Page 6 Portland Observer AUGUST 24, 1989 SCRIPTURE OF THE WFEK* St. RELIGION 3. Matthew 28:19-’ ’Go ye there­ V il fore, and leach a ll nations, baptizing them in the name o f the Father, and o f the Son, and o f the H oly G host.” Resolve to try to get every one in the whole w orld saved. When we can’ t go we w ill help others to go. 4. 1 Corinthians 1 l:2 3 -2 6 -” For I I L S I : P R O V E R B S 3:5-7a have received o f the Lord that which Il is obvious that man needs safe also I delivered unto you, that the guidelines. Sin is abounding, and false Lord Jesus the same night in which religions and doctrines are failing. he was betrayed took bread; And We have lumed io the scripture for when he had given thanks, he brake guidelines in 1989. Thus far, we have it, and said, Take eat; this is m y body, found that the Holy S pirit has been which is broken fo r you; this do in given to lead us. The H oly S pirit first remembrance o f me. A fte r the same leads everyone to accepting the Lord manner also he took the cup, when he Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. had supped, saying, This cup is the We accept Jesus C hrist by pro­ new testament in my blood; this do fessing w ith our mouths and believ­ ye, as o ft as ye d rink it, in remem­ ing in our hearts that God has raised brance o f me. For as often as ye eat H im from the dead, and by calling on this bread, and drink this cup, ye do SCRIPTURE GUIDLINES FOR EIGHTY-NINE” His name. We further obey the com ­ mand o f our Lord by being baptized (emerged) in water. This is first done as an act o f obedience; and then, as a demonstration that typifies our death, burial, and resurrection w ith Christ. We then are guided to w alk in love (agape) as proof that we are disciples o f Him who is love. The scripture teaches that we are to labor hard to advance the church particular our congregation where we arc members)—to advance it in biblical knowledge; to advance it in holiness; to cause it to be a place o f com fort for the weary who abide in sin. The scripture clearly teaches that I am to give to the causes o f my church no less than ten percent o f my income. Those causes that I am to support are: the support o f the Pastor, the support o f Outreach, and Current Expenses. Finally, the scripture teaches that lam to let the word o f C hrist dw ell in me so richly that I am to become more and more like Jesus. The scripture further teaches: 1. Matthew 6:33- “ But seek ye first the kingdom o f God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Resolve to my church first place in m y affec­ tion, prayers, gifts and service above every organization o f human origin. 2. Hebrews 10:25-” N ot forsak­ ing the assembling o f ourselves to­ gether, as the manner o f some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approach­ ing.’ ’ Resolve to attend a ll assem­ blies at least Church School, M orn ­ ing Assembly, Evening Assembly and Mid-W eek. shew the Lord;s death t ill he come.” Rcsolve not to miss the Lord’s Supper. 5. Matthew 18:15-17-” Moreover i f thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and te ll him his fa u lt be­ tween thee and him alone; i f he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But i f he w ill not hear thee, then take w ith thee one or tw o more, that in the mouth o f two or three witnesses every word may be established. And i f he shall neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.’ ’Resolve to do a ll in my power to rescue an erring Brother or Sister. 6. Jude l: 3 - ” Beloved, when 1 gave a ll diligence to w rite unto you o f the common salvation, it was needful to me to w rite unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Resolve to stay w ith the Faith as found in the Bible. " I T h in k o f the (in -a l T hin gs o f God, Not the Lillie Things” Wigland One of the Northwest largest Wig Displays Wigs and hairpieces for all nationalities ? Eva Gabor Naomi Sims Renee of Paris QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS For Social Security or Supplemental Security Income Assistance Q U E S T IO N : M y w ife has been receiving Social Security benefits lo r four years. Every summer she w orks for a berry farmer and earnings even though the small earnings don’ t increase her benefits. W hy docs she have to pay taxes on these earnings? A N S W ER : A g ricu ltura l employers, farmers and farm crew leaders arc required to pay Social Security taxes on