Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 17, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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    Page 9 Portland Observer AUGUST 17,1989
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Just because you are accustom ed
to ‘going o f f on people w henever
things d o n ’t go your w ay--it d oesn’t
m ake it all rig h t
Just because you are used to sleep­
ing with someone you are not m ar­
ried to—it doesn’t make it all right.
Just because you haven’t been
caught stealing or selling drugs and
you get lots of m oney to give to your
fam ily and even to your c h u rc h -it
doesn’t make it right at all.
G od is not happy with the way we,
His people, have chosen to live. God
gave us the ability to chose and many
have violated their opportunities.
If you say you’rcaC h ristian ;th en ,
act like one! Being a C hristian means
that you are striving to be like Christ.
Christ didn’t cuss! Christ didn’t steal!
C hrist did n ’t run around lying on
others or selling drugs to destroy
people’s bodies! C hrist d id n ’t sell
his body for sex and other perverted
acts! So how can you walk around
calling yourselves Christians and con­
tinue doing all these things that d is­
please God?
C hrist cam e to save that which
was lost to sin. He cam e to heal. He
cam e to put joy in your hearts. He
cam e to com fort. He d id n ’t com e to
condem n. God wants His people to
thrive and be happy .To be safe. To
be secure.
W hen a person accepts C hrist as
his/her personal Savior, a real change
takes place. Suddenly you really don’t
w ant to do or say those things that
you once did or said. All o f a sudden,
your old friends begin to ask you
“ Hey! W hat’s wrong with you? How
com e yo u ’re acting so different?
Y ou’re not the same. W hy?” Som e­
tim es they will call you on the phone
or com e by and ask, ‘‘How come we
d o n ’t see you any m o re?”
Are you prayed up? Are you stud­
ied up? Because if you’re not, Satan
is going to grab you by your collar
and snatch you right back where you
were. Why are you putting yourself
through all that unnecessary suffer­
ing and unhappiness?
Are you a confirm ed Christian?
Can your life with C hrist be seen in
your walk? in your language? in your
w itness? Or, are you one o f those
who professes,” ...Do as 1 sa y -N O T
as I d o .”
I was looking at a little baby, the
other day. As I gazed into his little
eyes, he smiled. He reached out for
me to take him. I did. But, the child
d id n ’t know me and I didn’t know
him but his innocence and the confi­
dence in me, that he exuded, was
overw helm ing. It made me think.
W e, as Christian adults, need to m ake
up our minds about w hat kind o f a
life wc are supposed to be living. Just
how do the younger ones see you?
Are you a w olf in sheep’s clothing?
Are you doing things in secret that
you d o n ’t wish to com e out in the
light? My Bible tells me that w hat is
done in the darkness will be exposed
to the Light. There are young people,
today, reaching out to you. But,are
you equipped to help them?
C hrist gave his life on the cross
that w e m ight have a chance and
when He arose, with all pow er, He
sealed the contract. God could have
waved His mighty hand and just wiped
us all o ff the face o f this earth. But,
He had compassion on us and gave us
a chance to do better.
Life with Christ is BLACK or
W H ITE with no GREY areas. You
are either for Him or you’re against
Have you denied Christ access
into your life? into your heart? The
scripture says that if you deny Christ
on e a rth -H e will deny you before
His Father which is in HEAVEN.
Don’t be silly and think that you’re
gettingaw ay with anything. G od sees
all and He knows all. He know s your
every thought. Be for real! Why don’t
you ju st get your act together and
open your eyes to the tru th -w h ic h
jesus C hrist, the Alm ighty Father,
the Prince of Peace, the Rose of Shanxi,
the Lily o f the Valley, the Bright
Morning Star, Jehovah, G od, Lord,
the King, of K in g s-h a s already paid
such a costly price for.
W ere you worth the sacrifice?
Christian adults and leaders!!!!...W e
m ust not be guilty o f m isleading or
m isguiding our young people.
I have seen people leave straight
out o f church exclaim ing how w on­
derful the service was and how truly
good god is; then, they go straight
from church to a night club. W ith a
cigarette in one hand and a glass of
booze in the other, cussin’ and lyin’,
shaking and sw aying to the m usic.....
Can’t be they just came out of church?
Huh? The a n s w e r-” Yes, they d id .”
Look like they should have been scared
or som ething. But, it is not for us to
judge w hether they are saved or not.
G od will do that. Instead go to them
privately and tell them that they c a n ’t
continue wearing two hats. A lso, lift
up their nam es in prayer. We m ust
pray for one another. The strong must
bear up the infirm ities o f the weak.
G od said that h e’d bear our bur­
dens and fight our batdes. He said
that vengeance was His and that H e’d
r e p a y - N O T for us to take matters
in our own hands. His com m and­
ment to us w as,’’...Love ye one an ­
other as 1 have loved you.”
You m ust confirm or deny your
position with Christ. Some have tried
to do both and they’re now in the
insane hospital or have com m itted
I’m not writing this because I think
that I’m so much better than you; but,
as my eyes w itness so much moral
decay and hypocrisy-1 w onder to
m yself, ‘‘How can I, one person ,
help to reach these, my sisters and
brothers, before they w ander too far
them about the ‘Good N ew s’ that the
Alm ighty has proclaim ed.W here do
you stand? THINK! and PRAY!
T he m em b ers o f M t. O livet B ap­
tist C h u rc h cordially invite you to
an evening of celebration. Come cele­
brate their years o f service in the
Holy Family o f our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ on Sunday, August 27th
at 5:00 p.m., in the evening.
