Page 3 Portland Observer AUGUST 24,1989 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ACADEMY NATIONWIDE COMPETITION The United States Coast Guard Academy is now accepting and proc­ essing applications fo r appointm ent as C adet, U.S. Coast G u a rd , Class o f 1994. Applications are being ac­ cepted for both men and women. A p ­ pointments as Coast Guard Cadets are tendered solely on the basis o f an annual nationwide com petition w ith no congressional nominations or geo­ graphical quotas. Applications must be submitted to the D irector o f A d ­ missions prior to 15 December 1989. Candidates must arrange to partici­ pate in cither the College Board Scho­ lastic Aptitude Test (S A T ) or A m e ri­ can College Testing Assessment (A C T ) p rio r to or including the De­ cember 1989 A C T and S A T test ad­ ministrations. Appointments as Cadet are ten­ dered based on the candidate’s high school record, performance on either the S A T or A C T , and leadership potential as demonstrated by partici­ pation in high school activities, com m unity affairs and/or part-time employment. M ost successful candi­ dates rank in the top quarter o f their high school class and have demon­ strated proficiency in both the mathe­ matical and applied science fields. Candidates must be unmarried at the tim e o f appointment, have no legal obligations resulting from a prior marriage, and must have reached the age o f 17 but not 22 by July, 1990. A ll candidates must be assured o f high school graduation by June 30, 1990. A ll candidates must have completed a m inim um o f three years o f English, and three in mathematics to include algebra and plane or coor­ dinate geometry or their equivalents, and must fu lfill basic physical re­ quirements. Coast Guard Cadets obtain an excellent undergraduate education at no personal expense. In addition, they receive pay and allowances fu lly ade­ quate to fu lfill their ordinary livin g expenses. The constantly updated Academy curriculum leads to a Bache- lo r o f Science degree w ith a strong academic emphasis on engineering and science. The selected m ajor stud­ ies, when combined w ith varied elec­ tive courses, establish a solid foun­ dation for a challenging career. Gradu­ ates o f the Academy are com m is­ sioned as Ensigns in the United States Coast Guard. Selected officers may pursue further postgraduate educa­ tion and specialized training at many leading c iv ilia n and m ilita ry gradu­ ate or professional schools, in such fields as aviation, business adm ini­ stration, electronics, engineering, law and oceanography. The young Academy graduate can look forw ard to a varied, exciting, and demanding career as a regular Coast Guard O fficer. Under the Department o f Transportation, the Coasl Guard performs a variety o f missions. These include search and rescue operations by ship and plane, maintenance o f advanced electronic and other aids to navigation around the globe, operation o f icebreakers w hich clear the way fo r a ll polar expeditions, and enforcement o f ma- rine law and all aspects o f merchant marine safety. In addition, the Coast Guard has responsibility fo r boating safety and marine environmental pro- tection. T o obtain an application or fur- ther inform ation w rite: Director o f Admissions, U.S.CoastGuard Acad- News Around Town Teen-age Role Model MINIMUM WAGE TO IN­ CREASE SEPT.l On S cpt.l, Oregon’ s m inim um wage w ill go from $3.35 to $3.85 an hour. Oregon w ill join 14 other states, the D istrict o f Colum bia, Guam and the Virgin Island with minimum wages exceeding the federal $3.35 an hour rate. One o f the most hotly debated bills o f the 1989 Legislature, the increase is the first since 1981 when Congress approved the $3.35 pay­ ment. Our legislature follow ed suit in 1983. A ll employers currently exempt from state wage laws because they are covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards A c t must pay the new, higher state rate beginning Sept. 1, and com ply w ith other state labor law provisions. The new law also means the Ore­ gon Bureau o f labor and Industries w ill become the enforcement agency. The U.S. Department o f Labor cur- rently has jurisdictio n on m inim um wage payments fo r roughly 92 per- cent o f Oregon employees under a complicated formula involving inter­ state commerce and gross business receipts. The shift to state ju risd ictio n cre- ates a m ajor challenge fo r the Bu- reau’ s Wage and Hour D ivision. Ad- ministering the new law involves