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Please apply in person at: S E C U R IT Y P A C IF IC BANK OREGON Personnel D epartment 1001 SW 5th Avenue Second Floor Portland, OR 97204 (503) 222-7558 A PPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m ., M o n -F ri E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Education: M asters Degree required, MSW preferred Experience: Must be fam iliar with issues around an unplanned preg­ nancy, including the adoption choice, have ability to m ake accu­ rate unbiased assessm ent and pro- vide support to young women in crisis. Solid clinical experience and knowledge o f group theory and experience in facilitation groups. This professional clinical position may require som e eve­ ning and weekend hours. Salary: $17,000 to $22,000 DOE, plus benefits. Deadline to apply: 9-1- 89. Call Vicki at: 222-9661, ext. 274. Fill out standard BGAS job application. NO R ESU M ES PLEASE. Boys a n d G irls A id Society o f O regon, 2301 N.W. Glisan, Portland, OR 97210. F in a n c e M a n a g e r Salary Range: $38,810-59,510. Starting salary negotiable, de­ pending on experience. I he Pori ol Portland currently has a challenging opportunity available for a Finance Manager who has a high degree of effective interpersonal and communication skills. Your responsibilities will involve integrating financial systems between and within corporate and operating departments, negotiating for operating agreements, financings, business ventures, financial planning, costing and pricing analysis. You will also be responsible for translating financial information into an effective oral or written presen­ tation. and training/supporting the staff. You must have a minimum five years' successful experience in financial analysis reporting to senior management, demonstrated ability to complete major projects, and a strong knowledge of account­ ing, finance, asset management, costing, and pricing systems. Willingness to work long hours and travel as necessary is desired. If Interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 14th Floor, 700 N.E. Multnomah Blvd., Portland, OR. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 1,1989. An Equal Opportunity Employer. « » PORT OF PORTLAND S E N IO R Y O U T H C O U N S E L IN G M ENTAL HEALTH O P P O R T U N IT IE S P O S IT IO N S O C C U P A T IO N A L THERAPY C O T A : Full tim e (40 hrs/w eek) p o ­ sition available for a CO TA to as­ sist in adm inistering physical c a ­ pacity exam inations to injured w orkers in a private m edical co n ­ sulting firm. Please send resum e to: B a rb a ra M elore, Manager E r­ gonomic A ssessm entcenter, 1099 SW ,Colum bia, Suite 200, Port­ land, OR 97201 Y outh E m p lo y m ent R e c ru ite r D iversion S pecialist Both positions 20 hours per week; $9,000 annually. Resumes to Personnel Di­ rector, Urban League of Portland, 10 North Russell, Portland, OR 97227. D eadline, 9/1/ 89. E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. T he F o ster G ra n d p a re n t P ro g ra m seeks seniors to spend 20 hours per week with special-needs chil­ dren. Benefits include a tax-free stipend, transportation reimburse­ m ent and a free daily meal. For more inform ation call M etropoli­ tan Family Services’s Foster Grand­ parent Program at 249-8215. STAR SEARCH Audition for major Talent Contest Perform ers o f all kinds Com e be D iscovered Individuals & Groups Express Y ourself C all Sky 233-1475 JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A1 mheran Center of Canng & Excettente A Legacy Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH. “ A T T E N T IO N : EA RN M O N E Y R E A D IN G BO O K S! $32,000/ year incom e potential. Details. (1) 602-838-8885 Ext.Bk 12859. “ A T T E N T IO N -G O V E R N M E N T H O M E S from $1 (U-repair). D e­ linquent tax property. R eposses­ sions. Call 1-602-838-8885 E xtG H 12859 Seeking a mental health w orker to supervise 5 intensive chronic men­ tally ill clients in a residential set­ ting. Duties include medication dispensing, monitoring, meal preparation, and overseeing house­ hold functions. Must be able to work on an interdisciplinary team. M ust possess A.A. degree in so­ cial services and./or equivalent two years experience, and a desire to work with chronic mentally ill population. Live in, room and board provided. W e offer com prehen­ sive salary and benefits. Resume to Rodney Harry Personnel O ffi­ cer, N/NE Com m unity M ental Health Center., 4950 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR 97211, phone 249-0866. Clos­ ing 8-31-89 E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer M illio n s ! M y reports have earned literally millions of dollars for com panies and individuals nationwide. Can help you reach wealth too. Free proof: M r. Billy T. M cG hee, P.O. Box 8095, R iverside, Ca. 92515 P O R T L A N D IN T E R N A T IO N A L A IR P O R T T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d has a challenging opportunity to supervise the daily operations o f Parking Control representatives at Portland International Airport. This is a custom er service oriented position responsible for m oving traffic, providing inform ation.andenforcingparking ordinances. A nticipated duties include, but not limited to: w Is responsible for supervision o f part-time and full-time staf f, including the recom m endation for hiring and com plaint resolution. + W orking supervisor may assist directing traffic, issuing citations when necessary and preventing gridlock on term inal roadw ays and parking lots. «■ Through personal contact and interaction convince custom ers to not violate roadway parking policies. «• A ssist custom ers and provide inform ation on airport use, services and the m etropolitan area. w A ttem pt to handle unresolved com plaints on parking citations and other airport services in a cooperative and nonconfrontive manner. «■ Testify in D istrict Court as needed. 'referred qualifications include: «■ Previous demonstrated successful supervisory experience, w D em onstrated successful work experience involving high level o f public contact and familiar with the City o f Portland. «■ D em onstrated ability to work in stressful environm ent. « A ble to work in weather extrem es and be on feet for long periods of lime. « • A ble to pass physical and hearing test. ¿ * 5 .. v :'< rk Zv T he Port offers a com prehensive benefit package and a salary com m ensurate with experience, with a full salary range o f $20,390-$29,910. Because this is a developing departm ent, this is a provisional position, which is anticipated to last for one year. It will be evaluated at that time for continuation. If interested and qualified, apply at the P o rt E m p lo y m en t O ffice, 14th floor, 700 N.E. M ultnomah or call 503-231-5000, ext. 700, for com plete application materials. All ap p licatio n s m u st be received by 5 pm F rid a y , A ugust 18,1989. PO RT OF PORTLAND T he P o rt is a n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer C A R E E R IN T A X N IG H T M A N A G E R A D M IN IS T R A T IO N Full-tim e overnight and weekend position for W omenspace, shelter for women and children. Salary $9,600 annually plus benefits. Supervise shelter, residents, and volunteers. Ability to manage emergency situations and work without supervision. Current valid driver’s license. Call 485-8232 for jo b application. Application m ust be po stm ark ed by Sept. 5. P.O. Box 5485. E u­ gene, O R, 97405. A ffirm ative A ction E m ployer. The Oregon Dept. of Revenue is taking applications for Tax Auditor Trainee, the entry level position of a career-oriented program. Req. B achelor’s degree with 30 qtr. hours accounting or 3 yrs. profes­ sional accounting experience (or Com bination). Based in Salem. For required application contact (503) 378-3384. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER Come to Sears and pay no finance charge til November! No Billing! No Payment! No Finance Charge until November! CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS! But that's not all! When you come to Sears during our customer appreciation days, Friday, August 18 to Sunday, August 20th you get: Now, when you use your SearsCharge, SearsCharge PLUS* or SearsCharge Home Improvement Plan to pay for qualified purchases of $200 or more, you'll pay no finance charges til FREE BACK-T0-SCH00L November! BOOK COVERS! *SearsCharge PLUS is avail­ able on most major purchases totaling $700 or more. FREE 2-PACKAGE 200 COUNT NOTEBOOK PAPER But don't wait! This offer's good only on merchandise purchased between now and 70 THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH, LIM IT ONE PER FAMILY August 27th! There'll never be a better time to get that new televi­ sion, washer/dryer, VCR. carpeting or furniture. And with no finance charge until FREE 6 PACK OF PENCILS 70 THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH, LIM IT ONE PER FAMILY November! t i OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 27 TH 'TY'*' Your money’s worth and a whole lot more. OSaart. Roebuck and Co 1989 r t -, -■ .• . ' • k ' J ' a . ■ M ' e ■*