Page 6 Portland Observer O C T O B E R 5,1989 Ella Gantz I) Kay Jewelry EEEL 1 HE MUSIC UNITY OF LOVE 1208 N . Killingsworth/289-6055 The Unity of Love is on the make!!! O p en Tuesday th ru S a tu rd a y Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer 11:00 a m till 6 :0 0 pm Ella R Irving & K Sandra Irving JOIN THE TEAM Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Bremerton, Washington Has Immediate Vacancies For Marine Pipefitter “ Discount Prices for back to School“ $2.00 off Compact Disc $ b .y y Album or Cassette T h e Shipyard is now accepting applications from experienced Jo u rn ey and L im ite d level applicants. LaäLTurllaml 32nd & Burnside 231-3926 J o u rn e y W G -1 0 , $12.43 - $14.52 per h o u r MUSIC MILLENNIUM NW Portland 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 L im ite d W G -9 8 , $11.72 - $13.66 p er h o u r Expires 10-12-89 JO B O P P O R T U N I T Y Benefits: W o rk in g fo r the S h ip y a a rd m eans paid vacations, 023 Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. sick leave allo w an ce, 10 paid holidays per y e a r, health and life insurance plans, and an excellent re tire m e n t p lan . L .S . C itizen sh ip is req u ired . S u p p o r t O u r A d v e r tis e r s ! , S a y Y o u S a w I t In T h e , f j EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n : T o ll free c allin g w ith in W ash in g to n , A I ultk-rjn Mhluu-J feme« 1-800-56 2-3972. O u tsid e W ash in g to n , 1 -8 00-42 6-5996. V Fjudfcww PortlandObserver! A Legacy Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MEH. EOE , ;’ ___ . ,4 \ . Your money's worth and a whole lot more. ONLY SEARS HAS THE WASHING SYSTEM SO UNIQUE IT DELIVERS FABRIC CARE SECOND TO NONE! THE LARGEST USEABLE WASHING CAPACITY IN THE INDUSTRY EXCLUSIVE DUAL-ACTION AGITATOR GETS LARGE LOADS UNIFORMLY CLEAN 5 TEMPERATURES PLUS EXCLUSIVE ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL 28811 69801 EXTRA CAPACITY 10-CYCLE KENMORE WASHER EXTRA CAPACITY 10-CYCLE KENMORE DRYER Good Through October 7th Good Through October 7th 'Based on the results ol tests comparing washing systems oi Sears model *28811 to washing systems used in top ol the line models at normal cycle By all oihe- domestic manufacturers Your actual monthly payment can vary depending on your account balance SearsCharge PLUS i t available tor most maior purchases totaling >700 or more All gas dryers priced higher Connectors e i t n Based on DOA measurements and the results ol washablllty tests using standard AHAM test loads and washablllty standards Prices apply to the continental U S except Alaska ONLY «15 PER MONTH* ON SEARSCHARGE PLUS FOR THE $719.54 PAIR TRUST SEARS TO GIVE YOU MORE! NATIONWIDE CREDIT SearsCharge and SearsCharge PLUS let you have what you want today with easy payments |Mans Just say Charge it1 I NATIONWIDE DELIVERY NO PAYMENTS UNTIL NEXT YEAR! Morning until night even on Saturdays' Our service Heel with over 15 000 v ehi­ cles is ready and wailing to serve you1 No payments unlit January 1990 on Sears Deterred Credit Plan There w ill be a It nance charge lor the deferral period We do our bCtt to hftvR *de«uatt (tock ol advertiste itemi to metí demand Due to circumttancei beyond our con hoi on occasion out ol »lockt occur when tbit happens Start will ai tit option substitute an apual pr batter item at he advc'hted pnet or provide a ramchacb ftcledes limited alter» Each ol those advertised items is readily available lor sale as advertised Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back Saara. Roebuck and Co . 1989 Merchandise on this page available el m oil larger Sear« stores Unless qualified all prices are Sears everyday regular prices A special purchase though not red ced is an exceptional value Unless otherwise specified delivery charges not included m selling prices ot merchandise Installativn available on many products See store tor details 103 YEARS OF TRUSTED SERVICE AND DEDICATION Your m o n e y 's 's worth a n d a w hole lot more I I i f ' * ^ / * * . * ’ * r* e • e e M e ^ • « - • • • * ^ * * * • • * * * * • • # * * * ♦ f * * • * • * * a » d w ♦ • a • • e e n ♦ a d • • a ♦ a • a f p e , p <