rage □ rom an a ODserver OCTOBER 5,1989 SCRIPTURE OF Scripture of the Week: THE WEEK: James Chapters 1-2. RELIGION INSIGHT FROM THE WORD by Michael Lindsey, Dean of North Portland Bible College How do you feel when you read the visions and dreams of Daniel? Many limes we want to simply shake our heads and run to the comfort of Psalms or the gospels. But, the apostle reminds us that “ ...all scripture is in­ spired by God, and profitable...” (II Timothy 3:16) This doesn’t mean all scripture is easy to understand today, nor, that all scripture is equally “ inspiring’. However, all of the Bible has come from the breath o f God, and it all fulfills his purpose (Isaiah 55:9-11). Daniels’s vision in DANIEL, the 7th chapter, illustrates this point for us. A knowledge of the history of the Near East from 750 B.C. to the time of Christ would help us understand details of this awesome dream: the four beasts, the little horn, its eyes and boastful mouth. It is good to study and learn things.Some impor­ tant lessons can be learned simply from a careful meditation on the vision (DANIEL 7:1-14) and its interpreta­ tion (verses 15-27). Here are a few: 1. The kingdoms o f earth will rise and fall in succession to the very end. (verses 11-12). Therefore, we must never pin our hopes for eco­ nomic, social or spiritual salvation in a political system or ideology. 2. G od’s people can expect per­ secution, and even martyrdom (verses 21-25). This is confirmed through­ out the New Testament as well. (JOHN 16:33; ROMANS 5:3-5; II PETER 3:11,14) and the saints will rule with him forever (v.27). These are the same saints who were overcome by evil persecution (v.25). In the final accounting, God is in complete con­ trol. He will sit as the righteous judge, and no one will lose the reward that has been promised. SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: JUDE (the entire book) .0.' *" W IL L A M E T T E » V A LLEY CENUS BUREAU TO SUR­ VEY HOUSEHOLDS Friday, October 6-Saturday, October 7, 1989. Receive helps for Christian Educators. The convention is to be held in Salem, Oregon at the People’s Church, 4500 NE Lancas­ ter Drive NE. There will be over 100 workshops to assist the ministry of local churches. There will be new topics and new leaders. New for 1989! There will be seminars exclusively for Youth Pastors and Youth Work- ers-G E N E R A L SESSIONS: A look at today’s youth culture: W here are we today? and A look at today’s youth culture: developmental needs o f adolescents. Plus.....SEMINARS: Approaches to youth ministry today. Questions and answers. Registration fee: $10.00. Make all checks to: G.S.A.C.E. or W illamette Valley Christian Education Convention, 555 Gaines NE, Salem, OR 97301 or call (503) 581-2129. The Coalition o f Black Men The Coalition of Black Men with the Black Professional Network will be hosting a GOVERNMENT & PO­ LITICAL ISSUES FORUM Saturday, Oct. 14 9 a.m. -12 noon PCC CASCADE AUDITORIUM 575 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 T here w ill be topics on: Multnomah County Charter review, 1989 Legislature review, the 1990 Census and potential impact on po­ litical boundaries. Everyone is urged to attend. M en’s Sunday On October 8th, during the morning worship service, the Men of Mt. Olivet will hold its M EN’S DAY CELEBRATION SERVICE. Music will be provided by the M en’s Day Choir, ushering will be done by the MEN, the special coffee hour will be hosted by the MEN, and Deacon DennisG. Payne will presenta M en’s Day commentary on: VISION COM ­ MITMENT and LEADERSHIP CO-CHAIRMEN: Deacon Den­ nis G. Payne, & Bro. Paul Coakley CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CON­ VENTION... F o r I am N ot A sham ed o f the Gospel of C hrist....R om ans 1:16 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor 116 NE. Schuyler BOARD CELEBRATES SUCCESS OF HYMNAL Local representatives of the U.S. C ensus B ureau will revisit selected B oard C elebrates Success of area households beginning October H ym nal 2 to conduct its Survey o f Income Nashville, Tenn.(U M N S)-The and Program Participation (SIPP), sale of 3.4 million copies o f the new Leo C. Schilling, director o f the United methodist Hymnal by July 31 bureaus’s Seattle Regional Office, substantially exceeded projections and announced today. reflected the denomination’s "w id e ­ SIPP is a major nationwide con­ spread acceptance of the new tinuing survey introduced in the fall book,“ United Methodist Publishing o f 1983. It is one o f the nation's House President and Publisher Robert largest surveys, with about 25,000 K. Feaster told the agency’s govern­ households participating. ing board here Sept. 15. The Census Bureau publishes The board, headed by Anita J. periodic reports providing informa­ Burrous of Peru, Ind., approved a tion from the survey. Subjects cov­ resolution commending hymnal edi­ ered include the following: tor Farlton R. Young; voted to ask Jobs and earnings the 1992 General Conference to honor The economic effects of unem­ Dr. Young; witnessed