity and bookkeep­ ing experience helpful. Please apply in person Thursday, 10/ 5 and Friday, 10/6 from 8:30 - 4:30. If unable to apply in person, please send cover letter and res­ ume with complete salary history by 10/9 to: Georgia-Pacific Corporation Human Resources Department- n t h Floor 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 E qual O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer R.N. OPENING MEDICAL Opening for OR RN and/ or OR Tech. Your chance to relo­ cate to desirable So. Oregon. Com­ petitive wages & benefits. Pro­ gressive growing hospital. Beau­ tiful recreational area & nice people to work with. Check us out. Call Maxine Davis or Joan Strong at (503) 479-7531, or write: So. O regon M edical C enter, 1505 NW Washington BI, Grants Pass OR 97526 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 1 (R ideshare/E nergy Program M anager) $2039-$2689 M onthly This position is with the Public Tran­ sit Division in Salem. The Ridc- sharc/Energy Program Manager conducts the Suite Ridcsharc Pro­ gram, and coordinates and com ­ municates between the rideshar- ing agencies throughout the Suite. This position directs the program, manages the budget, and guides and manages the activities of the Association of Ridcsharc Profes­ sionals in Oregon. Contact ODOT Personnel, 120 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281, for recruiting announce­ ment and application form. AN A A /EEO E M PL O Y E R ...................... • ......................................................* ............ ..... * ’ I Multnomah County ELIGIBILITY SUPERVISOR DEVELOPMENTAL Responsibilities: Responsible jfor eli­ gibility determination of TPIC pro­ Cleaning and Servicing District buses. T he O regon W ater Resources De­ DISABILITIES PROGRAM gram applicants based on funding MANAGER Hours from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. p a rtm e n t is recruiting for the fol­ SERVICE WORKER ........... " * * ' Public Hearings Referee sources and state and federal quide- $37,375-$48,588 Annually lowing position: lines; plans and implements TPIC's Public Interest Hearings Referee: This Responsible for the administration and eligibility determination process; operation ot the DD Program Ut- position manages all aspects of supervises eligibility unit staff. fice, including theareas o f con- the contested case hearing proc­ trading, budget, personnel and Preferreed Qualifications: Two years ess involving hydroelcctirc proj­ post-secondary education; two advocacy and provisioning of di­ ect applications and acts as pri­ years experience interpreting fed­ rect and community based DD mary coordinator for the Hydro eral regulations and working with service delivery systems; requires Task Force o f the Strategic W ater economically disadvantaged popu­ a bachelors degree in a related Management Group. lations; strong supervisory experi­ field and 6 years of experience, 3 FOR MORE INFO, CALL TERRY ence; demonstrated effective in­ of which must be in management (503) 378-3741, BY 10/6/89. terpersonal skills with people from and/or program planning; apply E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y /A F - diverse cultural backgrounds; good by October 20, 1989. FIR M A T IV E A CTIO N E M ­ oral and written communication PL O Y E R . skills; valid drivers license and COMMUNITY C-7 reliable transportation. This posi­ CORRECTIONS tion requires some evening, week­ PLANT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS OFFICER end and occasional overtime work. TECHNICIAN I $29,775-$38,712 Annually Qualifying experience may be Unified Sewerage Agency Responsibilities include needs analy- substituted for education. $10.31-$12.52 Per Hour scs, development o f RFPs, pro-Salary Range: $21,551 to $33,009 plus Performs mechancial maintenance and gram evaluation, quality assurance, excellent benefit package, repair of wastewater treatment plant providing technical assistance to Closing Date: 5PM, Friday, October and pumping stations equipment. contract agencies and supervising i3 t 1989. Require responsible experience in staff; requires two years ol pro-A pplications available at The Private industrial plant maintenance, build­ gram planning, development, Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., ing maintenance, pipefitting or evaluation and policy analysis in Suite 400, related mechanical trades afford­ the area of criminal justicjc; apply 97204. An Affirmative Action/ ing exp. with mechanics tools, by October 13, 1989. E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. mechanical measuring instruments and trouble-shooting a wide vari­ EMERGENCY INSURANCE ety of mechanical problems. MANAGEMENT Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Agency applications forms req., ,O rpgQ ptlis currently accepting resumes NOT accepted. Apply by applications for the following posi­ $10.42 Per