■- ir -* Page 5 Portland Observer AUGUST 17,1989 ENTERTAINMENT Lisa Collins BEHIND THE SCENES Jonelle A lle n Emerges As “ E ric a K a ne ” o f B la ck A m e ric a :” I ’ ve gotten fan m ail where people have equated the role o f Doreen to Erica Kane.bul I think they like her,” said Jonelle A lle n o f her part in N B C ’ s newest and most talked about daytime serial, “ Generations” , Actually, A llen is partial to Doreen, and w hile she was called to audition fo r the role o f Ruth, she hoped most to be considered fo r the role o f Doreen. Her hopes were realized a month or so later when producers thought she was much better suited to portray Doreen. Iron ically enough, A lle n says the most common misconception about her is that she is “ stuck up” . “ A D iva ,” she laughs. “ B ut I think that those kind o f misconceptions about me stem from that fact that I am insecure, so you build up those barriers and guard. Because you’re more afraid o f people than they are o f you.” In fact, A llen who has been acting since the tender age o f three, identifies quite a b it w ith Doreen. “ She’ s a form er singer and I get to sing on the show, which has been great, but the best thing about being Doreen is that she goes through a lo t o f things that are cathartic fo r me. She’ s a woman who abuses alcohol and has had a problem w ith other substances, and I ’ m a recovering alcoholic. Playing her I get to see what it was like and to get in touch w ith that recovery process on a daily basis, and best o f all get paid fo r i t ” . Back T o T he Nest... This season marks Lisa Bonet’ s return to the Cosby home from Africa,m arried to a m ilita ry man and w ith a small baby. Bonet was currently in L A putting household affairs in order before m aking the move back to New Y o rk to resume production on the series. She w ill jo in her husband Lenny, who is already there. His album is due out on V irg in Records in early September. In o the r casting news, Harry Belafonte, who is busy doing pre-production w ork fo r a m ovie project based on the life o f Sister Thca Bowman, a pioneer in the black C atholic movement, has cast W h o op i G o ld b e rg in the title role. ...and w hile super-singer Singer Bobby Brown may have cut some concert dales, he is set to play the parts o f all three blind mice in “ M other Goose Rock ‘ n ’ R hym e” , a rock-style T V movie. A lso cast in the 90-m inute m ovie to be released on the Disney Channel is L ittle Richard as O ld K ing Cole. W h itn e y Houston O n A le rt: W hitney Houston is among a group o f celebrities who have been warned by Illin o is prosecutors about the possible release o f a mental patient (who is also a confessed murderer). Letters to his fam ily reveal that Houston (along w ith Madonna, O liv ia Newton-John and others) has been the focus o f some o f his delusions. In the letters, the m en tally-ill man wrote that the stars wrote songs fo r him,, held benefits concerts fo r him , b u ilt homes fo r him , and asked him to enter into sexual affairs w ith him. C om m odores F ire L o n g -tim e M e m b e r: M ila n W illiam s, one o f the original members o f the Commodores has been fired for refusing to perform w ith the group in $outh A frica . The band had earlier canceled its proposed tour o f South A frica due to an onslaught o f media controversy surrounding the scheduled appearance, and though the controversy has died down. W illia m s said he was dismissed after 20 years w ith the group, fo llo w in g a m ajority vote...In o th e r re co rd in g news, Gladys K n igh t is said to want out o f her M C A recording contract. S h ort Takes: Keisha Jackson, daughter o f singer M illie Jackson, signed a recording contract w ith CBS Records...Sad to report that veteran Actress M ab el K in g has suffered a massive stroke. The actress who starred in ‘ ‘The W iz ’ ’ , as w ell as the popular T V s e rie s -” W h a t’ s Happening” , is hos­ pitalized in serious condition...N ext week: G e n e ra tio n ’ s celebrates th e ir 100th episode w ith p a rty . ON THE MONEY