Page 11 Portland Observer AUGUST 17,1989 TCI Cablevision o f Oregon, Inc., TASTE IT! Celebrate ORGANICALLY GROWN IN OREGON WEEK, August 14 - 20 with free tastings of Certified Organic Food from Noon to 6 PM at Nature’s Fresh Northwest. N ature’s —supporting Organically Grown since 1969 because we know it is best for our soil, our water, our air. Organic protects both wildlife and human life. An Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer, currently has an opening for the fo llo w in g position: Position Tide: Public Access M a n ­ ager Full-tim e Q ualifications: BS/B A degree or rec­ ognized equivalent. One year experience in public access o r one year experience supervising a m ini­ mum o f three people. Able to work w ell w ith public and co-workers Applications Accepted U n til: Sep­ tem ber 5,1989 Interested parties may subm it appli- calions/resumes by m ail to: 3500 SW Bond Street, Portland, OR 97201 Attention: J. Bonica TCI CablevisionSon O f Oregon, Inc., Beaverton Store 4000 SW 117th Open daily 9-9 C orbe tt Store Frem ont Store 5909 SW Corbett Open daily 9-8 3449 NE 24th Open daily 9-8 Support Our Advertisers! Say you Saw It In The Portland Observer! A n E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer, currently has an opening fo r the fo llo w in g position: Position Title: O p eratio n s C o o rd i­ n a to r—F u ll-T im e Q ualifications: 3 years C A T V , w ork­ ing knowlegc o f materials & forms, purchasing experience w ith va ri­ ous C A T V vendors, understand concept o f warehousing, m ateri­ als control & inventory. Type 60 wpm , 10 key and aptitude fo r fig ­ ures. Secretarial or o ffice experi­ ence. Good driving record & valid Oregon drivers license. M inim um Years o f w ork experience Required: 3 years Applications Accepted Until: August 25th Interested may submit applications/ resumes by m ail to: 3500 SW Bond Street, Portland,OR 97201 Attention: M ike H allock ELECTRICAL Journey­ man, linem an,M /F Small municipal electrical system seeks person exp’d in maintenance & construction o f medium v o lt­ age (13. 8 kV ) system. Gd wages, $ 17.69 per hr; exc m edical, dental coverage. Em ployer is located on C olum bia R iver in the m iddle o f a N at’ l scenic area. A p p ly w ith resume by 8/22/89 to: C ity o f Cascade Locks, P.O. Box 308, Cascade Locks OR 97014. (503) 374-8484 EO E. CASE MANAGER/ THERAPY JOBS & CLASSIFIED Notice o f Availability E n v iro n m e n ta l Assessment fo r T he O regon C onvention C en te r T ra n s it P rojects Notice is hereby given by the T ri-C o u n ty M e tro p o lita n tra n s p o rta tio n D is tric t o f O regon that the environmental Assessment and Finding o f No significant Im pact fo r the Oregon Convention Center transit Projects is available fo r public review. The Environm ental Assessment covers the impacts o f construction of: 1) a new lig h t rail station to be located on Holladay Street between N.E. T hird Avenue and N.E. Union Avenue; 2) an expanded and upgraded Coliseum L R T Station; 3) m ajor m odifications to the existing bus transfer fa c ility , including acquisition o f a parcel o f land, addition o f off-street bus bays and a covered pedestrian w alkw ay providing a pedestrian connection be­ tween the M em orial Coliseum , the transit system and the new Oregon Convention Center. Copies o f the document are available from the Transit Development Department, T ri-M e t, 4012 S.E. 17th, Portland, OR 97202. Douglas L . Capps Executive D irector Public Services D ivision ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids fo r the Forest Research L a b o ra to ry E le c tric a l Im p ro v e ­ ments p ro je c t w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education u n til 2:00 P M , P D T, Septem ber 7, 1989. A dditional inform ation may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams H a ll, C orvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737- 4921 ANNOUNCEM ENT OF CALL FOR BIDS: • Sealed bids w ill be received at the Business O ffice, P o rtla n d C o m m u ­ n ity College, Room A7, Ross Isla nd C enter, 049 S.W. Porter, Portland, Oregon, u n til 2:00 p.m ., local tim e , A ugust 29,1989, fo r Microscopes as described in the specifications on file at said office. Said college has determined specifications fo r such bids, copies o f which may be obtained at the above location, and has appointed as the tim e for the opening o f a ll such bids, the hour o f 2:45 p.m. local tim e, on the 29th day o f August 1989, at the above mentioned address at which tim e and place all interested persons are invited to attend. F o rm a l