Page 9 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 7,1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Rain: 5 Unas - 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(te $2.501 •erUat) PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyas and Ears of the Community" 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 D O N N IE JAMES Men & Women;s Fashion “ If you dare to be fashionable” PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams Electrical Appliances. Equipment & Light Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3523 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 B EA U T Y /B A R B E R SU PPLIES ja ’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5?87 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open; Mon. t»nr S o t FLO RA L - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 RENT E arth a’s Floral C onnection 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth W ASHERS & DRYERS Portland, O regon 97211 . THe Coupon Good For e 2 8 2 -3 8 7 5 We D o : *15 off Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made P R IN T IN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th P o rtla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 12 : • DELIVERY A • • INSTALLATION FEE • rental r washer V ' *30 Delivery A InU tllallon P ortland Vancouver 231-7413 693-4000 » »m . - 6 p.m. JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PROPERTY APPRAISER 4 $2,368 - $3,172/M onth MILLIONS! My reports have earned literally millions o f dollars for companies and individuals nationwide. Can help you reach wealth too. Free proof. B illy M cG hee, Box 8095 .Riverside, CA 92515. Conducts complex and difficult ap­ praisals of commercial and indus­ trial properties requiring advanced appraisal skills. Requires the COLLECTIONS equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree with major course work in busi­ Colonial Pacific Leasing, a Pitney ness administration, forestry, en­ Bowes Co., is accepting applica­ gineering, agriculture or related tions for their collection dept. field, and four years of full time Qualified candidates should have experience conducting industrial consumer or commercial collec­ and/or commercial appraisal. For tion experience with a financial required application contact Lane institution. Position provides County Human Resources, 125 . competitive salary plus incentive 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, bonus and and excellent benefit 1-687-4171. Filing deadline9-29- program. Please forward resume 89. to: Manager,Human Resources, EOE. P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin, Oregon 97062. Colonial is an affirm ative action - equal opportunity em ployer. DRIVER, MOBILE CLASSROOM Part Time Help Wanted Classified Ad for Planners The P ort of P ortland is recruiting Immediate openings for 4-5 plan­ ners with City of Portland, Office for a people-oriented driver for of Transportation. Positions in­ the Mobile Classroom. Applicants clude Program Manager and Plan­ must be able to operate a one-ton ners I-III to work on Regional pickup, hauling a 38-foot 5th wheel Rail Program and assist staff in mobile classroom to assigned update of Arterial Streets Classi­ schools in the tri-county region. fication Policy. Send resumes by W e’re looking for an individual September 8th to Steve Dotterer, who has strong interpersonal skills Transportation Planning, Rm 702, and a professional demeanor. Du­ 1120 SW 5th Ave., Portland, Or. ties also include light maintenance 97204. and minor mechanical chores. This EEO EM PLO Y ER . is a part-time position with gener­ ally 20-30 work hours per week LEGISLATIVE FISCAL for approximately seven months during the school year, and occa­ ANALYST sional summer work. Condition The Legislative Fiscal Office o f the of employment: valid Oregon or Oregon Legislative Assembly is Washington Class 3 chauffeur’s recruiting for the position of Leg­ license or ability to obtain one islative Fiscal Analyst. Position upon hire. Starting salary $6.17- conducts program evaluation, $7.04 per hour, with benefits. performs fiscal research and fis­ If interested and qualified, apply at cal policy analysis, and makes the Port o f Portland Employment oral presentations to the Legisla­ Office, 14th floor, 700 N £ . tive Assembly. Position requires Multnomah or call 231-5000,ex­ strong background in use of quan­ tension 700, for further informa­ titative methods and computers in tion. All applications must be analyzing and evaluation public received by 5:00 pjn., Friday, Sep­ programs. Salary range $3418- tember 15,1989. $4364 per month. To apply sub­ The P o rt is an Equal mit resume, including academic O pportunity Em ployer and work history and salary infor­ mation to: Personnel Services, HUMAN RESOURCES Legislative Administration Com­ mittee, S401 State Capitol, Sa­ MANAGER lem, OR 97310 (503) 378-8530. $3,835 - $4,610/month Resume m ust be received by Sep- Minimum of five years of direct ex­ ’ tem ber 29,1989. Fax:(503) 373- 1527. perience in personnel administra­ tion and human resources includ­ ing compensation benefits, payroll, recruitment, hir­ ing, employee records, and or­ ganizational development work. Four-year degree in business or human resource-related field, or equivalent training and experience in human resources work. Valid driver’s license required. Send resume to: Eugene Water & Electric Board P.O. Box 10148 Eugene, OR 97440-2148 ATTN: Personnel Position closes - September 26,1989 - 5:00 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM ­ PLOYER JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Wanted: Activist interested in staff position for the Portland-Corinto Sister City Association. 