Softsheen Lays G ro u n d F o r 25th A n n iv e rs a ry G ala: Softshccn Prod­ ucts Company is laying plans for a gala extravaganza in their home base o f Chicago to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Set fo r m id O c to b c , the gala w ill coincide w ith a massive nationwide advertising campaign. Said com ­ pany spokesperson Andrea Smith: “ i t ’ s gonna be real big, cause we want to let the w orld know that w e’re really proud to be here. As a black corporation, we feel a big responsibility to let other entrepreneurs and business people see that it can be done” (Last year, sales at the company topped $85 m illio n ). Added S m ith :” w e’ ve also got some exciting new product ideas that w ill be taking the country by storm, not o nly in the ethnic com m unity but across the board” , however, w hile the company is in the m idst o f key negotiations, Smith declined to provide any further details. The company is also being hush-hush w ith regards to new details invo lvin g i t ’ s endorsement pact w ith R & B superstar, A nita Baker, o nly saying that they w ill have some exciting announcements to make in the next few weeks w ith regards to new arrangements w ith Baker. Baker is presently signed to a one-year pact as celebrity spokeswoman for O ptim um Care, their hair care line targeting black women. The G o rd y C om pany Scores Y et A n o th e r T riu m p h : The first big venture M otow n Productions has undertaken since founder Berry Gordy sold his interest in M otow n Records last year, has once again paid o ff.It’s western m iniscrics-Loncsom e Dove recently led the pack in T V adaption put CBS in second place among networks garnering nominations. Suzanne dcPasse, president o f M otow n Productions reportedly broke into tears upon hearing the news. Pepsi Forges Econom ic A llia n ce W ith B lack Businesses: “ W e ’ re very pleased w ith the growth o f our m in ority business enterprise program ” , said LM icahel Green, National Manager o f Black M arketing fo r Pepsi. “ Busi­ ness that was done w ith m in o rity vendors came to a total o f $185 m illio n dollars last year, and we feel that number speaks for itse lf in terms o f the kind o f efforts w e’ re making. We have established local lin k programs that allow us to put our local bottlers in contact w ith various m in ority vendors throughout the country, and we feel that this is a means o f truly m aking a contribution back to the black com m unity. It sim ply makes good business sense.” Green says that Pepsi uses m inority vendors fo r anywhere from travel agency assistance to product suppliers for the various plants. “ Just the whole gamut o f services a m ajor corporation would seek". Those vendors w ho arc interested should contact: Betty D arrell, director o f the M BE Program, Routes 35 & 100-Som ers, New York 10589. G oing F or A Business Loan? I f yo u ’re thinking o f striking out on your own, you’ ll need money. But before you consider the neighborhood bank as an option, you should know that banks almost never loan money to beginning businesses. There are exceptions, but you’ ll have to do your homework. Packaging is everything. Here arc just some things you’ ll need to include in your package: (1) how much money you need,what you’ ll use it for, and how yo u ’ ll pay it back; (2) how yo u ’ ll distribute your product or services; (3) the going rate for your product/scrvicc; (4) marketing strate­ gics; (5) the cost o f materials and or overhead; and (6) an alternative plan should things not go as w ell as planned. In S h o rt: I f you thought lawyers made big bucks, the rcsultso f the annual Altm an & W e il Survey o f Law Firm Economics w ill surprise you. Accord­ ing to the survey, last year marked the first time in history that average lawyer income exceeded $100,000. In fact, in 1988, average lawyer income rose to $108,266...Next w ee k:F ind o ut how m uch the s k irm is h between New E d itio n & G uy is costing them . a ï * a . Yj - •* I B tX J IN D 1C IE IP «DIET r ..- I !