the presenta­ ployment, disability, and retirement tion of the President’s Award and 10 How taxes affect personal spend­ citations to staff members who worked ing closely with the hymnal project; and Participation in programs such as approved a $1 million distribution to Social Security, Medicare, and Medi­ annual conference pension programs caid, and food stamps. in special recognition of hymnal sales, Information from SIPP helps pol­ which have totaled more than $20 icy makers and administrators deter­ million. mine how well government programs C am pus racism Explored are serving the public and how changes Norfolk, Va. (U M N S)-A United in programs and polices will affect Methodist-sponsored symposium on the public. college-based racism was held here Here are some fac ts based on SIPP Sept 15-17, only two weeks after a interviews from a 1983 to 1986 sur­ clash at nearby Virginia Beach be­ vey period on the number of U.S. tween local white merchams and other residents participating in such wel­ residents and thousands o f black fare programs as Aid to Families college students who were in the area with Dependent Children. General for a Labor Day “ Greekfest.” More than 60 persons, including Assistance, Supplementary Security Income, Medicaid, federal food students, campus ministers and ad­ stamps, and federal and state rent as­ ministrators, attended the symposium sistance (the sample size limits accu­ held on the campus of United Meth­ rate reporting to national figures only): odist-related Virginia Wesleyan About 18 percent, or nearly one University. Sponsored by the United out of five.U.S. residents participated Methodist Board of Higher Educa­ in at least one o f five major govern­ tion and Ministry, the consultation’s ment assistance programs during the purpose was to discuss college cam ­ puses as unwitting breeding grounds survey period. Only 11 percent of those who spent for racist values and learn how Chris­ the entire survey period in a married- tians present on campus can help couple household received assistance, bring it to the surface and exorcise it. compared with two -thirds of those U M COR E stablishes H urricane Relief F und who spent the entire period in a family New York (UMNS)-As Hurricane with a female householder (no spouse present) and children under age 18. jHugo swept across Puerto Rico and More than four out of five of those Continued its rampage through the who spent the entire period as never Caribbean, the United Methodist married mothers with children under Committee on relief (UMCOR) an­ age 18 received assistance during the nounced plans for assistance. Emergency Advance Number survey period. The young and old were the most 401500-3 was established for mone­ likely aid recipients. One-fourth of tary donations and updated informa­ those under age 18, and one-fifth of tion was made available through those age 18 to 24 participated in one UMCOR’s 24-hour hot line (800) or more programs, as did 18 percent 841-1235. Initial information about the storm damage was sketchy. Bishop of those age 65 or over. Susan M. Morrison, Valley Forge, Nearly halfof the nation’s Blacks, Pa., whose jurisdiction includes the one-third of the nation’s Hispanics, and 14 percent o f W hites received Puerto Rico Annual Conference, was planning to fly to Puerto Rico over assistance during the period. Information collected in SIPP is the Sept. 23 weekend to assess dam ­ confidential by law. Field Represen­ age. tatives have credentials identifying them as U.S. Census Bureau em ­ ployees. 7:45am W orship Service 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am W orship Service Bible Study: 10:30-12 Noon W ednesday 6:30-8pm W ednesday Rapid City, S.D. (U M N S)-A set of guidelines for the work of a United Methodist task force on computer software was introduced in early September here. The Rev. A1 Fifhause, Evanston, 111., an assistant general secretary of the General Council on Finance and Administration, said the task force expects to take from three to five years to accomplish its goal o f pro­ ducing standardized data definitions and other computer standards for the church. More than 50 persons are expected to be involved in the effort. H elps for Preaching Planned N ashville, Tenn., (U M N S )- Preachers who want to sharpen their pulpit skills may find help through four televised seminars to be offered by United Methodism’s Cokesbury Satellite Television Network. The series, to begin in October, will deal with using the lectionary and offer suggested Scripture read­ ing for Sunday worship and other special days of the Christian year. The seminars will be broadcast via satellite. Publishing House Closing P rin t­ ing Unit Nashville, Tenn .,(U M N S)-The United Methodist Publishing House will close its printing unit (Parthenon Press) Jan 2. after its governing board approved here Sept. 14 a $4.4 mil­ lion severance package for the 203 employees who will lose their jobs. “ This has been a difficult deci­ sio n ," said board chairperson