Page 12 Portland Observer AUGUST 24, 1989 H a*® ro*iiji4!!i:i»2 WISING C IT Y O F S A LE M , OREGON D E P A R T M E N T OF G E N E R A L SERVICES PURCHASING D IV IS IO N INVITATION TO BID C AR PET R E P LA C E M E N T FOR T H IR D FLO O R C IT Y H A L L The City o f Salem w ill receive sealed bids at the office o f the City Recorder,City Hall, Room 205, Salem, Oregon 97301, u n til, but not after ll: o o a.m., September 20, 1989 at which time said bids w ill be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers, Room 240, 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem, Oregon for the project specified herein. Prime contractors interested in bidding on this project may receive one copy o f the specifications and other bid documents at the office o f the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. S.E./Room 315, Salem, Oregon 97301. Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to the bidders. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “ BID ON (. \RP1 1 K U ’ l AI LMENT FOR THIRD FLOOR CITY HALL-Bid #3549". ;ind show the name and business address of the bidder. Any objections to or comments upon the bid specifications must be submitted in w riting to the Department o f Public Works, Room 325,555 Liberty Street, SE, Salem OR 97301.They must be received no later than five (5) working days before the bid opening dale. A surety bond, cashier’ s check or certified check o f the bidder, in the amount of ten percent (10%) o f the bid must be attached to each proposal as security. Unsuccessful bidders w ill have their security refunded to them when the contract has been awarded. No bids, exceeding $10,000, w ill be received or considered by the City o f Salem or any o f its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder (by signing this proposal) that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 shall be included in his contract. Every contractor or subcontractor is required to post the applicable Prevailing Wage Rates (PWR) in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work-site for the duration o f the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally fail to post the PWR can be made ineligible to receive any public works contract for up to three years. RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE LA W : In compliance with ORS 279.029, bidders must state on their proposal whether they are a resident or nonresi­ dent bidder. Proposals that fail to provide this information w ill be consid­ ered nonresponsive. The C ity o f Salem reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive formalities and o f postponing the award o f the contract for thirty (30) days. Prices quoted shall be firm for a period o f 30 days after the closing date. The attention o f bidders is directed to the provisions o f Chapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlawful employment practices. Violation o f such provisions shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract without recourse by the contractor. The C ity o f Salem is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer N O TE: A M A N D A T O R Y site orientation w ill be held at the City Hall, Room 240, Council Chambers, 555 Liberty St. S.E., Salem Oregon 97301, prom ptly at 10:00 a.m., on Thursday, September 7, 1989. Only one orientation w ill be held. A ll bidders MUST attend. Attendance at the entire orientation, which is expected to last approximately one hour is required. Inquiries concerning the contents o f the bid specifications should be directed to Mr. Chuck O ’ Neal, Building services Division, at (503) 588- 6306. Robin Kirkpatirck Purchasing Supervisor B ID NO. 3594 C LO S IN G : September 20, 1989 11:00 a.m. *• • * .* « * Hoffman Construction Company Of Oregon The Construction Manager/General Contractor Requests ' •*- ■*. Sub-Bids For Oregon Health Sciences University The Eye Clinic Portland, Oregon “ Site Utility Package” Bid Date: August 24, 1989 - 2:00 P.M. DOCUMENTS ARE A V A IL A B L E FOR REVIEW A T OUR M A IN OFFICE ’■«; ' •? 1300 S.W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97207 5. PHONE 221-8811 ANNOUNCEMENT OF CALL FOR BIDS: Scaled bids w ill be received at the Business Office, Portland C om m u­ nity College, Room A7, Ross Island Center, 049 S.W. Porter, Portland, Oregon, u n til 2:00 p.m., local time, August 29, 1989, for Microscopes as described in the specifications on file at said office. Said college has determined specifications for such bids, copies o f which may be obtained at the above location, and has appointed as the time for the opening o f all such bids, the hour o f 2:45 p.m. local time, on the 29th day o f August 1989, at the above mentioned address at which time and place all interested persons are invited to attend. Form al prequlification is not required nor desired; however, bidders who are in doubt as to their qualifications may contact the undersigned and submit prequalification requests no later than August 23,1989. It is the position o f Portland Community College not to contract with a company that is chartered or licensed in South Africa and is located in South Africa, a company chartered or licensed in another county whose primary facility is in South Africa, or a company that wholly owns a subsidiary whose primary facility is in South Africa. H.E. Lile Director, Business Services Portland Community College Portland, Oregon NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that upon request by any interested person a public hearing w ill be held by the T ri-C ounty M etropolitan Transportation D istrict o f Oregon (T ri-M e t) at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 