> ' r. i' by G arland Lee Thompson to re-establish its momentum, find its center and successfully move N.C. B L A C K R E P E R T O R Y forward w ith its mission, securing its HOSTS N A T IO N A L B L A C K goals and objectives. T H E A T R E F E S T IV A L F E D E R A L , N.C. S T A T E , C IT Y , The North Carolina Black Reper­ F O U N D A T IO N A N D P R IV A T E tory Company, in the C ity o f W in ­ F U N D IN G ston-Salem and the State o f North The festival is funded in part by Carolina w ill be the site for one o f the the National Endowment for the Arts- most historical and culturally sig­ Expansion Arts Program, the North nifica nt events in the history o f the Carolina General Assembly,North Am erican Black Theatre Movement. Carolina Department o f Cultural The event is the 1989 National Black resources. North Carolina Arts Coun­ Theatre Festival which w ill be held cil Theatre Arts Section,Southern Arts August 14th through 20th. Federation, the Arts Council, Inc. o f The festival w ill feature the best Winston-Salcm/Forsyth County, R.J. Black Theatres in the country. Over Reynolds Tobacco, Sara Lee, Inc., 20 productions w ill be available to Smith Jones and Associates, Inc., the general public. So, if you’re going M inority Business Magazine, and the to be in North Carolina during this James G. Hanes Memorial Fund/Foun- time, nearly 2 00 Black Theatres from dation. And the list is growing as ad­ across Am erica w ill be attending the ditional sources come on board as festival not o nly to enjoy but also “ the Great National Black Theatre critique the performances o f the per­ Festival ’ 89 heads to W inston -Sa­ form ing companies, but participate lem on US Highway, 1-40. in workshops and seminars which Theatre fans wishing to have a w ill be important in creating an agenda schedule o f events and ticket in fo r­ dedicated to the continuity o f Black mation should call the festival office Theatre in Am erica fo r the next dec­ at (919) 723-2365. ade, the 1990’s. The festival is ex­ M EMORANDUM pected to draw thousands o f people TO: Larry Leon Hamlin, producer/ from the general public sector to see artistic director, 1989 the performances and to be a part o f National Black Theatre Festi­ the history making and culturaly sig­ val nifica nt event FROM : Garland Lee Thompson, The 1989 National Black Theatre founder/president, Frank Silvera Festival is being produced and hosted W riters’ Workshop, o f New York by the North Carolina Black Reper­ C ity tory Company. M y good friend, Larry RE: The Frank Silvera W riters’ Leon H am lin is serving as producer W orkshop’ s involvem ent in the 1989 and artistic director o f the festival.Over National Black Festival Theatre the past several years, I have served Festival as casting director source through D A T E : August 7, 1989 the Frank Silvera W rite rs’ W o rk ­ Pursuant to our telephone conver­ shop o f New Y ork, fo r Ham lin and sation o f last week, I wish to confirm his N.C. Black Repertory, which plans my participation in the 1989 Black to produce the festival every tw o Theatre Festival, scheduled for August years. 14-20,1989, in Winston-Salem, North M A Y A A N G E L O U N A T IO N A L Carolina, as hosted by your N.C. C H A IR P E R S O N Black Repertory Company. National celebrity, Maya Ange­ As we discussed, I w ill attend and lou, who recently appeared here in represent the W orkshop, as founder Portland, is serving as chairperson o f and original director for the first th ir­ the N ational A dvisory Board o f the teen years, and currently president o f festival. Others serving include: the board o f directors. Debbie Allen-Nixon, Margaret Avery, The Workshop, now in its six­ Robert J. Brown, Ed Bullins, Tony teenth year, is one o f the two 1989 Brown, Roy Campanella II, Cab O B IE co-award-winners fo r our on­ C allow ay, Vinnette C arroll, Ossie going support and development o f Davis, Ruby Dee, B ill Duke, A n to ­ new and emerging playw rights and nio Fargas, Arsenio H all, Rosemary their craft. This is a new category Harris, Faye Hauser, Robert Hooks, announced by the