Page 5 Portland Observer SEPTEMBER 7,1989 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: JOHN Chapter 3 RELIGION GOSPEL MUSIC WORKSHOP T he New Hope M issio n a ry B ap­ tis t C h u rc h w ill hold i t ’ s Annual Gospel M usic W orkshop on Septem­ ber 13-15,1989 w ith a splendid gos­ pel concert to be held on the 16th at 7:00 p.m., in the evening. M r. Rickey R. Grunday, o f Van Nuys, C alifornia, w ill be the guest instructor. M r. Grunday is a pro­ ducer, w riter, arranger, musician, vocalist, teacher, director/composer and he displays these talents so very w ell. He is currently w ith the Pente­ costal C om m unity C hoir o f Los Angeles, C alifo rn ia where he, from week to week, utilizes his various m usical a bilities to make beautiful music. He has recorded and w ritten songs for this choir since 1979. H is c u rre n t a lbum e n title d “ N O G R EA TER L O V E ” , w ith K eith Pringle, is number one on the b ill­ board charts, as o f A p ril 20,1989, on the S A V O Y /M A L A C O label. The public is cord ia lly invited to attend this gospel w orksho p -w hich w ill include seminars fo r adults and children. The adult sessions w ill begin at 7:00 p.m. each night and w ill continue u ntil 9:00 p.m. The child re n ’ s sessions w ill begin at 5:30 p.m. each evening and w ill continue u ntil 6:30 p.m. Yes! O nly one hour. The children w ill be able to arrive at home in tim e for their school studies. The registration gets started on September 13th.... 5:00 p.m. fo r c h il­ dren and 6:30 p.m. fo r adults. The registration costs are very a ffo rd ­ able: $5 - A D U L T S and $2 - C H IL ­ DREN. The workshop is being sponsored by the M usic Department o f the New Hope M issionary Baptist Church... President - Rosemary Johnegin; D i­ rectors - Dorothy Davis, Darlene War­ ren, Calvin Lowery; Organists - Terry Davis, Bobbie Garnett; Drummers - Rogers W ells, Jeff Davis. A ll musicians, choir directors and ministers o f music from any and all C hristian churches are welcome to attend and learn w hat is new in the Gospel M usic Department. For additional information, please ca ll the church.. (503) 281-0163 M onday thru Friday 6p.m. - 9p.m. Rev. Walter Brown, Jr., Interim Pastor UNITY OF LOVE The Unity of Love is on the make!!! Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer EYE ON GOSPEL NATIONAL MARCH FOR HOUSING -Margaret Mansfield Oregon Housing Now! is gearing Take S ix -M o s t Sought A fte r Group In Gospel: W ith the tremen­ dous success o f Take S ix ’ s self-titled debut, w hich went gold, the group is one o f the most sought after groups in gospel music. However, many like Rev. James Cleveland consider their group to be “ more entertainment oriented, than gospel-oriented.” That doesn’ t bother manager G ail H a m il­ ton. “ O ur mission is to reach people who have not necessarily embraced Jesus. N ot the Christian who has a l­ ready identified and I don’t think that’ s a sell-out. I t ’ s a way o f packag­ ing the m inistry to people who w ould n ot o r d in a rily em brace th is message...that Jesus is Lord and God is love. W e were at the Playboy Jazz Festival and to listen to thousands o f people singing, I f we ever needed the Lord, we sure do need him now. It was great. I thought I knew the Lord before, but lately he has become really real, because I am really witnessing now. I t ’ s real easy fo r Christians to talk about Jesus to each other, but it ’ s something else to talk to someone who has put it on the shelf or is not interested anymore. T hat’ s the chal­ lenge” . The group just winded down a three-month long tour w ith A1 Jar- reau. They are presently at w ork on a second album. Has Rev. C lay Evans lost interest in gospel music? Hard to believe but fo r a ll his accolades, concert requests and awards (most recently male vocalist o f the year at Rev. Cleve­ INTERDENOMINA­ TIONAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 8th - 10th RED LION HOTEL LLOYD CENTER Yes! Three big, joy­ ously spiritual days. land’ s Gospel M usic W orkshop), it ’ s getting harder and harder to get Rev. Clay Evans to sing these days. Said Evans, “ I don’ t want people to see me as a singing preacher. I ’ m a preacher who happens to sing, pray, counsel, and leach. And m y longest stick now is preaching and teaching. I t ’ s ju s t that s im p le ." So you th ink you know the Bible? W e ll, you’ l l be able to fin d out w ith our “ Eye On Gospel” triv ia quiz, a m onthly feature designed to test your knowledge o f the scripture. I f you think you know the answer to any o f our triv ia questions, ju s t drop it in die m ail to Eye On Gospel, P.O. Box 7274, C ulver C ity , C A 90233.Com- plim entary albums w ill go to those readers w ith the firs t ten correct re­ plies. This m onth’ s triv ia question i f for the incorrect pronunciation o f which w ord, did 42,000 men lose their lives in the O ld Testament? A ll entries must