20, 1989, at the Portland Building, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor, Meeting Room C, for the purpose o f considering projects for which federal assistance under Section 3 o f the Urban Mass Transportation Act o f 1964, as amended, is being sought. Anyone interested in requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Cynthia Weston, Tri-M et, Public Services Division, by phone at 238-4920 or in writing 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Or 97202 by Friday, September 8, 1989. Following is the proposed program o f projects: PROJECT DESCRIPTION LO C A L FEDERAL TO TAL C APITAL PROJECTS 80/20 Funding 1. Westside Light Rail Project Preliminary Engineering and Final Environmental Impact Statement $465,800 $1,863,200 $2,329.000 2. Project Break-Even. This provides $4.3M for a $ 19.2M (federal share) jo in t development project ($14.7M for shopping center and $4.5M for a hotel) intended to establish that public/private co-venture strategies can be used by existing rail to substantially reduce the operating deficit. In addition to the $4.3M in this application, Tri-met w ill be requesting in separate applications(s) up to $ 14.9M o f Sec. 3 to undertake the project. The project includes a transit station and related jo in t development activities for a shopping center or 900,000-1M sq.ft., in Gresham (Gresham Joint Develop­ ment Project) located between Bum side and Division Streets on the north and south and Wallula Avenue and Eastman on the west and east.The S4.3M w ill provide partial funding for land acquisition, planning, design and construction o f a light rail station, a bus facility, walkways, open space, site preparation including earth work and jo in t development roadways, and utilities. No federal funding w ill be used for constructing commercial revenue producing facilities. Also our intention in the future, when all prerequisites are met, is to include grant provisions for an expanded station and related jo in t develop­ ment activities for a Convention Headquarters Hotel at the Oregon Conven­ tion Center in Portland. $1,075,000 $4,300,000 $5,375,000 3. Light Rail Vehicles-Air Conditioning Retrofit $480,000 $1,920,000 $2,400,000 4. Service Vehicles 13,400 53,000 67,000 5. Shop Equipment 11,460 45,840 57,300 6. Computer Equipment 63,020 252,080 315,100 7. Telecommunications Equipment 6,080 24,320 30,400 8. Automatic Vehicle Locator (A V L )- Demonstration Project During FY 1989,Tri-Met has been studying the applicability o f the Automatic Vehicle Location Technology to its fixed route and demand responsive transit operations. The last phase o f this study is scheduled to be completed in September, 1989. The Automatic Vehicle Demonstration Project is the next phase in the development o f a location system. The purpose o f the demonstration project is to purchase enough A V L equipment to equip a small dispatch center. This initial system w ill be used as a prototype for the development o f a larger system and to begin developing the data systems that arc needed to support an A V L System. 9. Security Equipment $ 10,000 80.000 $ 40,000 320.000 $ 50,000 400.000 We Are Equal Opportunity Employer And Request Sub-Bids From M inority And Women Owned Business Enterprises. •• •* ; • x SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Edwards Elementary School addition/remodel 720 E. Sixth, Newberg Bid Date:August 29, at 7:00 p.m. ,Z< * < WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 485-1700 FAX (503) 683-7722 W eare an equal opportunity employer and request su b -b id s from sm all b u sin ess and sm all disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & minority business enterprises. ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! > 'Î . « ' Ü . < /*< ». .. < .'l“ ♦ , *• •: ■?-> H bbs ’Sh'fft Ó? % We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you Subtotal Capital $2,204,760 $8,819,040 $11,023,800 OPERATING ASSISTANCE $11,703,168 $4,108,766 $15,811,934 (Up TO 50% Funding) For Period from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990 T O TA L $13,907,928 $12,927,806 $26,835,734 No persons, families or businesses w ill be displaced by these projects. These projects arc in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and w ill be programmed in the Transpor­ tation Improvement Program. A statement o f Tri-M et charter bus service is available for inspection at the T ri-M et Administration offices. T ri-M et w ill not be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportation enterprise w ill not be directly affected by these projects. These projects are currently under review by the state and district clearinghouses. A t the hearing, T ri-M ct w ill afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmental aspects o f the projects. A hearing on the Environmental Assessment for Project Break-Even is scheduled for September 21, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. at Gresham City Hall. A copy o f the grant application for the proposed projects and a transit development plan for the area are currently available for public inspection at Tri-M ct, Public Services Division, 4012 S.E. 17TH Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. Douglas L. Capps Executive Director Public Services Division Call 282-4696 2413 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. We Can Help CALL PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that upon request by any interested person a public hearing w ill be held by the T ri-C o u n ty M etropolitan Transportation D istrict o f Oregon (T ri-M e t) at 3:30 P.M, Wednesday, September 20, 1989, at the Portland