only G re g o ry Lew is B ra nd on , a June graduate o f George M iddle School where he excelled in basketball, w ill enter Roosevelt H igh School this fa ll w ith some very definite goals in edu­ cation and athletics. Already sixfoot-one at age 14, the personable young man w ill play football and, possibly, basketball as w ell. Gregory, the son o f M r. Glen Brandon, a local craftsman, exhib- iled great promise in the Pop Warner Lcague last year. He has also shown exceptional abilities in track, base- ball, soccer and sw im m ing. G re g o ry has a love fo r m athe- m atics, his fa vo rite subject being A lg eb ra . W ith encouragement from his father, he plans a college m ajor in Electrical Engineering. Go for it young man! enforcement but a massive public education program. The legislature, however, failed to provide the re­ sources when it approved Senate B ill 335. We plan to go to the Emergency Board fo r the necessary dollars on Aug. 31-Sept.l. The Bureau has adopted tempo­ rary rules, effective until Jan. 1,1990, interpreting the requirements under the higher m inim um wage. Because o f the tim e crunch, we could not hold Fall enrollm ent is now open at St. public hearings. Rest assured that V in cen t de Paul C h ild Develop­ before we adopt permanent rules there m ent C en te r, 44 N E M orris, near w ill be extensive public hearings and Emanuel Hospital. The center w el­ forums. The new $3.85 an hour m inim um comes applications fo r child care fo r wage is the first o f three increases tw o-to-five-year olds. Hours o f op­ approved by the legislature. The rate eration are 6:45am to 6pm fiv e days a week. bumps up again on Jan. 1, 1990, to The center fo llo w s a development $4.25 an hour. On Jan. 1,1991 it w ill curriculum that focuses on each child’s rise to $4.75 an hour. Although the major focus has been needs and growth potential , and it off ers a comprehensive speech and the increases several other changes language program directed by a speech were made which I w ould like to CHILD DEVEL­ OPMENT CENTER OPEN FOR FALL ENROLLMENT specialist It has offered child care discuss briefly. First, more workers w ill be cov­ for 50 years to North and Northeast neighborhoods. A United Way agency, ered. For example, some agricultural the center’ s fees are based on a slid ­ workers that were exempt under the federal m inim um wage requirements ing scale. For enrollment information, please are being covered by the state la w - the o nly exemptions being piece rate call 288-0188. harvesting on a casual basis, pruning and range production o f livestock. The higher m inim um applies to m igrant workers. F am ily members w orking on a fa m ily farm continue to be exem pt Individuals employed in domes- G ov. N eil Goldschm idt w ill tour (¡c service such as housekeepers, C olum bia V illa Housing Project to- companions or baby sitters who work day, August 24, at 2 p.m. The pur- ¡n excess o f 20 hours w ill have to be pose o f the visit, which w ill begin at pai(j m inim um wage. U niversity Park Com m unity Center, There w ill be no more exemp- 9009 N. Foss, is to see the results o f pons fo r people who w ork out o f the C om m unity Service Project, their homes—fo r example telephone Operated by 28 agencies, including solicitors or manufacturing piece United W ay, M ultnom ah County , WOrk. C ity o f Portland, Housing A uthority Students employed by colleges o f Portland, Portland Public Schools, ¡md universities also w ill come under and Multnomah County Sheriff’s De- p,e new state m inim um wage, in ­ partment, the p ro je c ts goal is to eluding those participating in w ork- im prove the quality o f life, reduce study programs. The law does not crim e, and reduce the fear o f crim e off cr students employed by the pri- for area residents. mary and secondary schools they Results from the SW IN G (Stu- attend. dents W ith Interest in G row th) Pro- Another major change w ill be statc gram, operated w ith $120,000 from mandated rest periods and lunch United W ay by Boy Scouts, G irl breaks. Scouts, Y M C A , Camp Fire and Boys Employers must provide at least emy, New London, CT. 06320; or & G irls Clubs, w ill be announced. tw 0 io-m inute breaks-15 minutes Since June, 175 children, ages 5 for m in o rs-p e r eight-hour shift and call (203) 444-8501. through 16, have participated. Sev- a h jjf-h o u r lunch break. Breaks arc eral o f the youth w ill share their not required under the federal m in i­ success stories w ith G oldschm idt