Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 28, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    Page 7 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 28,1989
1989 Syphilis Information and
rducation program
Rose City Connection plans sixth annual show
Models will strut their stuff for scholarship fund. Nordstrom
On Saturday, Septem ber 30, will underwrite major expenses for second year in a row
of Portland
Attitudes of Portland in Southpark Square presents
metal sculptures and prints by one of Portland’s premier sculptors
Mr. Goldsby epitomizes our concept of a symbolic
relationship between the artistry of sculptor and stylist.
Join us for the 1st Thursday Gallery Tour, October 5th
5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
1525 S.W. PARK AVE.
Applying contemporary artistry in hair design.
Call for an appointment. 274-4172
We are a multi-ethnic salon with expertise in all textures of hair.
(Applications Are Being Accepted For Stylist)
A M E N E S , In c . C o m p a n y
C-V Clinical Supervisor
Beginning salary $1644-$1730
m onth.* excl benefits.
CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­
cants for a psychiatric social worker
position in an outpatient drug and
alcohol treatment agency. Posi­
tion will supervise 2-4 clinical
staff. Some evening work involved.
Responsibilities include: Assist pro­
gram mgr in all aspects o f unit
clinical operations; diagnosis,
evaluation and treatment services
to dual diagnosis clients; individ­
ual and group counseling to adult
and youth with chemical depend­
ency problems; consultation and
coordination o f client services with
medical director, probation and
parole officers, schools and area
agencies; maintaining client rec­
ords, participation in program
promotion and marketing activi­
ties; assist and develop clinical
program policies and procedures.
Education requirement: Master’s
degree in counseling/psychology
or social work. Each applicant
must complete a standard CODA
application form and provide
written responses to screening
Application forms and screening ques­
tions available at:
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave,
Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400.
Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative
Action Employer
High volume department in a major
health insurance company has an
opening for an Information Proc­
essing Analyst II. Qualified appli­
cants must have the following ex­
Previous machine transcription and
at least 6 months experience in
the operations o f word processing
equipment (preferably IBM) in a
centralized environment,! demon­
strated knowledge of correct spell­
ing, grammar and punctuation, abil
ity to follow complex written and
procedures,k excellent organiza­
tional and communication skills.
Trained DisplayWriter operator
preferred. Ability to work under
extreme pressure,typing 65wpm,
course work in word processing
technology also desirable..
Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Ore
gon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, competitive
salary and flex time work hours.
Please apply or send resume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon
Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Related field required, emphasis on
working with adult MR/DD pre­
ferred. At least two years exp.
working with MR/DD in supported
employment activities , good
communication skills required,
Computer skills and some super­
visory exp. preferred.
Responsibilities: screen clients, de­
velop job leads, orientate employer
to program services, provide on
the job training and long term
follow up services. Other appro-
priate duties as assigned. Full time,
temporary professional support
staff position-Employment beyond
6/30^90, subject to funding availa­
bility. Salary $21,000 - $23,000
based on 234 day annual contract.
Starting date as soon as possible.
Closing date: 10/6/89. For appli­
cation material contact PCC Staff
Employment, 049 S.W. Porter,
Portland, OR. 273-2823
PCC is an E.O .E/A flirm ative
Action Em ployer
If you have had a male sexual contact
you may be at risk for AIDS. Call
the Oregon AIDS Hotline at 223-
AIDS for confidential informa­
tion on how to avoid getting AIDS.
The Hotline can also answer any
other questions you might have
about AIDS. No one will ask for
your name. Call now and ask for
information about the “ Safety
Plan’ ’ (w e w ill know you are call­
ing because of this ad.) You’ll get
information you can use to avoid
getting AIDS.
Call now! 223-AIDS.
Participate in lim nological Inves­
tigation in North Cascades Na­
tional Park Service Complex,
Washington. Duties include: su­
pervision o f summer field crew &
participation in sample process­
ing & date analysis. Minimum BS
in Biological Science. Graduate
research experience (MS level) &
experience in sampling lakes, con­
ducting research in remote alpine
terrain & supervising personnel
in the field are preferred.
