Page 7 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 7,1989 Back to School Special Section Construction Workers Flaggers Wanted!!!! Pay up to $14.00 phr. State Approved Flaggers Workshop Cost: $25.00 fee Date: Sat.- Sept. 9 Time: 9:00am -12:00 Noon 10 NE Graham (Graham and Williams) CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON BUREAU OF POLICE Looking for a Challenging,Fulfilling career with excellent salary and benefits? Interested in making a positive change in your community? The Portland Police Bureau can offer you the opportunity! Salary ranges from $27,072 to $38,592 Annually. The City O f Portland Will begin accepting applications for the position of Police Officer at 8:00 sm on September 18, 1989 at two locations. Applications May be obtained at The Bureau of Personnel Services, 1220 S.W. Fifth, room 100, Portland, OR 97204 and at The Urban, Urban Plaza, 10 North Russell Street, Portland, OR 97227. Applications will be batched into groups of 200 for testing. It is to your advantage to apply early. Minorities And Women Are Encouraged To Apply. PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 PCC to Offer 19 Fall Term Telecourses The Personal Choice in M edical and Dental Career Training For Denial Assistants M edical Assistants M edicai Dental Secrétanos If you have the ability, the spirit and the desire to lead, we’ll help you bring it out. We’ll help you gain the self-confidence, pride, respect and team­ work that go with leadership. You’ll usually train one weekend a m onth in a nearby Army Reserve unit, plus two weeks Annual Training, and earn more than $80 per weekend to start. To start on your leadership path, stop by or call SSG T e r r y M ackebon 2 8 2 -2 1 2 0 l/tulin l.'nllei¡e is I he bui Minile nf m v i n i e c i. ARACARtfR MEDICAI ASSISIANI Yon can entoi your new care er by reqrslerinq today for (nil or p a ilU nie Iruininq at APOLLO COLLEGE ot M edical & D enial Careers 20 25 Lloyd C hiller Portland. OR 9 /2 3 2 2 8 8 -4 4 0 0 BE ALL YOU CAN BE. ARMY RESERVE "WHEN YOU HAVE A DESIRE TO LEARN...OPPORTUNITY HAS TO KNOCK ONLY ONCE!" M ARANATHA SCHOOL OF IN IS TR Y 4222 NORTHEAST 12TH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 (503) 288-7241 FALL SEMESTER 1989 SEPT. 8 - DEC. 17,1989 NORTH PORTLAND LI­ BRARY EVENTS (For September) All programs (except for storytimes and reading readiness are on Satur­ days at 2:30 p.m. For kids: Preschool Storytimes: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for ages 3-5. Reading Readiness: Learn pre- reading concepts like letter, num­ bers, colors and self image through stories and games! Saturdays 11 a.m.- Noon for ages 3-5 with parent from Sept. 16-O c L 21. Limit 15-PLEASE REGISTER. Snacks provided. Sept. 9. PUPPET SHOW. “ The G u n n iw o lf’ with the New Rag Bag Theatre. For all ages. Sept. 16. FILMS. “ Dick Whit­ tington and His Cat,” “ Dancing Prin­ cess,” “ Dragoncastle.” Sept. 23. NEW PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW. Mark Levenson pres­ ents the world’s longest-running puppet show in a non-violent, slap­ stick version. All ages. Sept.3O. FILMS. “ Cannonball,” “ County Cousin,” “ Strega Nona.” Portland Community College will present 19 telecourses this fall to accommodate students who must do course work in their homes. The classes will be presented on KOPB-TV Channel 10, TCI Channel 32 in Portland, Rogers Cable Channel 32 in the PCC District and Columbia Cable Channel 29. Some of the offerings will be aired on TCI Channel 38 in Newberg. Among the telecourses are two new ones: Mathematics Appreciation (PCM 35) and Learn to Read (ABE 0.745A1). The mathematics class is designed to increase a student’s curiosity and interest in math, to make mathematics less threatening and improve math communication skills. Tuition for the three-credit class is $70.00. There are no prerequisites. Learn to Read is a free class which carries no college credit. It is designed for the adult who reads very little, or not at all. Individualized instruction, telephone tutoring and one-to-one tutoring will be available to students who require extra help. Other offerings for fall are Introduction to Computers: Concepts; Applied Child Development; Introduction to Business;Management Fundamentals; Personal Finance; Physical Science: Astronomy; Personal Health; Child Development; General Psychology; Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics; and General Education Development: Preparation. Telecourses that will be aired on cable channels, but not on KOPB-TV Channel 10, include Ceneral Anthropology, Cultural; Introduction to Medical Terminology; Introduction to Medical Terminology II; Marriage; Algegra I; and Starting Your Business. Fall term telecourse registration will end September 30. Further information is available from the PCC Telecourse office, 244-6111, ext. 4481, and on Pages 156-158 o f the PCC Fall Schedule. The schedule is available at no cost at all PCC locations, and public libraries and Safeway Stores within the college district. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AT NO COST! If you’re between the ages of 16 and 24, Job Corps offers free training in areas such as: Health Occupations Carpentry Business Occupations Printing Auto Mechanics Word Processing Welding Many Others Through Job Corps, young women and men can: • Earn a high school diploma or GED. • Start a savings account. • Begin a career. MARANATHA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY After training, Job Corps provides job placement assistance. PERIOD Fridays 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. SUBJECT FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 503-225-1941 or 1-800-452-5218 "Learning Biblical Principles O f Equipping Believers For The Work Of Their Ministry"* Saturdays 8:45 a.m. - 12 noon "Learning Biblical Principles of Preaching, Teaching, and Counseling"* Sundays 6:30 p.m. • 9:00 p.m. "Learning Experientially The Christ-Exchanged Life"4 Job Corps nero and associates, inc Job Corps 1-800-452-5218 503-225-1941 REGISTRATION IS OPEN THROUGH THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Registration is $10.00, and is non-refundable. It is the sincere desire of Maranatha School of Ministry to keep all costs to a minimum, both for the benefit of the student and for the effective operation of the School of Ministry. We shall be operating from the basis of free-will love offerings. However, there will be minimal charges for printed and recorded materials to help defray expenses. Video-taped ■ J * ' V - » i» - ' Í » ' -'s* '