mum wage. Goldschmidt to Visit Columbia Villa KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER LADIES AUXILIARY The St. M a rtin de Porres C o u rt 225 offe rs a scholarship to a deserving black student from the inner city o f Portland for attendance at a Catholic grade or high school. The Knights o f Peter C lavcr Ladies A u xilia ry Court 225 is a Catholic Service Organization w orking to improve religious educational opportuni­ ties and com m unity outreach. Applicants w ill be selected based on acceptance in a Catholic gradc/high school and financial need. Scholarships in the amount o f$ 2 0 0 to $500 w ill be awarded for the 1989- 90 school year. A completed application must be submitted by September 2, 1989. For additional inform ation, contact Geraldine M itche ll at 285-9583 evenings. War on poverty graduates convene here in Portland The three Pacific Coast states- W ashington.C alifom iaand A la s k a - have increased their m inim um wage above the F LS A rate. W ashington’ s m inim um wage is currently $3.85 cents an hour and w ill go to $4.25 on Jan. 1. California employers pay $4.25 m inim um and Alaska $3.85. This is only a b rie f summary o f some o f the changes employers can expect. We look forward to our new responsibilities and we arc confident the Emergency Board w ill provide the resources to allo w us to not only enforce the new m inim um wage rates but also to educate employers and the public on the provisions o f the law. Dr. Paulette Hilton-Robinson, Secretariat Director of the National Job Corps Alumni Assocaition in her return to the Portland area by Etienne de la Plume This week graduates from more than 26 centers o f the National Job Corps assembled here in Portland to develop new policies which w ill enhance existing training programs a ll over the nation. The N ational Job Corps was con­ ceived under the Johnson a dm ini­ stration’ s “ W ar on Poverty’ ’ . Since its inception more than a quarter century ago, 1.5 m illio n persons have availed themselves o f training and employm ent opportunities offered under the program. And yet, accord­ in g to D r.P a u le tte H ilto n - Robinson.Secretariat D irector o f its alum ni association, “ The success o f philosophy degree. Her thesis was w ritten on “ The Influence o f M en­ toring on the Career Development o f Business Education Graduates.*’ It has been used as a model in some o f the large public school systems, es­ pecially in the state o f Pennsylvania. According to Glen F. Lom ax, A s­ sistant Secretariat Director, more than 60,000 trainees attend some 46 cen­ ters a ll over the United Stales.Some o f these programs are residential They are geared specifically to those young people between the ages o f 16 and 22 who have made a decision not to return to high school and are seek­ ing other options to education and training.Certain infractions o f the law are not an impedim ent to training and these opportunities are open to both men and women. In such cen­ ters they receive a small subsidy while studying to acquire a marketable skill. As in the case o f Dr. Robinson .m any o f these young people later decide to pursue a college education. On the local level Eldon Jones is the Region 10 director which covers both Oregon and Washington. He described the training offered at Tongue Point operated under a con­ tract w ith General Electric. There, training is offered to about 400 stu­ dents in seamanship which includes the operation o f tugboats. W elding, electricity .business and clerical and several other skills. Other centers contemplate o ffe ring aviation m ain­ tenance in the near future. Anyone interested in exploring any o f these opportunities in greater de­ tail should make a to ll free telephone call to either 1-800-JOB-CORPS or 1-800-TR A IN -Y O U . the Job Corps is one o f this nation’ s best kept secrets.” Dr. Robinson, a form er Portland resident speaks with authority. Twenty years ago she took advantage o f the clerical training program offered at theTongue Point training center. She later studied at the U niversity o f Oregon under their Upward Bound Program which is another govern­ ment and privately sponsored en­ deavor fo r disadvantaged young people. A fte r receiving her under­ graduate degree she worked in sev­ eral public sector jobs. She went on to do graduate w ork in vocational education and received the doctor o f Does waiting for a call to come in keep you from going out? 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