Page 8 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 28, 1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Rain: 5 Linn • 1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(«ed $2 50 Per uw) P O R T L A N D OBSERVER The Eyes end Ears ol the Community" 288-0033 Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) A B E A U T Y /B A R B E R _________ S U P P L IE S _________ D O N N IE J A M E S Men & Women;s Fashion “ I f you dare io be fashionable" 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 James Williams PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. Specializing In Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 ja’bell’s Beau tv • Barber • N ails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. tPru Sat FLO RA L - S IL K S Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 RENT Eartha's Floral C onnection 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth WASHERS & DRYERS Portland, Orogon 97211 282-3875 THe Coupon Good For * We D o Weddings • Funerals M ad e-T o -O rder • Custom-Made 15 O FF P R IN T IN G '30 Dellier^ ¿Í Im la llo tlon Klnko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 9 t in . - 6 p.m. : D ELIVERY A • IN STALLATION FFF • P o rtla n d washer Vancouver 231-7413 693*4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING S O C IA L S E R V IC E C ascade AIDS Project is seeking a C lient Services C oordinator to m anage program s for people with AID S. Q ualifications preferred: MSW or related M aster’s degree, program developm ent and super­ visory experience, and sensitivity to AIDS issues, resum es to: E x­ ecutive D irector, C A P, 408 SW 2nd, Suite 412, Portland, OR 97204. Application deadline: October 20. C A P is an eq u al o p p o rtu n ity em p lo y e r. 015 TEACHER, ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE To provide direct instruction to stu­ dents Appl Deadline: 10/06/89 by 2 pm Call 255-1841 Ext. 207 Jeaneen be­ tween the hours of 8:00 and 11:30, for M ultnom ah Education Serv­ ice D istrict application form and additional inform ation or com e to Personnel 220 SE 102nd Portland. An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er E m p lo y er 012 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR M en tal H ealth A ssociation o f O re ­ gon. Location, Salem. R espon­ sible for advocacy, m em bership, chapter developm ent, adm inistra­ tion, fiscal oversight, coordina­ tion o f M HAO office, activities and program. Some travel. Bache­ lors degree in communication, busi­ ness or public administration, psy­ chology, health adm inistration sociology or social w ork, law or equivalent in training or experi­ ence. experience in advocacy and preparation o f legislation. Salary up to $32,500 plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter to MHAD, 364 12th St N E Salem , OR 97301 by O c to b e r 16, 1989. An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er Counselor Aide P R O D U C T IO N JO B O P P O R T U N IT Y Jam es River Corporation is seek­ ing applicants for its Paper Mill in W est Linn, O regon. A pplicants will be considered for future. PRODUCTION POSITIONS E n try - Level On the Extra Broad and in the Ground- wood Department. The m ill o p ­ erates on a 3-shift, 7-day-w eek basis, and candidates must be will­ ing to work a rotating shift sched­ ule. Hiring rate for entry level positions is $ 10.00 per hour for die first six months o f em ploym ent Jam es River Corporation also offers an excellent benefit package. A pplicants will be accepted only at the: O regon S ta te E m ploym ent O ffice, 506 H igh S tre e t, O reg o n C ity, O R , from 8 a.m . to noon a n d from 1 p.m . to 4:30 p.m . th ro u g h S e p te m b e r 29, 1989. W e a re an equal o p p o rtu n ity em p loyer. JAMES RIVER CORPORATION 03 RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR S alary R ange: $1826-2251/m oji Duties include planning, and evalu­ ating com m unity recreation pro­ gram s and services for a broad range o f recreation interests. This position requires effective organ­ izational skills as well as know l­ edge o f the principles, conceptas and activities o f com m unity rec­ reation, program m ing and com ­ munity relations. Applicants should have a degree from a four-year college or university with major course work in recreation or re­ lated field. O btain application at C ity o f E ugene, Human Resource & R isk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene O R 974.687- 5061. CLO SIN G DATE: O c to ­ ber 6, 1989. A A /E O E . 