► • •> < < tre I : ocra * l i ' * 1-’ * / i- St * - • -*<»'• VOLUME XIX NUMBER 39 LARUE SURDON, STAR WIDE RECEIVER Commissioner Dick Bogles Forum Featured speaker at Commissioner D ic k B o g le ’ s Forum Luncheon on Tuesday, O ctober 10 at the C oliseum Red L io n w ill be R on H e rn d o n , d i - rector o f c h ild developm ent fo r the A lb in a M in is te ria l A llia n c e and co- drug and gang related a ctivitie s, and social needs. Support fo r a House o f U m oja in Portland, another p o in t in the rescue plan, was unanim ously approved by the Portland C ity C o u n cil on Sept. 27. c h a ir o f the B la ck U nited F ro n t Herndon w ill describe how cur­ H erndon’ s to p ic is, ‘ ‘ R ecapturing N eighborhoods T hrough Targeted rent e ffo rts f i t in to the o ve ra ll plan, w hat steps are needed next, and what E ffo rts : A Rescue P lan.” The community-based plan, which m ust be done to achieve complete targets a large area o f N ortheast success. B ogle has hosted the C om m is­ Portland fo r intensive re h a b ilita tio n sioner’ s Forum since taking o ffic e in e ffo rts by private and p u b lic agen­ cies, has gained m om entum in recent January, 1984, co n tin u in g a tradition weeks. The c ity ’ s Bureau o f B u ild in g s, under C om m issioner Bogle, has sur­ veyed the firs t section o f the targeted area fo r housing and nuisance code vio la tio n s. Outreach w orkers fro m the Y o u th Gangs Task Force are going d o o r to door in the same 250-hom e area, bounded by M a rtin L u th e r K in g Jr. B lv d and 15th A v e ., w est and east, and A in s w o rth and Jarrett Sts., north and south. T h e ir survey focuses on started by former Commissioner Char­ les Jordan du rin g his tenure at C ity H a ll. The luncheons serve as a sound­ ing board fo r A frica n -A m e rica n is­ sues and concerns, as w e ll as an in ­ form ation pip eline between C ity hall and the B la ck com m unity. Persons w ishing to make reserva­ tions should ca ll C om m issioner B o g le ’ s o ffic e , 248-4682, by F r i ­ d a y, O c to b e r 6. C ost o f luncheon is $8.50. DEAN APPOINTS ASSISTANT FOR MINORITY PROGRAMS by U llysses T u cke r Jr. F or m any high school fo o tb a ll players around the U nited States, the dream o f p la yin g on N ational te le v i­ sion o r fo r a top tw e n ty pow er is alm ost an obsession. LaRue B urdon, star w ide re­ ce iv e r-k ic k return specialist is no e x­ ception to the rule w hen i t comes to dreams about the Rose B o w l, Na­ tio n a l title s , o r p la yin g in fro n t o f 80,000+ scream ing fans and alum ni. Yes, the dream is a liv e b u t the re a lity o f i t a ll happening o r n o t happening keeps h im focused on other options, lik e a degree and the fu ll experience o f college life . “ Play in g college fo o tb a ll w ould be a lo t o f fu n ,” he said.” B u t the bottom lin e is a college degree be­ cause I w a n t to be prepared fo r real life . I w o u ld lik e to be a psychologist one day. I ’ m not sure where I ’ ll end up at but believe me, i t ’ l l be close to home. M y m om (M ae F ra n k lin ) and fa m ily are real close.” So far, Burdon has had contact fro m Oregon State, Idaho, L e w is & C la rk, and Penn to name a few . A ca­ d e m ica lly, Burdon is ca rryin g a 2.4 G P A as a senior and has a strong desire to learn. “ T here’ s no doubt in m y m ind that he has the a b ility to perform as a student in co lle g e ,” said Jean Kirsh,academ ic advisor to Burdon and counselor at Jefferson H igh S chool.” H e ’ s a good person and he has a very p o sitive a ttitu d e .” A t 5' 10", 145 lbs, Burdon has shown flashes o f the s k ills college re­ cruiters lo o k fo r and the potential Jefferson coaches say he has. A g a in st R oosevelt last F rid a y, Burdon and the Democrats