Page 3 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 28,1989 SCRIPTURE OF Scripture of the Week: THE WEEK: James Chapters 1-2. NPACE North Portland Association of Christian Educators W hat is N G A C E ? “ N P A C E ” stands fo r “ North Portland Association o f Christian Edu­ cators” . It is an inter-church w ork­ ing group, dedicated to planning events and opportunities for Christian teach­ ers in the N /N E com m unity to be in ­ spired and to be enhanced in their m inistry skills. We recognize that the needs o f our com m unity are great, and that some o f these needs are best under­ stood by those who w ork in the com ­ m unity. We also recognize that through our churches in N /N E Portland there are competent and spiritually gifted leaders, and that a ll can contribute insights, ideas, and strategies that w ill contribute to fu lfillin g our com ­ mon goal. By w orking together in N PACE we can’ ’ ...consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24, (N .I.V .). In a ll these efforts we seek to make disciples fo r our master, the L ord Je­ sus Christ. “ .....Because We Need Each Other!” Obituary Obituary A H U N A H IM IC T W IA L A H J A H L K ber 15, 1989 and a ll day Saturday, September 16, 1989. Purpose N P A C E exists to promote excel­ lence in Christian education programs in the churches o f N orth Portland, through training seminars and pro­ grams, as w e ll as any other means the Lord may impress upon us. N PACE has accepted the responsibility for planning an annual C hristian Educa­ tion conference in September or October o f each year. Officers, 1989-1990 President: N orm al W illia m s , W illia m s Tem ple C .O.G .I.C. Vice President: Rosie Tabb, M t. O live t Baptist Church Secretary: Beverly Boyd, W illiam s Tem ple,C.O .G .I.C. Treasurer: Earnestine C ellistine, Berean Baptist Church Advisor: L illia n Jenkins, A lle n Tem ple C .M .E . Church I f you desire further inform ation concerning this organization, please call (503) 288-2919 or 285-0089. Be an effective teacher or leader. R obert Lee Joe, bom June 21, 1948 was fatally injured in an auto accident on Saturday September 23, 1989. A lso fatally injured was his niece Barbara Ann Cunningham who was driving the vehicle. Robert is survived by his mother Ellen Joe o f Portland, Oregon and 8 sisters and 3 brothers. Funeral Services fo r Robert Lee Joe and Barbara Cunningham who was born February 14, 1958 w ill be held at Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church on frida y September 2 9,1 98 9 at 11 am. For inform ation and condolences, please call Judy or Kent at 284-9866. A people o f the W O RD in an uncer­ tain world. History The Builders N P A C E is an outgrow th o f the annual C hristian Education confer­ ences, which were o rig in a lly spon­ sored by the N ational Black Evan­ gelical Association, led by Rev. Aaron H am lin, and then co-sponsored by N orth Portland Bible College and Portland Released-time Education Program. These conferences have beat attracting an ever-widening repre­ sentation from the churches. A more representative planning group became reasonable. N P A C E Was the closing session o f the C.E. seminar at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in December, 1988. Dean M ichael Lindsey o f N PBE had invited C hris­ tian Education Leaders to respond to the college’ s proposal fo r an associa­ tion o f Christian Educators. N PACE Board M ember, Connie Stanton, chaired the session that set the plans in m otion. Invitations to participate were sent out. N P A C E was form ally organized at a meeting w ith Dean Lindsey,in the college library on June 17,1989. Bylaws were adopted and officers were elected fo r the 1989-90 year. The 1989 Seventh Annual C hris­ tian Education Conference was the firs t o f their projects. “ ...For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ru l­ ers, against the authorities, against the powers o f this dark w orld and against the spiritual forces o f e vil in the heavenly realm s.” Ephesians 6:12, N IV The firs t day o f the conference was held on the evening o f Septein- We a ll are architects o f Fate W orking in these w alls o f Tim e; Some w ith ornaments o f rhyme. N othing useless is, or low ; Each thing in its place is best; and what seems