Hage 6 Portland Observer AUGUST 31,1989 S TH e T RELIGION BON VO YAGE STEVE! School in D erm ott, A rkansas. His brother Ray, the baby of the bunch, has played for W alla W alla C om m u­ nity College in W alla W alla, W ash­ ington and Treasure Valley C om m u­ nity College in O ntario, O regon, as a point guard. Ray will be attending Southwestern State University this fall, in M arshall, M innesota, on an athletic scholarship. Steve will be overseas for 10 months. He was issued a round trip tic k e t-so th a t, if he should, for any reason, be unhappy with the clim ate, the arrangem ents or w h atev er-h e could return after a 10-day trial. Also attending Sieve’s going away party was his long-tim e friend Ulf Hansson Von Spears, U lf s w ife, of two years, C arrie and Steve’s great aunt Mrs. N ettie Brocks. The N orth/N ortheast Com m unity o f Portland, O regon and the staff of the Portland O bserver wish to con­ g ra tu la te S T E V E N H A R O L D ADAMS for a job well done. His By Mattie Callier-Spears O n A ugust 16th, a t 6:45 a.m ., Steven Harold A dam s boarded an Alaskan Airline airplane headed for Frankfurt, W est G erm any. The A dam s’ family and many friends and well-wishers assembled at the Adams’ home on Monday, A ugust 14th, to eat Bar-B-Q, sing songs, take pic­ tures, laugh and to just rem inisce about basketball days, college, old times with Mr. Walden’s Albina Sports Program , church events and some occasions that Steve and his buddies could only enjoy. Every now and then, som eone would say something that would cause such an outburst o f laughter between one or two people. Everybody would be looking! Then, conversation would resum e. E very­ body was ju st having a real good time. Rev. Leanell Adam s, the pastor of S t Luke COG1C, and Pinkie B. Adams are the proud parents o f Steve and three other sons: Larry, W ayne and Ray. All through S teve’s basketball career, the A dam s’ family has trav­ eled m any miles to watch their son (and brother) as he dribbled down the court,dunked the balls and stacked up the points. Mrs. Pinkie A dam s recalls the reason for Steve’s quickness on the court, “ S teveattended Sabin School and when the bell would ring, at the end o f the day, Steve would hit the door running. He w ouldn’t stop run­ ning until he got home. I would ask him why did he have to run so much?” Steve’s response was simply, “ ju st because I feel like running all the tim e.” His m other continued by saying, “ He ran a lot.” As Mrs. Adams recounted the many pictures she has accum ulated from the years o f articles that have been printed on S teve, ‘ * I have a picture o f Steve d u r­ ing a gam e at the U niversity o f Idaho. In the picture, Steve is so high up in NEW HOPE OBITUARY A lthene D eLois bom , February 28, 1947 in Portland, O regon, was the first child o f Alfred Rivers HI, and Jeraldine Tripp. She graduated from Jefferson High School, Port­ land, O regon in 1965. A fter high school, she attended Portland Com ­ munity College, w here she studied Crim inal Justice. She worked as a secretary for the Police Department, Federal G overnm ent and in other offices in the Portland area. On July 29, 1974, she married Richard Norwood, Sr., to this union two children were bom . Along with working outside the hom e, she was a housew ife and m other, A lthene was very fam ily oriented and loved ev­ eryone dearly. Som e o f her hobbies included watching sports and cook­ ing. She leaves to m ourn husband, Richard N orw ood, Sr., four children, Anthony Hines, lam m ara Hmes, Mo­ nique Norwood, and Richard N or­ wood, Jr., mother Jeraldine Tripp, father, Alfred Rivers III, stepfather, Leroy Tripp, two sisters, Emily Baker and Kim Rivers, one brother, Alfred Rivers IV, grandm other Lessie Riv­ ers, grandson Antonio Rivers, grand­ daughter, Zoe Erickson, aunt Rubye Dixon and a host o f relatives and friends. S u p p o rt O ur Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The PortlandObserver! STOREFRONT THEATRE PRESENTS the air..It ju st brought back to mind how my child loved to ru n .” Steve received an offer to play basketball for the European Basket­ ball association during his tim e at W estern Baptist College in Salem, O regon.There, Steve broke the all- time scoring record with 1,039 points. The saying goes that “ H e played like an unstopable machine.” He was over­ whelm ingly acknow ledged by his team m ates (the W BC W arriors), the _ NAIA and the NCCAA leagues. S teve* received the Pete M aravich M em o­ rial A w ard from the NCCA A and from the N A IA , he received recogni­ was during this time last year that they were asked to participate in the Senior C hoir and the M ale C horus’s Annual D ay o f celebration. The New Hope M ass Choir, under the direction o f Mrs. D orothy Daivs, sang at the 11 a.m. w orship service and gave a full-gospel concert at 3 p.m. Wlgland O ne of th e N o rth w e st la rg e st W ig D isplays W igs a n d h a irp ie c e s fo r all n a tio n a litie s Eva Gabor Naomi Sims Renee of Paris Synthetic & Human hait for braiding & weeving « PSALMS Chapter A lthene D eLois H ines N orw ood proclivity in the sport o f basketball and his love for others shapes us to proclaim an exuberant CONGRATU­ LATIONS!!! > t a h Near Lloyd Center 282-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway The Unity of Love is on the make!!! Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers August 10 - September 9 “ ...The Ilumor of the Jnderdog and The Rhythm Of The Streets’’ -Oregonian 224-4001 — M a k e a D e c is io n — “ In q u ire a b o u t the services we o ffe r’ ’ Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 2 8 1 -4 8 9 1 We are in te re s le d in your problem s sons who w ere in attendance. The concert was a trem endous success. Rev. W alter Brown continues to serve as the interim pastor o f the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church until the Lord sends them a full-tim e m inister/pastor. Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 Rev. Wendell Wallace Senior Pastor BEEF it up PORK it down but don’t CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town Go to “ Before You M ust’’ 2 4 H r. S e r v ic e The m ass choir returned to Port­ land, by cars and a mini van, ex­ hausted and totally drained; but, they were all recounting the tim es when each m em ber was overcom e by the Holy Spirit. “ We had a good tim e” , they exclaim ed. A nd so did the con- gregation o f G oodw ill and the per- Sunday Services August 20,1989 Sunday School 9:00 AM Morning Worship 10:30 AM Tues.-Sat. ll:AM-10PM (503) 287-9249 Doris’ Cafe 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 1U MRS C’S WIGS "In The Hall of Wisdom With Professor Ant and Company" Evening Worship 6:30 .Rev. Howard Ferris i : z AMERICAN -k Handicapped worker® WILL HIRE YOU!!! \ WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES ÍJR UNITY OF LOVE AT IFCC THEATRE CONCERT Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 10am-5:30 Cleaning & re-styling WOZA ALBERT! tion as the D istrict II Player of the Y ear and F irst Team All-Am erican. In doing so, Steve becam e the first Portlander to ever becom e an NAIA A ll-A m erican. The last person from Oregon to receive such recognition was Don H iebentahl. Don was also a student at W estern Baptist College, in 1979. The N A IA D istrict II D ivision has featured 6 o f the 7 All-A m ericans. The last District II Division All-Ameri­ can was Elgin Baylor, in 1955 out of the college o f Idaho. Rev. L eanell Adam s, S teve’s fa­ ther played a little basketball in High GIVES G O O D W I L L T h e New H ope M issio n ary B a p ­ tist C h u rc h ’s M ass C h o ir traveled to Seattle, W ashington on Sunday, A ugust 27th, to sing at the G oodw ill Baptist Church. This is the second year that the choir has been asked to fellow ship with the G oodw ill Baptist C hurch.lt ee T NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS si$A i BETTV CABINt TUIS-SAT 11. 30-6 HX) □C €» V /< - RECOVERING ALCOHOLICS PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED L RECOVERING DRUG OFFENDERS MENTAL / NERVOUS DISORDERS AND OTHER NAME BRANDS proprietor \< - I- 1 EVERY THUG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W B S UNBUE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS 4 BEAUTY SUPPUES MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE C0SM ETCS ZURI COSMETICS 281-6525 TELEMARKETING BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 1 0 0 % HUMAN HAB FOR 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING WEAVNG Jesus Loves You.1 Allen Tetnole CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenut (com er of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 4 « « i INGL «?2TPTACR T n l n ME' M0RNING AND EVEN- no 0 H T c C TSn D^ o RMANENT S I T D0WN JO B , NO H IG H P R E S S U R E , VERY PL E S A N T ATMOSPHERE, CENTRAL LOCATION a SS CLOSE TO BUS L IN E S. COMPLETE TRAIN­ ING PRO V ID ED , EARN UP TO $ 1 0 . 0 0 per hour , PAID HOLIDAYS i. PAID VACATIONS Does $$ Motivate You Apply: 1412 South tasi Morrison (503) 287-0261 P hillip S. N elson, Pastor or cali: 2 3 5 - 3 5 3 8 ^ Psalm 34:3 t t I