JOBS&CLASSIFIED City of Portland ’ RistjfeANcr INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS Proposals Due 2:00 P .M . on V arious Dates Sealed Proposals w ill be received at the Bureau o f Purchases and Stores Room 1313.Portland Building, 1120 S.W. Fifth A ve., Portland, OR 97204 for the Projects detailed below u ntil 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi­ tional information, telephone Buyer at number listed. Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety fo r an amount not lessthan ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate amount o f the proposal. The city encourages bidding by M B E ’s and FBE's and w ill assit such firms to understand and participate in form al bidding process. N O N -D IS C R IM IN A TIO N : No proposal or bid w ill be considered unlessthe bidder ts certified as an EEO A ffirm a tive Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the code o f the city o f Portland. Proposal No Description Opening Date 16 Annual Supply Sawdust for Wastewater Treatment Plant. C all B ill Frazier, 285-0205 10/17/89 17 Construct Neighborhood T raffic Division Corridor. C all Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Prequalfication in Class 2-Street Improvement Required. 10/24/89 19 Synthetic T u rf & Track Resurfacing. Call Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. 10/17/89 INFORMATIONAL PORTLAND CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids w i ll be received u n t il 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a t e d in th e P u rc h a s in g D e p a rtm e n t, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, P ortla nd , Oregon f o r the items lis t e d he re in : BID FILING DATE iThe ballot measure printed below will be presented to I the qualified voters of Multnomah County at the Special MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS B lu * Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications fo r Medical Claims Analysts.This position is responsible fo r accurate and tim ely payment o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task w ill include: » 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s o ffice or hospital setting *■ Demonstrated knowledge o f medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience » IC D -9/C PT -4 Coding A m inim um o f 6-12 months experience using a C R T in a produc­ tion oriented environment *•* Fast, accurate use o f a 10-ltey calculator Previous claims processing or insurance b illin g experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, competitive salary and flex time w ork hours. Please apply or send resume to: ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Large Equipment For C a fe te ria s , 1989-90 Oct. 24, 1989 A udiovisual Equipment & Supplies For Warehouse Stock, 1990-91 Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and b idd ing document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , please con tact M. J. Hutchens, D ir. o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the Forest Research Laboratory Electrical Improvements — Rebid project w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education until 2:00 P.M., PST, October 31, 1989. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone (5031737-4071 Election held on November 7,1989. The ballots will be delivered to the Post Office on October 18,1989 for delivery to each voter. Any elector dissatisfied with the ballot title may petition the Multnomah County Circuit Court prior to October 10,1989 to challenge the ballot title. Multnomah County, Oregon Three Year Serial Levy: Fund Jail Space and Drug Treatment Question: Shall County annually levy $13,5000,000 outside constitutional limit for three years for added jail space, jail operations and drug treatment? Explanatory Statement; This measure authorizes Multnomah County to serially levy $13,500,000 each year for three years, outside the constitutional limit, starting July 1, 1990 (total: $40,500,000). The voters approved a three year serial levy in 1987 to construct and operate the Alnvemess Jail (housing 256 inmates). The levy expires June, 1990. Blue Cross Ouo Shield BID TITLE Oct. 17. 1989 NOTICE OF ELECTION NOVEMBER 7,1989 Equal Opportunity Employer unds will be used for operation of Inverness Jail; expansion of Inverness Jail to house 210 more inmates; and three residential alcohol and drug treatment units, each housing 40 inmates. S O C IA L S E R V IC E Cascade A ID S Project is seeking a Client Services Coordinator to manage programs for people with AIDS. Qualifications preferred: MS W or related Master’s degree, program development and super­ visory experience, and sensitivity to AIDS issues, resumes to: E x­ ecutive Director, CAP, 408 SW 2nd, Suite 412, Portland, OR 97204. Application deadline: October 20 equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. VICKI K. ERVIN Director of Elections Multnomah County Ad Effective 10/4 Thru 10/10/89 Mental Heaith C-V Clinical Supervisor Beginnin salary $1644-$173O month + excl benefits. CODA Inc. seeks qualified appli­ cants for a clinical supervisory position in an outpatient drug and alcohol treatment agency. Posi­ tion will supervise 2-4 clinical staff. Some evening work involved Responsibbilities include: Assist program mgr in all aspects of unit clinical operations diagnosis, evalu­ ation and treatment services to dual diognosis clients: individual and group counseling to adult and youth with chemical dependency problems: consultation and coor­ dination of client services with medical director, probation and parole offcers.schooland area agencies: maintaining client rec­ ords, participation in program promotion and marketing activi­ ties : assist and develop clinical program policies and procedures. Education requirement: Master's degree in counseling/psychology or social work,. Each applicant must complete a standard CODA application form and provide writ­ ten responses to screening ques­ tions. Application forms and screening questions available at CODA Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400 Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Employer Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay BEEF BLADE Chuck Roast Safeway quality beef chuck roast, trimmed 1/4-inch, to give you that terrific beef flavor and value. Oven roast with potatoes and veggies for a delicious family meal. PARENT INFORMATION COORDINATOR Sought for PSU Regional Research In stitu te 's Research & T ra in ­ ing C enter on F am ily S u pp o rt & C h ild re n ’s M en tal H ealth na­ tional clearinghouse & resource center. H a lf-tim e p o sitio n ; $ 11,500-12,500. Requirements; parent/family member o f child who has/had mental, emotional, o r be­ havioral disorder, experience seek­ ing & obtaining services for child;’ good basic w riting & phone skills. Position w ill remain open until filled, but preferred starting date is 10/1/89. Submitapplication let­ ter; resume; 3 references to: M ari­ lyn McManus, PSU/RRI, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97202. PS U IS A N A A /E E O E M P L O Y E R . The Regional Research Institute for Human Services is affiliated with the Graduate School. 024 4 10-L b . Bag R usset P o ta to e s < I .’ V, U.S. No. 1 spuds grown right here in Oregon... to bake, boil or fry. SAFEWAY