but idle show Strengthens and supports the rest. For the structure that we raise, Tim e is w ith materials fille d ; Our todays and yesterdays A re the blocks w ith which we build. In the elder days o f A rt, Builders w rought w ith greatest care Each m inute and unseen part; For God sees everywhere. W e Strive to do our w ork as w ell, Both the unseen and the seen! Make the house, where God may d w e ll, B eautiful, entire, and clean. B u ild today, then strong and sure W ith a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure Shall tom orrow fin d its place. For builders a G o dly creed Is liv in g in the life they lead, The passing o f th eir beautiful feet Blessing the pavement o f the street And a ll their looks and words repeat O ur G od’ s sayings, wise and sw eet N ot as a vulture, but as a dove, The H oly Ghost came from above. N ot to one church alone, but seven, The voice prophetic spake from heaven; A nd unto each, the promise came, D iversified, but s till the same; For him that overcometh are The new name w ritten on the stone, The rainment w hite, the crow n, the stone. And God w ill give him the M o rn ­ ing Star! Maximum Marriage B u ild a “ m axim um marriage” w ith M e rid ia n P a rk H o s p ita l’ s “ T ra its o f a H ap py C ou ple ” . Join author/speaker L arry Halter, PhD. as he reveals to the class how to cope w ith stress and anger , prom oting nurturing and b uild self esteem. Through a variety o f teaching and learning methods and s k ill building, couples w ill learn those behaviors related to m arital health,learn to give and receive com plim ents and d is­ cover w in -w in solutions to problems. This five week class is offered Mondays, beginning November 6, from 7-9 p.m. The program fee is $90/couple and includes 2 books, scoring o f 2 tests and a report show­ ing gains in m artial satisfaction. For more inform ation and regis­ tration, call the C om m unity Educa­ tion Department at the Tualatin hos­ pital, 692-2656. Elder Zebdee Studamire was bom September 16, 1923 in Pine B lu ff, Arkansas. He spent his first 17 years o f his life in Pine B lu ff and then en­ listed in the U.S. A rm y at the young age o f 18. He terminated his enlist­ ment in 1945, returning to c iv ilia n life , and made his career in the lo g ­ ging industry. He began his logging career in Arkansas, continued in Oregon and ended it in C alifornia. In 1967, Zeb discovered his real future- there was a better w ay to live. It was then that the Lord entered into his heart. He was ordained as m inister 1968. He dedicated the remaining years o f his life to preaching the gos­ pel and spreading the word o f God. Those w ho remember him w ill always th in k o f the days Zeb would engage them in conversation. He loved to talk about his God. One thing w ill always be said about Zeb: He genu­ inely believed that what he had to say and his presence w ould make a d if­ ference. F or his fire and b elief those who love him can o nly admire and remember him as one o f the few people w ho actually d id make a d if­ ference. Zeb was called to his eternal rest on September 20, 1989 at 3:40 A .M . Zebdee Studamire is survived by Opal Studamire and the fo llo w in g: First marriage: one son, tw o daugh- ters-Zebdee Studamire Jr., Valerie Studam ire, R ubicz and Z e fra Studamire. Second marriage:two sons and one daughter-Eskimo, Patrick and Angela. A lso surviving: a step­ son, three stepdaughters, ten grand­ children, uncle Eddy Studamire, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, and a host o f friends. Piedmont Friends Church,Portland Oregon, Pastors Aaron H am lin and Joshua Phillip. H E A D Q U A R T E R ’S C H U R C H 0-14 years old 9:15 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. (School Days) 10:15 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. (Non-school Days) 14-18 years old 10:15 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. (School Days) 12 midnight - 6 a.m. (Non-school Days) • 1989 P o r tla n d , Oregon 97211 - 285-0493 A t t e n t i o n : R a lf it G r e e n id g e P o r t l a n d G o a e u n ity C o l l e g e 7 0 5 W orth Kl 11 in g s M a r th S t r e e t f o r t l a n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 1 9 W B I I C SESS1CM TOPIC ft F0M1AT 8 : 3QAM-9:3QAM— 9 : 30AM—9 : 45AM— 9:45AM - w r , I STRATIUN i CDFTEE -OPENING ajdJUNY -KEYNOTE ADTOESS----- FRANCIS FOX PIVENS A u th o r o f " R e g u l a t i n g t h e f o o r ft Why H ty A m e r ic a n s D o n ’t V o te" -SPE C IA L PRESENTATION * l h o E o o n a n ic O p p o r t u n it y A c t And I t s R e fle c tio n s " -LUNCH C an pu s D in in g F a c i l i t y Æ1T3XDCN SESSION l:4 5 m -3 : 0 0 m - ( 1 , " A l l e v i a t i n g IX iv o rty t h r o u r j i S t n r m j t h i n j Urn F'.uaily" F a c i l i t a t o r : E r n ie ft K a t r i n a C f e th c a r t, P t w i d o i t o f B lo c k S o c i a l W ork ers - M an ager, G i v e Ub T i l l s Uny (2 ) " S p in n in g t h e War o n f o v e r t y " An u p f r r r i t l o o k a t a G r a a s r o o t Program a n d O i r p n i z a t l o n t h a t i s s p a n n in g t h e w ar o n p erv e rt y f*rxl w im in g " F a c i l i t a t o r : O o m e t t a J . S m ith E x e c u tiv e D ir e c to r A l b in a M i n i s t e r i a l A l l i a n c e (3 ) "W hat ' b w o r k in g Now f o r H e i\x> r? F a c ilit a t o r : ftx i l l e m l n I’n c s i d e n t o f N a t io n a l Itoad S t a r t D ir e c t o r s A s s o c ia t io n 3 :O O W -4 :O O W - CUD R eunion R aurption R n g is t m t ia n : $ 3 0 .0 0 U n i i ln c lu t a d A d d re u _ _ A gency___ I "bone I No. A tten d in g A eo u n t E n c lo s e d PLEASE RESPOND BY SEPTO1BER 2 2 . $ t o th e Alhlnn M in is t e r ia l A llia n c e P.O . Box 11243 - 1425 NE Deke P o r tla n d , Oregon 97211 1989 Maranatha Church 422 N.E. 12th Ave. Rev. Wendel H. Wallace Senior Pastor Within the City of Portland, the curfew is: It is also the responsibility of the parent or guardian to insure that minors under the age of 18 comply with the curfew ordi­ nance. For more inform ation, see C ity Ordinance 14.28.010 and 14.28.020. Sunday Services September 28,1989 Provided as a public service by ihe Citizens Crime Commission 274-9945 x_____________________________ > PORTLAND OBSERVER " T h e S y e s a n d E ars of Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worshop 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:30 P.M. th e C o m m u n ity " 288-0033 Jesus Loves You! Allen Tenwle CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu«. (com er o f 8th & Skidmore) If von ore looking for a church home, Come visit „OH Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor 1. MRS C ’S WIGS The Albina Church of God 5522 N.Albina/283-1635 G R E A T E R S O L ID R O C K C .O .G .I.C . 1705 N . E . D E K U M F r i d a y , S e p te r tju r 2 9 , < V ° A l b in a M i n i s t e r i a l A l l i a n c e P .O . U o k 11243 - 1425 NE Dekret S t r e e t CURFEW ACTION CARP Psalm 34:3 J U R I S D I C T I O N #1 A N r i-io v o r iv ( w n j d j x x c o in c id in g w it h t h e 2 M i i a m u v e n s a r y CELEBRAT1CN THE EULMLHIC OHOR1UNITY ACT OF 1964 P O R T L A N D . O R 97 211 WHOLESALE & RETAIL P h o n e : (5 0 3 ) 2 8 3 -1 5 2 4 HUNDREDS OF WIGS PASTOR & BISHOP The REV. A.R. HOPKINS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGW6 LIFESTYLES LF5 • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS -xi^A 1 BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR TUIS-SAT lli3O-6i ac & With A Bold New Vision Reaching out until He comes Going Back when He comes AND OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W BS UM0UE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS ft BEAUTY SUPPUES BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETBS zum COSMETBS 181-6525 I Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 100*/. HUMAN HAB POR 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING ft WEAVMG Ella Gantz D Kay Jewelry Sunday Service morning 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service evening 6:00 p.m. 1208 N. Killingsworth/289-6055 “ Before You Must’’ 'Riesday Teaching If you look better you will feel better — M a k e a D e c is io n — “ Inquire about the services we o ffer” Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. S e rv ice 281 4891 W e a re in te r e s te d in y o u r p ro b le m s Thursday Open Tuesday thru Saturday 11:00 am till 6:00 pm 7:30 p.m. Moments of Deliverance 7:30 The Friendliest Church in the city Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving. Ella R Irving & K Sandra Irving Co-owners 048 i