Page 14 Portland Observer AUGUST 17,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED LIBRARIAN P o rtla n d State U n ive rsity Library. Fixed temi.50 FTE October 1,1989 through August 3 1 ,199() (20 hours/ week) vacancy for Inform ation/ Bibliographic Instruction L ib ra r­ ian. Duties include Bibliographic Instruction activities, prepare and provide lectures, tours and instruc­ tional materials. Other responsi­ b ilities include general reference and faculty liaison. Some evening and weekend duties. Master’ s degree in Library Science from A L A accredited institution. Sal­ ary: S I2,060 m inim um (.50FTE basis). Rank: Assistant Professor: contact Joseph J. Kohut, Search Com m ittee Chair, Portland State University Library, P.O. Box 1151, Portland, OR 97207-1151, or call (503)464-4735. Application dead­ line: August 31, 1989. Portland State U niversity is an A ffirm a tive Action Equal O pportunity Em ­ ployer and Institution. M inorities, women and members o f other protected groups are especially encouraged to apply. C O U N S E L IN G PLACEMENT SPECIALIST Provide vocational & educational placement assistance to disadvan­ taged youth ages 16-24. Must possess strong skills in com m uni­ cation, case mgmt, public rela­ tions, and program development. Back ground in counseling & youth w ork preferred. B A or equiv exp required. Personal computer apti­ tude a must. C om petitive salary & benefits. Send resume by Tue Aug 15th to: Robert Baker, Project D irector, N A I/J o b C orps Adm issions & Placem ent Agency, 520 SW 6th Ave, Suite 1225, Portland OR 97204. FISCAL SPECIALIST/ PART-TIME W ork involves com piling, m ain­ taining and ve rifying bookkeeping records. W ill w ork an average o f 24-32 hours per week but hours could vary according to district needs. Applicants must have demonstrated successful experience or training in bookkeeping and the a b ility to apply the knowledge to the generation and maintenance o f accounts payable, accounts receivable and p ayroll records. Wage: S9.08 per hour. O ffic ia l Salem Area mass Transit D istrict application form must be received by D istrict no later than August 25, 1989 at 3140 Del Webb Ave. N.E.,¡Salem, Oregon 97303. A n E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r. SECRETARY F u ll Tim e 40 Hours. Duties to in­ clude busy general ecumenical ad­ m inistrative w ork, receptionist, m ailings, computer (W ord Per­ fect, Data Base), errands, and re­ lated tasks. Salary S I3,000 (fu ll tim e annual) to start. Benefits in ­ clude health, dental, disability .life and unemploym ent insurance; holidays, vacation, sick, personal leave. Do not send resumes. Request position description and ap­ plication from E C U M E N IC A L M IN IS T R IE S OF OREGON 245 S.W. Bancrotft St., Suite B Portland, Oregon 97201-4258 (503) 221-1054 Position may close anytim e after F rid a y . A ugust 19, 1989. E M O is an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ­ ployer, TEACHER INSTRUCTIONAL CONSULTANT Provide instructional support to c h il­ dren, teachers and other support staff in the M ESD Department o f Special Education, including the development, implementation, and review o f Individual Education Programs. A ppl Deadline: 08/23/89 by 2pm to be considered for the firs t screen­ ing. Open u ntil filled. Call 255-1841, Ext 207 for Multnomah Education Service D istrict, a ppli­ cation form and additional in fo r­ mation. A n Equal Opportunity Employer “ A T T E N T IO N : E A R N M O N E Y R E A D IN G B O O K S ! 532,000/ year income potential. Details. (1) 602-838-8885 E xt.Bk 12859. “ A T T E N T IO N -G O V E R N M E N T H O M E S from SI (U-repair). De­ linquent tax property. Reposses­ sions. Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext.GH 12859 “ A T T E N T IO N -G O V E R N M E N T S E IZ E D V E H IC L E S from $100. Fords, Mercedes, C orvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1- 602-838-8885 EST. A 12859 “ A T T E N T IO N -H IR IN G ! Govern­ ment jobs-your area. Many im ­ mediate openings w ithout w a it­ ing list or test.S 17,840-569,485. C all 1-602-838-8885. E X T. R 12859 E D U C A T IO N P O R T L A N D P U B L IC SCHOOLS Evaluation Assistant For Test Development Assists in developing & maintaining PPS’ s electronic test item banks/ item bank databases in reading mathematics, language usage, sci­ ence & direct w ritin g. 2 yrs exp w ith MS/DOS & IB M /P C M m 1 yr exp w-microcomputer databases. Annual salary range: $25,833- $33,561 based upon exp & prepa­ ration. Applications accepted thru Aug 31, 1989 at 4:30pm. Applications & jo b description available at Blan­ chard Education Service Center, Personnel services, 501 N Dixon, Portland. E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer CLERK/TYPIST/NIGHT RECEPTIONIST Energetic, motivated team player needed in front o ffice o f busy mental health agency. S kills needed: 50-60 wpm typing, w ord processing, good phone a b ility , filin g , and fee posting. M ust be organized, responsible and re lia b le . H ours: M o n .