most farm workers. I f your w ile does agricultural labor for an em ployer who pays out $2,500 or more in cash wages during a year or who pays out less than $2,500 but pays her, or any other worker, $150.00 or more, she w ill have to have social Security taxes w ithheld from her wages. The taxes may not help her gel a higher benefit, but they w ill help ensure the continuation o f benefits to her and future social Security retirees. Q U E S T IO N : I am hard o f hearing, but not to ta lly deaf. 1 tried to contact SS A through the deaf to ll-free number and co uldn ’ t get anyone on the line. H ow does that number work? AN SW ER : W e may have m isled you in a previous Question & Answer column. The deaf to ll-free number w ill only w ork for people w ho have a telecomm unications device fo r the deaf, a T .D .D . You can learn how to get a T .D .D . by ca llin g 1-800-848-4442 or by w ritin g to the Labor and Industries B u ilding, Salem, OR 97310. Q U E S T IO N : When I got married, I was contacted by a company called O ffic ia l Record Service in Nevada. They told me I needed a new Social Security card and that they w ould get me a card fo r $10.00. This is the firs t tim e I was ever charged fo r a Social Security card.Has there been a change in your policy. A N S W ER : Social Security does not charge for new or replacement cards. There are several companies that get lists o f marriages and births and then contact the individuals to o ffe r them help, fo r a fee, in getting a card. U sually their letters loo k very o ffic ia l, so some people send the money. The company just sends the person a Social Security form , or a copy o f one, to complete. We at Social Security w ill provide the same service at no charge. Q U E S TIO N : A m I autom atically covered fo r M edicaid when I file for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? A N S W ER : N ot in Oregon and certain other States. Entitlem ent to M edicaid is not always autom atic. I f you liv e in a State that has an agreement w ith Social Security to make M edicaid e lig ib ility determ ina­ tions, your SSI application w ould serve as an application fo r Medicaid. H owever, since Social Security does not make M edicaid e lig ib ility determ i­ nations in Oregon, you w ill have to apply at your local w elfare office. Q U E S TIO N : N ow that I have Medicare catastrophic protection, what effect w ill this coverage have on my Medicare supplemental policy? I ’ m wondering i f I should continue the supplemental policy? A N S W ER : M edicare Parts A and B provide coverage fo r basic health care costs, but neither pays fo r a ll medical expenses fo r a ll long term care. Therefore, i f you w ant more complete health care coverage, you m ight consider comparison shopping and selecting a supplemental policy. But remember, starting in 1990, Medicare catastrophic coverage begins paying covered medical insurance benefits only after your health care expenses under that part o f Medicare exceed $1,370. A M edical p o licy w ould, therefore, help pay fo r part o f those expenses incurred during the interim . F or answers to specific concerns, contact your private insurer and your M edicare carrier. “ Q U E S T IO N : I w ould like to check to be sure my earnings have been correctly reported to m y social Security record. Can I use the toll-free number to do this? A N S W ER : Yes. Just dial 1-800-234-5772 and the operator w ill arrange to send you a Request fo r Earnings and B enefit Estimate Statement to complete and return to Social Security. In response, you w ill receive a detailed record o f your earnings, quarters o f coverage inform ation, and estimates o f what you and your fa m ily w ill be due at your retirem ent, or your death, or should you become disabled. > G rcalcr Si. Stephen M issionary Baplist Church. 3922 North W illia m s Avenue, w ill be the site o f the fo llo w in g events: 1) A N ig h t o f Preaching featuring several ministers who arc associated w ith Pastor Robert E. Houston, Sr. on Sunday, August 27,1989 at 7.00 p.m. 2) The M onthly L o rd ’s Supper and Fellowship Service on Sunday, September 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr., pastor. The speaker for the evening w ill be Rev. Johnny Pack, IV , Pastor, Fellow ship M issionary Baptist Church, who w ill be accompanied by the Fellowship Congregation. The pubic is invited to share. 