publishers o f the Yoland King, Woodie King Jr., Leslie New Y o rk V illage Voice Newspa­ Lee, W ynton Marsalis, Ron M ilner, per, in its 34th year o f presenting the Brock Peters, L lo y d Richards, Es­ Annual O B IE Awards. ther R olle, Howard R ollins, Sam -Art It is the first time that a black W illia m s, John Eaton, Dr. Edward theatre company above West 96th B. Fort, S ylvia Spinkle Ham lin, W il­ Street in New York, has ever won an bert T. Jenkins, Lafayette Jones, O B IE Aw ard in New Y o rk theatre Herman LeVem Jones, Harold Ken­ history. The W orkshop shared the nedy III, Curtis K in g, Ernie M c C lin ­ O B IE Aw ard w ith the Intar Hispanic tock, Dr. Jane M ille y , Gregory Javan Playwright-In-Rcsidcncc Theatre and M ills , Dr. Linda Kerr N orfiett, Ernie split a cash award o f $1000 equally Pitt, V ivian Robinson.Tommie Ste­ ($500 a piece). wart, Dr. Cleon Thompson and Beth It is therefore, highly important Turner, to name a few. that the W orkshop be represented at And, o f course, this w riter w ill the first Bi-annual National Black attend, to cover the big event fo r Theatre Festival; “ to provide black B R O A D W A Y B O U N D R EPORTin theatre artists from around the coun­ the Portland Observer and shall sit on try a unique opportunity to commune the workshop panel on playw right- w ith each other, share concerns and ing, representing, as founder, the Frank triumphs (such as the 1989 O B IE Silvera W rite rs’ W orkshop, the 1989 Award), devise strategics for the future New Y o rk V illage Voice, O B IE survival and existence o f the A m e ri­ Aw ard-w inner; for on-going devel­ can Black Theatre Movement, after opment o f emerging playw rights in the demise o f such national projects, as the Black Theatre A lliance o f New Am erica. Performances w ill be held through­ York, many other numerous Black out Winston-Salem in locations such Theatre companies, their founders as the Stevens Center, North Caro­ and artists, across the country.” As we spoke, I w ill be happy to lina School o f Arts,W inston-Salem State U n iv e rs ity , W ake Forest participate on the panel on playwright- University,and the Arts Council The­ ing, representing the concept that we have worked w ith over the years at atre. Black Theatre in Am erica may the W orkshop in New Y o rk, and in very w ell become non-existent in the any other way that you deem appro­ next ten years i f steps are not taken priate. I am looking forward to seeing now on a national level to ensure its longevity. The 1989 National Black you, and my friend, Maya Angelou Theatre Festival, organized and struc­ again, and meeting many new mem­ tured properly, w ill be a tremendous bers o f the Am erican Black Theatre assistance in helping Black Theatre Movement. Thanks again and I ’ ll sec you soon. JAZZ SCHOLARSHIP OFFERED The Jazz Society o f Oregon is now offering applications for the Andre Garand M em orial Scholarship. S100, $200, and $300 scholarships in vocal, instrumental, theory and/or composition fields arc available fo r jazz- oriented musicians from Oregon and Clark County, Washington. Applicants arc invited to call the Jazz Society Hotline at (503) 234-1332 for inform ation and to obtain an application packet. C all now!...application deadline is A ugust 31, 1989? «. .• »• » ; ★ Best Cash Prices + Speedy Service DAD’S OIL SERVICE 25 Gal $25.00 50 Gal $44.00 100 Gal $72.00 150 Gal $108.00’ Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 ]503) 282-5111 JAZZY FM 89- K®.' MT HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE NIECEY’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Come to where Good friends meet and converse in our air condition lounge in a cordial atmosphere A family restaurant Serves you from 6:00 am-2:30 am Parking in rear 5700 NE Union 249-1893 ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! We have fro m one (1) to fo u r (4) bedroom s. N ew ly re m od ele d N ice, clean fo r fa m ilys w ho care about how th ey live. Sec. 8 Wc W elcom e You Call 282-4696 2413 N E Martin Luther King Jr . Blvd. WE CAN HELP