-T h u rs . 10:00am-9:00pm. Starting salary $5.75 hour plus benefits. Closing date fo r receiving applications: Aug. 22. Send resume and cover letter to T. Dcuchar, M orrison Center, 3355 SE Powell Blvd. J’ tld ., Ore., 97202. E qual o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. RECEPTIONIST One C h u rc h , One C h ild is seek­ ing a qualified, professional person w ith excellent clerical skills and a friendly personality. Must have ex­ perience in handling phones and must be able to w ork independently. Posi­ tion is 20-25 hrs/wk-S5-$6/hr based on experience. Send Resume to: P.O. Box 11611 Portland, Ore. 97211 D eadline is A ugust 25, 1989 AUDIENCE PROMOTION MANAGER DIETITIAN, REGISTERED Description: K P D X EO X 49 is looking foracrea- tive, knowledgeable, hands-on leader to ignite excitement and direct 5 person promotion staff. M inim um o f 5 years experience in a broadcast prom otion depart­ ment. M ust be w ell versed in ra­ dio, house on -air, print, outdoor and special events. The person we are looking fo r w ill report directly to top management. Top drawer production facility and high 6 figure media budget part o f the m ix. Understanding and a bility to d i­ rect and execute over-all station image is essential. Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Send resumes to: Dennis Undergraff F a irv ie w T ra in in g C enter, a large state residential training fa c ility for M R /D D individuals, seeks reg­ istered dietitians. M ust be regis­ tration e ligible from the com m is­ sion o f dietary registration o f A .D .A . Salary: $1615 to $2017/ month, generous fringe benefits fo r a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n contact:Personnel Office, Fairview Training Center, 2250Strong Rd., SE Salem, OR 97210. (503) 378- 5369. V.P. Programming and Operations K P D X -T V P.O.Box 49 Portland OR 97207. No Phone Calls A F F IR M A T IV E A C T IO N E M ­ PLO YER E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLO YER D A T A PR O C ESSING SYSTEMS ANALYST For the Oregon Legislative in fo r­ mation System (O L IS ), ot the O re­ gon Legislative Assembly. P artici­ pates in design and development o f automated systems for text process­ ing, data processing and office automation support to the legisla­ ture. M igrating from Executive De­ partment shared M VS environment to local IB M 4381 running V M . Development software: SQL/DS, Q M F , AS, CSP, C O B O L, S T A IR / CM S. Text processing software: D isplayw rile 370, IB M Publishing Solutions Master Series, DCF. Experience w ith C O B O L, CSP or other procedural languages required. Experience w ith rela­ tional data bases desired. Salary range $2,199-52,808 per month. A pplication materials must be re­ ceived by 5PM, August 23, 1989. For exam questions and application contact Personnel Services, Legis­ lative A dm inistration Com m ittee, S401 State C apitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer. DEPUTY DIRECTOR B oard on Police S tandards and T ra in in g Fur Volunteer organization Good telephone skills, a b ility to learn q uickly, w e ll organized, en­ ergetic, computer experience required. Send resume by A u gu st 31 to: Oregon W om en’ s P olitical Caucus P.O. Box 40213, Portland, OR 97240 Trainee A m e rica n Data has an excellent op­ portunity available fo r a fu ll tim e position in our Com puter Opera­ tions Support Department. The position is responsible for the break­ down and distribution o f reports and several other duties. M ust be able to lift up to 50 pounds, meet deadline pressures, and m aintain a high degree o f accu­ racy in their work. Hours: Tues­ day through Friday, 2am to 10am, Saturday 8am to 5pm. Salary $1040/M onth. We have an excellent benefit pro­ gram with computer training avail­ able. Q ualified applicants should subm it their resume to: Spac/American Data Services 4550 S.W. Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97201 Applicant hours: 9am-2pm, M -F E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer E N V IR O N M E N T A L S P E C IA L IS T 2 (Social Science Specialist [Socio­ econom ist]) $2000-$2559 call (503)378-6281. AN A A /EF.O E M P L O Y E R lit M edical and Denial Career Paining F or D e n ia l Assist« infs M e d ic a l Assist« ints M e d ic o : D e n ta l Se« m tonos program. Interested persons should call 285- £ 7634. D eadline is A ugust 25, 1989. MANAGER OF OPERATIONS T $3882-54718 t n lh ^ e / v I h i' b i l i /. b u t t i ' n f t t i v « i l l t i l . A P A f A P Ifp M O 'If Al A V V IA M I You c a n p illa r va n ì new < « peer by le q iste rin q I«>< I« iy f< »t full or (Milt lune Ir« nninq • it APOLLO COLLEGE • «I Me« Ji( «il A t le n ir li ( tlie n rs ✓’( 11« ìyt I C <'nfcr r«)r,l«inr| r »R 9 7232 2 8 0 -4 4 0 0 I Production Line w ork local food company needs a meat processing w o rk e r in a cool, wet environment. L ift up to 80 lbs regularly. Starts at $5 per hour. C a ll J e rry at 257-9824 lots. «*■ Through personal contact and interaction convince customers to not violate roadway parking policies. «■ Handle complaints on parking citations and other airport services in a cooperative and nonconfrontive manner. «■ Assist customers and provide inform ation on airport use, services and the m etropolitan area. w Issues parking citations as necessary. •a- T estify in D istrict C ourt as needed. Perferred qualifications include: «r One year or more experience in vo lvin g high level ol public contact and fa m ilia r w ith C ity o f Portland. »*• Previous w ork experience demonstrating coopertative, tackful and service oriented contact w ith the public. Demonstrated a b ility to w ork in stressful environment. «■ A b ility to w ork in weather extremes and be on feet for long periods o f m The Port offers a comprehensive benefit package and starting salary o f 1989. E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. Ih e Petsonal C h o ic e include, but not lim ite d to: w D irect traffic and prevent g itd lo c k on terminal roadways and parking Data Processing Requires liv e years o f strong man­ agement experience plus k n o w l­ edge o f training techniques and crim ina l justice system. $33,696- $43,056annual salary. Located in Monmouth. Contact Tina Clawson for application inform ation, 503- 378-2100, Board on Police Stan­ dards and T raining, P.O. Box 70, M onmouth, Oregon 97361. A p ­ plication deadline: Septem ber 8, One C h u rc h , One C h ild is seek­ ing a volunteer who w ill be required to do o ffice w ork related to adoption recruitm ent. Volunteer w ill be given a m onthly stipend from the V IS T A The Port o f Portland has part-time and fu ll-tim e Parking C ontrol Representative positions available at Portland International A irport. This is a customer service oriented position responsible lo r moving traffic, providing information, and enforcing parking ordinances. Individuals selected must jo in union w ithin 30 days o f hire. Anticipated duties time. a - A ble to pass physical and hearing test. This position is w ith the D epart­ m ent o f Transportation,H ighw ay D ivisio n, in Salem. The employee in this position analyzes the e f­ fects o f transportation projects on communities, institutions, and local economies,and details findings in technical reports, impact state­ ments, and other public documents. F or a fu ll description o f the jo b and application materials, contact O D O T Personnel, 120 Transpor­ tation Bldg.,Salem ,O R 97310,or VISTA VOLUNTEER Per M onth Recruiting for senior level manager. Responsible for opera­ tion & maintenance o f electric distribution system fo r a 14,000 customer electric u tility . Duties include supervision, planning, budget preparation & control, employee development & train­ ing, & frequent public contact. Must have at least 10 yrs. progres­ sively responsible exper (mm 2 yrs supervision) as line worker, foreman, engineer or related posi­ tion. A Bachelor’ s Degree may substitute fo r 4 yrs exper. For an application packet, contact Jen­ n ife r Grant, Emerald People’ s U tility D istrict, 33733 Seavey Loop Road, Eu­ gene, OR 97405. (503) 746-1583. Completed packets must be re­ turned by 8/22/89. Staff Position-Part