There will be an exciting program
that will include the renouned organ-
ist/com poser, Mr. Jerry W hite from
O akland, California.
The program is being sponsored
by the Building Fund Committee;
chairm an, Deacon Ben Brown; pro­
gram chairperson,D eaconess Willie
Mae Hart; reception committee,
Deaconess H arribelle Paris.
P a sto r E lb e rt M ondaine, J r . and
members o f CELEBRA TIO N TAB­
ERNACLE cordially invite you to a
celebration o f our churchs’ first an­
niversary to be held Septem ber 22nd,
23rd and 24th, 1989.
Com e along and join us in three
days o f celebration. The festivities
begin on Friday night. W e invite all
choirs, m usicians, soloists, groups,
and, etc, to join us in our musical be­
ginning 7:00p.m ., Friday September
22nd.Come looking forward to jump­
ing, shouting, praising God and ex­
claim ing His name to the highest.
On Saturday, September 23rd help
us to acknow ledge our pastors first
anniversary beginning at 7:00p.m.
And finally, on Sunday, Septem ­
ber 24th we will conclude with a
3:00p.m. service o f good gospel
preaching and singing to mark the
end o f a wonderful year and set the
pace for a new beginning with our
fall revival with evangelist Ruby Nel­
son from Shreveport, Louisiana.
Have faith when others turn and
Endure the night, there will be sun.
Have lann wnen things are loosing
W ith head erect, your eyes on Him.
Be not afraid to lose or fail;
No o cean ’s crossed until you sail....
No victorys’ won w ithout a fight.
No bird, m igrates w ithout a flight.
Faith overthrow s the strongest foe
And lights the path where we must
Faith overcom es both doubt and
It paints a picture bright and clear,
And faith is never far away...
It grows each time we kneel top
Clay Harrison
the services we o ffe r "
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We are in te re ste d in your problem s
ANSW ER: Yes, it is possible to get a card replaced by mail and many
people do. Call Social Security and ask for Form SS-5. This type o f request
can be handled by the 24-hour service using the toll-free num ber 1 -800-234-
5772. W e will send the form with instructions. It is im portant to carefully
read the instructions to find out w hat type o f evidence o f identity you will
need to send back with the form .W e will return your docum ents and send
you a new card in about 10-14 days.
Q U ESTIO N : I’m 23 years old, paraplegic, and have applied to receive
Supplem ental Security Income (SSI) disability payments. I was surprised
when Social Security told me my paym ent will be reduced because I live
with my parents. Why is this?
ANSW ER: Because you are living in your parents’ household and they
provide you with free food and shelter, your SSI paym ent will be reduced by
one-third rather than figuring the actual value of room , board, and other
support you receive. If you move or your situation changes, contact Social
Security. You will be asked questions about your living arrangem ents and
your paym ent will be adjusted in accordance with your living arrangem ent
and other incom e and resource criteria.
QU ESTIO N : I’m receiving reduced Social Security retirem ent benefits.
Do I have to apply for M edicare when I reach age 654?
ANSW ER: No, it;s autom atic at age ,35 lor those already receiving
checks. The package o f M edicare material will be m ailed to you shortly
before you reach age 65. It explains w hat to do if you don not want Part B
Supplem ental M edical Insurance.
QU ESTIO N : How can I tell if I have the part o f M edicare that covers
visits to the doctor?
ANSW ER: M edicare contains 2 parts: Part A-hospital insurance and Part
B-medical insurance. It is Part B which covers doctor visits. Look at your
red, w hite and blue M edicare card. If you see the annotation, ‘‘Medical
Insurance” on that card, you are covered for doctors services.
QU ESTIO N : My sister receives SSI paym ents due to blindness. Re­
cently, she acquired a guide dog to help her become m ore mobile. Docs SSI
provide an added allow ance for those who use these anim als?
ANSW ER: If your sister is working, the cost o f keeping her dog can be
considered a work-related expense. Such costs can be deducted from her
monthly incom e when determ ining whether that income exceeds the SSI
limit. If she has established a Plan for Achieving Self Support, the funds she
uses to purchase the animal can be included with the other funds she has set
aside for that purpose and will, therefore, not be considered a resource for
SSI eligibility purposes.
Q UESTION: My father died a few months ago and my m other is thinking
about applying for Supplem ental Security Income to help her meet ex ­
penses. W hat does she need to apply for benefits?
ANSW ER: She must be either disabled or at least 65. She should bring
proof o f age and U.S. citizenship or residency-such as a birth certificate or
im m igration docum ents, etc. If she has income or resources, her income
in form ation-pay stubs, tax returns, unem ploym ent com pensation receipts,
etc., will be needed as well as the resource inform ation-bank books, car
registration, burial fund records, insurance policies, mortgage, and property
tax inform ation, o r the rental lease, and the name o f the landlord. She should
also have her Social Security card or a record of her number. She can apply
by calling 1-800-234-5772.
2 8 1 -4 8 9 1
Q UESTION: My Social Security card was lost or stolen. I d o n ’t get
around very well and c a n ’t afford a cab. Can I get it replaced by mail?
Sunday Services
August 20, 1989
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Morning Worship 10:30 AM
— Make a D ecision —
“ In q u ire abr
For Social Security or Supplemental Security
Income assistance
Rev. Wendell Wallace
Senior Pastor
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