Applications accepted from O c t 15-
Nov 15. Period o f employment
D ec.l,1989-N ov. 30,1990 (fixed
term additional support contin­
gent upon continued funding). Sal­
ary: $ 19,000per year (annual full­
time). Application should include
letter o f interest describing how
applicant’s background & experi­
ence fit job qualifications, cur­
riculum vitae including publica­
tion, thesis, report & research
experience, transcripts & 3 letters
o f reference. Submit to: Dr. W il­
liam Liss, Dept o f Fisheries &
W ildlife, Nash Hall, Room 104,
Oregon State Univ, Corvallis, OR
Oregon State U niversity is an af­
firm ative action, equal opportu­
nity em ployer & com plies with
Section 504 o f the Rehabilitation
Act o f 1973 & has a policy o f
being responsive to the need of
dual-career couples.
Em ploym ent training for
special populations
(Portland Em ploym ent Program )
With the Fall weather already creep­
ing into the Pacific northwest. The
Rose City Connection already has
plans underway for its Sixth Annual
Benefit Fashion Show. According to
Barbara Taylor, one o f its founders,
that gala event will take place on the
evening o f Friday, October 6, 1989
in the main ballroom o f the D ow n­
town Hilton located at the com er o f
Southwest Sixth and Salmon.
For the second consecutive year,
the Nordstrom Company will not only
co-ordinate the entire presentation,
but also will underwrite all o f the
expenses. Their very generous ges­
ture means that all o f the moneys col­
lected through ticket sales will be
dedicated to scholarships for our
youths. This year, the fashion show
will be the only benefit event spon­
sored by the Rose City Connection.
In the past they have supplemented
their annual fashion show with
Community Team Challenges which
involved a number of interactive sports
and field events with each partici­
pant being “ Sponsored” by indi­
viduals from the community. The
fashion show has become such a large
event that its preparation consumes
almost all o f the free time its spon­
soring group can muster.
The current event promises to be
even more dazzling than previous
years, if that is at all possible. It will
begin with the romantic music o f
The Ron Steen Trio and Dennis Sprin­
ger setting the mood for a happy hour
with cocktails and complimentary
horsd’oeuvresat6pm . The fashion
show, itself, will begin at 7:30 and is
expected to end at about 8:30 pm.
This year as in the past, both male
and female models will be featured.
They will be a mix o f persons who
earn their living in that medium, stu­
dents who are learning the trade and
some o f the nonprofessional talent
who get a good amount o f enjoyment
out of strutting their stuff. At times it
is going to be difficult for the casual
observer to be able to sort out "the
professionals from the amateurs
because Nordstroms does such an
excellent job in staging this elegant
even t
Tickets are on sale at Nordstroms
and the various ticket outlets through­
out the city. A single will cost $15
and a double will sot only $25. They
are tax deductible for a very worthy
cause, the future o f Portland’s Afri­
can American community.
What African-Americans Can Do
About Starvation In Africa
1525 S W P ari A venu
P ort'and O” ’ qoo
Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc.
will conduct a syphilis information
and education survey. The purpose
o f the survey is to determine the
levels o f knowledge about syphilis,
and the current high o f occurrence in
the target area. 50% o f the target area
households will be surveyed outlin­
ing the boundary south to Fremont,
north to Lombard, east to 21st, and
west to Interstate.
The door-to-door survey conducted
by area teenagers is one o f several
tools that will be used in informing
and educating the north and north­
east neighborhoods o f Portland where
this particular health problem is most
serious. From late 1986 tluough 1988,
the Multnomah County Health de­
partment identified a surge in the
number o f reported cases o f syphilis
within the specified neighborhoods.
The greatest percentage occurring
among persons offcolor, especially
the African Americans.Although the
Syphilis epidemic is more prevalent
in young adults ranging in age from
the mid to late twenties, Executive
Director o f Neighborhood Health Clin­
ics, James Posey, sought to use teen­
agers because through virtue o f their
sexual activity, youths are also at
Neighborhood Health Clinics, a
non-profit organization providing low
cost/no cost medical, dental, and coun­
seling services to unemployed and
uninsured adults and children.
