Page 4 Portland Observer AUGUST 17,1989 * * * * * * * National Black Talent Directory CIC SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS The M u ltn o m a h C ou nty C itizen In volve m e nt C om m ittee is seeking persons who live in North Portland and central Northeast Portland to serve on the 23 member committee. The role o f the Citizen Involvement Committee is to facilitate citizen participation in the decision making processes o f county government. The boundaries fo r current vacancies are, in the case o f North Portland, west o f Interstate Avenue and forC entral Northeast Neighbors the Alameda, Beaumont W ilshire, Rose C ity Park, H ollyw ood, C ully and Madison neighborhoods. For further inform ation, call M erlin Reynolds at 248-3450. HALIBUT STEAKS PRE-FROSTED POUND FRESH FILLETS OF L IN G C O D POUND SEAFOOD FLAKES (IM IT A T IO N CRABM EAT) $029 POUND KIENOW'S THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN W f IKflVf TMÍ RIGHT SINCE 1 9 0 8 HOURS WEEKDAYS 8 om to 9 pm SUNDAYS 9 JO om to r j,.„ TO UMri QUAMTTT1ES ;| m .4 S p e c ia l s E ffe c tiv e TU ES. «1i r u S U N . A U l SUST 1 5 t h r u 2 0 1 ogto -V O ar 4 »t».T .•. “ i . > ■ ■V X : / z AM fttì! ftm h ÌU W -■ V I Z V *■ \ ft / \1¿ ZA ÇA r i ï ZXZA«A?A/Ar3 Í : lanuiuauMCU vvuji xvt* «o »■ ««« S ¡Ï Ï Ü .B 5 IA/ I I . » ! . ¿ W ±¿¿ í W ¿¿si k ww J1— a S B A S S I II V ! -r ! ! - ! - I ¿ » ! — r S A TELEMARKETING I FULL OR PART TIM E, MORNING AND EVEN- I ING S H IF T S , PERMANENT S I T DOWN JO B , t NO H IG H P R E S S U R E , VERY PLE SA N T Z ATMOSPHERE, CENTRAL LOCATION, AND CLOSE TO BUS LIN ES. COMPLETE TRAIN­ ING PROVIDED, EARN UP TO $ 1 0 . 0 0 PER HOUR, PAID HOLIDAYS & PAID VACATIONS. ■■V W &JL4SX4 rw» MVMW«MVW*«W MW«* ( V I I I I ■ t< I ff—* I I I I I V . • 1 #■ Ä A • * •B*«*lMM» « A ■ A A « zi - A l i a t i U « v n p p r> - m r ' t b O U tfl i u 11 11 ' i ' i V .I 11 i v > ) - J i u F u a íl* THE READING TREE wQwwJ/ "Requests for subcontractor/supplier bids for the follow­ ing projects: Siletz Bay State A ir p o r t Im p ro v e m e n t-L in c o ln C ounty B id Date: 30 August Camp A dair R ifle Range Maintenance and Repairs-Corvallis B id Date: 24 August M E R L E D O TY A N D SON, INC. 1656 N W 13th Street C orvallis, Oregon 97330 (502)752-4550 F A X (503) 757-1435 M e rle Doty and Son is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity em ployer and requests b id proposals fro m q u a lifie d M in o rity , Disadvantaged and W om en-ow ned Businesses. By Dan Bell Last year a vita l national edition o f the National Black Talent D irec­ tory gave African-Am ericans one concise source o f providing m ajor studios, production companies, and recording companies a means to find talented African-Am ericans. The publisher J.J. Jones a p ro m i­ nent African-Am erican photographer developed the N ational Black Talent Directory after being approached numerous times by entertainment ex­ ecutives in regard to finding A frica n- Americans fo r their projects. In 1988 the firs t year o f publica­ tion 10,000 copies o f the directory were distributed nationwide. The re­ sponse was imm ediate,in that the directory played an im portant role in the selection o f the behind the scene personnel for Robert Guillaume Show. Other requests poured in fo r talent and technicians from :NBC programs Generations.Carsey/Wamer Produc- tions-A D iffe re nt W orld/The Cosby Show,and the nationally syndicated- The “ R EADING TREE’ an eight­ Straight To The H e a rt een ye ar o ld p ro g ra m has estab­ The 500 page directory provided lished a long record o f service to 1,700 registrants naticnal exposure young people, parents and friends in and was utilized by such m ajor stu- the northeast Portland com m unity. 'dios and production companies as S im ila r satellite programs have been O rion Pictures,Eddie M urphy Pro­ started at tw o other parks, Alberta ductions, and N B C Productions. and Penninsula. These programs have Some local entertainment person­ also met w ith success. alities who were included in last years A t Irvin g Park this summer ap­ publication were Brenda P hillips proxim ately 100 children came daily (W inner o f a W illie Aw ard this year) and received a boost o f confidence M attie Ann Spears, K irk Green,and and skills to return to school w ith in the Untouchable K rew .N ationally September. known celebrities such as Marla Gibbs, This program was directed by B. Arsenio Holland Aretha Franklin also Anderson and M. Mounce both teach­ took advantage o f this central source ers at the H arriet Tubman M iddle to be contacted fo r projects. School, Portland, Ore. Other helpers In an interview the exclusive N.W. included five teachers from Portland representative fo r the National Black Talent D irectory, Joe ‘ ‘ Bean ’ ’ K e lle r o f M .A .R .I. indicated that the pur­ pose o f the directory is not o nly to provide inform ation fo r the enter­ tainment industry’ s key decision makers, but also to give A frica n- Am erican youth impetus to strive toward a career in the entertainment field.M oreover the directory does not Gov. Neil Goldschmidt announced just focus on the talent and technical today the appointments, effective upon aspects o f the entertainment indus­ Senate confirm ation, o f Sharon R. try , but encompasses the creative and L ittle and Jeana W o lley to the State adm inistrative aspects as w ell, such Board o f Education. as writers,and producers. L ittle , 47, o f Lebanon, was presi­ There will be a registration semi­ dent o f the 1600-mcmber Oregon nar at the N.E. Y .M .C .A . 