ran w ild w ith a 33-0 v ic to ry . It was Jeffer­ son’ s (1 -3 ) firs t v ic to ry o f the season. Burdon scored three times. He re­ turned a k ic k - o ff 74 yards, ran 17 yards fo r another score and caught a touchdow n pass fro m 24 yards o u t “ W e have m ore talent than o u r record indicates” , said Burdon.” W e act lik e seniors but we d o n ’ t show it in to m s o f leadership. The three losses have been tough on us b u t I re a lly be­ lie ve that we can make a good run be­ fore the season is over. O u r team is starting to get closer.” According jo (Head Coach) M ark P indcr, Burdon is a co m p e titive and in te llig e n t athlete. He can o n ly sm ile ir, d is b e lie f at some o f the fakes and moves he puts on opposing players. “ LaR ue has a great deal o f natu­ ra l a b ility ” , said Pinder. “ He has good w o rk habits and he thinks. I d o n ’ t th in k that he hits the total pack­ age yet, b u t that w ill corns w ith tim e and m a tu rity. I th in k LaRue w ill he successful both as a student and ath­ lete. A ll he has to do is keep w o rk in g ha rd .” “ M y brother has always had a p o sitive e ffe ct on m e” , he said. “ He taught me how to be tough and the values o fa c o lle g e education. I re a lly lo o k up to him . every k id should have a brother like J. I . ” I a R u e is the youngest o f fiv e children. respond to the concerns o f m in o rity students in general and to strengthen the o ve ra llca m p u sclim a te . We w ant to develop programs and to support student organizations that w ill help make this campus a place where people o f a ll backgrounds w ill feel welcom e and can be successful.” Family of theWeek times. "W e as A frica n -A m e rica n s m ust kn o w w ho we arc and were we come fro m , i f we are to kn o w where we're headed." stated G ary. "It's c ru c ia l" chim ed his w ife G loria. The Ladds, w e ll aware o f w ho they arc, have been blessed w ith six lo ve ly ch ild re n , three o f w hich has com pleted high shcool and w o rk in the fa m ily 288-0033 503)288-0015 • . , . • • . o f their com m itm ent to the Northeast C om m unity. W e also take this opportunity to extend our thanks to o u r s ta ff, fo r m e r em ployees, fa m ily , frie n d s , and the c o m m u n ity -a t -large. It has been g ra tifyin g to have had this type o f response, and we w ill continue to conduct our operations in a manner deserving o f such widespread su p p o rt & -if* "JP; r X ? each year." Issued fro m the Oregon A rts Com m ission's contingency fund, the award is the largest p u b lic art grant the organization has ever given outside the 1 Percent fo r A rt program i t administers. "The com m ission recognized this was a sig n ifica n t project in a p ublic place and wanted to take a leadership role in m aking a fin a n cial com m itm ent," said L e slie T u o m i, O A C acting director. "W e hope others w ill fo llo w our lead." The Oregon C onvention Center p ublic art colle ctio n , w hich includes com m issioned w orks by Northwest artists, is financed by $475,000 from the center's 1 Percent fo r A rt fund and tw o N ational Endowm ent fo r the A rts grants to ta llin g $95,000. C onstruction and operation o f tahe Oregon C onvention Center, scheduled to open in September 19*0. is managed by M etro McDonald's Black History Makers Of Tomorrow Begins Search For 10 Outstanding Students "O u r future depends on the young people o f today " said Ed Rensi, president, M cD o n a ld ’s U .S .A . "W e hope to encourage our "M c D o n a ld 's B lack H isto ry Makears o f T o m m o rro w ' to continue to strive fo r greater heights by recognizing taheir potential now ." Top students from each c ity w ill participate in an essay contest as parat o f tahe national com petaition to be named one o