p re q u lific a tio n is not re q u ire d n o r desired; however, bidders who are in doubt as to their qualifications may contact the undersigned and subm it prequalification requests no la te r than A ugust 23,1989. It is the position o f Portland Com m unity College not to contract w ith a company that is chartered or licensed in South A fric a and is located in South A frica , a company chartered or licensed in another county whose prim ary fa c ility is in South A frica , or a company that w h o lly owns a subsidiary whose prim ary fa c ility is in South Africa. H.E. L ile Director, Business Services Portland Com m unity College Portland, Oregon INFORMATIONAL PORTLAND Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a te d in th e P u rch a sing D epartm ent, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N. Dixon, P ortland, Oregon fo r the items lis t e d herein: BID FILING DATE Sept. 5, 1989 1| THE TEMPTATIONS | ETTA JAMES & THE ROOTS BAND ■ BODY & SOUL ■ H W Friday, August 18 at 7:30 p.m. Pioneer Courthouse Square The biggest blcxk party of the summer1 Tickets are available at all G I Joes TICKFT wfl MASTFR locations and Powell's Travelstore on the Square Or charge by phone Wj t 222 7425 Tickets $18 00 plus service < harge Proceeds benefit Pioneer Courthouse W L Square « MEIER & FRANK (At ciuntian I e/'nha^ k Classroom F u rn itu re For Various Schools. 1989-90 Maintenance C utting Tools For Warehouse Stock (Requirement Contract) Metal Lockers And Accessories For Warehouse Stock (Requirement Contract) 6329 N E Union Portland, OR 97211 Henry Weinhard’s Private Reserve Presents: BID TITLE Graphic A rts Equipment For Benson High School CCMH U n iv e rs ity C o m p u tin g Services at Oregon State U niversity is seek­ ing a Manager o f Academic Sup­ port Services. This individual w ill manage a group o f five fu ll-tim e staff, tw o graduate students and many undergraduates who pro­ vide computing leadership and support fo r the U nive rsity’s in ­ structional and research missions. Programs and services include: development and presentation o f training programs focused on computing; assisting in design and selection o f the appropriate com ­ puter resource to support schol­ arly a ctivity; designing and e dit­ ing o f documentation; and design­ ing and managing student com ­ puting laboratories. A.B.S. degree w ith extensive experience in p ro­ viding and designing academic consulting and instructional serv­ ice is required. An advanced de­ gree is preferred. T w o to three years supervisory experience in a "custom er se rvice" academic/ research environment is required. Experience in the u tilization o f a variety o f modem computing equipment, languages and systems. Demonstrated management and leadership skills. To apply, res­ ume w ith names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three refer­ ences must be received by Sep­ tember 15, 1989. Send to John E Skelton, Director; U niversity Computing Services; Oregon State U niversity; M ilncC om putcrC en- ter 217; Corvallis, OR 97331-5202. Oregon State U niversity, an A f- PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS F u ll Tim e, w orking w ith C M I clients in a day treatment program .M SW or Masters in Human Services required. Send resume by 8/29/89 to: ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT T o ile t Tissue And Paper Towels For Warehouse Stock, 1990-91 Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n, please contact M. J. Hutchens, O ir. o f Purchasing. 249-2000, Ext. 581. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Cenex Building Remodel Tenant Improvement Project for W ashington County, Oregon BID DATE: August 17, 1989-2:00 PM • PRECISION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 8025 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97218 (503)253-4827 FAX# (503) 253-5177 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Edwards Elementary School addition/remodel 720 E. Sixth, Newberg Bid Date:August 29, at 7:00 p.m. WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 485-1700 FAX (503) 683-7722 We are an equal opportunity employer and request su b -b id s from sm all bu sin ess and sm all disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & minority business enterprises. firmative Action/Equal Oppor­ tu n ity E m p lo y e r, complies w ith Section 504 o f the 1973 R ehabili­ tation A ct, and has a p olicy o f being responsive to the needs o f the dual-career couples. k C H R IS T M E M O R IA L CHURCH R U M M A G E SALE A U G U S T 18T H -19 T H 10AM -5P M 1552 N K IL L IN G W O R T H 289-9624 .1