Founded in 1974 by the St. Andrews
Parrish, Neighborhood Health Clin­
ics, operates two facilities in Port­
land; “ Health Help Center, 5329 NE
Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd” , and
“ Neighborcare, 2415 SE 43rd” .
Sought for PSU Regional research
Institutes’s Research & Train­
ing Center on Fam ily Support
& C hildren’s M ental Health
national clearinghouse & re­
source center. Half-time position;
$ 11,500-12,500. Requirements:
parent/family member o f child who
has/had mental, emotional,or be­
havioral disorder, experience seek­
ing & obtaining services forchild;
good basic writing & phone skills.
Position will remain open until
filled, but preferred starting date
is 10/1/89. Submitapplication let­
ter; resume; 3 references to: Mari­
lyn McManus, PSU/RRIP.O. Box
751, Portland, OR 97207.
In an exclusive EBONY article written shortly before his death, U.S.
Rep. Mickey Leland tells African-Americans what they can do about
starvation in Africa, reports the October issue.
Calling for increased compassion, concern and relief for the hungry on
the part o f African-Americans, Leland advocated that Blacks begin to
identify more with Black Africa, and couageously speak out against the
abuse and inhumanity there. “ I believe that African-Americans, in particu­
lar, cannot afford to take the attitude that nothing will make a difference,”
Leland said. “ We must start somewhere, and African-Americans must take
the lead.
Formerly chairman o f the House Select Committee on Hunger, Leland
led delegations to Africa in efforts to end world hunger, and urged Blacks
in power to help the three-to-five million Africans at risk o f starvation.
City o f Eugene, Oregon
Professional staff position primarily
in support o f the Recruitment and
Selection program. Provides as­
sistance to the Recruitment and
Selection Manager in job analy­
sis, development and review of
employment testing and test
validation recruitment and selec­
tion processes, preparing, analyz­
ing and summarizing reports re­
garding recruitment and selection
and affirmative action activities,
and other related work. Position
requires equivalent o f 4-yeai de­
gree in Business or Public Ad­
ministration with course work in
personnel/industrial relations and
at least one year o f related, re­
sponsible project or program im­
plementation experience in per­
sonnel or human resources. Sal­
ary Range: $1757-2484/month.
Obtain application and supplemen­
tal questionnaire from City of
Eugene, Human Resource & Risk
Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room
101, Eugene OR 97401. (503) 687-
5061. CLOSING DATE: Octo­
ber 13,1989.
Graduate School Educated - Professional SBM, 34, Seeking Tall (5'6" +)
SBF, 25-32, for friendship or possible serious relationship. No smokers,
drug users or pet lovers (fish & birds arc cool.) No children a plus.
I'm a hardworking - quiet intellectual who enjoys cooking, walking, jazz,
reading, being responsible and making my community a better place to live.
If you arc sensitive, politically aware, intelligent and if you enjoy warm fires
on the beach while watching the sunset - then drop me a notc/photo.
You should be slender, physically fit & attractive
WRITE: S.N.W., P.O. Box 2. Portland, OR 97207
(b Longmont
if. iHy Lon3rnonl -
Salary Range: $1826-2251/m on
Duties include planning, and evalu­
ating community recreation pro­
grams and services for a broad
range of recreation interests. This
position requires effective organ­
izational skills as well as knowl­
edge o f the principles, conceptas
and activities o f community rec­
reation, programming and com ­
munity relations. Applicants should
have a degree from a four-year
college or university with major
course work in recreation or re­
lated field. Obtain application at
City o f Eugene, Human Resource
& Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street,
Room 101, Eugene OR 97 4 .687-
5061. CLOSING DATE: O cto­
ber 6 ,1 9 8 9 .
W tR K fltV I
SINCE 1908
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Specials E ffective TUES, th ru SUN.
SEPT 2 6 th ru OCT 1 , 1 9 8