Page 8 Portland Observer AUGUST 24, 1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M The Eyes and Ears of the Community" PRITCHETT'S E L E C T R IC A L M A IN T E N A N C E “ If you ilare lo be fashionable” 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams $ 7 .5 0 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 I ■ter Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) 288-0033 D O N N IE J A M E S Men & Women;s Fashion Rates: 5 Lines - 1 Week - CO. Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances, Equipment Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R _________ S U P P L IE S _________ ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Opin: Mon. thru Sit. F L O R A L - SILK S Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 RENT Earths's Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Kllllng»wor1h Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3675 WASHERS & DRYERS • TH* Coupon Good For e : We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-Order • Custom-Made ‘i s off : • DELIVERY 4 • • INSTAI LATION FEE • P R IN T IN G '30 Delivery A in s to lla lto n Kinko’s rental Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N .E . 7th P o rtland , O re g o n 9 7 212 w asher Co. P o r tla n d Vancouver 231-7413 693-4000 9 i.m. - 6 p.m. JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING E M PL O Y M E N T GE GOVERNMENT SERVICES PIVOT M ENTAL HEALTH Psychiatric Social Worker B eginning sa la ry $1644-$1730 m o n th + excl benefits. Initial staffing of new P a rtn e rs In V ocational T rain in g (P IV O T ) project to operate out o f Child Services Ctr. in SE Portland. Pro gram will provide support serv ices to economically disadvantaged teen parents, including academic & vocational trg. PR O G R A M A D M IN IST R A T O R requires related degree; familiarity C O D A Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for a psychiatric social worker position in an outpatient drug and alcohol treatm ent agency, posi­ tion will supervise 2-4 clinical staff. Some evening work involved. R esponsibilities include: A ssist pro­ gram m gr in all aspects o f unit clinical operations; diagnosis, evaluation and treatm ent services with Portland service organiza­ tions; & supervisory exper. working with target population. BASIC ED INSTRUCTOR: requires state teaching certification V O C A T IO N A L IN ST R U C T O R (2): requires degree in business or related field A D M IN IST R A T IV E A ID E: re quires office-clerical & light book keeping exper; know ledge o f W / P, PC preferred Subm it resum e to: Site M an ag er, S p rin g d ale J o b C o rp s C en ter, 31224 E. Crown P l Hwy, Trout­ dale, OR 97060. M inorities encour­ aged to apply. E .O .E to dual diagnosis clients; individ­ ual and group counseling to adult and youth with chem ical depend­ ency problem s; consultation and coordination of client services with m edical director, probation and parole officers, schools and area agen cies; m ain tain in g clien t records,participation in program prom otion and m arketing activi­ ties; assist and develop clinical program policies and procedures. Minimum qualifications: MSW degree and eligible for Oregon LCSW Each applicant must com plete a stan­ dard CODA application form and provide written responses to screen­ ing questions. Application forms and screening ques­ tions available at: C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland; OR 97232. 239-8400. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction E m ployer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Pref. bach, degree & 4 yrs steadily increasing m anagem ent experi­ ence; salary range $2428-3097 monthly + attractive fringe benef. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y E M ­ P L O Y E R , W O M E N & M I­ N O RITIES ENCOURAGED TO A PPL Y . Resume to: 1400 SW 5TH AVE., RM 112, Pdnd OR 97201, attn: SLG/JL. Closes 9/1/ 89. Please contact this office if you have any questions. DEPUTY DIRECTOR B o ard on Police S ta n d a rd s an d T ra in in g Requires five years o f strong m an­ agem ent experience plus know l­ edge o f training techniques and crim inal justice system. $33,696 $43,056annual salary. Located in Monmouth. Contact Tina Clawson for application information, 503- 378-2100, Board on Police Stan dards and Training, P.O. Box 70, Monmouth, Oregon 97361. A p­ plication deadline: S ep tem b er 8, 1989. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. Liaison, Gifted And Talented Program Operations To plan, schedule, implement, pro­ vide feedback and keep records on G ifted and Talented Program activities assigned annually by the Curriculum Coordinator. Salary $10..33/hr .An E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer D om estic V alince S h elter C oord. P e rm a n e n t full tim e $1,127 per m onth. C losing date: 9-1-89. Send resume and cover letter to: Bradley-Angle House P.O. Box 14694 Portland, OR 97214 E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er MAILING $60.00 PER HUNDRED remailing letters from home! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Colonia, NJ 07067 ED U C A T IO N Help Wanted Classified Ad for Planners Oregon Health Sciences Univ School of Nursing Department of Adult Health and Illness Invites applications for a fixed term, 9-m onth position at 0.75-1.0 F T t beginning S ept 11, 1989. The prim ary teaching responsibility is for undergraduate clinical experi­ ence at the junior level. A M asters degree in nursing & eligibility for O regon license are required; doc­ torate preferred. Clinical exper­ tise in oncology nursing is pre­ ferred, but other clinical special­ ists are encouraged to apply. Prior teaching experience as well as research experience and refereed publications are preferred. The ap­ pointm ent will be at a rank com ­ m ensurate w ith experience. The School offers N LN -accredited baccalaureate, M asters program (both o f these in Portland and at outreach sites), and a PhD pro­ gram in Portland. The Department has a strong focus on human physio­ logical responses to illness. The D epartm ent M asters Program has 3 tracks: A cute Illness Nursing, Chronic Illness Nursing, and Health Prom otion/H ealth M aintenance, the latter in collaboration with the Department o f Community Health C are Systems. Salary is com petitive and the O regon State System o f H igher Education has liberal benefits & retirem ent plans. Please subm it a current curriculum vitae and nam es and addresses o f 3 references to: Margaret M. Von Drecle,PhD,RN, Chair, Department of Adult Health & Illness, Oregon Health Sciences U niversity,745 SW G aines, Port­ land, OR 97201, Mail code L- 456. O H SU is an equal opportu- nity/affirm ative action employer. Im m ediate openings for 4-5 p la n ­ n e rs with City o f Portland, O ffice o f Transportation. Positions in­ clude Program M anager and Plan­ ners I-III to w ork on Regional Rail Program and assist staff in update o f Arterial Streets C lassi­ fication Policy. Send resum es by Septem ber 8th to Steve Dottercr, Transportation Planning, Rm 702, SOCIAL SERVICE ALLO­ 1120 SW 5th Ave., Portland, Or. CATIONS ASSOCIATE 97204. EEO EM PLOYER. Full tim e professional position in our Com m unity Services & A lloca­ tions Division. Individual will as­ AIRPORT OPERATIONS sist with the developm ent & a c ­ MANAGER countability o f social Service pro­ S a la ry R ange: $2789-3492/m on gram s, serving as liaison with vol­ unteers, agency & community M ahlon Sw eet A irp o rt, City o f Eu­ resources & supplying financial gene. w orking know ledge o f air­ & budget consultations to mcm- port operations, CFR, security, and beragencies. W ill provide techni­ m aintenance regulations and pro­ cal assistance to A llocations pan­ cedures. five-years m anagem ent els & com m ittees through prepa­ experience in airport operations ration o f analytical reports, & at non-hub o r small hub airport. gathering information on assigned Supervisory experience o f airport agencies. W ill assist agencies in m aintenance staff required. Four financial m anagem ent, program year degree in Business, Public planning & development and evalu­ A dm inistration, or related field. ation m ethods. Requires: Masters CLOSING DATE; Septem ber 11, or Bachelors degree in Social Work 1989. O btain application and or related experience; demonstrated supplemental questionnaire at City abilities with financial systems, o f Eugene, Human Resource & program evaluation, community Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, organization, program develop­ Room 101, Eugene OR 97401. ment and/or administration & vol­ AA/EOE unteer managem ent. A dm inistra­ tive experience with a Social Serv­ WASHINGTON COUNTY ice agency pref. Salary minimum $17,000+ excl benefits. Send res­ JOBS ume by 8/30 to: Carolyn Lewis, United Way of the Columbia-W il­ Residential Services Aide: $1443- lam ette, 718 W est Burnside, Ptld. $1775/m o. OR 97209. 228-9131. Mail Clerk: $ 1 187-$1443/mo. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Sr. A ccounting Assistant: $1671- $2032/m o. Mental Health Coordinator 1: $10.63- $12.93/hr. A ssistant Building M aintenance Superintendent (Pending Board Approval); $2134-$2595/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for inform a­ tion. County application forms rcq. Apply by Septem ber 1, 1989 to W ashington County Personnel. An E .O .E . JOB ANNOUNCEMENT W anted: A ctivist interested in staff position for the Portland-Corinto Sister City Association. 20hrs plus a week, $400 a month. For more inform ation and a job de­ scription write to P.CTS.C A . 3558 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR 97214. D eadline for applications O ct. 1st. DRIVER , MOBILE CLASSROOM P a rt-tim e The P o rt o f P o rtla n d is recruiting for a people-oriented driver for the Mobile Classroom. Applicants must be able to operate a one-ton pickup, hauling a 38-foot, 5th- wheel mobile classroom to as­ signed schools in the tri-county region. W e ’re looking for an indi­ vidual who has strong interper­ sonal skills and a professional demeanor. Duties also include light m aintenance and m inor m echani­ cal chores. This is a part-tim e po­ sition with generally 20-30 work hours per w eek for approxim ately seven months during the school year and occasional summer work. Condition o f em ployment: valid Oregon or Washington chauffeur’s license or ability to obtain one upon hire. Starting salary $11.00 per hour, no benefits. If interested and qualified, apply at the Port o f Portland Em ploym ent O ffice, 14th floor, 700 N.E. Multnomah or call 231-5000, extension 700, for further infor­ m ation. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m ., F rid a y . S e p te m b e r 1, 1989. T h e P o rt is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer M ENTAL HEALTH C-III Adolescent/Family Counselor 24 H o u rs per w eek. B eginning salary $740-$775 p e r m onth CO D A Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for a C ounselor position in drug treatm ent services program. Some evening work may be re­ quired. Responsibilities include: Diagnosis, evaluation and treatm ent to a caseload o f clients which includes individual, group and family coun­ seling; consultation and coordi­ nation o f client services; m ain­ taining client records; participa­ tion in program promotion and marketing activities; conducting training for referring agencies. To qualify applicants should have a B achelor’s degree in health serv­ ices and 2 years supervised hu­ man service experience. K now l­ edge o f chem ical dependency issues and experience in adoles­ cent and family treatment. Each applicant m ust com plete a stan­ dard CODA application form and provide written responses to screen­ ing questions. Application forms and screening ques­ tions available at: CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. 239-8400. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm ativ e A ction E m ployer CONTROLLER G eorgia-Pacific C orporation, a For­ tune Fifty com pany and a leader in the forest products industry, has an immediate opening for a controller with the Tigard T ruck­ ing facility. Responsibility for supervising daily accounting activities and monthly balance sheets, assisting in recon ciliation process, preparing weeklj forecast o f revenues and profits, review ing internal control tech­ niques and implementing changes, and preparing annual and year- end reports. A BS in Accounting and 4-5 years experience as a senior level ac­ countant are required, along with excellent com m unication, super­ visory and analytical skills. We offer an excellent salary and bene­ fits package, including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. If you qualify and are seeking a career with an industry leader, please apply in person T h u rs., A ug 24-F ri., Aug 25, fro m 8:30 A M - 4:30 PM . If unable to apply in person, please send cover letter and resume with com plete salary history, by A ug. 28, to A nn A sh­ ton: G E O R G IA -P A C IF IC C O R P O R A T IO N Human Resources-17th Floor 900 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer M /F /H / DIRECTOR OF NURSING SERVICES H a n fo rd E n v iro n m e n ta l H ealth Foundation (H E H F), a multi-dis­ cipline O ccupational M edicine group, seeks a D irector o f N urs­ ing Services. W e require a B.S. degree in Nursing from an accredited school o f nurs­ ing. M ust be a U.S. Citizen and registered as a professional nurse in the state o f W ashington. Valid EM T certificate required within 18 months o f em ploym ent. Must have 5 years occupational health nursing experience o f which three m ust have been in a