20hrs plus a week, $400 a month. ’or more information and a job de­ scription write to P.C.S.CA. 3558 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR 97214. Deadline for applications Oct. 1st. PO RTLAN D O BSERVER The fiyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 EDUCATION P ortland Public Schools Com m unity Resource Profes­ sionals needed to work part lime in talented & gifted education program. Exp w-elementary and/or middle school students nec. Areas of need include: computers, creative prob­ lem solving, creative writing, for­ eign languages, journalism, life & physical sciences, mathematics, phi­ losophy, video production, and vis­ ual and performing arts. Possible 2- 19 hrs per wk from mid October to February. $15 per contact hour. Interested individuals must com­ plete an application & submit cur­ rent resume. Applications accepted thru Sept. 15. For info call 280-6198. Apply Personnel Services, Blanchard Education Service Ctr, 501 Dixon. E qual O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer Child Care Wanted NANNIES WANTED Nice families, great opportunities deal with agency that cares NO FEES Call Robin 1-718-948-0326 MULTNOMAH COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOP­ MENT DIRECTOR Com m unity Inform ation Techni­ cian - $10.42 per hour; assists in Seeking a professional planner with proven performance in develop­ the production of publications, ment to administer the compre­ printed materials and other media hensive plan and zoning ordinances pieces; requires a working knowl­ to ensure quality development, edge of graphic design and pro­ promote economic development duction techniques and ability to that adds to the economic base, use Apple Macintosh Desktop Pub­ promotes community re-vitaliza- lishing and Aldus PageMaker; ap­ tion of the retail, commercial, in­ ply by September 15, 1989. dustrial and residential areas. Pre­ C om m unity licensed P ractical pares and presents staff reports to Nurse - $8.61 - 11.79 per hour; the Planning Commission and City provides practical nursing care to Council. Requires a Bachelor’s clients in a primary care clinic; degree in planning with five years requires Oregon Practical Nurse progressively responsible experi­ license and one year of experi­ ence, including some supervisory ence; apply by September 15,1989. experience. A Master’s degree is P arkw orker - $10.25 per hour; per­ preferred. Salary range $3092- forms a variety of tasks in the $3865 plus excellent benefit pack­ construction, maintenance, repair age. Letter of interest with a cur­ and operation of parks, parks fa­ rent resume must be received by cilities, cemeteries and other public 5:00 p.m., September 29, 1989. areas; requires one year of experi­ Supplemental questionnaire due ence in the operation and use of by O ctober 6. Apply to City of hand and power tools; apply by M ilwaukie Personnel Office, September 15,1989. 10722 S.E. Main Street, Mil­ Program Development Specialist - waukie, OR 97222. Youth Program Office - $12.59 E qual O pportunity Employer. per hour (half-time position); provides research and technical WORKERS assistance to the Youth Program Office Manager and to the Juve­ COMPENSATION CLERK nile Services Commission to aid in program planning, development Georgia-Pacific has an immediate and evaluation; requires one year opening for an individual to pro­ o f related experience; apply by vide clerical support to the Work­ September 15, 1989. ers’ Compensation Department WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah This entry level position requires ex­ County Employee Services, Room cellent and various clerical skills. 1430,1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ Must have strong alpha/numeric land, OR 97204. filing ability, accurate typing skills “ An Equal Opportunity Employer” of 40+ wpm and accurate 10-key skills. Looking for a detail-oriented indi­ M ENTAL HEALTH vidual who has the ability to fol­ Residential On-Call low directions, works well with B ackup W orkers others others and needs little super­ CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­ vision. cants for On-Call Backup W ork­ Please apply in person Thursday 9/7 ers to provide sole facility and - F riday 9/8 from 8:30 - 4:30. If client supervision at adult resi­ unable to apply in person, please dential treatment centers-Alpha send cover letter and resume with House, and New Directions. Vari­ complete salary history by 9/11 able shifts. Experience* with resi­ to: dential or alcohol/drug clients pre­ Georgia-Pacific ferred. $5.48 Hour, Application Corporation materials available at: CODA Inc., Human Resources - 17th Floor 210 NE 20th Ave. .Portland, OR 900 S.W.Fifth Avenue 97232. 239-8400 Portland, OR 97204 E qual O pportunity/A ffirm ative E qual O pportunity Em ployer Action em ployer M ENTAL HEALTH C-l Weekend Night Supervisor CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for Weekend Night Super­ visor at Alpha House residential treatment facility. Friday, Satur­ day, Sunday midnight till 8am. Thursday, 2:30-5:30pm. Experi­ ence in residential or drug treat­ ment preferred. Application ma­ terials and screening questions available at: CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave..Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400 Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action em ployer M ENTAL HEALTH Case M anager to provide services to chronically mentally ill adults & their families. Member of a small, community support team, providing case management, day treatment, socialization, & psy­ chiatric services. Knowledge of community resources, & transpor­ tation required. Agency also serves children, adults & families. Must be certifiable as a Qualified Men­ tal Health Professional in Oregon. Completive salary & benefits. Sept 8 deadline. Equal Opportunity Em­ ployment. Contact Jack Pauley, RCSW, Delaunay Mental Health C enter, 5215 N. Lombard, Port­ land, OR 97203. LEGAL, PARALEGAL POSITION Half time in housing/consumcr unit, 2 years experience or paralegal training required. Salary depend­ ent on experience. Send resume to: Hannah Callaghan, Legal Aid, 310 S.W. 4th Ave., #900, Port­ land, Oregon 97204 by Septem­ ber 12, 1989. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER M ENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR Innovative G irls’ Em ancipation Program seeks an experienced, capable Therapist to provide groups & case management to girls of diverse backgrounds. Exciting opportunity to join highly quality team of State-of-the Art treatment program. Excellent benefits, train­ ing, & supervision. YWCA appli­ cation required by 9-15-89. 1111 SW 10, Ptld 97205. YWCA is an equal opportunity em ployer. Free Job Training and Placement M ENTAL HEALTH G overnm ent jo b s - your area. Many immediate openings without wait­ ing list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885.EXT R 12859. BRADLEY ANGLE HOUSE Do you know a battered woman? Are you a survivor of domestic or sexual violence? Bradley-Angle House, a help-line and emergency shelter for women and children ex­ periencing and/or escaping domestic and/or sexual violence, is in need of volunteers, our next training begins Septem ber 26, 1989. If you arc in­ terested in assisting women in gain­ ing control in their lives, call 281- 3540, ask for Ericka Silver INSTALLER REPAIRPERSON Three (3) years of installation and re­ pair of residential lines and asso­ ciated modular jacks and wiring. Must have pole climbing experi­ ence, no color blindness, and be able to lift heavy ladders Must be able to read service orders, com­ plete facility cuts, and complete control point work. Apply at CENTEL 8:00am to 5:00pm M onday - Friday 330 S. Valley View BI. Las Vegas, NV 89152 INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE FULL & PART TIM E REHABILATION COUNSELOR C-IV S tarting salary $1393-$1465/mo plus excellent benefits. CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for a position of rehabilita- tion counselor in methadone pro­ gram. Responsibilities include caseload of 25 clients. Vocational liaison with community resources. Rehabiliution services to program and other CODA clients. To qual­ ify applicants must possess Mas­ ter’s degree in psychology, coun­ seling or related fields. 2 Years supervised clinical or rehab expe­ rience. To apply submit completed application form providing writ­ ten responses screening questions. Application forms and screening ques­ tions available at: CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave. .Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400 Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action employer CE III/” CHIEF PERMIT­ TING ENGINEER” $2718-$3453/Mo. Plus excell, fringe bene package. Pro­ fessional civil engineering posi­ tion involving subdivision and private development plan review and construction and flood plain development permitting. Thorough exp. in civil engineering work: 4- yr degree in civil eng. or equiv. exp/training providing thorough knowledge o f civil eng. principles related to public works and utili­ ties plans, municipal codes and supervisory abilities. Experience utilizing computer modelling for stormwater mgmt analyses desir­ able. Possess registration as Ore­ gon P.E. or ability to acquire w/in 6 mo. of appE Closes 9-29-89. Apply: City of Salem, Pers., Rm. 225,555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. F..O.E. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon is currently accepting appli­ cations for full time and part time Customer Service Representatives in their Customer Service Depart­ ment. This position is responsible for in depth knowledge of all aspects of M ENTAL HEALTH Blue Cross & Blue Shield of C-III Oregon Business. Qualified can­ Adolescent/Family didates will possess the ability to Counselor communicate effectively and pro­ 24 H ours per week. Beginning fessionally both orally and in writ­ salary $740-$775 per m onth ten form.Qualified applicants will be able to work autonomously in fast paced environment, and must CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for a Counselor position in have demonstrated excellent at­ drug treatment services program. tendance in previous employment. Some evening work may be re­ Other requirements include: quired. • 1 year work experience in insur­ Responsibilities include: Diagnosis, ance industry evaluation and treatment to a • 6 months experience in customer caseload of clients which includes relations individual, group and family coun­ • Medical/dcntal terminology seling; consultation and coordi­ Organizational skills nation of client services; main­ • CRT experience and ability to taining client records; participa­ type 40 wpm tion in program promotion and • Procedural codes helpful. marketing activities; conducting Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ training for referring agencies. gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, competitive To qualify applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in health serv­ salary and flex time work hours. ices and 2 years supervised hu­ Please apply or send resume to: man service experience. Knowl­ edge of chemical dependency Blue Cross and issues and experience in adoles­ Blue Shield of Oregon cent and family treatm ent Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir Each applicant must complete a stan­ 100 S.W. Market dard CODA application form and Portland, OR 97201 provide written response to screen­ E qual O pportunity Em ployer ing questions. Application forms and screening ques­ STAR SEARCH tions available at: CODA Inc., Audition for major Talent Contest 210 NE 20th Ave.,Portland, OR Performers of all kinds 97232. 239-8400 Come be Discovered E qual O pportunity/A ffirm ative Individuals & Groups Action em ployer Express Yourself Call Sky 233-1475 MAILING “ ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! 16-24 years old CNA/Nursing many benefits $32,OOO/year income potential. De­ Call today for an appointmcnt287- u ils (1) 602-838-8885 Ext. Bk 12859. 0823 $60.00 PER HUNDRED remailing letters from home! Details, send self addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Colonia^ NJ 07067 1 SSA 5 W