Time PARKING CONTROL REPRESENTATIVE PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT G E N E R A L O F F IC E C o lo n ia l Pacific Leasing, a Pitney Bowes Company, is recruiting fo r entry-level positions. Q ualified candidates should have strong data entry and clerical skills; credit bu­ reau knowledge w ould be helpful. Please forward resume to M an­ ager, Human Resources,P.O. Box 1100, Tualatin, OR 97062. C o lo n ia l is an a ffirm a tiv e action/ equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. Liaison, Gifted And Tal­ ented Program Operations T o plan, schedule, implem ent, pro­ vide feedback and keep records on G ifted and Talented Program activities assigned annually by the C urriculum Coordinator. $8.00 per hour. I f interested and q ua lifie d, apply at the P o rt E m p lo ym e n t O ffice , 14th flo or, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah or call 503-231-5000, ext. 700 fo r complete application materials. Resumes w ill not be accepted in lieu o f an application but may be included. A ll applications must be received by 5:00 P M , Friday, August 18, 1989. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer PARKING CONTROL SUPERVISOR PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT T he P o rt o f P o rtla n d has a challenging opportunity to supervise the daily operations o f Parking C ontrol representatives at Portland International A irpo rt. This is a customer service oriented position responsible for m oving tra ffic, p roviding inform ation, and enforcing parking ordinances. Anticipated duties include, but not lim ite d to: •sr Is responsible fo r supervision o f part-tim e and fu ll-tim e staff, including the recommendation fo r hiring and com plaint resolution. + W orking supervisor may assist directing traffic, issuing citations when necessary and preventing gridlock on term inal roadways and parking lots. «■ Through personal contact and interaction convince customers to not violate roadway parking policies. Assist customers and provide inform ation on airport use, services and the m etropolitan area. «■ A ttem pt to handle unresolved com plaints on parking citations and other airport services in a cooperative and nonconfrontive manner. w T estify in D is tric t C ourt as needed. ’referred qualifications include: « • Previous demonstrated successful supervisory experience. h ’ Demonstrated successful w ork experience invo lvin g high level o f public contact and fa m ilia r w ith the C ity o f Portland. Demonstrated a b ility to w ork in stressful environment. a Able to w ork in weather extremes and be on feet for long periods o f tim e. a A b le to pass physical and hearing test. The Port offers a comprehensive benefit package and a salary commensurate w ith experience, w ith a fu ll salary range o f $20,390-529,910. Because this is a developing department, this is a provisional position, w hich is anticipated to last fo r one year. It w ill be evaluated at that time fo r continuation. I f interested and qua lifie d, apply at the P o rt E m p lo ym e n t O ffic e , 14th flo or, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah or call 503-231 -5000, ext. 700, fo r complete application materials. A ll a p p lica tio n s m ust be received by 5 pm F riday, August 18, 1989. PO RT O F P O R TLA N D The P o rt is an E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r to Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer SUB-BIDS REQUESTED The Dalles Dam North Shore Fishway Hydroelectric The Dalles, Oregon Bid Date: August 22, 1989 10:00 A.M. MASSMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 8458 Kansas City, MO 64114 (816) 523-1000 FAX (816) 333-2109 We are an equal7al opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and m inority business enterprises. Salary $ 1 ()..33/hr An E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer ATTENTION RENTERS R&R Management Can Help You! SOCIAL Social Service. Intake w orker fo r Shared Housing Program. Gen. clerical skills + exp w/diverse pops desired. $5.50 hr start + generous benefits. Pickup application be­ fo re Aug. 23 at Shared Housing, 335 NE 19th Ave. (enter on Flan­ ders). T u e -F ri9 -4 We have from one (1) to four (4) bedrooms. Newly remodeled Nice, clean for familys who care about how they live. Sec. 8 We Welcome you Call 282-4696 2413 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. We Can Help