be postmarked no later than September 27,1989. (The names o f the winners w ill be published). Just B rie fly : A fte r nearly a year’ s delay, Yolanda Adams is preparing fo r her second LP, which w ill be produced by Thomas W h itfie d fo r the Sound o f Gospel label. Mean­ w hile, Sound o f Gospel hopes to re­ lease the last gospel recordings o f the late Rev. Charles N icks sometime in October. The album featuring mate­ rial that has not been previously re­ leased was finished just prior to his untim ely death. up for the National March For Hous­ M cK inney Act, aid the needy but do not address the root cause o f a seri­ ous national problem:the shortage o f affordable housing. The week o f events w ill begin October 5th at the Pentagon. P artici­ pants w ill camp there in protest o f the disproportionate amount o f funds which go to military instead o f human Transportation to the C apitol fo r needs spending. On the 5th and 6th, Oregon marchers is needed. Local Oregonians w ill jo in w ith many oth­ homeless persons who wish to dem­ ers to v is it Congress and express to onstrate, but are financially unable elected o fficia ls the concerns that to, are sending out a plea fo r gas have brought them from a ll around funds and car pools. I f citizens can the nation. help w ith a financial donation o r are Then on Saturday, October 7th, interested in organizing a car pool, they w ill come together at the U.S. please contact Diane Hess at M etro C apitol in Washington, D.C. to raise Com m unity A ction 812 S.W. Wash­ one voice w ith one message fo r the ington Suite #300, Portland, 295- restoration o f housing funds to the 6790. Federal budget: End the threat and The response o f Congress has been the terrible reality o f homelessness to fund emergency measures that ac­ now through the creation o f safe, commodate but do not elim inate decent, affordable homes fo r a ll our homelessness. Laws, such as the people. ing in W ashington D.C. October 7. Organizers are expecting over a m il­ lion people to demand an end to homelesseness through the restora­ tion o f funds for federal housing pro­ grams. aolPöIönEiBI i n n l n n l a a lc in ta o ta a lu n la Q lá a ln Q lc iQ lo o lú a Walnut Park Apts Now Taking Applications for Section 8 Assisted Housing for Elderly and Handicapp residents Come together and “PRAISE THE LORD” in harmony with on an­ other. Theme: “ CHRISTIS THE ANSWER” Come one!!!!! Come all!!!! 1 Bed Rm. Security Building Laundry off street Parking 5272 N.E. 6th Ave. or Call Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers “Discount Prices for back to School” For I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ....Romans 1:16 Winnie/282-7449 Maranatha Church M T OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 4222 NE 12th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 Rev. Wendell Wallace Senior Pastor 116 N.E. Schuyler 7:45am Worship Service 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Worship Serivce Bible Study: 10:30-12 Noon Wednesday 6:30-8pm Wednesday Sunday Services August 20,1989 Sunday School 9:00 AM Morning Worship 10:30 AM "In The Hall of Wisdom With Professor Ant and Company" Radio Ministry each Sun. 8am KBMS 284-1954 Evening Worship 6:30 Rev. Howard Ferris “ Before You Must’ ’ — M a k e a D e c is io n — “ In q u ire ab out the services we o ffe r’ ’ MRS C ’S WIGS Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 2 4 H r . S e r v ic e WHOLESALE & RETAIL 281 4891 HUNDREDS OF WIGS W e a re in te re s te d in your p ro b lem s FOR YOUR EVERCHANGWG LIFESTYLES I..« UNITY OF LOVE • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS . . BETTV CABIN! PROPRIETOR TUfS-SAT 11i3O-6tO0 ac s* Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers < Q | AMERICAN Handicapped Workers WILL HIRE YOU!!! RECOVERING ALCOHOLICS PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED k RECOVERING DRUG OFFENDERS ^MENTAL / NERVOUS DISORDERS I- J . AND OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECtALTY W K S UNDUE H AH ORNAMENTS TELEMARKETING HAM BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS C'S EBONY ESSENCE C0SM ETCS The Unity of Love is on the make!!! 1« BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS ZU R IC0SM ETES 281-6525 FULL OR PART TIME, MORNING AND EVEN­ ING S H IF T S , PERMANENT S IT DOWN JO B , NO HIGH PR E SSU R E , VERY PLESANT ATMOSPHERE, CENTRAL LOCATION, AND CLOSE TO BUS LINES. COMPLETE TRAIN­ ING PROVIDED, EARN UP TO $ 1 0 .0 0 PER HOUR, PAID HOLIDAYS & PAID VACATIONS. 1 0 0 % HUMAN HAM FOR BRAIDING & WEAVWG Jesus Loves You! Allen T emole CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avcnui (com er o f 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) X : t 287-0261 ■ C '' P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 V il « ’-.-s r Does $£ Motivate You Apply: 1412 South East Morrison or call: 235-3536^ f in in tlX lJ \ ¿Yi V i i Í W Ü