Portland, Oregon PO RTL ERYER SEPTEMBER 7,1989 VOLUME XIX NUMBER 35 OPENING DAY MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER AT JEFFERSON HIGH Drug war over, they won! Attempts to control illicit drugs in the community has been a losing battle. Even sophistication of the United States military hardwarecan be outwitted. Program outlined by WilHam J. Bennet is guaranteed not to stem the tide by Etienne de la Plume, Ullysses T u c k e r, J r., Public A ffa irs Producer fo r Portland’ s K A T U T V 2, has been selected to give the opening day o f school speech at Jefferson H igh School on September 6, 1989,9 am. He succeeds form er Portland and San Diego Urban League President Herb Cawthom e, who served as the opening day m otivational speaker fo r the last three years. No stranger to Jefferson H igh .T ucker also served as the Senior Day speaker back in M ay and the speech he delivered prompted school adm inistrators to request his return. The speech left students talking in the hallways afterwards and many went on to w rite letters thanking him fo r the * 're a lity ’ ’ he had brought to them. Since then, Tucker has become a popular figure w ith programs serving young people around the c ity and he always finds the tim e to share his corporate, educational, and personal experiences in workshops or small groups. “ I had a real tough time g ivin g that speech” , he said. ‘ ‘ A bout five minutes before 1 took the stage, I was told that m y Portland M om (Delores ‘ ‘ D o lly “ Bowman) had died in Texas. I was mad that they did not w ait to tell me u n til afterwards, however, at the same tim e the speech w ould not have been so spirited had they not told me. It was tough holding back the tears. I was so emotional, unlike me, that I don’ t recall much o f what I said but i f you base it on the requests 1 have received since then to speak, the calls to the station, and people approaching me on the stre e ts-I guess it was pretty good.” Mrs. Bowman was the Vice-P rincipal at Jefferson H igh School at the tim e o f her death and a long tim e Portland Public Schools Adm inistrator. She was the person who made arrangements fo r Tucker to speak at the Senior Day Services and a “ m entor” fo r him since his early days at the U niversity o f Portland. A native o f W ashington, D.C., Tucker says that young people today have their w ork cut out fo r them in days to come because society is becoming more com petitive and the opportunities fo r educational advancement are not there like they use to be. “ It use to be a ll we wanted to do was get in the door” , he said. No more. Now, you have to almost kick it in to get ahead. I t ’ s no secret that the Reagan years were tough on a ll Americans, not just Black Americans, and many programs designed to enhance educational opportunities and jo b training went down in budget cuts. However, that should not be an excuse fo r failure or m otivation to not want anything out o f life . I hear so many people blam ing instead o f taking advantage o f what opportunities that do exist. We blame our environment, politicians, the school system, and countless other things for our individual shortcomings. We need to take a closer look at ourselves and our com m itm ent to a better life fo r our children or future children in my case...” Tucker feels at ease w ith the young people he speaks to because he comes from some o f the same circumstances. Though his demeanor and positive out-look w ould indicate otherwise, Tucker was in and out o f trouble w ith the law as a youth until his uncle (LeRoy Caulhcn) and ultim ately, his grandmother (Carrie B. Tucker) took him into their homes. Tucker was parentless and the oldest o f seven children at the age o f fourteen. “ B y no means do I come from a Cosby type fam ily ” , he laughed. ‘ ‘ I had it rough fo r a w hile. There were some who thought that I w ould never amount to nothing and others, especially my grandmothers who kept praying for me. Both o f my grandmothers have been very big influences in my life .I am very thankful. Young people need to leant to respect their elders and older adults. You do not get old being a fool. People have more resources than they realize. Once I decided that I wanted a better life fo r m yself, all types o f people offered help and support. M y whole block at home has always supported m y dreams even i f it was ju st a pal on the back or a simple keep up the good w ork. It a ll starts when you decide to help yourself.” What other advice do you have to o ffe r to a young person w ho m ight be on the verge o f choosing the wrong way instead o f the rig h t way? “ W e ll, all I can say is to believe in yourself, God, and