028 Needed to provide individual, group and family counseling, direct super­ vision o f male clients in recrea­ tion and showers, and case m an­ agem ent in an adolescent drug and alcohol day treatm ent pro­ gram . N eeded skills: group facili­ tation, good verbal/w ritten com ­ munication, relationship building, and know ledge o f chem ical de­ pendency issues and recovery PARENT INFORMATION process. One year o f experience COORDINATOR in an adolescent day treatm ent or residential facility perform ing Sought for PSU R egional R esearch related duties is required. Personal In stitu te ’s R esearch & T r a in ­ experience in the recovery proc­ ing C e n te r on F am ily S u p p o rt ess may substitute for the required & C h ild re n ’s M en tal H ealth na­ work experience. Individuals in tional clearinghouse & resource recovery m ust have at least two c e n te r. H a lf-tim e p o sitio n ; years o f continuous sobriety. Half­ $11,500-12,500. Requirem ents; tim e position. Resum e m ust be re­ parent/)am ily member of child who ceived by Septem ber 29. Send to has/had m ental, em otional, or be­ Eileen Spcrl, M orrison Center havioral disorder, experience seek­ Breakthrough, 3390 SE Milwaukie ing & obtaining services for child;’ Ave., Portland, O R 97202. good basic w riting & phone skills. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er. Position will remain open until 031 filled, but preferred starting date is 10/1/89. Subm itapplication let­ Secretary ter; resume; 3 references to: M ari­ lyn McManus, PSU/RRI, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97202. PSU IS Energetic m otivated individual AN A A /E E O E M P L O Y E R . needed to provide half-tim e sec- retariai/clinical records support in The Regional Research Institute for Human Services is affiliated with a busy program for preschool aged the G raduate School. em otionally disturbed children. Needed: good typing, word proc­ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 2 4 essing, strong organization and “ A T T E N T IO N : EA R N M O N EY team player. $6.62 per hour plus R E A D IN G BO O K S! generous benefits. Send resume $32,000/ycar incom e potential. D e­ by O c to b e r 2 to M. Thom pson, tails (1) 602-838-8885 Ext. Bk M orrison Center, 135 NW M iller, 12859. G resham , OR 97030. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears of Hie Community EM PLOYER. 288-0033 032 ! * Art Director This creative, take-charge position requires minimum tw o years ex ­ perience as a broadcast artist Must have extensive know ledge o f graphic layout for print advertis­ ing along with broad understand­ ing of video composition and form. Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Send resum es to: Dennis U pdegraff V.P. Program m ing and O perations KPDX-TV P.O. Box 49 Portland, O R 97207 No Phone Calls A F F IR M A T IV E A C T IO N EM PLOYER E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II (Development Services) This technical engineering position is resp. for review ing land dev. plans for com pliance with City codes, standards, policies; research­ ing same in relation to dev. plans; and perform ing related eng. work. Reg. 2 yrs. progressively resp. eng. support eng. related associate degree may substitute for part o f the req. exp. Starting salary: $1,905- $2,086/M O plus exc. benefits, in­ cluding City paid 6% PERS con­ tribution. CITY A PPLICA TIO N AND SU PPLEM EN TA L Q U ES­ TIONNAIRE REQUIRED. Closes 10/13/89. Apply at C ity o f G re sh a m , Human Resources D i­ vision, 501 NE Hood, Suite 100, G resham , OR 97030 (503) 669- 2309. EOE 011 Dietitian, Clinical F airv iew T ra in in g C e n te r, a large state residential training facility for MR/DD individuals, seeks clini­ cal dietitians. M ust be registra­ tion eligible from the C om m is­ sion o f Dietary Registration of A .D.A. Salary: $ 1663 To $2078 a m onth, generous fringe benefits. For A pplication inform ation con­ tact: Personnel O ffice, Fairview Training Center, 2250 Strong Rd. SE, Salem , OR 97310 (503) 378- 5369 EO E Transit Operator/Part-Time O perating transit buses on an “ as needed’’ basis. M ust be available for w ork six operating days (Monday through Saturday). Must have a valid C hauffeur’s or Class 2 license, experience in operating buses, good driving record, abil­ ity to work with the public and