Building, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor, Meeting Room C, for the purpose o f considering projects for which federal assistance under Section 3 o f the Urban Mass Transportation Act o f 1964, as amended, is being sought. Anyone interested in requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Cynthia Weston, Tri-M et, Public Services Division, by phone at 238-4920 or in writing 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 by Friday, September 8, 1989. Following are the proposed projects: 1 Purchase o f Thirty 30 ft. standard, $5,250,000 lift-equipped buses 2. Purchase o f Sixty-two 40 ft. standard, 11,470.000 $11,470,000 lift-equipped buses 302,680 3. Vehicle marking and delivery 200,000 4. Spare parts package for 30 ft. and 40ft. buses 5. Radio equipment and installation for 34,820 30 ft. and 40 ft. buses 28,160 6. Cost allocation 85,000 7. Force Account 729J4Ü 8. Contingency TOTAL $18,100,000 FEDERAL SHARE $14,200,000 No persons, families or businesses w ill be displaced by these projects. These projects are in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and w ill be programmed in the Transpor­ tation Improvement Program. A statement o f T ri-M et’s charter bus service is available for inspection at the T ri-M et Administration offices. T ri-M el w ill not be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportation enterprise w ill not be directly affected by these projects These projects are currently under review by the state and district clearinghouses. A t the hearing, Tri-M ct w ill afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmental aspects o f the projects. A copy o f the grant application for the proposed projects and a transit development plan for the area arc currendy available for public inspection at Tri-M et, Public Services Division, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202. Douglas L. Capps Executive Director Public Services Division ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids w ill be received by the Department o f General Services, 1225 Ferry Street SE, Salem, Oregon u n til 3:00 PM September 1, 1989 to furnish all labor, m aterial and equipment, and to perform all w o rk fo r the State project “ Bend Office B u ild in g ” to be performed on the grounds o f the Employment Division, lot 3, B lock 2, Colorado Point, Shevlin Center, Bend, Oregon. NOTE: This bid requires bidders to make the Good Faith Effort pursuant to ORS 200.045 paragraphs 2 (a) through 2(h) and 2(j). Bids must be received and time-stamped at the place stated above prior to bid closing time. Bids received after bid closing time w ill not be considered. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction o f a single story, 11,032 square foot office building and other incidental work necessary to the construction. Plans, specifications, bid and contract documents may be examined at the Department o f General Services, Purchasing Division, 1225 Ferry Street SE,Salem Oregon 97310, or: Construction Data Plan Center, Room 200,1125 SE Madison St., Portland, OR 97202 Salem Contractors Exchange, 2256 Judson SE P.O. Box 12065, Salem, OR 97309 Construction Data Plan Center, 925 NW 12th Ave., P.O. Box 5005Portland, OR 97208 Dodge Scan, P.O. Box 5037, Seattle, W A 98109 Central Oregon Builders Exchange, 707 NW H ill St., 97701, P.O. Box 326, Bend, OR 97709 Impact, Inc., 8959 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Suite 102, Portland, Oregon 97219 Northeast Business Center, 820 N. Killingsworth, Suite 4, Portland, OR 97217 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that upon request by any interested person a public hearing w ill be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District o f Oregon (Tri-M et) at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 20,1989, at the Portland Building, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor, Meeting Room C, for the purpose o f considering projects for which federal assistance under Section 9 o f the Urban Mass Transportation Act o f 1964, as amended, is being sought. Anyone interested in requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Cynthia Weston, T ri-M ct, Public Services Division, by phone at 238-4920 or in writing 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Or 97202 by F riday, September 8, 1989. This grant was originally approved for $ 1,500,000 for fifteen 20-25 ft. buses. The proposed grant amendment would reprogram these funds for the following projects Program tff Projects Budget 1. Purchase o f Eight 30 ft. standard, lift-equipped buses 2. Vehicle marking and delivery 3. Contingency Total Federal Share $1,400,000 26,320 73.680 $1,500,000 $1,200,000 No persons, families or businesses w ill be displaced by these projects. These projects arc in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and w ill be programmed in the Transpor­ tation Improvement Program. A. statement ol Tri-M ct’ s charter bus service is available for inspection at the T ri-M et Administration offices. Tri-M et w ill not be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportation enterprise w ill not be directly affected by these projects. These projects arc currently under review by the state and district clearinghouses. At the hearing, T ri-M ct w ill afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmental aspects o f the projects. A copy o f the grant application for the proposed projects and a transit development plan for the area arc currently available for public inspection at Tri-M ct, Public Services Division, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. Douglas L. Capps Executive Director Public Services Division