your inner-most dreams” , he said. “ More im portantly, make choices in life that are reality based and w ith in your a bility. A young person must learn self-respect, how to interact w ith all races, speak properly, communicate thoughts both verbally and in w riting....They must also stay away from gangs, drugs, peer pressure, and crim inal activities. Sure, it ’ s a tall order. However, we need fo r them to do this because the people o f tom orrow arc the children o f today...” Tucker is a member o f Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and a member o f the National Association o f Black Journalist. He holds graduate and under­ graduate degrees from the U niversity o f Portland. He is also a Board Member fo r the Center fo r the C om m unity M ental Health. > 25C Much verbiage has been aroused recently in a fu tile attempt to allay the very negative impact o f the in ­ sidious drug dilemm a here in the C ity o f Roses. Public demand for o ffic ia l intervention has reached a strident note. Especially is this true in the low er northeast sector o f the c ity where the deterioration o f the infrastructure is more obtrusive. It is particularly noteworthy to observe that certain community activists have assumed a traditionally uncharacter­ istic stance w ith regard to how the battle w ill be fought. Specific refer­ ence is made to the fact that a very vocal and influ en tial segment o f the com m unity has now demanded that the governor m obilize the national guard and engage them actively in the mission o f seeking out and de­ stroying the user level o f the rampant illegal drug trade. This suggestion has been put forth w ith such persis­ tence that it seemingly has won sup­ port from a small quarter in C ity H all. Having gained that kind o f re­ spectability, it w ill not be surprising i f the state government in Salem w ill embrace the same principle in the near future. A lre a d y A tto rn e y D a v id Frohnmeyer is ram rodding into place a state intelligence force w hich had not been w e ll received by the state legislature. The o ffic ia l position is that the purpose o f such a group w ould be fo r research and analysis. Independently, the em ploym ent o f the state m ilitia to destroy illegal drug tra ffic and the creation o f a spe­ cial state police intelligence group m ight appear to be altogether noble and innocuous. But when taken together in the proper context, such actions m ight portend a very o m i­ nous usurpation o f power. A t the same tim e, their use in such a manner could prove to be ineffective w hile eroding some o f the very principles o f democracy we have fought fo r 300 years to preserve. In a recent interview. Dr. Lee Brown, to rm e rS h e riffo t M ultnom ah County and presently C h ie f o f Police in Houston, Texas said, “ Bringing the National Guard in to a community to fight drugs is an invita­ tion to create an unavoidable disaster.” He further stated that such persons are firs t o f a ll civilia ns w ho are only part tim e m ilita ry people. They are neither trained or equipped to do the job . Police w ork is a very serious profession w hich requires not only extensive training but also a certain level o f skills that the N ational Guard does not have. The function o f the guard is more suitable to perform in disasters such as riots, floods and other natural calamities where the preservation o f life and property is th e ir main mission. Drug enforce­ ment on the other hand is a com ­ pletely different situation where not o nly do you want to em ploy certain subtleties that w ill produce a m axi­ mal effect but you also want to take certain actions that w ill stand up in court. Tanks and H owitzers m ight win traditional wars, but not this kind. The problem w ith this type o f in ­ terdiction is that it addresses o nly the supplier level o f the chain and serves o nly to move the trade to another part o f the com m unity where it may con­ tinue unabated. The statistics surrounding this problem are staggering. The Justice Department indicated that more than 80% o f a ll prison inmates admitted to using illegal drugs and more than 60% did so on a regular basis. When the abuse o f alcohol is added to these data, the problem is further exacer­ bated. There is a direct correlation between drug tra ffic and serious crimes. Additionally at a more focused level, it is known that there are more than 700 drug houses here in the C ity o f Roses. Even young kids on our streets can show you exactly where they are. One can sit in the T alking Drum Bookstore and watch transactions take place across the street in broad day lig h t. Police have released'statistics w hich reveal that