Page 5 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 21,1989 SCRIPTURE OF C O R IN TH IA N S THE WEEK: Chapter 1 & 2 RELIGION MONDAINE CLEBRATES FIRST by Mattie Callier-Spears God and exclaim ing His name to the The officers and members o f the C ELEBR ATIO N TA B E R N A C LE in­ vite the public to participate in their celebtation o f praise and worship on this the FIR ST A N N IV E R S A R Y o f their pastor Rev. Elbert Mondaine. Come jo in them in three days packed w ith celebratoin and joyous praise! The festivités begin on F ri­ day nigh. A ll Choirs, musicians, so­ loists, groups, and, etc. are invited to jo in in w ith the members o f C E L E ­ B R A TIO N T A B E R N A C LE , 1854 N. Lom bard Avenue, Portland, Oregon. The musical w ill begin at 7:00 p.m., Friday, September 22, 1989. Come looking forward to liftin g up H oly hands, jum ping and dancing in the aisles, testifying, shouting, praising highest On Saturday, September 23rd, come help them to acknowledge and celebrate w ith their pastor fo r a suc­ cessful firs t year o f service. The an­ niversary service begins at 7:00 p.m. On Sunday, the fin al day o f the anniversary celebration, September 24th, Evangelist Ruby Nelson from Shreveport, Louisiana w ill jo in in to conclude the three day anniversary celebration w ith some good gospel preaching and singing. This w ill mark the end o f a w onderful year and set the pace fo r a new beginning w ith the fa ll R E V IV A L . Com eexpectingablessing! Come to rejoice and praise or L ord and Savior Jesus Christ. SING,SING,SING! St. A ndrew ’ s Episcopal Church, 7600 No. Hereford Portland, w ill host GOSPEL SIN G T W O on Saturday, September 23rd, at 6:30pm. This gladful m usical event w ill be led by Chuck Logan and the Lighthouse Singers from Lighthouse C om m unity Church. Join w ith your friends, (and make new ones), as you sing many o f the great old-tim e hymns o f faith. Songs o f jo y , songs o f hope, this is tru ly a time to u p lift and refresh the spirit! ________ ____________ -_________ ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Speedy Service DAD’S OIL SERVICE H e a tin g O ils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland,, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 Rev. Wendell Wallace Senior Pastor o Sunday Services September 24,1989 Sunday School 9:00AM Morning Worship 10:30AM Evening Worship 6:30PM WILEY GRANT CARTER December 10, 1913-September 13,1989 Services were held on Saturday, September 16,1989 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hughes M em orial M ethodist Church fo r W ile y Grant Carter who was bom 12/10/13 in Sheeplo, M is ­ sissippi to the parents o f E lijah and V io la Carter. He united w ith the Hughes M em orial M ethodist Church where he served as a fa ith fu l member fo r many years. H is w ife, Rosa, pre­ ceded him in death in 1986. M r. Carter leaves behind a legacy o f L O V E and w ill be remembered by a ll those whose lives he touched. A ll o f the young people from ‘ *G* ’ Street (Gantenbein), who are now a ll grown up, w ill surely remember his wise in ­ structions and the ‘grapevine’ , that he tended and loved so much.He had no qualms about reprimanding the children o f the neighborhood. He was overw helm ingly recognized as the father figure to 35 or 40 youngsters, who shall never forget his love and his teachings. D uring his “ Homego­ ing ” celebtation, on Saturday the 16th, Kenneth Edwards and Ray Leary remarked on the impact that M r. Carter had on their lives and how he had influenced the lives o f so many other young people. A t M r. C arter’ s 75th birthday celebration, he remarked, “ Keep the fa m ily together and alive. Remember ‘ A ll fo r one and one fo r a ll’ . Remember to love one another” . He leaves to mourn his passing, his 9 children: D ennis C arter.Tem ple H ill, M a ry la n d ’. Lasalle K in g , C ortez Samuel, Silvia Mitchell, Phillip Carter, D w ig ht Carter, Jennifer Carter, Port­ la n d , O re g o n ; L e o la W a lto n , Anaheim , C alifornia; W ile y Carter, Jr., Seatttle, Washington. 