Anita Burrous of Peru, Ind. “ There simply is no easy way to part company with so many loyal employees. However, Parthenon has experienced signifi­ cant operation losses for several years, and it would not be responsible ste­ wardship of the church’s dollars to continue trends that seem irrevers­ ible.” Severance benefits average $21,550 per worker. Sixty-eight employees are being transferred to other units in the house. N e w s In B r ie f Sewing thread, garden hoes and other practical items are being col­ lected by United Methodists in the Rockford (111.) District for direct shipm ent to U nited M ethodist churches in Angola as part of a United Methodist Committee on Relief pilot project that began Sept. 17 and will continue for about six weeks. An hourlong pilot program fea­ turing music with roots in the black church will be shown on the VISN satellite network Nov. 22. The pro­ posed program is designed to create understanding and build bridges by exploring the diversity and similar­ ity among all people, according to the Rev. Moses C. Dillard Jr., a well- known name in gospel music and co­ pastor at Edgehill United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn. United Methodist bishops in the Philippines have protested inclusion of a statue of the Virgin Mary in a na­ tional monument marking the 1986 revolution that ended the rule of Ferdinand Marcos. Project Equality, a national inter- faith program for equal employment opportunity, in which United Meth­ odists have leading roles, has recom­ mended that religious organizations and institutions and individuals choose Amoco Oil Company as a primary supplier of gasoline and oil products. S hell Oil also has met Project Equal­ ity participation requirements, but is a target o f boycotts by the United Methodist Church and other religious grpups because o f it involvement in Stjuth Africa. The governing body of The United Methodist Publishing House has agreed to provide funds to help pro­ duce resources, programs, training and networking for a Coalition Working Group on Drug and Alco­ hol Concerns representing several Methodist denominations and agen­ cies. The Rev. Kathy Nickerson, staff member o f the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry since 1980, is leaving her position as director o f spiritual for­ mation for the Division of Ordained Ministry to establish a feminist re­ treat and conference center. Angolan United Methodist Bishop Moisés Domingos Fernandez is study­ ing English at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. Maranatha Church JURISDICTION #1 HEADQUARTER’S CHURCH GREATER SOLID ROCK C.O.G.I.C. 1705 N.E. DEKUM • PORTLAND, OR 97211 Phone: (503) 283-1524 PASTOR & BISHOP The REV. A.R. HOPKINS Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS 284-1954 W ashington (U M N S )-U nited Methodist congregation here that will be involved in the United Methodist Church ’ s effort against drugs will be announced Oct. 23. United Methodist bishop Felton E. May of Harrisburg, Pa., who has been named to lead the program, said Sept. 9 here that the churches se­ lected > ‘.il presentan alternative life­ style io drugs, and be places of “ safe haven” for persons in need. Bishop May told a gathering of Washington United Methodists that he plans to be a “ soul saver not a drug buster” during a year’s special assignment that will begin Jan. 1. Computer Task Force Sets Guide­ lines C hurches for D rug P roject To Be Chosen O ct. 23 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. Rev. Wendel H. Wallace Senior Pastor Jesus Loves You! Allen Temnle CME Church The Albina Church of God 5522 N.AIbina/283-1635 4236 N.E. Eighth Avcnm. (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor With A Bold New Vision Reaching out until He comes Going Back when He comes Psalm 34:3 MRS C’S WIGS Sunday School WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS ( ” FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES NAOMI SIMS • BORN! REE • MICHAEL WEEKS xi$a B E TTY C A B IN ! PROPRIETOR TUIS-SAT 1 liSO-AKX) 3Z 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service morning 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service evening 6:00 p.m. ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS Tuesday Teaching EVERYTHNG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WKS 7:30 p.m. umoue had ornaments HAB BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS ziiri cosmftcs jf O I~ O 5 2 5 I .... ----- --------------------------------' 7ttl ft FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) Thursday BEAUTICIAN Ä STUOENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAB FOR BRAIDING & WEAV1NG r Moments of Deliverance 7:30 The Friendliest Church in the city Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving. « w _____ Sunday Services September 28,1989 Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worshop 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 P.M. I f you are looking for u chiurli home, Come visit ' us!!!