3) The Youth and Young Adults cordially invites you to share in our annual Day on Sunday, September 24, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. O ur guest speaker w ill be the Rev. A . Bernard Devers, II, Associate M inister o f the Progressive M issionary Baptist Church o f Seattle, W ashing­ ton, and V ice President o f the Youth Department, General Baptist Conven­ tion o f the Northwest. For further inform ation you may call the church at J Í/-6 6 9 1 or 281- 6337. A Sure remedy for (killing the Church) Take four times a m onth. One dose o f seeing that everything else has what it needs, before seeing about the church. One teaspoon in a glass o f M onday morning gossip,Stir w e ll before taking. Take four times a month., and you w ill find this to be a sure remedy for k illin g the church. Leave these o ff and yo ur church One dose o f fin ding other places to w ill L IV E . go at Sunday service time,mixed w ith taking someone w ith you. Take a dose o f being late for Sunday School, M ixed w ith not staying fo r eleven o ’clock services. Take four times a month. One dose o f fa ilin g to attend mid week prayer service, m ixed w ith one grain o f criticism . Take three times a month. by pastor/evang. M.H. Overstreet Smith OBITUARY In loving memory of ALBIRTA STEPHEN May 2, 1907-August 9, 1989 Service Monday, August 14,1989- 11:00 a.m. Church o f The L iv in g God Elder H all, Presiding 6401 N.E. 10th, Portland, Oregon O B IT U A R Y A L B IR T A JO H N S O N S T E P H E N was bom on M ay 2,1907 in M arshall, Texas and departed this life on August 9,1989. She attended school at Harris Chapel in Marshall, Texas. Albina married Oscar Stephen in 1941.She w asafactory worker in H e n d e rs o n ^T c x a s J b e fo n ^n o v m ^^ Maranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 Sunday Services August 20,1989 Sunday School 9:00 AM Morning Worship 10:30 AM "In The Hall of Wisdom With Professor Ant and Company" Tues.-Sat. 1LAM-10PM (503) 287-9249 Go to Doris’ Cafe 3240 N. Williams Evening Worship 6:30 Rev. Howard Ferris Portland, OR 97212 Sat l()am-5:30 Cleaning & re-styling MRS C ’S WIGS Near Lloyd Center 282-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway Í 0 Í AMERICAN <( , Handicapped workers. U 7ÎT.L HÏSF V ftTTIII Wfbu tuu". WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES Í..FJ NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS xijM BETTY CABINE PROPR'ETOP UNITY OF LOVE tuis - sat 11 ¡ 3 0 - 6 « ) Portland, Oregon 8 in 1957. Oscar Stephen preceded her in death in 1983. Mrs. Stephen w orked as a fac­ tory w orker in Portland u ntil her re­ tirement in 1975. Mrs. Stephen joined the Church o f The L iv in g God P.G.T. in 1945 and was s till a member u ntil her death. She leaves to mourn her pass­ ing: Sister Sarah Scott; neices Kathar­ ine and Ballamae, Nephew John Scott, Sr, and Bennie Mae, Ellen Scott John, Jr., Deon, Dorothy, Debra, Jamie, Stephanie, James, and a host o f other relatives and friends. Rev. Wendell Wallace Senior Pastor but don’t CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town Mon-Fri 10am-6pm i: ANNOUNCEMENT BEEF it up PORK it down Synthetic & Human hail for braiding & weeving Chapter 10 RECOVERING ALCOHOLICS P H Y S IC A LLY HANDICAPPED RECOVERING DRUG OFFENDERS MENTAL / NERVOUS DISORDERS AND OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHRG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WBS «z-?\ UM01IE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS 4 BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS C'S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS The Unity of Love is on the make!!! Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers ZURICOSMETCS 281-6525 a TELEMARKETING BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS i 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BRAIDING & WEAVMG Does SS Motivate You Apply: 1412 South Allen Temóle CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu., (comer of 8th &. Skidmore) (503) 287-0261 ■>-v Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor . bast Morrison or call: 235-3538 Psalm 34:3 ; h ig h ATMOSPHERE, CENTRAL LOCATION, AND CLOSE TO BUS L IN E S. COMPLETE TRAIN­ ING PRO VID ED, EARN UP TO $ 1 0 . 0 0 PER HOUR, PAID HOLIDAYS & PAID VACATIONS. Jesus Loves You! Portland, Oregon 97211 T IM E < morning and even - perm anent s i t down j o b , pressu re , v er y p l e s a n t T O m ^ .R T ® m i f t s , no 100% HUMAN HAB FOR T f • ... .M v ? z * 4 M s«»