Page 6 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 28,1989 Perspectives Daily Journal of Commerce and American Contractor in joint venture IReorinted with permission from the Daily Journal o f Commerce} by McKinley Burt T od ay’s article w ill end the cur­ rent series on education. Next week, October 5, the Portland Observer w ill feature M in o r ity Business and Eco­ nom ic D evelopm ent in the N orth­ east com m unity. From reader response we gather that few were aware o f the very early on apprehensions concerning the qual tty o f instruction in the Portland School D istrict(1 9 6 0 ’ sand 1970’ sprotests). Fewer yet were aware o f poorly- supported attempts to bring legal actions as a remedy to an intolerable situation, vis a vis last w eek's de­ scription o f the successful Hobson vs b oa rd o f E d u ca tio n suit fled in W ashing to n , D.C. On the other hand, many had lavish praise fo r such al­ ternative education institutions as the B la ck E ducation C e n te r, a group that has sign ifican tly and positively affected the local educational proc­ ess. I fo llo w on here some notes ab­ stracted from an essay I am prepar­ ing fo r an education journal.There is no particular organization here, just items the reader may fin d o f interest. A basic truth that has been fo rc i­ b ly brought to m y attention is th a t, alm ost w ith o u t exception, an urban school reflects the leadership role furnished by the p rin c ip a l. This ap­ plies to the learning process as w ell as to the d isciplinary mode. I found this to be true not o nly in Portland, but in most o f the many scores o f ele­ mentary and high schools I visited across the country during the 1970’ s and early 1980’ s. Where schools are seen to range from exemplenary models to absolute disasters, one always finds leadership or a lack o f it to be the fulcrum upon w hich the process turns. I am reminded here o f the tim e when I was active in the area o f A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n , both as a u ni­ versity instructor in the fie ld and as an activist. W ith many a ffirm a tive action officers in m y classes-from both the public and private sectors. 1 soon learned that the level o f im ­ plementation in these institutions de­ pended almost entirely upon the com­ m itm ent o f those in charge (as w ith a school principal), effective leader­ ship is the key. Further reinforce­ ment to this opinion has come through m y interaction w ith that group o f educators selected as the to p tw e nty five p rin c ip a ls in the n a tio n (The Partners in Excellence organization initiated by Ron Herndon). I w ould also make the p oint that despite frequent critica l analysis and evaluations, I am not unaware o f the social and econom ic changes that have occured in the urban population since W o rld W ar II. T ru ly , teacher/ pupil/parent interaction has ofttim es become a traumatic experience ( “ combat pay’ ’ .armed guards). But the problem is here and we have to deal w ith it-effectively-there is no choice. And as I have revealed here the past weeks, there is really no dea rth of p ro ven w o rk in g models,methodologies or community know how. The o nly question is, w ill it be used, and is there leadership? The Am erican Contractor news­ paper w ill jo in the D aily Journal o f Commerce and the local Associated General Contractors chapter’s News Update next week to expand its reach to disadvantaged businesses and prime contractors across the state. Bruce Broussard, publisher o f the Am erican Contractor, said the news­ paper hoped to be a vehicle to focus attention on m in o rity - and women- owned businesses. * ‘There is a need, and there’s a cry a cry from those prime contractors and agencies out there asking, ‘where are the m in o rity and women subcon­ tractors who can perform on the job,” ’ Broussard said. “ O ur plan is to com ­ municate with these people. And we’re going to o ffe r the private sector a chance to communicate w ith the women- and m inority-ow ned busi­ nesses out there.” The newspaper w ill be published each M onday beginning Oct. 2. Content w ill include information about disadvantaged businesses, jo b leads and articles on ways to im prove work and business fo r small companies in both construction and the general m arket Broussard and his w ife, Norma, who is co-publisher and editor, w ill operate the news paper. It w ill be published by the D aily Journal o f Commerce and distributed as pan o f the DJC’ s regular M onday8 edition. Bruce and Norma Broussard have published the Am erican Contractor each month since 1983. The paper focuses on issues affecting m inority- and women-owned businesses. Norma Broussard said the first issue was scheduled to be published during the year’ s M in o rity Develop­ ment Week, a program geared to­ ward disadvantaged businesses. “ T his relationship is appropnate because o f the focus o f that week and the focus o f the newspaper,” she said. The Am erican Contractor joins the Oregon-Colum bia chapter o f A G C ’ s News Update, in the Monday Edition o f th8eDJC. The A G C news section has been published in the D aily Journal o f Commerce fo r more than a year. Broussard said the Am erican Contractor, The D aily Journal o f Commerce and the AGC News Update w ould be mailed in one package to each disadvantaged and emerging small business certified through the governor’s O ffice o f M in o rity and Women A ffairs. It also w ill be sent to prime contractors, legislators and public agencies, he said. M in o rity- and women-owned businesses must be certified as dis­ advantage business enterprises to com­ & ii'a B e a u t y S a l o n .om bard w & B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S 231 N. Lombard Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 « > 9 O 0 c (0 > Here N Community citizens counterattack criminals Hundreds of N.E. residents have banded together to return their neighborhoods to the community. City votes to establish Fahtah type Umoja Houses in Portland. pete fo r federal and state highway projects contracts. Legislators adopted the “ emerging small business" con­ cept this year as a race and gender- By Etienne de la Plume neutral d efinition to avoid legal chal­ The com m unity rescue squad lenges to subcontracting set-aside programs fo r m inorities and women. showed o ff its muscle yesterday w ith a litan y o f the coordinated efforts so Broussard said the newspaper far implemented in order to regain w ould target those businesses that control o f the streets and abandoned traditionally subscribe to trade pub­ homes that slow ly had become occu­ lications. Through the D aily Journal pied by a crim inal element over the o f Commerce the disadvantaged firms last several years. w ill fin d inform ation about construc­ Part o f that e ffo rt was to adhere to tion, banking, finance and bonding, strict code enforcement established he said. within the building department Com­ missioner D ick Bogle indicated that The A G C News Update also pro­ during the last weeks the Bureau o f vides a weekly lis t o f jobs that m in or­ Buildings had surveyed more than ity - and women-owned firm s can fo l­ 1,000 buildings. In one particular low fo r leads, Broussard said. area that contained about250 houses, four had been found to be abandoned “ We take pride th8at the AG C and dangerous. O f these, tw o were chapter has given us this opportunity already boarded up to prevent occu­ to be a part o f the package,” he said. pancy another was vacant and s till “ W e hope to stand up to that respon­ another was fire damaged. Arrange­ s ib ility . ments have been made to demolish these structures under guidelines provided for dangerous buildings. Ad­ E D . Note M r . and M rs . B ro u s­ d itio n a lly 14 houses were cited for sard are A fric a n A m e rican s. I t is serious violation o f the building code possible th a t th is h is to ric union is and given the amount o f tim e pro­ the fir s t in the U n ite d States w here vided by law to make corrections. a m in o rity owned business has en­ M in o r violations were found in 50 tered in to such a jo in t venture w ith other homes w hich were also cited, a m a jo r fin a n c ia l news m edium . 36 o f these infractions were related T he New O bserver salutes its fe l­ to outward appearance such as paint­ low c o m p a trio t! ing and general maintenance. Four­ teen other homes were cited fo r n u i­ sance Violations. It was also indicated that the state legislature has allocated $14,000 to the neighborhood associations in the low er Northeast. This e ffo rt would provide seed money to establish at least tw o U m oja Houses by Mrs. Falaka Fahtah. M rs. Fahtah visited Portland last year at which tim e she acquainted the Northeast com m unity and c ity o fficia ls w ith her 21 year success in dealing w ith ex-chemical abusers through the several residen­ tial halfw ay houses she had founded in the Philadelphia. M rs. Fahtah was perceptive enough to recognize the many differences between problems here in the C ity o f Roses and those that she had overcome in the C ity o f B rotherly Love. The " U n it y ” house she w ill establish in the Portland area w ill be tailored specifically to ad­ dress the unique parochial needs o f the targeted population. Additionally the juvenile court has identified and augmented ways in w hich it can service youths at risk. T he ir efforts are being supplemented by the Youth Gang Task Force and Outreach groups w hich help local lay residents to recognize drug houses, assist landlords in screening and evicting tenants w ho u tilize their property for illegal purposes. A group o f com m unity volunteers have been trained to promote the entire thrust o f the rescue plan by going from door to door w ith in the affected enclaves to inform the vast number o f law abid­ ing citizens about the existence o f a coordinated e ffo rt to rescue besieged neighborhoods and to return them to a state o f tran qu ility once enjoyed by everyone. A fu l, report w ill be made to the com m unity in an open meeting which w ill be held in the K in g Neigh­ borhood F acility at 7pm, Thursday, September 28,1989. A t that tim e the hundreds o f people involved in making this e ffo rt a success w ill not only review what already has been ac­ complished, but w ill also take sug­ gestions and questions from the gen­ eral public. Peggy Sumner (503)289-0205 Prices Effective 9/27 Thru 10/3/89 Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay SAFEWAY OREGON FRESH Whole Fryers Fresh, plump, juicy and tender. These whole fryers are perfect to bake in the oven, cook on the outdoor grill, or to cut up and fry. Oregon grown whole fryers. Stock-Up your freezer at this low price! Portland Marathon by Danny Bell T he 18th a n n ua l Portland Mara­ thon was dominated by tw o in d iv id ­ ual inexperienced runners in the men and women divisions. The w inner o f the M ens’ division was Tusuguis Sadakata, 25 o f O ita Japan.He was running in ju s t his second marathon. The w inner o f the wom ens’ d ivision was Debbie M yra 27 o f Beaverton, Oregon. M s. M yra was a form er track and fie ld standout at Portland State University. Sadakata completed the race in 2 hours 18 minutes, and 45 seconds-52 seconds o ff the record. M yra completed the course in 2:44:09-three minutes ahead o f her nearest com petitor, Heather T olfo rd. In addition, to the 26.2 m ile race, the Portland Marathon sponsored several other events in order to en­ courage participation from a broader segment o f athletes, and the health conscious. Other events included the 26.2 m ile Sidewalk Marathon C hal­ lenge, the fiv e m ile run, the five jn ile M ayors W a lk, and the tw o m ile kids fun run. A pproxim ately 4,000 people par­ ticipated in the marathon, which has become among the top 15 marathon runs in the country. t, Dennison’s Extra Fancy hili With Beans Delicious Apples There’s nothing like the Old West Your choice of Red or Golden taste of Dennison’s Chili; 15-Oz. Delicious with Pillsbury Cornbread Twist. Enjoy a bowl of chili, today! Delicious apples fresh from the famous orchards of Sam LeFore. Right here in Oregon. Sweet & Crisp! 29 SAFEWAY t