in a small enclave bordered on the north by N. . K il- mgsworth down to Fremont Street on the south and beginning with N. Albina on the west and ending at N. E. 15th on the east, more than 7,074 drug related crimes occurred in 1988 the last year fo r which complete statis­ tics are available. Much o f the youth gang disturbances and other crimes are attributable to the drug trade. Recent disclosures have revealed that the illegal drug trade is extremely well-organized. The present turm oil in C olum bia should underscore that observation. In many instances, drug cartells are better organized than the entire U. S. m ilita ry establishment. The 25 tons o f hashish seized over the weekend in C olum bia, Oregon is not o nly a measure o f the magnitude o f the problem but also a demonstra­ tion o f the im punity w ith w hich these traffickers in products o f death can operate. Last week The W all Street Journal published a narrative which lends credence to the fact that we sim ply are not prepared to fig h t the drug trade effectively. They wrote o f a rocent incident where several o f our sophisticated A W A C ’ s tracked a private C olum - bian aircraft on radar. This technical marvel operates at the cost o f $3,000/ hour to the Am erican taxpayer. They were later joined in the chase by our superfast $2,000/hour F-16 pursuit fighters and some equally expensive submarine chasing turbo-jet Black­ hawk helicopter w hich trailed the contraband-bearing Columbian a ir­ craft all the way to Canada.They then hovered helpless overhead and watched the cache o f goodies being loaded onto a pick up truck that dis­ appeared into the night before the Royal Canadian Mounties could nab them . The expense fo r this single op­ eration m ig ht have approached $100,000. It failed completely even after hot pursuit and employment o f the most sophisticated technology known to man. Another truck load o f illegal drugs made its way to another com m unity o f w illin g users. President Barco o f Colum bia could not have pul it more succinctly when he said that as long as the demand fo r illegal drugs exists, there w ill be an emerging entrepreneur somewnere in the w orld who w ill be w illin g to take a ll o f the attendant risks neces­ sary to conduct such a profitable business. In short, like a ll other wars we have entered recently, we are losing this one quite badly, also. Even w ith the plan recently submitted by W illia m J. Bennet, the so-called anti-drug czar, it is far too little and significantly too late. Rather than deploy troops out on Northeast Killingsworth and the streets that flank M arlin Luther K in g Boule­ vard, they m ight better serve a useful purpose in the jungles o f Columbia and Peru; in the fields o f Afganistan and Turkey and also in the modem green houses o f Oregon and Hawaii which are all known to be excellent sources o f cocaine and marijuana. There was a tim e when all o f the evils o f our society that could be found in the Black ghetto could be attributed to generations o f social shortfalls. It was then quite com fort­ ing to believe that sort o f nonsense because this problem did not em­ brace the larger com m unity. But now that this problem has become pandemic, wc are ill-equipcd to do anything significant about it. Given this type o f intractable situ­ ation, in desperation we w ill grab any straw as we continue to sink in ­ evitably into the bottomless abyss. One cannot help but suspect that the recent posturing we observed here in Portland was nothing more than an overtly conspicuous attempt to build a way station to receive the grand old sugar train that M r. Bennet is ex­ pected to engineer out o f the nation’s capital in the very near future. S,l 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------— ---------- r— ----------- US WEST BOOSTS SpLF ENHANCEMENT Succeeding in life depends a great deal on having a vision and understanding what it takes to realize i t T hat’ s what led 60 US W E ST Communications employees to o ffe r some o f th eirtim e to S elf Enhancement, Inc.,a subsidiary o f the A lbina M inisterial alliance, which was established to prepare youths fo r future employment. The US W EST employees spent five hours a week w ith students from Tubman M iddle School this summer, showing them how they do their jobs and “ serving as a role m odel,” said Pat H ill, a US W E ST service specialist w ith US W EST Com m unications Services. T w o other schools and eight other Portland area companies o r agencies were involved in the e ven t “ This has been a great opportunity to have a positive impact on young people, “ H ill said. S E LF -E N H A N C E M E N T ...H arriett Tubman M iddle