5630 N.E. League o f Women Voters form 1987- M artin Luther King Blvd, August 89, and vice president from 1985-87. 23, a t 6:00 p.m .The seminar is open to the public and a ll those interested are encouraged to attend regardless * o f p rio r experience. * GOLDSCHMIDT NAMES TWO TO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION State U niversity who came not only to help the children, but to earn credit toward their certification w ork for the summer. High school students, as w ell as others, came to lend a hand when it was convenient, and often found op­ portunities to correct problems that they m ight have had, as w ell as learn­ ing to w ork w ith each other and the younger children. Several children who came to Portland on vacation came to partici­ pate in our Reading Tree program. We had children from Idaho, M issis­ sippi and the Islands. O ur program ran fo r five weeks. Emphasis was placed on inspiring young people to focus on reading. Nothing was mandatory nor forced. We fe lt that the Reading Tree was successful because the children wanted to be there to read and learn. Each year the program gels bet­ ter, more students participate, par­ ents get more actively involved and the comm unity develops a greater appreciation fo r the positive work being done for our children. The success stories that we hear from parents and friends attest to this. It is a positive example o f com ­ m unity invo lvem en t Parents and com m unity are acknow ledging, through this e ffo rt that education is a partnership requiring cooperative e f­ forts o f all to achieve the goal. She is a form er high school English teacher, and was named Lebanon Woman o f the Year in 1989. She has served on the State A dvisory Coun­ c il fo r Handicapped C hildren, the Oregon School Boards Association Legislative Committee, and as chair o f the Lebanon Board o f Education. She attended the University o f M ichi­ gan, where she received both a bache­ lo r o f arts degree in English and a master o f arts degree in education. L ittle , w ho w ill serve until June 30, 1993, replaces Thelma Elliott,w hose term expired. W o lley, 37, o f Portland, is direc- tor o f operations and administration at Pacific Development tnc. àne is a member o f the Oregon Association for M in o rity Entrepreneurs advisory board, the Black Leadership Confer­ ence, and the N /N E Portland C oali­ tion o f Neighborhoods Jobs Com ­ mittee. She was involved w ith the comm unity coalition fo r school inte­ gration e ffo rt in Portland in 1977-79. She attended Portland State Univer­ sity, where she studied urban studies and political science. W olley, who w ill serve until June 30, 1992, re­ places C liffo rd Freeman, whose term expired. B L A C K TALENT DIRECTO RY Fifty-seven traffic deaths occurred on Oregon’ s roads and highways during the month o f July 1988, w ith 59 traffic deaths. Total deaths are down slightly with 336 fo r the firs t seven months o f 1988 w ith 343 tra ffic deaths. There were 29 drivers, 17 passen­ gers, seven m otorcyclists, tw o pe­ destrians, and tw o bicyclists k ille d in July. Double fatality crashes occurred in Jackson, M ultnom ah, Jefferson, Polk, and Klamath counties. M arion county had tw o double fatalities. O f the 46 drivers and passengers kille d, prelim inary reports show that only four had on a safety belt. There were a total o f four victim s under the age o f 16,and o nly one had a safety belt or other restraint in use. Oregon law requires motor vehicle occupants under 16 to be in a safety belt or other restraint Four o f the seven m otorcyclists k ille d were wearing helmets. * * W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m * REGISTER NOW! * * * * If you perform in-front-of-the-camera or make it happen behind-the-scenes, * * * Actors/Actresses Comedians Models M/F Singe rs/Groups Children New Faces category etc.... * * * * * Directors Athletes Writers Composers Hairstylists Make-up Artists etc... * PORTLAND REGISTRATION SEMINAR * * * * * * * * Wednesday August 23rd 7:30 pm N.E. Y.W.C.A. Conference Room 5630 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.Portland,OR Registration and Directory Information will be Available For More Information: Contact: Joe (Bean) Keller Registration Deadline * * * * * * * * * * * * submit: * * * (1)8x10 B&W glossy headshot $45 to appear in one category FOR ONE FULL YEAR * * * * * * * * Endorsed by: N A A C P , National * N A A C P , Beverly H ills-H o llyw o od * SAG * A FTR A * (503) 288-1662 * T o provide direct instruction to students, appl. deadline: open until fille d . C all 255-1841,ext 207 for M ULTNO M AH E D U C A T IO N S E R V IC E D IS T R IC T , A P P L IC A T IO N form and additional inform ation. A n equal o p p o rtu n ity * ’ * * * T E A C H E R ,S P E C IA L E D U C A T IO N * * * 5337 N.E. 33RD Portland, OR 97211 * Kiewit Pacific Co. P.O. Box 1769, Vancouver, Wa 98668 (206) 693-1478 or (503) 285-4687 FAX (206) 693-5582 * * SUB-BIDS REQUESTED North Wasco County People’s Utility District The Dalles North Shore Fishway Hydroelectric The Dalles, Oregon Bid Date: August 22, 1989 10:00 A.M. * * * FATALITIES DOWN IN JULY * * women and m in o rity owned business enterprises. 1989 -IRVING PARK ★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ * ★ ★★★★★★★★ T H E 1990 NATIONAL • ■ V vi - RE C O V E R IN G A L C O H O L IC S P H Y S IC A L L Y H A N D IC A PPE D R E C O V E R IN G DRUG O FF E N D E R S MENTAL / NERVOUS D IS O R D E R S ■ >■ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ News Around Town * * * * * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ i t * * * * * *