f 10 "M cD o n a ld 's B la ck H istory Makers o f To m o rro w ." The essays w ill focus on how Iblack history w ill be made in the future and the role the students w ill p lay in its d e ve lop m e n t A s part o f th e ir recognition, the 10 national winners w ill be featured in M cD onald's advertising during B lack H isto ry M onth. A d d itio n a lly , the h ig h lig h t o f the com petition w ill be a lo n e -o f-a-kin d Leadership Conference featuring m any o f the countary's m ost distiguished black leaders in business, education, p o litic s and com m unications. The conference, scheduled lo r next summer at M cD onald's Ham burger U n ive rsity in Oak B rook, Illin o is , w ill baring together tlhese future leaders w ith leaders o f today. "M cD onal's Black History Makers o f Tom orrow" is supported by McDonald's restaurants in: A tlanta, B lo o m fie ld (N J), B u ffa lo , C incinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, D e tro it, G raeenville (S.C .), Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, M em phis, M ia m i, M ilw a u ke e , M ontgom ery, N ew Orleans, New Y o rk C ity . N o rfo lk (V A , Philadelphia, R aleigh, Richm ond and Toledo. For more inform ation, w rite loi: McDonald's Black Htstory Makers o f Tom orrow. c/o B u rre ll Public R elations, 20 N orth M ich ig a n A ve ., Chicago, II 60602 Week.” and operated by independent entrepraeneurs. • • l' W e w ish to thank the s ta ff and students o f P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C ollege, Cascade C am pus (C o m p u te r F ie ld Services T echnology P ro g ra m ) fo r their invaluable assistance in an emergency situation. In p a rtticu la r we w ish to thank D r. Doug Sorenson and M r . James P lu n ke tt for this demonstration business. The P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r salutes the Ladd fa m ily as o u r "Fam ily o f the »• ' - » "■i" « • • *- ~ »• 5.»^ > . ». » » » ' - ’X/ •* A Special Thanks M cD onald's is the w orld's leading q u ick service food organization, serving 22 m illio n people each day in more than 10,700 restaurants in 51 countries. Seventy -fiv e pereen t o f M cD onald's restaurant businesses are lo c a lly ow ned $ ■ ’ * .* '• 'Portland Observer1 remains Dr. ers. H isto ry M o n th in February, when the winners w ill be named. H ig h school where G ary starred on the high school basketball team, leading the state in scoring his ju n io r and senior years. A fte r accepting a basketball scholarship to Seattle U n ive rsity, Ladd and his "h ig h school sweetheart" moved to Seattle to begin their new life . M a rrie d fo r 22 years, the Ladds believe that trust, fa ith and a strong sp iritual sense o f w ho they are has kept them together through good and bad PORTLAND OBSERVER "THE EYES AND EARS OF THE COMMUNITY" ’» .V * ' Oak B ro o k, IL — F o r the th ird consecutive year, M cD onald's is seeking 10 outstanding high school ju n io rs to be named "M c D o n a ld s B lack H isto ry M akers o f T o m o rro w ." The ten students w ill be selected based on their scholarship, leadership, character and potential to become black history makers in the future. M cD onal's restaurants in more than 20 cities are sponsoring the com petitaions as part o f the com panyu s celebration o f B lack added Ladd. Both G ary and G lo ria grew up in N ortheast Portland and attended Jefferson PORTLAND OBSERVER ’’THE EYES AND EARS OF THE COMMUNITY” FAX # O ffic e . She also has had extensive e xp e ri­ ence as a M o d e l C ities adm inistrator, a teacher and school adm inistrator. Besides the doctorate. Green holds degrees fro m the U n iv e rs ity o f M a ry ­ “ D r. Green’ s appointm ent,” H o lla n d said, “ reflects a high level o f com m itm ent by the u n ive rsity to •-* > .,‘v -• I