School students A p ril W illia m s (le ft) and C arl Branch (rig ht) lake a look at a computer- generated space shuttle image w ith US W EST C om m unication Services System Service Specialist Pat H ill, during a visit to US WEST Communications’ Portland office. The opportunity to work w ith computer graphics was part o f a “ self enhancement’ ’ program fo r some 600 Portland youths, sponsored by the A lb in a M inisterial A llian ce.” Thc S e lf Enhancement program offers us the opportunity to serve as role models and help save our youths,” H ill said. 1-5 RAMPS TO CLOSE The southbound on-ramps to In ­ terstate 5 from Delta park and C o­ lum bia Boulevard w ill be closed fo r approxim ately three weeks, begin­ ning Tuesday, Sept. 5 (weather per­ m itting). The closure w ill allow the con­ tractor, W ildish Standard Paving Inc., to resurface the southbound lanes o f the freeway between Delta Park and C olum bia Boulevard. Since m id July, the contractor has been resurfacing the tw o center lanes o f the freeway. I f the weather coop­ erates, that section w ill be completed by Sept. 1, a llow ing w ork to begin on the southbound lanes. This w ork is part o f a $ 9 -m illio n project that w ill repair the pavement on 1-5 between Delta Park and the Marquam Bridge and widen the free­ way between Colum bia and Portland Boulevards. That project began in July and is scheduled to be com ­ pleted in fa ll o f 1990. SCHOOLBUSES READY TO SERVE 14,000 PORTLAND STUDENTS Schoolbus schedules began a rriv ­ ing by m ail at 11,000 homes recently as the Portland School d is tric ts Stu­ dent Transportation Dept. prepared for the opening o f schools Sept. 5. A fleet o f 350 buses for the Port­ land School D istrict and Laidlaw Transportation Co., the school d is­ tric t’ s bus contractor, w ill provide daily service to and from schools and programs fo r more than 14,000 stu­ dents. The tw o bus fleets also combine to provide transportation for fie ld pips and special-education students. Portland Public Schools provides transportation fo r elementary-and middle-school students livin g more than one m ile from school, where unsafe w alking routes exist and for special-education students. ‘ ‘ M otorists are rem inded to watc h for children on Portland’s streets after Labor D ay,’ ’ said Ed Green, director o f the school d istrict’ s student-trans­ portation system. Green said commuters relax dur­ ing the summer months when c h il­ dren and school buses are not sharing the streets during rush hours. Recently installed stop arms on the le ft sides o f Portland school buses are the latest step to attract m otorist attention. The automatically activated swing arm has flashing lights and the word “ Stop” in large letters. Green said the new equipment is installed on all school-district-owned buses and is being phased in on L a id ­ law buses. Schoolbus drivers w ill report l i ­ cense numbers o f motorists violating schoolbus stop laws and law-enforce­ ment agencies w ill send warning letters or citations to violators. I I i I i i i Black Colleges Conference “ Tradition Of The Past: Neces­ sity For The Future” Is the theme o f the 10th annual Black Colleges Conference,Saturday October 21, 1989. The Conference w ill be held between 8am and 4 pm at the Port­ land M em orial Coliseum Assembly Hall. V is itin g D ignitaries, Representa­ tives from Black Colleges and Spe­ cial Woritshops w ill be featured. Con­ ference main speaker w ill be Dr. Julian M . Earls, D irector, O ffice o f Health Services, N A S A Lew is Re­ search Center, Cleveland Ohio. Dr. Earls has been elected into The *Inagural Class o f The National Black College A lu m n i H all O f Fame. Spe­ cial Luncheon Guest Speaker w ill be Reverened Tyrone *C ridcr, D irector O f Admissions, Central State U n i­ versity in W ilberforce,O H . students, parents, teachers and counselors are invited. Costs include $10 for stu­ dents, $15 for adults. Lunch is in ­ cluded. C all 284-7930 for further inform ation. SKI CLUB TO SPONSOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT The Ebony Rose Ski C hib Fourth A n n u a l Tennis T o u rn a m e n t w ill take place. Sept. 8th- 10th at three lo ­ cations in Northeast Portland. Matches w ill be played simultaneously at Irving Park, Grant Park, and the Portland Tennis Center, beginning Friday, Sept. 8th at 4:30 p.m. Entry torms arc available at the Portland Tennis Center, Osborn & U lland, Players Racquet Shop and other Tennis/Racquet Clubs in the Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver area. Entry forms are due by Tues­ day, Sept. 5th. M ail forms to: Players Racquet Shop, 3233 N.E. Broadway, Portland, OR.,97232. i « I 1 I I I I