Hour October 13, 1989 to W ashington Prepare emergency response plans, County Personnel, 150 N. First tions: develop and present training pro­ Hospital Reimbursement Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR grams; requires six months of 97124. Specialist emergency management program planning, development and evalu­ Immediate opening for a Hospital Equal Opportunity Employer ation experience, apply by O cto­ Reimbursement Specialist in our Instructor of Mathematics Health Care Services Division to ber 13, 1989. Instructor of Mathematics to teach develop, coordinate, and maintain pre-Algebra through second year WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah system programs for hospital re­ Calculus. MA or MS Degree in County Employee Services, Room imbursement. Programming ex­ Mathematics or equivalent re­ 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, perience with SAS or Natural and quired. Experience teaching PC lanuages (i.e. Focus, Lotus, Portland, OR 97204. m athem atics at the college level etc) required Equal Opportunity Employer required. Closing date Nov. 1,1989. The candidate should be familiar For more information and applica­ Nursing-RN with hospital accounting system tion packets call Mt. Hood Com­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of and prospective reimbursement munity College 667-7645 AA/EOE Oregon is currently acceping methodologies such as Per Diem applications for the following RN and Diagnosis Related Group re­ Alcohol/Drugs Youth Spe­ position imbursement methods. Strong oral and written communication skills cialist Psychiatric and statistical skills required Outpatient adolescent alcohol drug Review Coordinator program needs experienced A&D This position conducts psychiatric Dental /Claims Analyst Counselor to provide alcohol/drug reviews including pre-certification Posiation requires minimum of 1 education and COA groups to pre-authorization and inpatient years experience working in a runaway youth. Must be self-moti­ claim review; maintains utilization dental office and paper workback- vated & a team player. Experi­ guidelines; estabilishes close ground. Knowledge of ADA Cod­ ence with COA and co-depend­ working relations with provider & ing and dental terminology required ency issues and youth group fa­ internal personnel and assists with Fast/accurate CRT experience is cilitation required. Minorities en­ psychiatric & chemical abuse a must Candidate will display couraged to apply. Send resume program review & policy modifica­ strong oral and written communi­ to 5311 S.E. Powell, Portland, Or tions. cation skills. Ability to work under 9720R pressure and workovertim e hours This position will require; when needed Mental Health Currently OR licensed RN 3-5 years recent hospital or ambu­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Residential On-Call latory psychiatric-substancxe Oregon offers an excellent em­ Backup Workers ployee benefits package, flex-time abuse experience Coda Inc. seeks qualified appli­ Experience with hospital dim s work hours and competitive sal­ cants for On-Call Backup W ork­ review and/or audit, demonstrated ary. Please apply or send resume ers to provide sole facility and ability to work in a fast-paced to: client supervision at adult residen­ environment unde: high pressure Blue Cross and Blue tial treatment centers Alpha House, conditions. Shield of Oregon and New Directions. Variable shifts. A strong commitment to cost Experience with residential or containment Human Resources alcohol/drug clients preferred. Excellent interpersonal skills Dept., 5th Fir $5.48 Hour. Application materials Blue Cross and Blue Shield of 100 S.W. Market available at CODA Inc. 210 NE Oregon otters an excellent em­ 20th Ave. Portland, OR 97232. ployee benefits package, flex-time ' Portland, OR 97201 239-8400. Equal Opportunity/Af- work hours, and competitive sal­ Equal O p p o rtu n ity firmative Action Employer ary Please apply or send resume Washington County Jobs Employer to: TRAFFIC ENGINEER Blue Cross and Blue Shield $2,2725-$3,312 Per Month of Oregon Call (503) 648-8607 for information Human Resources County appplication forms req., resumes NOT accepted. Apply by* 5th Fir October 13. 1989 to W ashington 100 S.W. Market County Personnel. Equal Opportunity Employer Dept., Portland, OR 97201 ATTENTION -IIIR IN G !!- Government jobs - Your Area Many immediate openings without PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the Community' wailing list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. G ill 1-602-838-8885. Ext 288-0033 R 12859. ‘ • “ A»,’ • Millions’. My reports have earned literally ntillionsof dollars forcom panics and individuals nationwide. Can help you reach wealth too. Free proof: M r. Billy T. M eGbee, P.O. Box 8095, Riverside, Ca. 92515 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue (503) 796-3878