12 grandchildren, 6 great-grand­ children, 1 brother, Johnny W atts o f Hattiesburg, M ississippi and many, many, friends and relatives. Interm ent was at the Rose C ity Cemetery. Rev. C urtis K irkp a tirck o fficiated the services. K IL L IN G S W O R T H L IT T L E C H A P E L O F T H E C H IM E S HOWARD & PATRICIA PERN ELL (503) 282-0400 T-SHIRTS youth gangs, and local manifesta­ tions o f Crips and Bloods, and she gave guidelines for dealing with gang violence and drug dealing in our com­ munity. On Saturday m orning, M ission­ ary Patricia Thomas o f C hrist M e­ m orial Church explained the m in is­ try o f JA D A (Jesus Against Drugs and A lco ho l), and shared many ex­ amples o f successful treatment through this Christ-centered outreach. Tho­ mas’ s personal testimony o f deliver­ ance from substance abuse was very m oving fo r the assembled p a rtici­ pants. Other workshops fille d the rest o f Saturday morning and afternoon, Graduate School Educated - Professional SBM, 34, Seeking Tall (5'6" +) SBF, 25-32, for friendship or possible serious relationship. No smokers, drug users or pet lovers (fish & birds arc cool.) No children a plus. I'm a hardworking - quiet intellectual who enjoys cooking, walking, jazz, reading, being responsible and making my community a better place to live. If you arc sensitive, politically aware, intelligent and if you enjoy warm fires on the beach while watching the sunset - then drop me a nolc/photo. You should be slender, physically fit & attractive WRITE: S.N.W., P.O. Box 2, Portland, OR 97207 ORIGINAL ART, CARDS, GIFTS & CLOTHING We are a union shop! 3415 N.E. BROADWAY PORTLAND, OR 97232 , THEJBjTHEL .. CATHEDRA!? CHOIR d ^PRESENTS J d ^ 7 Jesus Loves You.1 old 4236 N.E. Eighth A venut The Albina Church of God 5522 N.AIbina/283-1635 With A Bold New Vision Reaching out until He comes Going Back when He comes Sunday School "A CELEBRATION OF PRAISE" , , SUNDAY SEPTEMBER <24! 1983 Allen Temole CME Church (comer o f 8th & Skidmore) f BETHEL AME CHURCH 5828 NE'STFb AVENUE h u L* Wl 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service morning 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service evening 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Teaching Thursday Portland, Oregon 97211 Psalm 34:3 FO R B A R K E R : N ow that PTL founder Jim Bakker has been compe­ tent enough to stand tra il, legal ana­ lysts say there’ s no way for him to w in the case. Bakker’ s defense is hoping the court w ill find that he had no crim inal intent and le ft the finan­ cial decisions to others, but in fact, key witness Steve Nelson testified o f te llin g Bakker that someone could go to ja il fo r what they were doing. However, the most damaging e vi­ dence against Bakker is the guilty plea o f Richard Dortch (the P T L ’ s second -in -command) to charges o f fraud and conspiracy. Dortch was fined $200,000 and sentenced to eight years in prison fo r his part in de­ frauding P T L follow ers o f more than 3.7 m illion. I f convicted, Bakker could be fined up to $5 m illio n and sen­ tenced to 120 years in prison. J u s t B rie fly : Luther Barnes & his Redd Budd Choir w ill be among those spreading that holiday spirit this Christ­ mas as they prepare fo r the release o f a Christmas LP. The project marks the firs t ever Christmas album in the history o f their recording la b e l-A t- lanta International Records... C om ­ m issioned, Y olanda Adam s and D a ry l Coley are am ong those gos­ pel e nte rtain ers team ing up w ith John Kee for a recording project whose proceeds w ill go to fund the fight against A ID S .....T h is w eek’ s s c rip tu re : “ A n d w ith o u t fa ith it is im possible to please G od, because anyone w ho comes to h im m ust be­ lieve th a t he exists and th a t he re ­ w ards those w ho earnestly seek h im ” ,-H e b re w s 11:6. .■I 1 ; I Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers (503) 287-0261 GOSPEL NEWS FROM BEREAN w ill be taken. Refreshments w ill be served. Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor EYE on A CML 7® ©¡LACK M A&JS The Unity of Love is on the make!!! “Discount Prices for back to School“ IN LOVING MEMORY OF SIS. INEZ BEATICE BATTIES M A L A C O R E C O R D S SING S B O B B Y JO N E S : Gospel singer and personality Bobby Jones whose T V s h o w ,-” The Bobby Jones Show” airs weekly on B lack Entertain-m ent Television just recently inked a re­ July 1 6 ,1913-August 26, 1989 cording deal w ith M alaco Records. Services were held on Thursday, Malaco is touting the recent signing August 31, 1989 at 1:00 p.m. at the as a m ajor coup, and is hoping the ac­ Maranatha Church fo r Inez (W arren) quisition w ill lend more o f a contem­ Battles who was bom on July 16, porary fla ir to the label, which has 1913 in Linden, Texas to the parents long specialized in traditional style o f Quitman and Laura Warren, de­ gospel. Bobby Jones and his New ceased. She was the second c h ild o f L ife group are expected to release seven children. She united w ith the their firs t album somewhere around Pleasant H ill Baptist Church in L in - < the firs t o f the year. In other record­ den.Texasatanearlyage.Shegradu- , ing news, K eith Pringle is also head­ ated from Bishop College in Marshall, ing fo r the studio, but this tim e w ith ­ Texas w ith a B.S. in Home Econom­ out the Pentecostal C hoir. H is next ics. She was a Home Economics solo project is due in January. teacher at Floyd V alley Elementary C O U N T IN G D O W N G O S ­ School in Marrielta, Texas for 4 years P E L ’ S T O P T E N : The M ississippi and taught at Fairview H igh School Mass C hoir is holding down the in Linden, Texas fo r years. number one spot on the nation’s spiri­ Inez moved to Portland, Oregon tual record charts, w hile rounding and married Sylvester Batties on out the nation’ s top ten gospel hits November 28, 1944. T o this union, are (2) H e ro s - The New Jersey Mass five children were bom. She worked Choir, (3)Who’s On The Lord’s Side- at the Providence Hospital fo r a few Rev. T im othy W right. (4) H eaven- years; then, she worked at the U.S. Bebe & Cece Winans; (5) W onder­ Post O ffice as a D istribution Clerk fu l-B e a u W illiam s; (6) And They fo r 21 1/2 years, u ntil retirement. Sang A H ym n— T H O M A S W h it­ A fte r m oving to Portland, she fie ld & Company; (7) Were Gonna united w ith the Vancouver Avenue Make It - - M Y R N A Summers/Rev. First Baptist Church. There, she T im othy W right; (8) A vailable To worked w ith the Sunday School as a Y o u -R e v . M ilto n Brunson; (9) So teacher for many years; then, moved Satisfied — Luther Barnes & The her membership to Maranatha Church Red Budd C hoir; (10) N o Greater where she remained a fa ithful w orker L o v e -K e ith Pringle & the Pentecos­ u ntil her health started failing. tal C om m unity Choir. She leaves to mourn her passing: T H IN G S D O N ’T L O O K G O O D her husband, Sylvester Batties; Son, Ralph Batties o f Vancouver, Wash­ ington; Daughter, Verna Batties o f C alifornia; D aughter-in-law, Jackie; 2 grandchildren, Jascelyn and Da- by Rev. Michael Lindsey mond Batties o f Vancouver, Wash­ ington; 1 brother, Henry A. Warren Over eighty Christian teachers and o f Los Angeles, C alifornia; 2 sisters, church workers gathered at Berean Hannah Jo Johnson and Laurine Helen Baptist Church last Friday, Sept 15th, Low ery, o f Portland, Oregon; and a and Saturday, Sept 16th, fo rthe Sev­ host o f nieces, nephews and other enth Annual Inter-Church Christian relatives and friends. Her daughter Education Conference. Plenary ses­ Doris Ann Batties L ivin gto n, one sions and eight workshops developed brother, Quitman (B ill) Warren and the theme “ G od’ s Church on the 2 sisters, Belzoria B ru itt and Pear- M ove,” emphasizing Christian out­ lena Byrd, a ll preceded her, in death. reach in the face o f serious problems VANN & VANN FUNERAL facing our com m unity today. D IR E C T O R S The Friday evening session was presented by Portland Police o ffice r Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Dorothy Elmore o f the Gang En­ 5828 NE 8TH AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 forcement Team. Her session, “ Drugs, Rev. Milton Green, Pastor Gangs, the Church and Y ou,” ex­ plored the various youth gangs found The Bethel A .M .E . Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Ave., Portland, w ill present its ; in Portland, including skinheads, Asian Cathedral C hoir in Concert on Sunday, September 24,1989 at4:00p.m . The program, ‘ ‘Celebration o f Praise: w ill feature a variety o f selections fo r your enjoyment. An ensemble w ill give several selections. A free w ill offe ring j Kçmet UNITY OF LOVE J 7:30 p.m. Moments of Deliverance 7:30 The Friendliest Church in the city Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel M. Irving.