ability to communicate effectively. Class 2 perm it acceptable for applying but em ploym ent contin­ gent upon ability to obtain Class 2 license. $9.02/hour. Fill out offi­ cial application by O c to b e r 13, 1989, which is available at the Sa­ lem A rea Mass Transit District; 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.; Sa­ lem, O R 97303. AN E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER _____________________________ 033 Millions! My reports have earned literally m illio n so fdc!!arsforcom panicsand individuals nationwide. Can help you reach w ealth too. Free proof; M r. Billy T . M cG bee, P.O. Box 8095, R iverside, Ca. 92515 Maintenance Foreman Swing shift position performing jour­ ney level mechanic work and super­ vising the w ork o f other skilled and sem i-skilled personnel engaged in m aintaining transit buses and auto- mobiles. M ust have considerable know ledge o f diesel engines and bus m aintenance practices and ability to supervise others effectively. Starting hourly wage rate is $11.82 per hour plus a $.35 per hour shift differential. Fill out official application by O cto ­ b e r 13, 1989, which is available at the Salem A rea M ass T ransit D is­ trict; 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.; Sa­ lem, O R 97303. AN E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER. 034 Counselor Responsibilities: D 025 elivery o f assess­ ment, counseling, referral and sup­ port services to enable trainees to successfully complete training and to secure em ploym ent leading to self-sufficiency.This position is located at The Private Industry C ouncil’s N ortheast Em ploym ent and Training Office. Preferred qualifications: M aster’s de­ gree with m ajor coursew ork in counseling, social w o rkorclosely related field; two years experi­ ence in em ploym ent interview ­ ing, counseling, vocational guid­ ance or social casew ork; know l­ edge o f vocational testing, com ­ munity resources, drug and alco­ hol counseling, and crisis inter­ vention; effective com munication skills with staff, com m unity and program trainees. Q ualifying ex ­ perience may be substituted for education. Salary Range: $19,841 to $29,761 plus excellent benefit package C losing date: 5 PM W ed nesday, O c to b e r 4 ,1 9 8 9 . A pplications available at T he P ri­ vate Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, O R 97204. An A ffirm ative Action/ E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er. 037 Coach Operator-Trainees C -T R A N is accepting applications at the Em ploym ent Security D e­ partm ent, 603 W Evergreen for Coach O perator Trainees for part- time positions. Training rate $4.50/ hr, part-tim e rate $9.60-$ 12.63/ hr. Position is contingent on suc­ cessful com pletion of the training program , standing in class, and service level needs. R equires ex­ cellent work references. Must pass pre-em ploym ent physical. Please do not contact C-TRAN. A pplica­ tions m ust be subm itted to E m ­ ploym ent Security D epartm ent by 4:00pm T hursday, Septem ber 28, 1989. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er M / F/H 010 STORES AIDE, U nified S ew erage A gency , $7.34- $8.91/hr. E N T R Y -L E V E L position issuing storeroom stock and tools; m ain­ tain storeroom . Req. exp. in store- keeping or inventory recordkeep­ ing and basic arithm etic and read­ ing abilities; ability to handle bulky or heavy stock item s o f up to 50 lbs. and a good driving record. Agency application form s req., resum es NOT accepted. Apply by O ctober 6, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel, 150 N Firest Ave., Room B-2, H illsboro, OR 97124. A n E .O .E . 040 E M P L O Y M E N T O p p o rtu n itie s Mental Health N ationally recognized Y .W .C .A . G irls E m a n c ip a tio n P ro g ra m seeks skilled TREA TM EN T C O ­ O RD IN A TO R to join our small I cohesive team. Provide group therapy and case m g m t to troub­ led girls in supportive environ­ m ent that encourages autonom y. REQUIRED Y.W .C.A APPLICA­ TIO N available at 1111 S.W . 10th and is due O ctober 5, 1989. T he Y .W .C A . is an E .O .E . 