position of responsibility for the supervision o f other nursing personnel. The D irector develops policies, di­ rects nursing services and super­ vises nursing personnel and the operation o f seven m edical aid stations. W e provide a com petitive salary and excellent benefits package. For consideration, please send your resum e to: H E H F P ersonnel P.O. Box 100, HI-52 Richland, WA 99352 (509) 376-6570 E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer C L E R IC A L DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST F o r the Facility services U nit o f the Legislative Administration C om ­ mittee. Position oversees distri­ bution o f legislative materials, issues supplies, receives payments, and assists with mail processing. Clerical experience which includes data entry and detailed record keep­ ing and experience supervising or coordinating clerical staff perform­ ing production work required. Sal­ ary range $ 1441 -1 809 per month, a legislative adm inistration com ­ m ittee application is required. Application materials must be received by 5PM , August 25,1989. C ontact Personnel Services, L eg­ islative A dm inistration C om m it­ tee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. JANITOR/HOSTLER P a rt-T im e C-T R A N is seeking part tim e Jani- tor/Hostlcr. Typical duties: Clean and fuel buses and support ve­ hicles. W orkdays and shifts may vary, Mon thru Sat Swing shift 6 p m -12:30 am;Day shift 10am- 4:30 pm. Saturday shift 3:30 pm - 9pm. Start range $5.61-$8.28/Hr. Must possess a valid drivers li­ cense from the state in which you reside with a good driving record. Ability to function in a non-sm ok­ ing work environm ent and pass a pre-employment physical. Apply: E m p lo y m en t S ecurity D ept. 603 W. Evergreen Blvd. Closes: 9-1-89 E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER M/F/H FIELD AUDITOR ($l,607-$2,034) W e’re recruiting for a ta le n te d ac- countant/auditor with three years of progressively responsible ex ­ perience in accounting or audit­ ing and two years o f appropriate college coursework, or an equiva­ lent combination o f experience and coursework. Y ou’ll travel throughout O regon auditing the inventory, cash and business practices o f our 235 liq­ uor stores. The work requires a valid drivers license and a good driving record. You must also be able to move and lift cases o f liq­ uor. If you are qualified and interested in joining an agency com m itted to excellence, please contact us IMMEDIATELY for more infor­ mation and details on how to apply. O R E G O N L IQ U O R C O N T R O L C O M M ISSIO N 9079 SW M cLoughlin Blvd. Pordand, Oregon 97222 (503) 653-3019 An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer. DIRECTOR (full tim e) T he L esbian C om m u n ity P ro je c t is Oregon’s largest lesbian organi­ zation com m itted to increasing lesbian visibility .Current organ­ izational goals include increasing our m embership and com m unity participation within LCP, solidi­ fying our political base, creating a greater presence in the 1991 O re­ gon legislative session, and pro­ ducing social and political events for the lesbian community. The Lesbian Community Project is looking for an experienced, self- motivated and creative D irector to make lesbian visibility a key issue in the 1990s. The D irector is currently the only paid staff for the organization. Send cover letter and resum e to: P ersonnel C om m ittee L esbian C om m unity P ro ject PO Box 5931 Portland, OR 97228 (503) 223-0071 Deadline: S ep tem b er 17th L esbians o f C olor an d L esbians w ith D isabilities a re enco u rag ed to apply. ANIMAL CLINIC T he 12 M ile A nim al C linic in Gresham is holding a charity dog wash to benefit the Oregon Humane Society. Dogs will be washed for a $5-10 donation from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on S a tu rd a y A ugust 26. Dogs must be on leashes and ow ners need to pro­ vide drying towels. A free bottle of Docide flea spray will be given to the first 36 participants making a dona­ tion at the event. The 12 Mile A ni­ mal Clinic is located at 21920 SE S ta rk in G resh am . DIETITIAN, REGISTERED F airview T ra in in g C e n te r, a larg state residential training facilit for MR/DD individuals, seeks ref istered dietitians. M ust be regij tration eligible from the commij sion o f dietary registration c A.D.A. Salary: $1615 to $2011 month, generous fringe benefit fo r a p p lic a tio n in form atioi contact: Personnel Office, Fairview Training Center, 2250StrongR d SE Salem, OR 97210. (503) 378 5369.