022 Caregiver G ain valuable exper. as a C lient-E m ­ ployed Care Provider by provid­ ing companionship, domestic asst, and personal care to elderly/dis- abled people. Live-in opportuni­ ties aval. Pay varied. Contact Aging Services D ivision near you. N.E. Branch: S.E. Branch: E ast Branch: W est Branch: 248-5470 233-5000 248-5480 248-5460 030 M ENTAL HEALTH Residential On-Call Backup Workers MULTNOMAH COUNTY PROGRAM M A NAGER 1 - C H IL ­ D R EN ’S CLIN ICA L SERVICES O FFICE - $33,491-44,140 annu­ ally; directs all activities o f the C hildren’s Clinical Services O f­ fice o f the M ental and Em otional Disabilities Program; provide sub­ contracted and direct services; re­ sponsibilities include budgeting, operations, planning and devel­ opm ent and staff supervision; re­ quires a related MS degree and five years o f increasingly respon­ sible experience in the m ental health field; ap p ly by O c to b e r 6, 1989. SO CIA L SERVICES DIVISION CO N TRA CTS O FFICER - $29,775- 38,712 annually; plan, direct, and review various adm inistrative sup­ port activities for the Social Services D ivision; assure that all aspects of contracting m eet applicable regula­ tions; responsible for a variety of m anagem ent services including per­ sonnel, payroll, purchasing, budget and training; supervise support and technical staff; requires tw o years of related experience including contract m onitoring and supervisory experi­ ence; a related BS degree is desir­ able; ap p ly by O c to b e r 6, 1989. C O D A Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for O n-Call Backup W orkers to provide sole facility and client supervision at adult residential treat­ m ent centers-A lpha house, and New D irections. V ariable shifts. E xperi­ ence with residential or alcohol/drug clients preferred. $5.48 Hour, A ppli­ cation m aterials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction E m ployer _____________________________ 042 ACCOUNTANT- HALF-TIME Duties include accounts payable, ac­ counts receivable, payroll finan­ cial statem ents, bank reconcili­ ations. M ust be fam iliar with gen­ erally accepted accounting proce­ dures and be proficient on m icro­ com puter. prefer degree in accounting,business or related. Salary, $850 per month plus generous benefits. Send res­ ume by O c to b e r 15,1989 to Y.M. Deligiorgis, O PB Foundation, PO Box 69485, Portland 97201. No phone calls please. A ffirm ative A ctio n /E q u al O p p o r­ tu n ity E m ployer 047 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR QUALIFIED CNA7 BNA AND NON-CNA Certified Nursing A ssistants needed to supervise day living o f clients, to m aintain a therapeutic environ­ ment and to participate in a treat­ m ent team. $1262-$1530/m onth. Shift work on a 24 hour-7 day week schedule, w eekend/holiday w ork, & over-tim e as required. All A pplicants will have a crim inal record check prior to hiring. Please apply in person M on-Fri., 8am - 5pm at: Fairview Training Center Personnel O ffice, Adm inistration Bldg. 2250 Strong Rd. S.E Salem , OR 378-5369 Please b rin g CN A /BN A c e rtifi­ cate w hen applying. C L IN IC HEALTH SER V IC ES TECH N ICIA N - $7.95 per hour; p er­ form s paraprofessional health assis­ tance w ork in a clinic setting; duties include preparing patients for m edi­ cal provider, taking vital signs, chart­ ing results and various clerical tasks; requires one year o f community health or social services training or experi­ ence; a p p ly by O c to b e r 6 ,1 9 8 9 . W H ER E TO APPLY: M ultnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, O regon 97204. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m plo y er 043 B A N K IN G PERSONAL BANKER ASSOCIATE S ecu rity P acific B an k O reg o n is seeking an energetic individual with a strong com m itm ent to pro­ viding the highest level o f client service as a personal banker asso­ ciate to work in our Ready-Phone Center. R esponsibilities include handling incom ing client inquiry calls regarding bank services and program s and perform ing addi­ tional duties as necessary. Require­ m ents include six m onths to one year o f previous teller experience or retail or sales background and the ability to communicate clearly on the telephone in a professional and courteous manner. Knowledge o f bank services and DS system is helpful. H ours are 8:00 to 5:00 Tuesday through Saturday. Please apply in person at: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel D epartm ent 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 A PPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p .m ., M o n -F ri E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er k )5 S u p p o rt O u r A d v e rtise rs! , S ay Y ou S aw It In The} ] .<■ f { ! '•< PortlandObserver!